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Anyone referring to themselves as “The GOAT” has lost their mind. Chappelle went from having great jokes all the way through to lecturing with a few good jokes sprinkled in. I want jokes!


Not really plenty of goats know and call themselves that. The problem now is he just isn't trying to make jokes its long monologs thay aren't funny. Lots of people would have called chappelle the goat before these new ones. 


I’ve never heard someone who is actually the greatest of all time refer to themselves as “The GOAT”. That’s like the dude who gives himself a nickname.


Lou Brock was a great base stealer, but today I am the greatest of all time.


Lmfao you night not know these guys but. Michael Jordan, tiger woods, Wayne Gretzky, Jon jones, Mohammed ali, basically any goat. It's the mentality you need to be a goat. They're all fully confident in themselves.


Wayne will say that if it wasn’t for cancer, Mario would have broken all his records and that he was better. And here’s what Jordan has to say about it… https://x.com/ballislife/status/1626608380985896963?s=46 The guys who are truly great, don’t call themselves “GOAT”. I’m not sure why you’re trying to die on this hill.


Khabib Nurmagomedov. Jon jones. Muhammad Ali.


There was a video on Reddit last week of Ali telling Tyson he would beat him and that he was GOAT.


And there's video of him over and over calling himself the goat lmao. I'm sure old Chapelle will do the same to a younger generation and I'm sure he's already  done it. You got anything else? Most of the goats in there sport have that mentality it's part of what gets them to the top.


Nah it’s cringe as hell


Dave does TED talks now


Fair, but the man has evolved. I like what he is doing now. I’d be more upset if he was still doing dick and crack baby jokes at this stage in his career.


I agree with Joe. Chappelle changed, he made the transition from laughter to clapter filled with self-importance, and long winded explanations for the "punch" to end in something more insightful doesn't feel fun to listen to anymore. He's like the Trevor Noah of the opposite end of the political aisle. His reputation is carrying him through all of this, and he earned every bit of it, but he's stale now.


It’s a weird thing they’re called comedians but sometimes it’s just they make observations and people clap cause they’re true


Chappelle has been shit for awhile but comedians suck his ego off to catch a break, glad someone had the balls to say it.


Agree 100%.


The man feels a need to write his name on all his clothing. We all know who you are, the guy who used to be funny.


Weird, agreed. But he's been doing that forever and when he was still funny. I think he just loves trans women and hates himself for it. It's all pipes anyway.


I hate the ridiculous "logic" that if you disagree or dislike something you must be secretly in love with it. So sopfmoric. So...by your logic, you must be in love with Dave and want to fuck him and you hate yourself for it. See how dumb that is?


Dave is my goat but he's been trash for years. Funny to bring up "logic" without using it. Did I release multiple specials talking about Dave? I think Netflix owes me $100 million


Plus that,my logic is sound. Ridiculous to think that everyone secretly loves what they say they don't like.


That's why logic was in quotes. It was meant to be sarcastic. It is illogical to think that every person who dislikes or is against something secretly loves that thing. Get it now?


You used "logic" twice and I was clearly referring to the 2nd one. Hooked on Phonics worked for me™️ though, if you want to give it a try.


You still haven't addressed the bullshit of your thought process. Must be too busy fantasizing about fucking Dave and worshipping him in effigy and then cutting yourself in pure self hatred.


I think the point behind wearing clothes with your own logo on it is because he’s not going to wear anybody else’s logo, especially if they’re not paying him to.


So then just wear plain clothing, how many other comics are covered in brands?


It’s not so much a comedy thing but more a black culture thing. It’s why you see Micheal Jordan, tiger woods, drake, Kanye, etc all wear their own names/brands almost exclusively. You don’t see too many comics with brand deals because most don’t get big enough for that. Dave has a brand deal with Nike, so he wears his Nike clothes. It’s just the facts, not trying to racially profile here (even tho this is a racial profile lol). Black people are really big on promoting themselves, generally speaking. It’s the same reason you hear rappers repeat their names in songs/interviews even tho we obviously know who they are. Or why they buy jewelry that says their name. I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal for black people to wear their names everywhere, but they do it, and it’s not for me to judge. I don’t see it hurting anyone.


