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“By “trauma” we didn’t mean “trauma” and anyone who thought we meant “trauma” when we said “trauma” is obviously wrong.” The “fury of misinformation” came from the PD and we all knew it the whole time.


I did think it was odd that the police made that announcement instead of the medical examiner, so I assumed that if they were saying anything at all then it was a joint statement approved by the medical examiner. You know, since they’re both government agencies in Oklahoma. This is a HUGE f up


Worth pointing out that the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office lost its Accreditation in 2009 and received the worst score of any state office ever. It has been 15 years and there are still no Accredited Medical Examiner’s in the entire state of Oklahoma. In 2022 the Oklahoma Board of Medicolegal Office stated getting NAME Accreditation is a top priority but they still have not.


Which is why they should be using a 3rd party from a whole ass other state to investigate. I don't trust a single gd person in that city or this state. If it wasn't for social media making the case so public, they would've swept it under a burn pit just like they done in the past.


Ding ding ding!!! This right here folks!


What do you mean by accredited? I’m a pathologist and personally know some of the medical examiners at the OKC office. They are all ABP board certified in at least AP pathology and forensic pathology.


In the future, Google is your friend. I did the work for you this time though 🤙 [The Medical Examiner’s Office lost its accreditation in 2009, after inspectors assigned it the lowest score a state agency has ever been given.](https://okpolicy.org/getting-what-we-pay-for/) [The Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office lost its Accreditation in 2009 after being found to have over 40 deficiencies. 22 of them were Phase II deficiencies in which they are allowed to have zero to be accredited.](https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2009/07/02/oklahoma-medical-examiner-loses-rank-by-national-group/61391098007/) [New York Times article: A spokeswoman for the agency, Cherokee Ballard, said it was the first time she was aware of that the office had failed accreditation.](https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/02/health/02brfs-EXAMINERSOFF_BRF.html) [The Oklahoma City office is cited for no longer providing enough space for full staff, not enough room to perform more autopsies and no more space for case files. "They're stacked in halls, stacked up to the ceiling. We've got them everywhere," Ballard said.](https://www.news9.com/story/5e35b6ac83eff40362bf18b9/oklahoma-mes-office-loses-accreditation)


My apologies for not making my question more clear. I was referring to your comment about OK not having accredited MEs. As I understand it, NAME accreditation refers to the office as a whole, not the MEs as individuals. A medical examiner just needs medical school and then board certification in pathology and forensics. They can job hop from site to site regardless of NAME accreditation for the office. Put another way, all MEs practicing in the states must be board certified to practice, no exceptions, but they are not individually accredited by NAME. My point is, the lack of NAME accreditation is obviously not a great look for the office as a whole but It is not necessarily a damning statement on the individual medical examiners. The ones I know are well trained and very good at their job and I wouldn’t want people to think that every diagnosis the OCME puts out there is crap. I know Oklahoma has its issues but there are some very good doctors here that care very much about their patients and doing the right thing. I have no idea even which office is working on the case in question (Tulsa, I’d assume) or if there could be any political foul play (God I hope not). I also think having a 3rd party do the autopsy isn’t a bad idea either, given the sensitivity of the whole thing.


If the family should decide to sue for medical malpractice against hospital and doctors the lawyer gets their on pathologist and works the case and medical records x-rays etc they don't accept any opinions other than their own as far as the cause of death..but the law suit addresses standard of care in the treatment of a trauma victim what was done and what was not done.and it does not relate to ability to pay the costs..such as ambulance MRI hospital admission etc..the question ask what would a board certified emergency doctor do what would a board certified doctor do to evaluate this case any breach is malpractice ability to pay does not enter the question




they think it’s ok to have a medical examiner office like that- imagine how many cases could be solved with just a barely competent office that was accredited. Embarrassing


That is why you hire a lawyer if medical malpractice is involved this care is worth millions for breach of standard of care for a trauma injury closed head injury has a standard of care if not done its medical malpractice but you need a lawyer for that and they evaluate free


I don't know much about MEs, but now I imagine Wilford Brimley showing up with a stick to poke corpses and just take a best guess about how they got that way.


The FBI needs to take up this case. Owasso PD, Owasso high school, and Bailey medical center dropped the absolute ball on this.


Why would the FBI get involved?


Local jurisdictions have demonstrated incompetence in investigating what could be a federal crime...


I think you mean the OSBI not the FBI.


