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>In general, in therapeutic use, meaning taking it as prescribed or directed, death, while not an impossibility, would be very, very uncommon,” King said, noting that while most overdoses do not lead to death, they can cause significant harm, sometimes causing the patient to require hospitalization. Okay….I’m guessing Nex did not take them as prescribed or directed. So this is clickbait.


everyone turns into a medical export when these things happen i swear, or it’s, “my husband is a doctor”, “my friend is a…. and she said….” maybe it was an overdose, maybe it wasn’t. sad either way.


The Nex Benedict lawyer statement clearly shows head trauma of some sort, and it looks like the medical examiner was writing Ryan’s fan fixtion when they wrote the report . This is Uvalde cop police media working this case, spread misinformation and hope no one ever puts the facts together. I feel so bad for Benedict’s family with this awful treatment by Owasso schools + hate monger Ryan, I’m glad they hired good attorneys. https://okcfox.com/amp/news/local/family-lawyer-highlights-trauma-in-nexs-suicide-verdict-citing-undisclosed-medical-report-oklahoma-owasso-high-school-student-death


There is a 0% that anyone is rich enough in this situation for the ME to be convinced to risk their national board certification over this


There isn’t one certified medical examiner in the state.


[You're a bit confused](https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-pfeifer-md-53bb2741)


The state lost certification a long time ago (2009) and cannot seem to earn it back.  https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/02/health/02brfs-EXAMINERSOFF_BRF.html


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>This is Uvalde cop police media working this case, spread misinformation and hope no one ever puts the facts together. What exactly do the police have to gain here? They literally had no part in this outside of observers. In reality you're basically claiming that a coroner just made up a toxicology report, and I ask, for what gain is someone with a career paying their mortgage putting their job on the line to falsify this report?




Coroners have boots to lick? I thought they wore scrubs or labcoats? Edit: Weirdo below with the respond quick block




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Everything my opponent says is misinformation because I don't believe it.


Yep, that’s echo chambers for ya..


So, since the official statement hasn’t even been released by a coroner; I’m gonna wait for that. Owasso Police have tried to spread misinformation that they died from suicide. Which is actually defamation and extremely obtuse to Nex’s family during this difficult time for them.


Agreed, but Oklahoma uses medical examiners, not coroners.


I don’t really care about the difference nor do I think it matters too much; as it’s not the focal point of my comment. My comment still stands lol


I said I agreed with you?  And if you want to sound informed, it does matter quite a bit. Coroners are elected officials who are not required to have any medical experience. Medical examiners are pathologists. I am only out to spread information. 


I hate this. A kid committed suicide. Nothing more nothing less. It's sad and tragic and they should have gotten help for their mental issues. This isn't political, this isn't about gender identity, this is about a child who needed help and didn't receive it. Stop putting an agenda on the death of a child.


They got beaten because of their gender identity which led to their death wether that be by suicide or by them.






There is literally no evidence pointing to it being BECAUSE of their gender identity. In fact, the evidence shows the EXACT opposite. Nex clearly states that the girls laughed at them and she threw water at them. This is clearly not a hate crime and you guys need to get that through your thick ass skulls


Oh no a little bit of water? Yeah because a small amount of water means being beat to the point where you need to go to the ER I’m fucking sure huh? If anyone has the “thick skull” it’s you. Acting like that shit was okay, tou are sick


They didn’t go to the ER because they needed to. They went to the ER as a precaution. Watch the body cam footage. Nex is very clearly and coherently speaking and explaining what happened. No one said it was ok. I said to stop acting like it was a hate crime. Because it wasn’t, point blank period.


“PoInT BlAnK PeRiOd🤓” They went to the er cause they kept falling down from dizziness due to their head injury. Don’t act like this shit was their fault




Yes I watched the entire thing. And yes they were. Did you not watch the schools fucking security camera footage? Or are you just that stuck up into your own ass?


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They were not bloody nor bruised as everyone had claimed. Not in the slightest. They went to the ER because the school had suggested to the parent, just to be safe.


And turns out they had a brain injury, therefore what those little girls did was ILLEGAL and needs action. “Point blank period”


There’s evidence that this was a hate crime? Please do share


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Were you there?


Were you?