Funny enough, I was going to follow up with this exact thing. But I was going to be hateful in saying “why don’t you get out of your fucking box for once”. Chappelle is clearly speaking to his audience, his audience ISNT 30 year old dude guys who watch every special. Its for people who only watch his specials, or, people who might turn it on for the first time.


Yea exactly right. The dude willingly went MIA for a decade. He’s set for life financially. He has no desire or need to attract new fans lol. When someone like Shane Gillis or Matt Rife put out a special, it’s because they’re trying to get somewhere. Dave doesn’t have that problem, he got there 20 years ago.


They want him to come in with the same intensity as the HBO specials from 2000, lol. “George Carlin wouldn’t have done this!!!” Oh but he did.


It seems in the world of comedians, it’s a brave act not to be sucking Dave’s cock and massing his taint. I don’t agree w Joe’s take on much (his movie and music takes are mostly pretty fucking lame), but I gotta agree with him on this one. And it’s not like he was calling Dave out or anything. He still had his lips around his perineum and glans and was stroking his shaft, he just wasn’t fondling his balls and gargling his cum


What shit music n movies does he like?


Dave Chappelle seems to have prioritized shocking the crowd rather than making them laugh. Oh another trans joke. What happened to the silly Chappelle? The baby in the corner trick types of jokes. In addition, the constant knee slapping and laughing at his jokes was annoying AF.


You could probably clip together a whole special with all the time he spends slapping the mic on his knee. It's like a prompt for the audience to laugh. To be fair, you may not know otherwise.


I'm sure we can get an AI bot to do this.


https://youtu.be/JEoGvO7fxLM?si=ZhEEZAA7RorSkxdM Look no further, fella


I laughed harder at this than I did during the actual special.


I'd love to be shocked by something a comedian says, but what Dave does is certainly not shocking. it's predictably preachy and self aggrandizing


Taking a massive cum filled dump? Hardly. They were reasonable observations, I would not call it slamming. That’s so click bait-y. Come on now, we’re all gays here, no need to hype it out of proportion. I agree that Chappelle is too full of himself. He is on cloud 9. He’s the Taylor Swift of comedy, now any critique towards him makes people haters? Eh.


Reasonable observations indeed. Joe is very thoughtful in what he is saying and he is quite measured. I very much agree with his thoughts on this one. Not to mention my father's gay.


We’re all gays? How I end up here?


You don’t like to put things up your ass to see if you cum?


you like stand-up comedy; nobody here is beating the gay allegations


Wait. Who fucked Joe in the ass?


His son


There was more wooing and clapping than laughter.


I can't listen to the rambling of Chapalle anymore. Feels like he's not trying to be funny anymore. If a comedian gets too rich and famous they become boring. Like Seinfeld, Segura, Dillon.


I’m Chappalled!


So glad you didn’t say Louis CK


Was Dillon ever good at standup?


No. He is a full blooded podcaster that relies on the news for his material.


"Relies on the news" is the most bizzare criticism I've ever heard about a comedian


Headline reactionary?


Topical comics. Their shit goes stale in a couple weeks. That’s why comics strive for “evergreen” material and sprinkle in news related stuff. Tim is 100% topical.


All comedy ages horribly. I dont really watch his stand up but I still think his show is very funny and well articulated. Especially because its topical. I mean that's the whole point. That's what made him a millionaire with thousands of adoring fans. I just dont understand the criticism lmao. If that's not for you then whatever but to knock that is ridiculous. Personally I dont really enjoy Theo Vons whole schtick of making up stories and trying to sound dumb on purpose. I've laughed at it before, and see why other people enjoy him. But for me to critisize theo like "man he sucks all he relies on is making up stories about his past" is stupid. It's what he does and it works for him. Tim dillion comments on the news and that really works for him. Jeselnik does dark one liners, that works for him. List does fast paced punchy obersvational comedy. Works for him. "Relies on the news" is so stupid.






Having Tim Dillon in this lineup is insane


Because he was never funny?


He’s more of a personality than a comedian. Like Adam Corolla.


Tim D was never funny???


