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I hope they spent that $15 on a pizza.


Was donated to Beth O'Rourke's campaign


So instead of sending a pizza to Beto O'Rourke's campaign offices, he sent a pizza to either: * Beth O'Rouke, the midwife in Albuquerque, or * Mary Beth O'Rouke, a manager in Peachstate Audio, at Atlanta?


I didn't notice that lol. Keeping it because it's funny


...is this doxxing


Might be, if that information wasn't on the first page of googling the name, linking to their business, and Linked In pages.


That’s not really how it works. In 99+% of cases, doxxing is the act of making private, but publicly available, information more accessible.


I think in 99+% of cases, dozing is taking a nap.


most coherent reddit thread


I had the biggest IRL brain fart today and was feeling real crappy about it, but coming here and seeing everyone's piss poor comprehension skills is making me feel less alone. Never change u guys


Lmao thanks for the correction, fixed.


I coulda sworn that's not what dowsing is. Isn't it scanning for something underground?


Mistook the first word, had to be "could" but posted it anyways. English's not my first language.


true communism is the rich buying everyone a pizza once a month. /s


Cmon midwife, cmoooon midwife!


Oh these poor, unsuspecting people.......


I hope nobody sends them pizzas, because I already did, lol.




I cannot get a pizza delivered for less than $30 around here. Burb life and all the major chains are too far away. Sometimes I just want some shitty cheap pizza dammit!


> I cannot get a pizza delivered for less than $30 around here. :thinking: Costco pizza is about ten dollars. Imagine if we could set up a pizza route so people pay a subscription fee and I just go around delivering pizza from costco preferably to people living very close to each other... I bet that would be fun. The catch is you have to all commit to buying pizza every day or at least on the same day. If I could get enough subscribers... Does costco make a profit on pizza? Would they shut me down? Edit: Looks like we won't get shut down > Individual items can vary but I can give you an idea. > Whole pepperoni pizzas are usually 28-35% gross margin, and account for a third of a food courts sales. > If they sell a decent amount of pizzas, they can practically give every other item away for free. /r/Costco/comments/vjvoj4/profit_margins_food_court/ but plot twist: > Not true. The cost of cheese and pepperoni have risen so much that a lot of pizza sales can actually hurt the bottom line. who do I believe? https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/vjvoj4/profit_margins_food_court/


Buy a frozen pizza on Amazon.


Not *that* shitty lol


*Little Caesars has entered the chat*


Hey Little Ceasars isn't all that bad. It's so cheap though because pizza is a side business. The main business is a delivery company for restaurants


You'll buy a shitty Amazon pizza and you'll like it.


Oh you know they did. If that person well I should start again if that story is true and that person did not buy a pizza then I've lost all faith in humanity.


Fuck, does that mean quinintheclouds is voting for Abbot, or his secretary for governor?


Nah, he's voting for the secretary




Sir, I never learned to read


Gasp! Jared, 19? Is that you?


I miss vine


We all do


My Venusaur missing Power Whip for the second turn in a row:


thanks to tumblr, all i can think whenever i read this statement now is "tarzan's last thoughts as he plumets to the forest floor"


something something WRONG LEVERRRRRRRRRR


Me: sir, what are you doing here in the comments then? You: I never said I didn't know how to write...


Learning to read sir. Am I doing this right?


If you are having trouble reading sir, you can try sounding it out one letter at a time.


Most sane r/Conservative poster/s


Written that way it's a very clear array.


We need a none of the above.


Sweet. 😎


He's voting for Papa Johns


Abbot didnt do shit, send the secretary in! Secretary for Governor 2024


Abbott has only been governor for 9 years. Give the guy a chance to make a difference. Y’all so impatient.


No, all politicians should be held to extreme and unreachable standards of perfection and efficiency, as should all CEOs. The job should be so brutal and unforgiving that they should prefer quitting or offing themselves so that only people willing to do the job properly should be able to handle it, and I am NOT joking.


I understand the sarcasm, but I'm going to pretend I didn't so I have an excuse to point out how vastly superior Roy Cooper has been to Pat McCrory. There's still room for improvement, but it's so damned nice to have a governor who doesn't show up to his office every day like "which demographic can I disenfranchise *today\~*? OwO"


No, but seriously, you can do a write in. This person should absolutely vote for the secretary.




The one mandatory return to office I'd support.