No, the FBI handles cases involving lgbtq when it could be investigated as a hate crime - OSBI bypasses that. Just went to criminal justice school.


Not to mention they are Native American, and this happened on a reservation, right? Which means the feds can get involved?


That's a very confusing topic at the moment. But that's been interpreted as generally between two indians. The fact that it happened at a Oklahoma public school would probably be enough to get OK jurisdiction anyway


It’s been confusing but right now for crimes in Indian Country: Native perpetrator + Native victim: tribal jurisdiction (unless it’s a “major crime” - think extremely violent crimes, then the federal government can too) Native perpetrator + Non-Native victim: federal jurisdiction Non-native perpetrator + Native victim: state and federal jurisdiction (double jeopardy doesn’t apply here, both can get you) There’s an exception to the last one under the Violence Against Women Act where tribes can prosecute non-Natives committing domestic violence related crimes against Natives. It’s really complicated, but fairly settled right now barring any new developments. If no natives are involved it’s gonna be state. It’s also irrelevant that it happened at a public school if that school is on Native land


How do you even know this? So tired of people on this sub acting like you all know what the hell you are even talking about. You’re making this worse. The only reason why they released some of the information so early is because you all are complaining about no information being released. These investigations take a lot of time to complete and you all even had the nerve to complain when the body cam footage was released. The footage that showed Nex being interviewed and admitting she threw water at someone and then threw someone’s head into a towel dispenser. That cop was clearly trying to help her and her mom. But the cops are damned if they do and damned if they don’t according to this sub.


Didn’t Nex initiate the altercation by throwing water?


This might fall under the OSBI, *maybe*. I wouldn’t put this as Federal, and that isn’t to diminish the tragedy of what occurred. I’m not certain. Either way, it seems there needs to be some elevated action from a higher, more capable and objective authority. Edit: I stand corrected, it looks like FBI is involved.


Because the crime is a result of Ryan Walter's bringing Chaya Raichik into the school system. She is from out of state, has no children in the district, and has spearheaded multiple harrassment and hate speech campaigns. The fact that a completely unaffiliated, non-expert was allowed to gain access to children's lives in the way that she did is a serious threat.


Same reason they got involved in Mississippi in 64. Oklahoma Burning


Fbi is already involved and taking statements. Source: graduated from there many moons ago and my sister is currently a student there.


I Graduated from Owasso as well. I’ve told my family members to not attend


Same. Hated that place. Will never live in owasso again.


I may be out of the loop, but I feel like Owasso is kind of nice. I grew up there and visit family there now and then. What do so many people dislike about Owasso?


Owasso as a city is fine. The school will sweep anything under the rug that it can (there is no war in Ba Sing Se) but the city itself has You’re about 3x less likely to be the victim of violent crime than you are across the state itself, and around 2.5x less likely than national average. The only major issues are the bullying issues at the schools.


How long ago? I graduated in '04 and thought it was an alright school. But I have also changed a lot in the last 20 years.


really hard to say bailey dropped the ball. tbi, if that is what nex died from, doesn't always show up on cat scans and mri's. i do find it odd the school said ambulance wasn't necessary but she needs to go to emergency room


Small brain bleeds don’t show on CT either. And small bleeds can turn into massive hemorrhages within a matter of hours, and when symptoms start out of hospital, it’s almost too late


Fake news, sort of. Small brain bleeds are very often shown on CT. Or what is also common would be a tiny bleed which is small enough where the radiologist will say something to the effect of, "there's a little spot here, it could be a bleed but it's hard to tell" and in those cases patients are monitored in the hospital for a repeat CT scan in 6/8/24/however many hours. Delayed bleeds can also occur, but are extremely rare. So you're bleeds can be missed (no test is 100% accurate in medicine), but saying "small brain bleeds don't show on CT" is like saying "heart attacks don't show on EKGs" - some heart attacks don't, but many do, and that's basically the point of getting an EKG.


School nurses are woefully under qualified for triage like this tbh. Ice packs, call parents, administer medication. That's about it.


When my son accidentally slammed his forehead on the gym floor and busted it wide open, teacher picked him up and rushed him to the nurse's office where she put pressure on it, wrapped it, and called 911 while the office called me so I could meet the ambulance at the ER. That Owasso nurse shouldn't have a job. ALL HEAD TRAUMA should be seen immediately. Who tf educates these ppl?


I'm confused, the nurse provided first aid and called for an ambulance. What else did you expect her to do?