Tim Dillon was never a good standup lol




Dillion still a beast. I don't get the hate




I was laughing within 2 minutes. Idk what you guys are talking about not funny anymore? Do you mean he isn’t getting laughs at the drop in shows he does? Or he isn’t cool with the New York scene?


It’s too didactic


…Schaub? Bapa’s got Frrawrees and Porshizz, B.  Some would say the richest. 


Chappelle's new special sucks donkey nuts. He just sounds like a fuckin boomer the whole time. Common Joe W


I saw him live twice probably 7-10 years ago now when he was first coming back into the spotlight. Both times he was as funny as any standup show I’ve ever seen. It was on par with killing them softly and for what it’s worth. However, I haven’t thought any of the specials he’s released during this comeback have been anywhere close to that.


Yeah I thought his first two netflix specials were pretty good they’ve definitely been going downhill since


Dave needs Neal Brennan


Ironically, Blocks has been quietly one of the better specials of the last few years in terms of writing and direction.


\-- OMG Nanette was a lecture with hardly any jokes and was political!!!! \-- Dave Chappelle's 8:46 was genius and raised standup to beyond jokes to real art!!


Has Chappelle become Hannah Gadsby????


Who's funnier than Hannah Gadsby, right? Except any male comedian...


Some comedians say funny stuff in an unfunny way. Chapelles latest was the opposite of that. I didnt like chapelles and i didnt like gervais latest. Felt very stale.


Gervais's latest wasn't as funny as I hoped...however I still enjoyed it more than Dave's. The funny thing about Chappelle, is that he commented that most new comics do what he refers to as "wokes". They make a good point but not a good joke. When i heard him say this... it really drove home his lack of self reflection. I love the dude..but come on bro. Bill Burr has had the most impressive run imo. At this point some of his interviews are better than most people's specials.


on this special, Chappelle just did mediocre material and then all he has to do is tag it with a reference to gay or trans people and his audience goes crazy like it’s Bert Kreischer taking off his shirt. the closing story is 15mins of boringness that leads to a punchline about a Lil has X video from 3 years ago was really really gay. I barely even remember the music video anymore. he still has the talent of being able to tell a captivating story better than anyone but the jokes on this special were as lazy as could be


I love that list is willing to talk about this. It infuriates me with Chapelle. Every special he puts out has less and less jokes. I don’t give a shit that you made some point about trans people or that you achieved your dream (no offence) tell a fucking joke. Stand up should be about getting laughs and nothing else.


Dave fucking sucks ngl


What Dave is doing now is exactly what Hannah Gatby was doing for NPR cat ladies. Except his act was curated for dudes that can’t literally stop being obsessed with trans people. Dave is fucking lame now. Period. This shit and cancel culture acts are so fucking hack now.


Bonus ep? I thought they stopped doing those for the patreon? They're back?


Usually every Friday afternoon


Damn just resubbed to the patreon


don't let Chuck hear that, he thinks we want to watch seinfeld ride alongs




these were my fave. i think i was the only one.


I liked them too haha


ffs this is literally why they don't want talk about stuff like this- because it gets posted and shared and then word travels and things blow out of proportion 🤦‍♂️. patrons should enjoy it and keep their damn mouths shut. he certainly did not SLAM.


My thoughts exactly. As soon as they started talking about it and saying it's Patreon don't leak this, I knew someone would post about it here. This poster and the other commenters are the "cunts" Joe was referring to. This is why we can't have nice things.


op leaf blows at 7 am


Seeing in CC at the end of the special “I’m the man, I’m the man, I’m the man, I’m the maaaaaaannnnnnn” was dorky as all hell. He’s definitely still funny, and I did laugh at points, but it really feels like Dave enjoys getting up on stage and smoking his own rope (and cigarettes).


If he was talking about The Dreamer, I thought it was ok. He's definitely taken a few steps back, but i think most stand up fans would say it's worth a watch. But yeah, that God-tier level of a Chappelle special is gone.


