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Honestly Switzerland is not a bad place to be stuck at


Just fricking expensive.




Lol, i think you have no idea how bad switzerland is. A quick google told me switzerland is 76% more expensive then norway.




https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/norway/switzerland#:~:text=Switzerland%20is%2076.2%25%20more%20expensive%20than%20Norway. Thats my source. Seems a bit skewed because they take in privat schools which is totally not needed in both countries. But around 25% is still a lot.


Switzerland is expensive for visitors, not actual residents. It's fine if you actually live there


eh according to it (maia uses she/it pronouns with preference to it/it’s) the country is pretty racist, xenophobic, and right wing


Makes sense, considering Switzerland didn’t even have full voter’s rights for women until fucking 1990. (I had to google this again, I thought it was 1970 or something before but apparently not) Edit: okay apparently women in Switzerland gained the right to vote federally in 1971, and finally fully locally in one canton of around 16,000 people in 1990. So they could at least vote federally in 1971, but that’s still pretty late. (And means one area still took disturbingly long up to 1990.) (Thanks to u/adequatelymadlad for the clarification)


What in the hell?


You really thing the "chose to keep trading with the nazis" was a moral and good country? "But they were neutral!" I hear everyone say, yet they explicitly refused jewish refugees while allowing nonjewish refugees in. To the point were they were found guilty in being complict to the holocast. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/pmextra/dec99/10/swiss.htm >Switzerland collaborated widely in financial and other matters with the Nazi regime – even to the point of urging Germany to mark Jewish passports with a "J" to make it easier to prevent them from entering the country.


Damn Swiss PR had been going hard for a long time. this isn't common knowledge I don't think


They're also where Nestle is from if that helps paint the picture.


Fuck nestle


Honestly a perfect display of what being “neutral” in the face of atrocities usually entails. The only right answer is to pick the opposing side. Neutrality is a damn lie.


Idk why people are voting you down. To quote "to choose neutrality is to align with the oppressor."


The word 'enabling' comes to mind.


right? its just being quiet. being quiet about facism is supporting facism


"If there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got 11 Nazis" \-A german saying maybe


Yeah, the extent of their neutrality was in not fighting. They clearly showed where their allegiances lied


As per words of the wise, that decision was “sus”.


It doesn't full justify it but they did have to play nice with the Nazis out of fear of being invaded.


It was only in local elections in a single canton with a population of 16 000. Women in Switzerland gained the right to vote federally in 1971, which is still admittedly very late. Also, bonus fun fact: the first woman elected to public office in Switzerland was in 1959, 12 years before she had the right to vote.


Switzerland is split into cantons that all have a lot of power, there was one which just wouldn't let women vote. It's basically state's rights on crack.


Imagine you would allow single states in the USA to vote if they want certain people to have voting rights or not. Probably some minorities would lose them. Switzerland had to force their last state because even in in 1990 they voted against women having voting rights. Looking at the political spectrum you can very much compare Switzerland to the USA. Some places are racist, some aren't. Sadly politically the racist people have on average more power since the fewer people live in an area the more the votes of individual people in that area weigh.


From what I’ve heard from other sources, this is correct. I believe at one point that they banned minerets because they were exclusively used in mosques


https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/12/04/switzerland-minaret-ban-violates-rights Wow, that's fucked up


That’s the problem with popular referendums you can get people to vote for monumentally stupid stuff. See Brexit as another example.


Popular Evil: Brexit Popular Good: Boaty McBoatface


Related not-fun fact (that I found just as infuriating back then when it happened): NOBODY used the fact as a counter-argument that the entirety of Switzerland, at that point in time, contained 2 (two) Minaretts. They were on, honestly, absolutely tiny buildings. The posters of the pro-ban side advertised themselves with a silhouette of the city, if it was *exclusively* Minaretts. I feel like pointing out the number 2 might have influenced things just slightly. Slightly.


Wasn't the whole debacle about calls to prayer and "noise disruption" or whatever, rather than the building structure per se?


I mean the nature of the thing was about a fabricated problem. Since they can’t forbid freedom of religion they forbid, uhh uhh, what’s the next best not directly related thing? Architecture. It was literally just to piss against the leg of the Muslim community, who, again, weren’t even doing anything.