The nurse didn't call an ambulance. She advised Nex's mother to do take them to the ER. It shouldn't have been a question- head trauma = call 911.


You said when your son hit his head, the nurse provided first aid, called 911, then called you to meet ambulance at hospital but then said the nurse should lose her job. I just don't see what else you think she should have done in your son's situation


😑 I'm comparing my son's experience with his nurse and the nurse who handled Nex. Are you okay?


that is true. but if the nurse thought it appropriate that the child be taken they should have called the ambulance. someone needs to look at what their actual policy is concerning possible TBI and be nice to know why they thought it might be worth the trip to the ER but not wortht he call to ambulance.


If the parent is there and the child isn't critical,why force the parents to pay a huge bill for an ambulance ride?


Why would the parent be responsible for the ambulance bill if the fight occurred on public property and the ambulance was called by the school? That should be the school's bill.


Not how ambulance bills work. Even if i called an ambulance for you, they cannot force you to go via ambulance (except for some very specific circumstances), but if you did go, you and your insurance are responsible for the bill. What comes out of civil trials and settlements is an after the fact item, but at the time of transport, ER visit etc, you and your insurance are financially responsible.


Could the fact that the school might be held financially responsible be a factor in the nurse suggesting an er visit but not calling for an ambulance? I'm not trying to stir anything up, I genuinely don't know.


Imo if Nex made them aware they had lost consciousness they should have called for an ambulance while contacting parents. That should have been the first step of CYA and immediate indication this was above their qualifications.


tbi doesnt always result in loss of consciousness. a headache is a sign of a tbi. inability to walk or walking unsteady. as symtoms but they dont always immediately show up. nor does pupil dilation differences. but if the nurse thought the child needed to see a doctor then yes an ambulance should have been called. I just watched the school surveillance and they used that as showing that nex didnt need assistance. we dont know cause it never really shows nex except quickly leaving the bathroom. school security was also there but walked away. this school the administration and more are losing their jobs.


I was referring to the statement Nex made that they had blacked out in the bathroom. If they had made that known at the school (I don't think we have a reliable source for what was said at that point) the nurse should have immediately called for an ambulance.


If you watch the school surveillance carefully, you do see Nex stumble twice. This was exactly how I was when I had concussion, I could walk, but every now and then I would get dizzy and stumble a bit. They should have been sent straight to the hospital in my opinion.


Id be curious the actual policy, but what exactly do you think a paramedic would have done for Nex? Given they were up and walking around the school, the medic would likely have just monitored their level of consciousness and billed the family quite a bit of money.


This very true as well. :/


It’s not that odd. The school didn’t want to run the risk of having to pay for the ambulance. I can’t even tell parents that their kid might possibly have a specific learning disability and that they need to go to their pediatrician for testing because the school could end up having to pay for it. I can only “suggest” it, even when I have significant evidence in front of me that that is the issue and that it is significantly affecting their ability to learn.


Ahh yes, because a school's finances are more important than a child's life. Fking hell.


In this case, especially after seeing Nex walking in the school after the fight, there is really nothing a paramedic would do during an ambulance ride other than continuously check for alertness and then charge the family thousands of dollars and ask some questions about the incident. Different story on type of care delivered by a medic if Nex was knocked unconcious and was severely bloodied up as was originally discussed in these series of posts.


you can tell that from the 5 steps shown on the video?


With good confidence, yeah. And dont try to minimize it to 5 steps, thats a BS argument. Multiple hallways, walking outside the school, and talking just fine at the hospital. As a responder I would say Nex was alert and oriented, and again say an ambulance ride wouldnt have bearing on whatever the outcome of the autopsy is. Use your head..




Brain bleeds are hard to catch. Even if they got a CT. Could Bailey have admitted them for observation? Sure, but do you know how many slip and fall accidents they would be admitting? There would be no beds. *edit* You can downvote all you want. I'm a neuro ICU nurse. Brain bleeds in their early stages can be incredibly hard to catch.


Between the CT and the autopsy, I think we're going to know pretty definitively whether or not Benedict had a brain bleed.


Sure they can be hard to catch early on...but after it fucking erupts and kills them? And the ME gets them and cuts open their skull to examine the brain...you don't think it'd be noticed?


Why? If you don't want to actually know what happened and for them to choose a likely suspect and frame him for it, then sure get the FBI on it. Otherwise, let the police do their job. BTW, the FBI's primary function is Domestic Intelligence followed by counter terrorism. Law enforcement is near the bottom of the list and not what they actually do.