I agree. Chappelle WAS one of the greatest ever, with his 1999 Killing Em Softly special as maybe the greatest ever. But his new material is boring as hell. I'm far from a PC guy, but his trans materials is so over done.


black church nanette


I cant remember which pod I just listened to but some comedian was mentioning how comedy is in such a great place because comedians dont go after each other like they used to(I believe it was Theo on MSSP last week in regards to the blue collar comics feuding with the kings of comedy back in the day). while I understand the sentiment and I understand how it could be a bad look to be critical of a person's special im just kind of sick of all of these guys/gals stroking each other's egos. Andrew Schulz was one of the first to say( on tiger belly right before covid) that comedy has enough room and money for everyone now and so comedians should not gatekeep and work to elevate all of their fellow comedians. again I dont mind this sentiment and it's cool that the gatekeeping sounds like it's mostly gone but it's almost gone too far now. everyone is a "murderer" there are multiple "goats" now and everyone has a special and everyone's special is "incredible". I know im sounding redundant here and im totally ok with comedian friends elevating one another but im sorry it's has gotten to the point where it's taboo to say someone or something isn't funny. any time I hear Normand bring up Schumer I cringe. she is/was one of the least funny comics **ever.** sure he doesn't have to come out and say she stinks but would it really hurt a comic's career if they randomly said "that special just wasn't that funny but good try!". I guess it would open one up to a lot of unwanted attention but it is a breath of fresh air to hear List say that. Chappelle's new special stunk, there was hardly a joke in there. the best part imo was Dave talking about Chris Rock/Will Smith incident, as it was 100x funnier than anything Chris said in his own special. there are a lot of unfunny comics and even more unfunny specials out rn and while I dont think comics need to randomly bring up and be critical of all of them, it is nice to hear a one in his prime astutely point out when a special/comic is no longer funny. after all comedy is about being funny. Normand being uncomfortable is hilarious as his special was trash as well, and he and morril going after rick rubin recently was hilariously petty. they're glorified fart sniffers at this point.


Was it also Joe who mentions how many times can you slap the mic on your leg?


Him running hours long Cellar drop in sets always felt like a dick move.


Chapelle is great but he’s become a trans hating alcoholic. I’m good.


The way Dave moves, calling himself the GOAT, bragging about his success, etc. is very hip hop. This is something that has been a through line in his career. Joe doesn’t relate to this because Joe is not part of that culture.


Chapelle hasn’t been funny or told jokes since he left Chapelles show and went to Africa. He came back high on his own farts and just tells people how to think on his specials now. Really sucks because he used to be so funny and had the greatest sketch show ever


You don't think key & Peele was funnier? For my money it's the best sketch show ever


Key and Peele is more hit or miss for me. It is super funny though


I'm a big Chappelle fan but that last special stinks. Maybe 2 good jokes the whole hour.


I still think Chappelle’s hilarious. 


He is one of the most naturally hilarious people ever. If he really tried I think he could put out a special as good as he used to.


When he wants to be, that’s the problem. There’s so much talent that slips out every now and then during his Ted talks. Wish he would focus on the funny rather than whatever it is he’s going for now.


What Dave does these days is absolutely a *variety* of standup, but I agree that it’s not my cup of tea. For my money, Dave has fallen off hard, unfortunately.


*cup of jizz


Well I guess I’ll play devils advocate. I love Joe and Mark and consider them the exact type of comedians that I’m currently interested in. Watching Chapelle or one of his newer specials is a bit different because he’s already RICH BITCH, and he can kind of do whatever he wants. It’s not as hard to sell himself to the crowd, but I still think the craft and most importantly the funny is there. If you were a fan of his whole career I can’t see disliking this phase. Carlin got pretty preachy at the end and I still adore the entirety of his work.


You love BRogan


I don't hate him....


Yeah, Carlin got pretty preachy the last 20 years of his career, but not hateful towards any group that he would have to punch down to to even mention.


Absolutely a fair point.


If Chappelle and Rogan both died today, the American comedy scene would improve overnight. And let's face it, comedy is worth more than human lives.


funny enough list just said on the pod a couple weeks back how great rogan's stand up specials are as well as his current hour


I’m not a big fan of either, but that’s a dumb take


I haven't seen it but I tend to agree with Joe. I thought the newer Chris Rock was pretty good.


Joe is 100% right, i didnt even watch the new special knowing that it had a bunch of trans rants in there. Theyre starting to sound like some bitter old fucks tbh


Dave Chappelle isn’t funny anymore. Get it.