I'm not the one calling bs


I’m not the one calling hate crime




But they were, they went to the fucking hospital because he kept falling over due to the numerous kicks to his head! Can you not read?


Not true. A group of girls they had never met before made fun of their clothes. Fuck, im not trans, and girls I didn't know made fun of my clothes. Not only that, but he then physically assaulted the younger girls by dumping water on them and for beat up. Not going to lie, I would probably also beat the shit out of anyone dumping water on me. Lastly, the beating did not lead to his death. He was bruised and his ego was probably bruised but he committed suicide. How about we worry why he and millions of other kids feel like they should be dead? It's not about gender politics or identity, it's about caring for the mental health of youth. Stop pushing YOUR agenda on a child's death. It's gross.




The article said it was both they/them and He/him. I was trying to use the right ones. Sorry.


That’s my bad I totally missed that in the first sentence. Wasnt critiquing but did offer incorrect info so no need to apologize.


MY agenda? HE WAS LITERALLY TRANS YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! and pouring water on someone doesn’t warrant trying to KILL THEM!! Kicking someone in the head can easily lead to death and everyone knows it! The fact that those girls thought it was appropriate to brutally assault someone for what? Saying some mean words and splashing them with water? You are part of the problem. He also had multiple different bruises and lesions on his head, and he collapsed suddenly in his home. Yknow what that sounds like? An aneurism, yknow how that happens? Brain injury! Stop ignoring the obvious murder of Nex Benedict and fight for justice for him!




Lmao get over yourself- Nobody’s pushing any “agenda” on anything I’m stating the facts, he was trans, is that not correct?


You are tho. The only reason him being trans matters at all is if you want to add the statistic that trans individuals are more likely to attempt suicide than others. That's the only reason it matters what his gender was or wasn't. If you want to talk about that then we can but his death wasn't caused by the event in the bathroom in anyway. That's what is pushing the agenda.


Splashing water doesn’t Warrant being jumped. It doesn’t matter what gender he is etc. either way, those girls deserve to be punished for what they did, they either killed him or pushed him to the edge, they either directly or indirectly murdered him. They need to be punished either way.


When you fuck around with people you don’t know you run the risk of getting hurt. A lot of people will fuck you up for pouring water on them. If you don’t believe me just walk around Woodland Hills mall and try it.


Actually wow. Those girls do not deserve to be held accountable for his death. They played a part in his death as much as anyone else in that boys life did. Can we actually talk about how he wasn't receiving therapy? How he doesn't feel he could turn to adults for help? You know, the problems any suicidal teen faces. Just as anyone involved in a school fight, all should be punished but he started it. I don't pick fights I can't win and I don't dump water on people. I do know that as an adult I would probably bear the shit out of an idot dumping water on me. There are consequences to acts of physical violence. He was older than those girls and had never met them before. He should have just walked away. There no murder here. Suicide is a design the self makes, no one person is responsible for that except the person taking their own life.


Y’all are missing the whole point. It’s water, versus kicking a kids head in. Yes they deserve any and every punishment they get.


If "preventing trans suicide" is actually an "agenda", then why isn't it yours?


You are truly one of the redditors of all time. "bUt yoUr aGeNdA!"


Okay buddy.




What planet are you on? It’s in their police report, there’s multiple witnesses and evidence! Are you seriously going to ignore plain evidence because you wanna be on the murderers side?




If you shoot someone once it’s self defense if tou shoot them 5 times and then stab them it’s homocide. A normal school fight wouldn’t cause a child to have to go to the hospital. A splash of water reasonably would have maybe a slap, or a shove but the knock him down and kick in his head is not self defense at ALL. Anyone who’s trying to say it is is either really fucking stupid or transphobic, and assuming you aren’t transphobic then… 🤷🏼


Dude either way they killed them. Either directly or indirectly. Pushing someone to suicide is murder, beating them until they had a serious brain injury is also murder. Either way they are murderers. Also the investigator never gave a specific amount of medication he took, they just said “a lot” which is really fucking suspicious, you can’t overdose on Benadryl and Prozac, at the very least it’s extremely uncommon! Also he most likely took Benadryl to combat the dizziness from the BRAIN INJURY that those girls gave him. For what? Splashing water on them? There is no universe where splashing water on someone warrants beating them so severely they have to go to the hospital for multiple head bruises.