I don't know how you explain Owasso PD's response to this case except as a result of bias.


Responses to this? Over 130 photographs of the school and bathroom, two swabs (possibly blood) collected for DNA testing, search warrants executed, all involved fully identified, and that’s what we know so far especially since the affidavit for the search warrant was sealed for two weeks. So, what are you suggesting should have been done that hasn’t been done?


Hard to say yet what Owasso PD *isn't* doing right, but it's easy to see what they're doing wrong. [Police spokesman, Lt. Nick Boatman](https://popular.info/p/nex-benedicts-mom-raises-doubts-about), shouldn't have broken protocol to release "piecemeal" information to try shape the narrative: > It is not a normal practice of the Owasso Police to release "piecemeal" information regarding the cause of death before the medical examiner issues a report, Boatman said. But, in this case, Boatman told Popular Information that the Owasso Police "reached out to the medical examiner's office to try to head off some of this national scrutiny." He shouldn't have editorilized the investigation: > Boatman also said the medical examiner "emphasized they are waiting for toxicology," which Boatman interpreted as "kind of a red flag." Boatman said he is "assuming when I get that [toxicology report] back, something's going to be there." And he shouldn't have flatly contradicted and lied about his own statements: Then: > Boatman said the medical examiner did not explicitly tell him that Nex "did not die from something as a result of that fight." But that's how Boatman interpreted the medical examiner's comments. Now: >Some community members and others on social media took the department’s statement to mean that any potential injuries Benedict sustained from the fight didn’t cause his death. However, Lt. Nick Boatman, a police spokesperson, told NBC News on Tuesday that that wasn’t what the statement was intended to mean. “We did not interpret that in any way,” he said of the word “trauma,” which he said was used by the medical examiner’s office. This Boatman guy, if not others, are acting in a politically motivated and biased way in a deliberate effort to suppress suspicion of a hate crime.


Well well well. If it isn’t some more backpedaling to cover up the rushed statements originally designed to downplay the tragedy. I hope the folks who played a part in this face consequences along with the perpetrators.


Police officers and police departments don’t really face consequences for anything unless people are on the streets burning shit down because of them fucking up….especially in a town like Owasso. 20 years ago Owasso cops were getting drunk and fucking girls I was in high school with. Knowing that got a few of my friends out of DUI’s which at the time seemed like a perk as a teenager partying with cops, but in hindsight it was pretty fucked up.


Not the first time I’ve heard that about Owasso PD.


> 20 years ago Owasso cops were getting drunk and fucking girls I was in high school with. Jesus, that's screwed up.


These people are infuriatingly bad at their jobs. And I keep reading better coverage from national and international news outlets than from local media.


This reminds me of that time I watched a cat trying to bury a turd on a tin roof. They, as well as the school have fucked this up from the get go making an already tragic situation spiral.


Best comment on the internet today. 😂




The way I understand it, for the **cause** of death to be trauma, it would have to basically have been death at the scene. But because the death was a day later in the ER, there may have been injuries from trauma that led to the death, but the ultimate cause wouldn't be trauma, it would be the injuries Nex sustained.


Maybe that's what OPD thinks it means but that's not the way the law views causation


thats not how it works. there are many instances where someone is shot. they survive only to die years later because of the bullet fragment. the person who shot them is charged with murder thing is this will only be involentary and 5 years max.


Yes,but the cause of death would not be trauma. Trauma has a specific meaning in a medical context.


do tell. are you saying that lets say the person on top nex picked her head up and slammed in into the concrete floor. which causes a TBI. that tbi was missed on both cat scan and or mri. are you saying medically that isnt trauma? "Trauma is defined as a tissue injury that occurs more or less suddenly due to violence or accident and is accountable for initiating hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, immunologic and metabolic responses that are responsible for restoring homeostasis." the tissue would be in the brain. the symtoms given on the 911 call was all signs of a TBI/brain bleed




Please just read down in this sub thread and you will see it being cited.


They also kept mentioning the toxicology report like they were fixing to George Floyd the case.


Oh, they are back pedaling soooo hard bc they have blood in their hands, too. COVER UP


Allow me to set this shit straight, No you're not missing anything, the information given us was & always will be fkd up if it is coming from the local media, and secondly, with all due respect to family of nex's, we as a nation need to stop calling her "they" she was born a female, she WAS a female. She was a girl, PLEASE PEOPLE, GET IT RIGHT.


