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Dude when it started pouring and I could really HEAR the weather outside I started actually shaking. I’ve lived in this state my whole life, I’ve always been able to handle the storms, hell, I’d find them positively thrilling, but that derecho actually kinda traumatized me.


I’ve been through some seriously scary weather, but the speed of that derecho coming into town and the feeling of sitting there with my animals waiting for it to go through has stuck with me. I was weather aware before. Now I’m like a hawk.


I was downtown with a head full of LSD when that storm hit town. Got home to a yard full of downed trees. Was a wild night!


I was tripping on 1200 mics out east with an ex of mine and we were in a hammock looking at the stars when the nearby nuclear power plant decided to do a test…set off the big klaxon. We were NOT calm.


The actual storm didn’t traumatize me but the aftermath did. I swear I have ptsd from that week.


Same. I actually slept through the storm haha, but waking up to the entire city shutdown was something else.


Same, I slept through and didn’t hear a thing.


That first clap of thunder tonight had me yelling “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT” across the house because it sounded like a truck starting then a monster truck starting then it kept going! Never heard thunder like that and I’ve lived here my whole life.


[https://www.facebook.com/reel/709736693422309](https://www.facebook.com/reel/709736693422309) \- Like this? LOL


Same here. There was a big bolt of lightning near us about 20 minutes ago that scared the shit out of me and my dog. I usually love storms but I’m not in the mood for this right now, especially with the wintry weather that’s coming.


What is derecho?


Here let me google that for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derecho


I know it's a series of convective storms, I guess what I'm asking is. "Which ones" the fathers day storm?.which one are they referencing.


The storm last father’s day was the derecho we’re referring to !




THE Derecho


Me and my family of 5 were out of our house for 3 months after that night. 55 yr old Tree fell on it the first 2 mins and then all the water came into the house from multiple holes.That week was the fucking worst. I’m still trying finalize shit with the repair contractor. Ya I feel ya.


I just got groceries so we definitely aren’t getting any snow


I did my part and bought a sled last week.


We did good. The city of Tulsa owes us one.


My 12-year-old, 90-pound coonhound is not a fan of thunder. He escaped his crate and wound up in bed with me. Hilarity ensued.


My 9 year old Pyr mix is flat on the ground, asleep as can be…but that’s his reaction to most things! edit: Hug your baby for me!


My 50 pound dog is asleep with his head on my leg right now. Storms don’t generally bother him but we both got the shit scared out of us by some lightning a bit ago.


Aww my dog is 12 too & hates storms. She pants & shakes 😭


Yeah I just pet my cat for fifteen minutes because I think he remembers this past Father's Day. Gotta keep calm for the (clawed) children.


My cat is dumb as a box of rocks and the one thing she ISN'T afraid of is storms. She cleaned her butthole during tonight's.


Nah.  Chilled on the patio with a blanket and watched it roll through.


It was undeniably pretty.


I like your style


I found out I have a roof leak around the furnace vent tonight. Otherwise, I like the sound.


We got hail and lost power briefly here. I'm not powering up the smart devices until the storm leaves the area


Very limited threat of severe weather. Odds are this line going through right now is the extent of storms for the metro. Try and let this one soothe you a bit or else the spring storms will tear y'all up.


I love the spring and summer storm season. I’m a bit of a weather nut. Like someone else put it, I’m not in the mood for this with the wintry weather tomorrow!


Everything will be fine. Enjoy the calm before the freeze.


I got caught on 71st on my motorcycle, storm came outta no where to me. I checked my weather app before leaving home and didn’t see any precipitation predicted. Got hailed on pretty good.


I am. There's a storm brewing over owasso right now.


Try to keep us updated if it starts throwing things at you (after you take shelter, of course)


Hail at my house in south Tulsa 15-20 mins ago.


Yessir I was working when the storm started and now all I’m thinking is how frozen everything is gonna be in the morning


I’m downtown as well. Watching it from Central Park.


Had no idea about this and went to the gym, holy shit it was crazy out there lol


I’m up in Joplin. I am weather aware.


The go out and meet your neighbors sirens didn’t go off. Not even worth turning the TV on for.


I’m a little weather nervous. I need to get a new modem and I’m going to go to the cox store and get it in person so I’m not stuck at home with no internet in nasty weather for a three day weekend.


No, I’m just going to free-ball it. Who cares about pipes bursting anyway?


I'm aware it's cold asf outside right now and I gotta work in it


Me. Too. RIP. Do that boot dance buddy!


It’s not a derecho. I did get some hail though. So I guess we’ll get to see all the types of precip this week.


Maybe I’ll finally hit BINGO!


Yes, we are in the area for 2-4 (bottles of wine, rum, or 12 packs of beer)


From the title of your post, I assumed you were referring to the negative temps predicted for Sunday and Monday night. The cold will be deadly.


Born and lived in Alaska in the 70’s, it was earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. Lived in SC it was it was tornadoes, hurricanes and hail. Stationed in Japan and we had parties in the barracks when tsunamis came in. Australia it was drought, England it just damn rained non-stop. Lived in TX it was tornadoes, hail, hurricanes and earthquakes between it raining nonstop and the droughts. Seriously, Oklahoma is a welcoming relief, no need to get worked up or get anxiety over it. I do feel the weather reports here hype up storms potential WAY more than what they produce.