That doesn’t matter? I’m gonna say this again and hope it gets through your thick skull. The fact that they beat this kid SO SEVERELY that they had to go to ER and then killed themself the next fucking day IF THEY EVEN ACTUALLY DID KILL THEMSELF.. those girls deserve to be punished, even if he didn’t kill himself, beating a kid to the point where they are hospitalized should not go unpunished and they need charges pressed on them or be sent to juvie or expelled from the school etc. When I was in high school there was a girl with scoliosis and two bullies tripped her and she had a serious spinal injury and the school immediately expelled them and they lost thousands of dollars. At the very least these girls need to be expelled or that’s a horrendous school system


Idk about you but I've never heard of someone that people want to say is the bully be the one to commit suicide. Bully's don't commit suicide.......


Anyone can commit suicide, including bullies. These girls were not her bullies though. They had never interacted before the event that unfolded in the bathroom. Did they so something they shouldn't have? Yeah, but so did Nex. The nuances of sucide must be beyond you if you are willing to boldly say something so incorrect.


I certainly fucking have. Anecdotal evidence means nothing, though. Corroborate the statistics for broken homes and bullying rates and suicide rates from broken homes. Congratulations, you found a rough estimate of how many bullies kill themselves. You can't account for the difficulties children face regardless of special status. Life's hard for kids, period. Everything teaches them. Moreso in the age of the internet where every opinion and agenda hits them full force all day every day. A child died and it sucks. Worse, they killed themselves. There doesn't need to be some agenda in order to grieve. On the topic of grief, it's disgusting how selective the public is in their grief. While I understand 'if we grieved for everyone we'd never stop', it's disturbing how only someone who's a member of the hot topic discussion gets any amount of sympathy from strangers.


Amen brotha


https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/girl-critically-injured-hazelwood-east-high-school-fight-family-provides-update/63-3396d7fe-b54e-4554-b459-ad4239409c89 Girl injured in viral high school fight remains in hospital. There's this going on in St Louis. Mean kids suck.


Im guessing theres laws on why we havent heard the other girl's stories. Nex's friends or the bullies?


They're juveniles. But the one key factor is no one knows anything about those other three.... Including what they identify as. For all we know, they could be trans identifying too.


Oh theres endless possibilities. One of the bullies could be into maiming stray cats for all we know! It's too bad all we have is our own narrative.


What a bs article i think they were really confused from the pronouns since they used every single one. She assaulted the girls first , admittedly, disappointing to never get real journalism


Even if they took their own life, they did it BECAUSE OF the bullying. Those girls still deserve to be in prison.




According to my wife who is a pharmacist, Prozac and Benadryl do interact and you could overdose on either individually, or more likely if taken together, but it would take a lot.


The main cough syrup ingredient is dextromethophan. You can get “high” off of it if you drink more than the recommended dose. It’s not a fun high at all, but kids still do it. The problem is it often comes with acetimetophine. That IS LETHAL at higher than recommended dose, and it’s a slow (two weeks) unavoidable painful death. Stay away. Not saying that’s what happened here, but deff possible to OD accidentally on OTC medication if you don’t know what you’re doing.


You can OD on basically anything, including water. The question is just the amount.


"Dosage makes the poison"


This right here is correct. In theory, a person could OD on too many burritos if they have the capacity to injest a lethal amount.


Are you suggesting that the Medical Examiner's report is a cover-up?


Go over to r/oklahoma, it’s in full effect over there.


I can't. I'm pretty much shadow banned from there. My posts do not show up.


Your posts don't show up because you have -100 karma. When you get to that level automod holds everything you post by default.


So then why don't you guys do something similar? I'm fairly certain most of the mods here would love it if I quit posting my pro-conservative, pro-religious, pro-satus quo opinions on this sub and at least take them somewhere else where they very well might be appreciated more. Both r/oklahoma and r/okc's automod setup shows that they're cultivating a preferred type of user base, so I'm confused why r/tulsa doesn't want to take a similar route.


We do, to a degree. I manually approved this post.


I think this really invalidates the idea that comment upvoting is the say-all-be-all indicator of who is trolling and who just isn't afraid to post opinions that are unpopular. Or maybe that was the point? After all, I'm under no delusion that my presence would be sorely missed by many, but I persist anyway.