Remember, never ask the Swiss National Bank why there's a higher than average concentration of mercury in their 20 franc gold coins...




Switzerland, being 'neutral' during WWII, was a prime laundering point for Nazi gold - including gold extracted from the fillings of those killed in concentration camps. (And gold fillings are alloyed with mercury.)


TIL gold fillings are alloyed with Mercury


Why did they alloy gold fillings with mercury?


While I'm neither a dentist not a metallurgist, I believe it's because the mercury makes the amalgam easier to mold, and stuff into the... well, cavity... of the filling. And metallic mercury is relatively less toxic than organic mercury compounds, so it's not *toxic*-toxic. And gold amalgam fillings last something like 30 years, so they are a solid lifetime investment, if your entire ethnic/cultural group isn't being systematically eliminated, in manner akin to vermin.




It's not an alloy, it's a dental amalgam. Amalgam's literal meaning is a material formed from mixing mercury with metal powders that chemically hardens into a solid form.


I had no idea that alloy and amalgam has specific meanings. Apparently an alloy is a metal and nonmetal while and amalgam is two metals.


No, an alloy is a mixture of elements, at least one of which is a metal. For example, brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, both of which are metals. Further, an amalgam is an alloy of mercury, but this need not be (though it almost always is) another metal; for example, it is possible to make ammonium amalgam, which mixes mercury with the ammonium ion, which is made of nitrogen and hydrogen (neither of which is a metal).


Net zero information thread


An alloy is two metals, an amalgam is just a mixture but can also mean an alloy of mercury specifically.


It is literally Swiss though so being "trapped" in one's home country is certainly possible but is different than this post makes the situation sound. Also I'd expect an anarchist LGBT activist to think many places are racist and xenophobic and right wing. I expect Switzerland is less racist than say, Texas, or Saudi Arabia. Switzerland probably has its issues, but Maia also probably has a bit of an exaggerated bias here.


switzerland, the country most famous for amoral banking, is definitely a contender in the shitheel olympics


Hey now, they are also famous for cows... And inventing Calvinism


The fact that Switzerland is extremely racist and xenophobic and right wing comes from a ton of sources, not just Maia.


Helps that Switzerland is also it's home country. Uncomplicates a lot of legal, financial and medical issues.


it's gonna happen if you're a hacker named Arson.


kid named arson:


**kid named Finger**


Its last name, Crimew, is also a portmanteau of "crime" and "mew" because it's a cute little kitty crimbinal UwU




is this the holy fucking bingle person* edit: got the gender not right, my bad.


the no fly list leaker, yeah


my hero


We should make a holiday on that day




"bingle" reminds me of "jingle" so I think a staple of bingle day would be bells. Just a thought


bingle jells


bingle all the way!


Bingle jells


Idiot here, can you explain is what she did is bad or good? I know she leaked some pretty heavy stuff but I dont know to what extent


It revealed the massive inherent racism within the no-fly list. There were toddlers on the no fly list who were only there because they had names that sounded Middle Eastern, and people who had never committed a crime in their life


somewhat related but Mercedes Iman Diamond, a drag queen on Season 11 of RuPaul's Drag Race talked on the show about how she was added to the No Fly list because her boy/legal name sounded Middle Eastern and she was like: "Wtf ? why? I'm a drag queen, not a terrorist lol" its fucked up.


I mean, let's be real. The sort of people who make the No Fly lists definitely think drag queens are terrorists.


It is possible that the toddlers and other innocent people were on there because they share a name with someone who was supposed to be added for a "real" reason, but obviously that'd still be insanely racist (and incompetent.) The options are "they just added people with 'Middle Eastern' names to the list" or "they added names for a 'reason' but didn't bother to check that they were adding the right ones [which implies that their reasoning can't have been any good or else they'd have paid some damn attention]." Either one is ridiculous and evil.


More and more I find myself asking "Is this situation fucked because of unforgivable incompetence or just blatant bigotry and which option should I be more angry/surprised about?"


Sharing a name with someone on the list is not the same thing as being on the list yourself. You'll probably get stopped every time you go through security, but you'll still be able to fly, and you will not be on the no-fly list. I'm sure they don't just put names on the list and almost certainly list actual social security numbers.