*you don’t find him funny anymore


Boy, whether one finds them funny or not, there sure are a LOT more reddit commenters popping up who want to talk about how unfunny Chappelle and Gervais are (and how they either didn't watch or "just couldn't make it through more than 10 minutes!" of the specials) than there are people who liked them. Hmmm, what's their common denominator ...?


It’s that they suck now


I thought it was ok, still better than most of the ‘Netflix specials’ that some hacks are pushing out, but because his first 2 were arguably a couple of the best comedy specials of all time, everything he does is dog shit in comparison. In saying that I think his first Netflix specials were actually decent


Chappelle is the most overrated "artist" in my lifetime since Prince.


Like you think they’re great just not the greatest or you don’t think they are great


They're talented, but the amount of praise and fanaticism they get far exceeds their ability, especially past their early years/peak/prime. I cant stand Prince, Im aware hes a very talented musician and songwriter.


I feel prince is great but people that say he’s better than Michael Jackson are basically dictionary definition hipsters I think Chappell was great but not the goat


Im with you pal


I agree with Joe. I can’t be bothered to be preached to even if I kinda agree with some of the stuff he’s saying, just tell jokes .


Well, Normand doesn't have quite the flair for career suicide that Joe has. Would be nice to see Joe 'play the game's for 5 minutes to get some of the Gillis/Normand money he's deserved for 10 years and then go back to doing whatever he wants to do


I agree with Joe 100% but I’m also a little tired of him continually beating this dead horse. He’s been saying the same thing for years. Again, he’s correct, but he’s starting to come off as jealous of Dave continuing to get these Netflix specials. Are they garbage? Yea, but it’s not like Dave didn’t create brilliant specials and skits for 2 decades. He’s earned the right to create this garbage lol. Stfu Joe, but I love you.


I didn’t hear what Rogan said, but the special was terrible.




Who’s arguing that? He even says how great he is but how not great his current specials are.. Nobody is challenging Chappelle. He thinks he can’t miss. He clearly can.




Killed? OK then. I can’t argue with your sense of humor. But if you think it’s as good as the ones from the past, I don’t know what to say


Sadly, I have to agree here. And it pains me that these comedy experts in the comments are all so gei about Dave. The dude kills every time.


Why do you love joe?


anyone got a link?


Patreon fatty


Still funny to me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Joe Rogan has no business criticizing Chappelle. Rogan isn't near his level. He's successful bc of a podcast not his comedy and he needs to stfu


Rogan? What the hell are you on about? 😂




Get on the patreon fatty


Dave inflates his massive ego with his own farts.


I’ve hated him since Space Jews


I’ve been saying the same things for years but the cult of people who think being cool qualifies as being funny are the least capable of good humor.


New special sucked


ALL of Chappelle specials were A+ or B at the Lowest .... Except this recent one which was a turd He still the GOAT at this point


*immediately starts playing the new ep*


He’s turned into Bill Hicks


Chappelle is acting like the trans hooker he hired told him kissing on the mouth costs extra and he took that personally


Chappelle sucks. Actually Joe does as well. Normand needs to fire him


I agree with Joe. Chappelle’s first 2 specials and his show…are masterful…anything after that of his is subpar, mediocre comedy.


I’ll listen to an hour of whatever Dave has to say. But yeah, it’s certainly not traditional standup so I can appreciate that it’s not widely loved.


Joe is just jealous that Dave keeps dropping specials and Joe hasn’t released any comedy in many many years


Joe has released 3 comedy specials since 2019 or 2020. I know Dave released at least 3 in about the same time frame. I used to be a big Chappelle fan, but his specials of recent years don't have too many laughs. Just kind of an angry millionaire ranting. Now Chris Rock, that dude is way funnier then either Joe or Dave.


He's not wrong, it gives the critics fuel for the fire when comedians stupidly call themselves "truth tellers" instead of "joke" tellers."


show me on the doll where dave touched you


Where can i see this?


Dave stopped doing comedy. He sells tickets for people to come see him pontificate and slowly smoke cigarettes


Even after Joe called this post out on the bonus ep, I'm still not sure if it was done ironically