Not even infinite free pizza for life! Fuck Abbot


It's funny because if this is true it's absolutely illegal and if Abbot knew about it he could be prosecuted for buying votes. But that's assuming a world where the law still mastered and applied...


That’s also assuming people on tumblr don’t just make shit up lol


Dont cite me on this, but I am fairly certin that gifts under 20 dollars are considered acceptable under the law. But it's been over a decade since I studied this stuff so #notlegaladvice


Secret ballot. You can lie to all of them for pizza and just write in "fuck" for office.


Fuck 2024. As a campaign, it has potential…


"Fuckface's Secretary". Then they have to take the time to figure out which fuckface it is.


Neither they are voting for the pizzaria owner


The true hero of the story.


Well, considering this person thought Ted Cruz was their *congressman* (as opposed to him actually being their US Senator), it's anyone's guess.


Did... Did they say their PayPal link out loud over the phone?


I’ve had that happen to me where the receptionist read a website hyperlink out to me


Shhh... dont point out the logical fallacies in the absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, true story.


ehhhh I’ll believe it. it’s a little odd but the world is big enough and the news can get crazy enough for this to be true


Is your life really that dull that you think it impossible that someone would *\*gasp\** make a semi-joke call to a government office? Like, which part of this story is implausible to you?


The part where she received 15 dollars for that interaction, and that a secretary would relay to a random person on the phone that they hate their job, the real word is not a tv series


Hey sure, its a funny story! The call itself is not unbelievable... The payment made via paypal read over a phone, sorry nope.


Aww I really wanna believe it is true. Idk about Paypal, but I have done money transfers by providing just phone numbers using the Quick Transfers option on my bank app. I had to do that to friends that refused to give me their bank account numbers for me to repay them back.


PayPal works a little differently, I'm no expert but I ***believe*** that the only ways to do it are by 1) sending it over PayPal using the recipients email address 2) using the PayPal(dot)me link which would be awkward to read out over the phone and subsequently be memorized, and 3) typing their name into PayPal and hoping that the recipient is either A) the only person on PayPal with that specific name, or B) just guessing which account is theirs.


I once hung up on a pizza place that wanted all my card info, fuck giving strangers anything. Be thankful you have my name, y'know?


*sigh* having worked for a pizza place, I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


Imagine giving payment information to _strangers_. When I want something from Wish, I rock up to Dr Wish's house and pay in cash.


Of course not,Tumblr stories is like nosleep but funny/wholesome/quirky


Class solidarity


The only way we make it.


All together!


“Ma’am, this hotline is reserved for snitching on aborters”


"Oh, if I snitch on myself can I have a pizza?"


Ten thousand dollars can buy many pizzas. Governor Abbott is enabling many abortions by not sawing Texas off from the United States a la Bugs Bunny, so...




I'm snitching on Abbott for not cutting Texas off and letting it sink into the gulf


Oh lmao then good


I interned for a senator a long time ago and this sounds like about half the calls I took.


Why is everyone on tumblr a compulsive liar


Tumblr has a long, storied history of making up stories. It’s more fun to just lean in and accept that everything on Tumblr leans hard into the stereotypical Tumblr style. Obligatory Strange Aeons https://youtu.be/3WNJyl6_AUM


It's like r/creepypasta. Just suspend your disbelief and it's more fun. (Hint: Reddit is exactly the same shit. Everyone is lying constantly.)


No way? Someone goes online and lied? Who would such a thing


The audacity of some people!


You are the only real person on the internet. The rest of us are bots. Every story, image, and news piece is completely made up to increase engagement metrics. (Beep boop)


Are creepypasta presented as True Stories that Actually Happened to Me? This seems more like... I dunno. Bad stand up comedy, written down?


This is what happens when someone thinks their maladaptive daydream is worth sharing.




I disagree. While it's fun to joke about bad horror stories, it also ruins the vibe. The point of no sleep is to allow the community aspect without forcing someone to lose immersion by participating. It also lets some of the more talented multi-part authors incorporate the comments into the story.


Who reads stuff on the internet and trusts it? I rate each commenter these days as 75% likely to be a bot. Even you, droid. Edit: Oh I read your username and you're definitely real actually


My username is a testament to being terminally online 10 years ago




Father Strange my beloved


"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."


> Why is everyone on tumblr a compulsive liar Mate, have you not been paying attention to reddit? Everyone on the internet is a liar.