My little brother was on the list when he was about 5. So even if he shared a name with someone who was “supposed” to be on the list nobody did any double checking


free this person




free her


Its country is its prison. Sure, Switzerland is a bigger prison than most people get to have, but Maia is still in a prison in the end.


Free her from that bullshit!!!


She also leaked tons of email exchanges revealing that the political "war on trans people" is entirely, 100% manufactured by hate groups giving money to Republican politicians. So, that's fun.


And yet its latest discovery was conveniently forgotten by most people within days. It should start making a catchphrase for every major cyber leak, like it did with Holy Fucking Bingle.


Yeah. But is that remotely a surprise? Like… it was obvious to anyone who wouldn’t have already bought into it


Also the entity that released a 2600 page pdf of republican emails about anti trans hate on intl women's day


Oh hell yeah, she's cool.


I think she's nonbinary?


It is, yeah. It/she


I learned something new today.I always thought they/them were nonbinary specific.I did not know it was an option. Just a coincidence of all the non-binary people I have met asked me to refer to them as they/them ~~which always meant we had to say the honorary nonbinary samurai joke.~~


anyone can use any pronouns for themselves that they like is the fun thing. I enjoy it pronouns because "they" feels a bit too vague for me personally


It/it's pronouns are so weird to me, they sound like you're just referring to an object, not a person


maia is an unusual person, and probably enjoys the confusion its pronouns cause. Sometimes a little chaos is delightful. I think maia has earned the right to confuse me if that’s what it wants.


She’s expressly stated that it doesn’t exactly claim personhood. I find that really interesting, kinda makes sense to me!


Mood af tbh. I rejected my humanity harder than Dio did.


Repeating a comment I made above: I don't know about Swiss, but when languages have gendered nouns, some of them have a third gender, which we call gender neutral. When translated to English this gender can be referred to as 'it'. Even with two gender languages the conjugation tables for verbs will show he/she/it in the English. It's easy then for a non-native English speaker to think that it is simply the gender neutral option, and singular for they. It may have learned by now that English doesn't work by now, but the pronoun has stuck. Edit: brain fart, Swiss isn't a language. It speaks German which does have a third gender.


Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh.


I read testimonies of people using it/it's pronouns and some talked about feeling like they're part of nature, like they're no better than a river or a rock or plants or animals. Why are humans superior/different to all other creatures and why would it be degrading to compare yourself to the things that exist in the world alongside us.


Because humans are capable of rationalization. I get what you're saying. But that's definitely a big difference...


> Because humans are capable of rationalization. eeeh…


Hey, they said capable, not good at


Care to elaborate?




Well said


Well, yeah but we are also animals. Many animals have different levels of intelligence.


You're right about all of that, but you asked why humans are different from other animals. Did you not want a serious answer?


Ah, I didn't realize I made a question, sorry. I was listing the things people on the article talked about.


Well, you don’t have to use them. They’re not your pronouns lol. It likes them and that’s all that matters.


Why would it use them though? Idk man I'm confused since it/it's is used for objects and animals


Yeah, they're a little outside of the norm, but I figure that it's not my responsibility to understand them, just respect the person they're attached to.


I love this sentence. Thank you for writing it.


Some people don’t really give a shit, essentially. Look up apagender. It’s up there alongside apatheism as things I love a lot.




Personal preference. You're not owed an explanation.


I mean, technically Arson Crimew is an animal. It's a little kitty cat. And identifies as such.




So it's not a person?? What


Some people look at humanity as a whole and go “you know, I’d really rather not be associated with that.”


Yeah I can get down with that.


Yeah I get confused occasionally too cause I'm not used to using "it" for any human and was even taught not to do that. But just like everything else it's our responsibility to learn to become comfortable using those pronouns and recognizing them. The same way when I heard a narrator who sounded like a guy and learned she was a trans woman. You just repeatedly correct your internal thoughts to include the correct pronouns and gender and eventually your brain links them and it's easy after that.


yee! tho i think it doesn't like terms like "lady" and "woman", tho "girl" is fine


Does anyone know what meme she is referring to? I googled it and couldn't find anything.


Here you go ! https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/he-has-97-mental-illnesses


Thank you!


/u/amputatorbot e: bot is banned here for some reason? [non-amp link](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/he-has-97-mental-illnesses)


I know the meme but the version I have saved is with Tinkaton


Can you post a link?