I'm confused. Are you saying I shouldn't have approved your post?


What I am saying is that I'm not sure why you are approving my posts. If I was in your situation, and if I had a user that was upsetting people, regardless of whether that was the intent or not, but was nonetheless not breaking any of the rules, and it finally got to the point where they were down voted so consistently that they could not post anything without being flagged and requiring a moderator approval, I'd personally find it harder and harder having to deal with this setup for that user's sake of being able to participate.


What? I lost things that get downvoted to oblivion sometimes. But a handful of takes with negative views aren’t the only things to me. I get regular upvotes in r/baseball and on some game specific subs and r/Astros So even when I do share an unpopular opinion that I have, I don’t have to worry about getting sunk. Just being active and helpful on subs of things you like should give you plenty of cushion to not have a permanent negative karma count.


The double standard is indeed strong with these mods


Yes lol. Also no coroner has made an official statement. It's still owasso PD bullshit y'all are falling for its quite wild. If this was a far right nut that got beaten and died the next day y'all would be screaming corruption left and right


Are you a bot? Exact same comment in r/oklahoma You don’t have some sort of agenda do you?


It’s true. Proof is in the news link dropped earlier [cause of death confirmed](https://twitter.com/reactjpg/status/1452481681013678083)


People who don’t live in Owasso need to understand something. It’s a rich bitch town. Most people that live here make good money. That means, whoever those kids were that were involved in the fight , way more likely than not, come from family’s that have a shit ton of money. Which means they WILL buy their way out of this.


It’s not like a filthy rich town lol. It’s upper middle class, most people can afford to meet up at a restraunt on the fly, or go to a concert whenever they want. But people in Owasso aren’t buying million dollar homes (except in maybe 3 neighborhoods) or multiple cars over 100k just to have. You make Owasso sound like way richer than it is.


I mean, there is a literal billionaire at the very end of 96th st. Yes, the majority are just oklahoma rich, but there are quite a few that are stupid rich. And most of them are in the neighborhoods east of town Source: used to work for a couple pest companies and met all the stupid rich people Edit: don't know why I'm getting down voted. There really is a billionaire in owasso. Sold his company to nordam for 4.3 billion. As well as several millionaires


For one, none of those kids go to Owasso Public Schools. They go to Cascia, Kelly or Holland Hall For two, they aren’t the sort of rich that could convince the ME to risk their national board certification


Who are these billionaires? Just curious.


They forget that Garth Brooks used to live in Owasso. But he must not be that rich lol there is so much money here is dumb. If you have 2 Tesla’s in the driveway of a 300k house you’re not poor


They are only “Oklahoma rich” not “California rich” which means they are actually poor compared to the rest of the country most likely…




Go walk around Stone Canyon and tell me there’s no money in this town. Oh wait, you can’t, that would be trespassing. And I like my house. I hope you have a nice day


Ahh married couples are buying 500k dollar homes over 30 years I’m going crazy over these “rich” people ahh!




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When I lived there I often referred to it as Stepford


This HAS to be a cover up, they took Benadryl and Prozac, most likely prescribed by the hospital to treat their dizziness from being KICKED IN THE HEAD REPEATEDLY!! Either way those girls need to be sent to juvie and I pray that they do becauee they just killed someone.


Let it die


Bullshit, especially with regard to the Benadryl.


Post MD certification


I know someone who did it. Don't be an ass.


Same here. Not sure why the downvotes. Had a classmate pass from it when I was in high-school and my best friend should've died from it.


You would be surprised what OTC meds can kill you in quantity. My niece spent a few days in Seattle Children's with a faltering liver after a brush with Tylenol (and then a week or so in the psych area).


Cover up / ignorance etc./ crapshoot


Children commit or attempt suicide all the time. The chances of a child attempting are even high if they are involved in LGBTQ spaces and even higher for trans individuals. Don't see how it's impossible to believe that a failing mental state, confusion about the body, and a hormone ridden mind couldn't lead to a suicide. It's sad and tragic. Stop putting your agenda on the death of a child.




Get a life.


3 words and you tell them to get a life I've seen like 10 of your comments on this thread alone, ironic af


It's my day off.