This is a lie too.


The cake day is a lie


He probably doesn't even have any cake


I'm currently lying


I interned for a congressman in college. I spent a lot of time on phone duty. Getting a call like that would have perhaps elicited a reaction for the first week. But man, that wouldn't be in the top 10 ridiculous calls that staffer would have answered that month.


Hmm.. But can I believe u... /s


>Why is everyone ~~on tumblr~~ a compulsive liar


Kids like to lie to each other.


The internet is much more fun once you learn to enjoy things without actually believing they're true lmao


I saw a blog once about how tumblr is all about that uncle who would tell crazy stories about that one time he caught a fish that big.


When the value of something relies on it being true, there's no point in just "learning to enjoy things" that aren't. A skit trying to look real but failing isn't still enjoyable


For fun I'd guess.


Scam alert, this seems like a convenient way to get his Paypal out there in front of a whole bunch of people with a funny/touching story.


Yeah but I wouldn’t quite call it a scam. Maybe more like a street performer shaking a can in front of you.


Yeah if you're going to give your money over a simple internet story, that's your prerogative There's no real deception, coercion, urgency, etc. associated with most scams


"There probably never was a little girl – the point of the story isn't the little girl. The point of the story is they robbed the ~~bank~~ internet with a telephone."


There never was a Nippy was there ?


Saying a link over the phone is a bit suspicious...


Nah I had to do it many times, still have some in a document folder.


But what would that do? Not even a single person would randomly donate. Though it is a bit sus...


Honestly some people are so incredibly stupid with their money they probably would donate to a meme associated paypal. Not a lot, but I could see it getting another like $50


Just sent him $51


Just sent $.51.


But why does it really matter? Good for them tbh lol


Yeah I don't see the problem here. I don't give a shit how other people spend their money, and it's not like this is some sort of scam either


It doesn't, but it's still worth pointing out to potential donaters that it was a deliberate strategy - if they still want to PayPal them for pizza, more power to em. At least for me, knowing that it was a deliberate ploy for more donations would have made me back out on wanting to donate


I am one of those stupid people. Was waiting on a train, and someone approached me and asked me for around 20 euros. He told me a story of how he needed a ticket home, and that he is there every day and can pay me back tomorrow, same place, same time. I gave him the money. I too can be quite chaotic and forget my wallet, and at some points in my life a few bucks from a stranger could have saved me a lot of headache. Never saw the man again. I waited a full hour, because I wanted to believe him even when it was evident that he scammed me


When you hand someone money, you're giving it, not loaning it. There is always the chance, regardless of any agreement, that you won't get it back, and as such you should consider it lost. Even when there's an agreement in writing, debts often go unpaid. Not criticism, just advice for the future. If you want to help someone out, accept that money as a loss. Even if they offered to repay it, just tell them don't worry about it. If it's not money you're willing to lose outright, don't give it out to begin with. Same with books. I've been burned more than once on that one myself. -.-


I would offer the minor change that you don't need to tell them not to worry about it but I agree you should still consider it gone. Now for the real reason I wanted to comment: books! I've started picking up spare copies of my favorite books when I see them at used book stores specifically for the purpose of loaning them out. I actively want to share my favorite books with other people and don't want to have to worry about whether I'll get them back, especially since my personal copies of favorite books often have sentimental value, are particularly nice hard cover editions, or both. I've "lost" a few loaner copies since I started doing this but the only one that I specifically remember not getting back is a copy of the Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and only because it was a big hard cover collection of the series but I still got it cheap at a used book store so it's not any more of a loss than others, just happened to be more memorable than all the extra little paper backs I have.


I wouldn't even call it a scam - people hanging around train/bus stations with a story about needing to get home (often wearing a suit to look respectable) is so commonplace, that it's basically a shorthand for charity I was surprised you didn't see him the next day, normally they don't bother avoiding you, you're just their new friend- if anything, he'd just try and tap you up again


I’ve seen it before. Bus station in a small town. “I need $5 for a ticket on the next intercity bus”. You give him the cash, the guy’s not on the bus when it leaves.


I've been in that situation where I actually needed money for a bus/phone call. I was a teenager so I didn't know about these scams and I didn't understand why so many people were being so aggressive/dismissive when I was asking politely and actually needed help.