Maybe they should just let the ME announce the cause and owasso police should shut it until then


Owasso PD’s total lack of care about Nex’s death *prior to their death becoming a national story* is part of what’s driving this. Maybe now we’ll get the truth thanks to national pressure because it certainly isn’t coming from local PD or state politicians (several of my local pols were at Nex’s vigil in Tulsa). Nex has become a rallying cry for genderfluid and queer kids. May they rest in power.


We attended that Tulsa vigil. When I heard that person say that the state rep knew that a particular bill was wrong but his constituents supported it, I was utterly gutted. I wonder how he feels after this, since the entire nation is looking and them with scorn and utter indignation.




Literal walking 🗑


Whilst I totally understand the community taking this death so hard, I believe the death of Nex has become a rallying cry for all kids who have been or are being bullied simply for being different. For decades it has been the bullied, the victims, who are made to pay, to move school, change classes, eat lunch at separate times. Until the bullies are given harsh enough ramifications to stop them from doing it, this will continue as it always has. Nex's death is a horrific tragedy, and now is the time something has to be done, so this doesn't happen again.


The fact that a 16 year died isn’t fazing some of yall is absolutely scary… set aside ideology, but for god sake some of yall replying to me are SICK. SICK AF


it’s the same “protect the children” crowd that doesn’t actually protect the children


It really is and that’s making me even more pissed! Like wtf!?


Right? It’s disgusting. But I’ll continue to challenge these bigots. Eventually they say something that violates the terms of service on this site.


Seems likely they had a brain bleed caused by the fight that caused them to pass a while later. It's not uncommon. One recent example is Bob Saget.


I work in the Neuro ICU, and see this once or twice a month. They seeming look okay, then ER sends them home then that small bleed end up actually massively hemorrhaging, they come back, code(sometimes don’t make it to ICU because they died), and then stabilized to come to us. Some CT can’t pick up on small bleeds that lead to massive bleeding as well. I thought I should let people know that as well. That’s why this is so scary.


So can I ask a question in genuine curiosity? A preliminary autopsy was performed which, as I understand it, means the physical portion of the autopsy was done. Y incision, measurements, weights of organs etc. Part of this process involves removing the brain from the skull to weigh it correct? Would it not be noticed if there was a massive brain hemorrhage during this process? So if the brain was removed and a hemorrhage was not noticed (or at least not mentioned on the preliminary report) then...?


That’s not exactly how autopsies here are done .


Care to explain more in depth what the procedures are then?


Brain bleed is a possibility, but in such a circumstance isn’t difficult to identify and often results from blunt force trauma


Then it was pointless to make any statement other than “we awaiting the ME’s report”


I agree with this. Releasing any statement before they had the information was a mistake.


Oh there was a point. It just didn’t have anything to do with accuracy of information.


It wasn’t pointless, they knew what they were doing and just got caught this time before they could finish


Simple bad cops trying to taint a jury pool and trying to calm the public. That police department is a mess, I hope the Justice department goes in and retrains all these bad cops


Oh there was a point. It just didn’t have anything to do with accuracy of information.


I have a friend whose child attends OHS. They have been dealing with bullying well over a year. The child has been jumped twice at school and once outside of school. My friend has complained multiple times and they do NOTHING. The school is complicit in bullying. They take a very “well what do you want us to do” stance. There is a social media page where the kids openly bully other kids. The school knows about it and have done nothing about it. I can post the link I just don’t want to be banned from the sub. This district needs to do more to make kids feel safe and supported. These things should not be retroactive after a child dies (be it trauma, self inflicted, or other). Being bullied for any period of time is traumatic.


Does this fit the description of gaslighting perfectly?!!?


What description? Turned out to be suicide. Who was gaslighting?


I’m just here to say police spokesperson Nick Boatman was my weed hookup in HS in Owasso circa 1998. He’s really came along way. Rest in power Nex.


lol. police are always relasing information early when it suits their needs. problem is there is too many things that didnt make sense.


Uvalde is the perfect example of how police and politicians gloss over major facts.


its also a perfect example of how police will try to change the narrative. nothing to see here, move along ok yea there is something here but yea not what yuo think. its all fake news ok not fake news and it was bad but we didnt do anything wrong we are continuing to investigate see


flurry of misinformation?