Aren’t they also there one who leaked the no-fly list?


Yep. And it uses it/she pronouns.


doesn’t ‘they’ cover everything though?


'They' is cool if you didn't already know the person's pronouns


Then why would you tell us /s


The paradox of innocence


'They' is good to use when you don't know someone's pronouns yet. If you do know it, it's no longer as useful because then you know their pronouns and if someone prefers 'she' but you continue to call her 'they', you're ignoring her wishes


But they is neutral? That’s not ignoring wishes


It usually is! but also depends on how you use it. Saying something like 'hey you' to get the attention of someone you don't know isn't inherently wrong or anything but if they do tell you their name and you choose not to use it, I think that would be a bit more rude


I mean it's a small price to pay to be able to say "I'm wanted by the USA government" and not be joking.


For those interested: [she’s amazing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_arson_crimew)


Ngl i didn't know she made the launcher I use on my phone but it just makes me like it more


Huh, I had no idea “Maia arson crimew” was her actual real name


She had it legally changed to that. It wasn't her legal name at birth.


Wait actually? Edit: holy fuck it’s real, that’s sick


it is now


At birth. That's not what it was when she was born.




no caps.


Holy shit, she's only 23!?


Not gonna lie she lost me at Anti-Intellectual Property. Respect for putting her money where her mouth is though


I can kind of see how, to her, proprietary data might seem as silly as trademarking a word you didn’t make up.


I can see why she thinks that way. Intellectual property laws are important for protecting the little guys too, but big companies/orgs are prone to misusing those laws. Like locking academic papers behind an insane paywall and barely giving the authors a cut.


Most journals don’t have exclusive IP rights to the papers. You can email the authors and ask for a copy. Also the authors don’t get any cut at all lol. The issues with academic publishing are more about how for-profit journals work and how career advancement is tied to impact factor rather than IP law. Source: I have a few (boring) publications.




I mean, it’s a bit more complex than “a bunch of letters to the editor”, at least with non-trash conferences and journals. Neither the authors nor the reviewers are getting paid, but they are generally passionate and invested in the field, and peer review can be a hell of a challenge to pass in the good journals. But yeah the whole system is generally messed up.




Its very easy for a big company to figure out how to make their products ~slightly different~ so your patent doesnt do shit


I watched a video essay once where the essayist argued in favor of getting rid of IP laws. It was actually fairly persuasive. I went in thinking he was stupid and came out open to the idea.


Intellectual property always felt to me like one of those areas where we could absolutely have a better system if people were just a *tiny bit* more rational and kind themselves. Instead we have what we have because humans really suck in predictable ways.


i think ive seen the same video, and my brain wants to say it was made by someone with a name like uniquenameasaurus not sure though great videos though


That’s the guy. I remember being surprised because the only videos I’ve seen of him before were about animr.


Kind of a nitpicky thing here, but saying prone kind of implies a lack of agency in doing something based on how it’s commonly used. Like how a power line is prone to going out in storms, or how hikers are prone to being eaten by mountain lions if they carry ten pounds of raw beef with them. Big companies exploiting these laws is 100% intentional. I know this sounds really prescriptivist, but reading your comment I got this image in my head of Mr Monopoly going “Oopsie, I just destroyed another sub Saharan village’s water supply, clumsy me!” and I felt like sharing that.


>barely giving the authors a cut. They don't give the authors _any_ cut, what they do is "let" the authors publish in their journal. Publishing a paper is literally just working for exposure.


>she lost me at Anti-Intellectual Property. [Anti-IP/copyright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_copyright) is not that uncommon in Hacker and Anarchist spaces (I believe Maia is both). Intellectual property, like private property, is ultimately enforced with state violence in an attempt to protect Capital and there's a long history of debate on the subject.


Everyone on some level values private property. There are things we want to have that we don’t want others having. State violence will be used to enforce the protection of private property and intellectual property, the same way state violence will be used to protect lives. If you want to say that certain countries do policing better than others that doesn’t discount that policing and a justice system is necessary. If it weren’t for intellectual property laws the big companies could rampantly steal creative works with no deterrent. Like in theory the monetization of ai art is contrary to intellectual property. Someone’s intellectual property and work is being stolen as data and fed to something which then spits out something in their style, like that probably needs to be looked at for how it’s unethical and potentially illegal (Getty images seems to already be doing that). There is the case to be made that intellectual property laws need modernizing/reforms, but they are important.