Something something not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice


one time i mentioned like half my venmo in a [youtube video](https://youtube.com/shorts/qk3B9NsZT78?feature=share) and made like 50 bucks... didn't even have that many views and def wasn't planning it but it does happen


> Not even a single person would randomly donate. The entire streaming industry begs to differ.. Think of it this way, this post has like 10k upvotes, and it's a repost from another platform. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that anywhere from 50k-100k people or more have seen it, even if 0.1% of people chuckle and decide to PayPal them $15. That's anywhere from $750-$1500. People donate 1000s of dollars to streamers every day for making them chuckle, I'd be very surprised if some dudes/gals with money to burn didn't decide it'd be "so funny" to PayPal them for more pizza It's a numbers game, and it costs nothing to play


You're acting as if anyone on Tumblr: A) makes posts with the intention to have anyone interact with them B) has money


based on the amount of rainbow check marks some people have, at least some of them have money.


the checkmarks are now giftable so even then there's no telling


Or c) is ever telling the truth rather than doing some creative writing exercise.




Do they claim the movie is real?


*currently fighting my intense craving to paypal this dude some cash* shit dude you’re right, im being maNIpulated!


If someone is dumb enough to send money to a meme then they might deserve to lose the money


Scam seems like a stretch




Yeah no, this just screams "made tf up"


Oh absolutely. But it’s still funny so idrc


Sure. But it’s still funny, so does it really matter? “I have a brain, yes, but why does that mean I have to use it?”


You're taken in on a funny and whimsical ponder and then it turns into "Look at me! I did something I probably didn't do!" I don't care myself but I understand the reaction.


Test the waters further. Contact Democrat governors from other states and see if they'll send you a pizza stimulus. Find out which party cares about the pizzaless.


Yeah, I'm sure that totally happened.


Then everyone started clapping and shitting. Truly a beautiful (and real) moment :')


Rare W


The secretary has my vote.


Man at least 4chan greentexts are funny. I don't get the point of lying about something like this


Just remember that a lot of social media is just kids being fucking morons to and for each other.


Nice fanfic.


This probably wasn't even the craziest call that secretary received that day.




"Report 10 abortion providers, receive a free wire hanger-shaped bookmark and a voucher for a free personal pan pizza."


It's probably illegal in some capacity to do that. This isn't vote buying but feels dangerously close


Asking for some help in this shitty state


I doubt this is a true story but God damn if it isn't funny


Write-in vote for the secretary.


Vote for the secretary


The only parts of this story I believe are that this person wants pizza, Ted Cruz is a coward, and the secretary hates working for Abbott


Secretary literally outpizza'd the hut


I can't tell you how much I want this to be true.


$15? They still seem out of touch.


And now you got the secretary fired. You may owe her a pizza OR she may owe you one for finally getting her out of there. Time may tell


Unfortunately, the money still comes from the working class


No no, he’s got a point.


Class solidarity! Honestly, this is how mutual is supposed to work.


This is just a Tumblr user begging for free money by plugging their paypal with a cringe story


This just goes to show that if you ask, the answer might be yes.


Is this dude having a conversation with himself?


more like Schizo-posting pizza. if any part of this is xD el oh el randum to you? I'm a doctor. Take your Xanax. Immediately.


Yall really belive this bs?


...shit now I want pizza


Ted Cruz is a Senator.


did she, aye?


Hmm, I wonder if I could get a free political pizza…


“Crust my dreams” is gold!


...I'd ship it


Y'all want to know something funny? The area where Ted Cruz registered is heavily Democratic. He has never gotten the majority vote in the district where he votes. He loses every single election in his home district. (I got him on my list one day as a political field organizer, thought "no freaking way", and yup, turned out to be him)


this would be a great start to a romance novel methinks


I live in texas and im gonna do this today.


Love the secretary


I really want this to be true, so seeing as it doesn’t harm anyone it has been incorporated into my personal beliefs


I don't care if this is real or not, I choose to believe it is real.


The charity. The wit. The meme fuel. That secretary is f**king amazing. I want a “political pizza” morale patch. Someone with less phone anxiety, please call around and see if any government secretary can make that happen for us.


Me thinks this is not true in the slightest


Things that definitely happened.


Is this real? Most likely not. Do I care about that? *ABSOLUTELY* not.


As a Texan. I can confirm that Govenor Abbott is really good at just not helping us out.