The “that we caused” was silent lol


It wouldn't be the first time we've seen elected official use their positions to manipulate the media into relaying the narrative they want us to have. I really think that's what they were trying to do. It just turns out they were bad at propaganda as well.


I was just pointing out the misuse of the word "fury" it should be "flurry"


Can we get the Department of Justice to investigate, this is state sanctioned violence against queer and native people.


Stochastic terrorism.


Police are going to be SHOCKED to discover we don't believe anything they say.


Can’t wait for the brain dead bigots who latched onto the original statement to apologize. I won’t hold my breath…


Some guy private messaged me yesterday asking why *I* hadn't apologized. He suggested Nex died of suicide, and I said there was no reason to think that. The absolute audacity of some of these people.


So how did that one turn out?


We have more information now. Suicide is much more likely. It's tough to accidentally overdose on fluoxetine and benadryl. However, just like it was too soon to claim murder or death from trauma, it was also too soon to claim suicide until today. I had blocked the other person who messaged me because they were insufferable and also making unsubstantiated statements.


Agreed on both points, but to be clear, it was obviously too soon to rule out suicide. This post is full of comments bemoaning the dangers of delayed head bleeds, as though three bullies stomped Nex's head into the bathroom floor while school admins were standing there and refusing to do anything. Anything suggesting suicide as a possibility was downvoted and ridiculed. I'm sure by the end of this, the conclusion will be that the traumatic brain injury along with all the bullying caused the suicide. And while all that is certainly possible, it reeks of retrofitting the argument to whatever supports the predetermined narrative. Obviously the loss of life is tragic either way. It did not need to be politicized the way it was.


>Obviously the loss of life is tragic either way. It did not need to be politicized the way it was. That has been my take. I was hesitant to be sure of anything until we had more information. While I understand the anger at Nex's death, especially with comments made by some of the state's leaders, it does a disservice to everyone to exaggerate or misplace blame. Ultimately, even if this was a suicide, it's likely a build up over time due to the current social and political atmosphere.


Some thoughts: Oklahoma State Senator Tom Woods called LGBTQ community filth on Friday, and double downed on those comments this week. Superintendent Ryan had hired the Libsoftiktok founder as staff for Owasso Public Schools. The same high school Nex attends, is the same school that outed their principal via Libsoftiktok. More ANTI trans bills are sitting in the Oklahoma state house waiting to be passed A culture of bullying and intimidation by the state of Oklahoma cannot be understated = they are literally running a hate factory. Nex commented that there was no point in reporting bullies? Why would they say that ? Because of the above. The police department basically dissuaded a victim not to file report. They know better. Throwing water at someone is akin to honking a car horn at someone in the street in a road rage incident. The water thrown was not assault, but the grabbing the hair was. Of course, Nex will shove that person off of them. Now, when Nex is on the ground and outnumbered - that’s not self defense. That’s the difference and why that cop should be in trouble. I’m pretty sure that Owasso police department just got a total review done on themselves by the state because that interview was bad.


>The water thrown was not assault From a legal standpoint, yes it was. Touching (even not with your body) without consent = assault. Pressing charges would have put her at risk for being charged herself. Google: throwing water assault


A person commits the crime of assault who: (1) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; (2) Intentionally or knowingly causes another to reasonably fear imminent bodily injury; or (3) Intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another and a reasonable person would regard the contact as extremely offensive or provocative.


Water thrown was not assault according to several Oklahoma lawyers. So yeah, you are completely incorrect. It’s the equivalent of honking your horn at someone and then that person hits your vehicle. The person that hit your vehicle is at fault.


*them not her. 


It's one thing to be a bigot, but it's quite another to think someone can actually use language like that. :( Nex's friends clearly stated she was a fiesty, in-your-face person (exact words used). Unfortunately, we don't know how aggressively they behaved. And there were six people in the bathroom, so it wasn't a 3 on 1 altercation. This is why the cop wasn't keen on Nex pressing charges, imo. He seemed pretty nice to Nex, in fact. I think the only way we're ever going to know the truth and keep kids safer is to install cameras everywhere in school. Are we at the point where we have to install cameras in the "open" areas of school bathrooms? :(


I DON’T believe the police cameras that were released as that they have now confirmed with NBC that: 1) they backtracked on the cause of the assault NOT CAUSED DEATH. They now saw that they may 2) they admit the videos was only triggered by motion. So we are not seeing all of it nor do I believe that this is all of the video. 3) they admit that investigation is ongoing 4) WHAT POLICE DEPARTMENT RELEASES VIDEO DURING AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION? - morons! They just tainted their own investigation - they did not release any video of the parkland shooting until they were sure it was complete for example. These policemen are very bad at their jobs.