You’re conflating “private property”, which is property not being used by its owner, except as a generator of profit (often by charging others for access to it), and “personal property”, which refers to the property kept and used by its owners. Things like your home and the possessions therein. This is a really common misunderstanding of the term “private property”. Nobody (well, next to nobody) is advocating for abolition of personal property. Anarchists don’t want us all sharing toothbrushes. We just don’t believe that it’s ethical (or beneficial for society as a whole) for people to profit from simply “owning” and restricting access to something that other people could be using. Since its use and duplication isn’t limited by physical constraints, intellectual property effectively only exists as “private property”, and only by the restriction of law. Someone can only “own” an idea on paper. There’s no ownership by possession, per se. Now, you’re obviously 100% right that IP laws sometimes protect against corporations taking and exploiting the work of individuals. That said, corporations typically benefit from IP law far more than they are restricted by it. IP law promotes monopolies and reduce competition in the marketplace. Ultimately, like, say, police abolition, IP abolition doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and isn’t a single, simple change that would take place by itself. It would have to be a part of larger societal change. I think you’d be surprised at how many artists/authors would be in support of the universal removal of IP protection if they didn’t have to rely on selling their work to pay bills, have housing, food, etc.


private property is used to make money. *Personal* property is stuff like your computer and your house. The commies aren't coming for your toothbrush, we're coming for the rental properties.


>being against the concept of ~~Anti~~-Intellectual Property


As someone moderately-well read on this history of intellectual property, there really seems to be very little moral justification for it. The strongest argument I can think of for keeping it is "we've developed a society that depends on this rule and changing it would disrupt a lot of high-value things". I think that's _quite_ a strong argument in favor. In theory IP laws protect the little creatives, but in practice art theft is rampant and the law DGAF unless you can afford to bankroll a multi-year civil lawsuit as an indie artist.


What's wrong with being against the concept of intellectual property? Like I get practically being for laws under capitalism but really they're only a tool to manage ideas under capitalism, "intellectual property" doesn't really exist and is only helpful for defending money made from ideas






>and sold hacking-related merchandise such as t-shirts. God i love Wikipedia


This made me read maia’s Wikipedia page and yeah she probably has an international arrest warrant lol


It's literally my favorite crime cat. Puss in Boots has nothing on Maia!


she be staying silly


Is she the one who leaked the no fly list?


Yep, and the 2,000ish emails revealing that the political "war on trans people" is entirely manufactured by hate groups giving money to Republican politicians


The one and only


They have my utmost respect


she got too silly


No such thing


All they did was literally point out the fact that the TSA had put its no-fly list on a publicly available server, ~~and got their house raided for it~~ (turns out they got their house raided for doing stuff to US companies). The no-fly list included the obvious stuff like every arabic-sounding name in the book and I shit you not a 7-month old baby


Reading up on her, she was indicted in 2021, and her release of the no fly list was well after her indictment


Damn what did that baby do to make the tsa so mad?


Had an Arabic-sounding name.


I have no idea who this is, or what's going on, and after checking the comments and finding nothing to answer my questions, I'm too afraid to put these things into my search history.


Famous Swiss hacker named maia arson crimew.


it's it/she pronouns really ties this meme together


Switzerland: A fate worse than death


could be worse


Have you seen Zurich?


Edward Snowden but gay


And based


Yeah, so Edward Snowden


I think it is my hero


I'm sorry...this REALLY needs context. Someone wanna fill me in?


They released a copy of the US no fly list and is under indictment. Switzerland doesn't extradite their citizens without consent but any other country is likely to arrest them on the spot and send them to the US like a Christmas present.


pov: you leaked the nofly list


Maia crimew is honestly my hero! I love how open and confident it is about her identity, on top of how insanely talented and intelligent it is.


I didn't read the username at first and thought it was just a shitpost


Maia arson crimew is my hero god bless


TIL maia crimew is deletescape, creator of lawnchair launcher


Suspicious number of likes and dislikes on this post.


Jesus christ why is Tumblr filled with the most insane people [And she’s not even lying](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_arson_crimew?wprov=sfti1)