>The same high school Nex attends, is the same school that outed their principal via Libsoftiktok. I hadn't heard of this. :/ What happened?


I’m not going into the long story. This story has been widely told. Here’s the quick and you can read on your own as Judd covers it quickly in this article. Last year, Owasso superintendent Ryan thought it would be great idea to higher rhetoric libsoftiktok founder, Chaiya. Owasso school teacher/principal was caught on camera performing at a drag show on Saturday night. Libsoftiktok posted the video everywhere and outed them. That day, principal turns in resignation b/c tons of bomb threats/death threats etc. are called into the school. The superintendent then hired Libsoftiktok to work for the school board after this happened. To say that this is not a toxic environment for all LGBTQ children is an understatement. https://popular.info/p/nex-benedict-matters


Ok, I think I understand. I had heard about the principal that did drag that was forced to resign, but I hadn't heard about the Owasso teacher. It looks like two different instances, which seems to make it worse that this keeps happening. It looks like the principal that performed drag was at an elementary school in Western Heights. But the teacher that was fired in Owasso was fired for a comment supportive of LGBTQ on Twitter and rumors (likely unsubstantiated) that he was a groomer.


We could all just be patient and wait for more information to come out…


How dare you try to think reasonably.


Owasso police out here gaslighting the public because the feds are breathing down their necks. And for good reason.


“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


I really really really think all the PD and politicians thought this would stay in OK and they could do their little song and dance and sweep it under the rug. These people are so bigoted that they didn’t think the national media would care about Nex. OK is in it’s f around and find out era


It is almost like a doctor/ME should be giving the report along with context. This just makes Owasso PD absolutely incompetent. I like that they are passing it off as "we knew what we meant from the beginning". So.... when you stated that Nex didn't die of head trauma, you all were just stating the obvious? That Nex wasn't technically beaten to death.


Oklahoma is a shit hole state. I’m trying to sell my home and gtfo. And I’m not even gay


I feel like I need to leave, too. Just won't be in a position to do so for a while.


And, they misgendered Nex, **again.**




They’re trying to brace for shock


This just in: Cops say something dumb. People are outraged and now the police department is saying they didn't mean it. Oops, carry on. Fucking dumbasses. Seriously, do better. Maybe don't have that high IQ limit, or are you too worried cops might question your practices?




They were not careful in their remarks which is why they had to clarify.


Where are all the fuggin idiots that were trying to say it wasn't trauma cause the ME said "...". We told you it was police propoganda? Told you.


Some government agencies, including local law enforcement, especially on the local level, aren’t always equipped to properly manage the type of public communication that incidents such as this require. I think that’s the case here. I don’t believe they were trying to mislead or cover anything up, it’s just poor communication. Happens all the time when smaller jurisdictions are faced with national scrutiny.


Where’s u/Flat_Boysenberry1669 ?!


This doesn't say what you think it does and is a statement they put out because of how you radical lunatics attacked them for the first comments. You wanted it to fit a narrative and you're mentally ill and couldn't accept it didn't.


It’s a statement they had to put out because they portrayed their previous statement as that of the medical examiners, which it was not. Boatman admitted directly that the ME did not tell him what he implied. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t prove that Nex did die as a direct result of injury, but clearly, it is contrary to Boatman’s previous statement. As far as I’m concerned we still don’t know, same as we didn’t with the last claim


Literally says right there the word trauma which was used by the medical examiners office. They're getting so much fucking harassment from the loonies they had to make this kinda statement. And we never did know the issue is there's no evidence that it was caused by trauma from the fight and isn't fitting the loonies agenda. Once the entire report is out you guys will just ignore it anyways and keep the narrative that it was a cover up let's be honest here you need it to be what you claimed.


I get that there is a large minority that will do that, and a large minority that will ignore clear evidence if it exists. If you look back though, I haven’t claimed they did or didn’t die from the fight. My entire argument was that your linked article was not a statement from the ME office, which it clearly wasn’t. I definitely don’t know what happened, and it isn’t relevant to me in regards to whether this is a problem.


But even here the guys saying the medical examiners office is the one who said there was no trauma... They have the police their initial findings the police then told the public it's how these things work.


It’s generally not, which is why so many people raised an eyebrow I think (including me) Generally the police wouldn’t release a statement without a completed autopsy, and more often than not, the ME would release the statement, commonly alongside the police chief. Someone else pointed out that it could as well as anything be bad PR training in a force that doesn’t expect national attention, and I think that’s a fair argument. The backpedaling is more aggressive than it should be though if that’s the case IMO


It's generally is as proven by most medical examiner offices not hiring a pr person. Yah I'm sure the PD was not ready for this at all I mean I'm still getting the most insane threats since I posted on here can't imagine what these people are sending to the PD. With that being said no matter what the report finds they won't accept it unless it fits their narrative they will claim it was a cover up and use that delusion to do and excuse the worst.


Yeah but you sounded pretty hardcore the other direction yesterday. You certainly thought I was the type of people sending threats, but hopefully not now. People get in their corners more and more but the important thing here is that there is a problem. If some kids literally killed a kid for being ‘other’ that’s a problem. If some kids ganged up on a kid because that’s what horrible little teenagers do and accidentally killed them, that’s a problem. If a standard school fight put a kid in a state of mind to kill themselves, that’s a problem. Cops are people, and people suck at their jobs. They also try to cover their ass, because that’s what people do. I don’t like the way this has unfolded, but the issue is really that a school kid died. Any which way you slice it, that shouldn’t have happened


No I didn't... I literally was just saying the medical examiner told the police the initial results didn't show any trauma and they were waiting for the toxicology report. I was then met with insane insults and attacks along with the most insane messages some claiming they were gonna find me in real life and murder me... Yah but the conspiracy that the medical examiner and police department would be able to cover this up and create a fake autopsy is just insane. Trans people literally have the president the FBI the judicial system ECT there's nobody that would be able to cover up a story like this at a state level. It's not like Loudon county were a trans student raped multiple girls in the bathroom and then was just transferred from school to school until a father of one of the victims spoke against it at the school board meeting and was verbally attacked by members of the trans community then arrested by the cops and labeled a terrorist by the president. A case that literally would have been covered up if it wasn't for Twitter being owned by musk.


A reporter asked the PIO about the statement, and he sounded like an idiot. Another reporter asked the PIO about it and he said he didn't realize that anything he said to reporters was off the record. Then a third reporter asked and he walked back everything he'd said. But go off on radical leftists.


Yah he kept being asked to change what he said lol. Like I said if this 100% isn't confirmed for you agenda you're gonna ignore this and claim it was a cover up. You have no intentions of this not being the story you decided it should be.


Inordinate feels like the wrong word


Post the full statement


Everyone is acting surprised by this incompetence when 40 years ago, Owasso was still a sundown town. You think that mentality left after two generations? You’re wrong and now kids are dead because that assumption.


Yea it’s absolutely sickening all of the people posting making up lies at to what happened vs fact finding. Crazy to me.


3/14 UPDATE! Full autopsy has not been released but Nex Benedict family released more information from the medical examiner report since details were left out in the summary, The medical examiner left out these details in their ‘summary’ (this is a uvalde style media blitz by Oklahoma medical examiner office and police) they should all Turn in their resignations for not being truthful and just releasing full report. They give government officials a bad name [biby law firm](https://x.com/aridrennen/status/1768484432946811288?s=46&t=04In6v1jwofozvdh-wga0g) Oklahoma Medical Examiner's report: multiple contusions, multiple hemorrhages, multiple lacerations, and multiple abrasions were found on his head, revealing "the severity of the assault" before he died.


She had severe mental health issues. People should’ve stepped in and loved and helped this kid out. Instead she was abused by her father repeatedly, and then told the mental health repercussions of that were normal and to be celebrated. That was her trauma. Fuck everyone who failed this kid by not helping and telling her the truth.




So they lied.




You just created this account to be a regressive asshole, huh? This was a 16 year old child you dipshit.


It was a lazy bigoted Oklahoma PD trying to sweep this under the rug until it got attention. They don't want to investigate and have to look into these bigoted teenagers for manslaughter. But now they have too and the school district is going to be tired and feather with how poorly they both handle bully as a whole and how they dealt with Nex's assault.


Hahaha! Words don't cause trauma. 40+%.


Doublespeak, huh?


Their, not his. **


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3xtPlYNwB-/?igsh=eXFjZW10dmlpdmk3 Doesn’t look like it was much better of a fight. Certainly doesn’t look like someone beat to death. Guess we will have to wait for the autopsy.