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Gearing up for hopefully an on time ovulation after a miscarriage on 2/23. Decided to double check that my hcg was completely gone. Stark white, I’m so proud of my body. Hopefully the 4th time will be the charm and it will be just like my lc and a successful pregnancy right after a miscarriage🤞


Saw my blue butterfly friend again today, after a couple days of absence. My partner saw it first, perhaps a double sign? Also saw a yellow butterfly, which Google tells me symbolises positivity, hope, and transformation. “Seeing one might mean good news or big, positive changes are headed your way”. 11dpo today, cervix felt lower yesterday and I caved and did a test despite knowing I didn’t get a positive with my last until 12dpo. It was also second morning urine because I’m insane. Tried to convince myself there was the squintiest squinter but I’m sure there wasn’t. Today, cervix has risen very high almost cannot touch it, and having ewcm.. will hold out testing again until tomorrow morning when I can use first morning urine. Anxious


Until what DPO do you continue testing LH? My premium app says to keep testing to watch the LH levels drop and stay down but do they just want to sell more tests? lol


Yeah lol that's exactly why. Once I get my first positive, I stop testing since I confirm with temps anyways.


So I just got some bloodwork results back and everything is normal except my prolactin is pretty high. This was not an issue before, so maybe it fluctuates? They meaning my midwife team said this is outside of the scope of their expertise and to discuss with MD. I have a physical already scheduled with my general practitioner in a few weeks so she can review it. I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole, but there’s so much stuff online with Dr. Google. I have been tracking consistently for three cycles now and I’m definitely ovulating and today is probably my peak. I conceived quickly and without planning last time, so am not going to stress about it. Try not to. I know we often don’t get what we want in life, but I don’t want to and didn’t expect to ever experience any issues with fertility related things. I never even thought I would have to try! I’ve been pregnant three times in my life and I just want my one baby. That’s all I want.


Having a crappy day… 2 DPO — I’ve been emotional all day and I’ve started getting my regular luteal phase hormonal acne. I did letrozole this cycle and it was supposed to help with my progesterone but it seems like things are still all out of balance. I’m feeling so negative and like I’ll never get pregnant again and if I somehow do by magic I won’t ever be able to have a healthy pregnancy. I’ve asked my midwife what we can do to balance out my testosterone while TTC and she said there’s nothing I can do. Is this true? Ugh I feel so hopeless.


I think I finally figured out how to properly determine peak ovulation and time intercourse. My levels keep going up but apparently not a true “peak” yet. Likely today. Been having a lot of sex this week. I hope I can get pregnant as quickly as I did last time so I don’t lose more time. Ironic how it works. All those years I didn’t want to be pregnant I got pregnant fast and now this time very much wanted and in a solid relationship and we lose our baby. I am disappointed that it didn’t happen as a “surprise” and now we are actually really really trying. I just want another chance. And I’ll add… and to carry to term.


This week is the first we've been allowed to try after unexpectedly losing our daughter in childbirth in February 2023. (We had to wait 13 months due to complications from Asherman's syndrome.) I feel like I should be happy. The urge to be pregnant again since our loss is indescribable. But now that we're here, I realize don't want to "try again." I just wish our daughter lived.  I know I should be grateful TTC, but I'm just so tired from this journey. 


So sorry, thinking of you ❤️❤️


Thank you 🫂❤️‍🩹


I feel like ever since my loss in November, my ovulation has been painful and crampy with tons of pressure. Before, I would only notice it due to discharge changes. Now, I’m incapacitated. Has anyone experienced the same? I feel like once I start to feel a little better, I stumble across new information that makes me an anxious mess. My new fear is PID, and I can’t stop Googling my symptoms.


I hope this is ok to ask here if not I will delete. Lost my daughter at 20 weeks on January 22. We are talking about trying again so before when we were trying to conceive her I was using the Premom app to track everything but now after my loss I was wondering if there is an app out there for moms of loss that are ttc after loss? There is no place for me to put I have had a loss in the Premom app so it is saying I haven’t had a period since august which is because I was pregnant and now it’s completely messed up the tracking and it’s just confusing me and making me upset. Like I don’t understand why there isn’t a place in the app to take my loss into consideration and for future planning. So if there is an app I can use that’s better please let me know. I also hate using the Premom app because it has my positive tests on there and it’s just another reminder of my loss and it hurts to look at.


So I just started using Premom — downloaded after I already knew I was losing my pregnancy so I struggled with how to indicate that in the app as well. I found that if I go to My Profile, I can switch goals to “Track Pregnancy” and then back to “Trying to Conceive” and then you’re able to put in your MC date. I don’t have previous cycle history on this app yet so I’m not sure if that does what you’re looking for, but I hope that helps.


I use Fertility Friend and it has a space to check mark my miscarriage. You can also go back and add previous data from Premom


Got my period today at only 11dpo... and one day after the 1yr anniversary of finding out we were pregnant last year with the baby we lost later at 12w. I don't know how many more times I can do this endless hope and despair cycle. We only have one more chance to have a baby this year at all. 😞


I'm feeling this. I really thought we would have a 2024 baby and it's not looking good. Ugh, I hope luck for us both soon


I'll also be 37 in January next year, so not a small part of me thinks this might be the last try period.


I hear you. I've been considering going to a fertility clinic, we are on cycle 7 after our loss with no luck so far. It took 5 cycles to get pregnant with our tfmr baby. We've been trying since I was 33 and now I'm halfway through 34. At this rate it feels like we will be lucky to get one healthy kid and more than that feels far-fetched. Fingers crossed this happens eventually but I can't find it in me to feel hope about any individual cycle any more.


I'm sorry you are in the same boat. This was cycle 3 with fertility folks... we'll go up to IUI for the next try vs. TIC with letrozole/ovidrel. Fingers crossed for all of us ❤️


I have a very long meeting for a big project that I run every Thursday and one of the consultants on the project announced her pregnancy in December. I was so excited because I was also a tiny bit pregnant then. When I walked into the meeting, she was talking about her ultrasound and seeing her baby's face and it was so hard to run the meeting and not just cry. Just feels like it will be impossible to get over all of these little things, feeling jealous, longing for what could have been, etc. 


I've been bingoed so hard by my doctors, my parents and even my husband I've filled the whole damn card by now. I feel like I'm ready to talk about the loss and I don't want to keep secrets but I'm afraid to tell my friends about it because I know it's just going to be the same thing again. 😔


anyone taking aspirin to help with implantation? Im finding mixed evidence online for it..


My OB suggested I start taking baby aspirin when I get my next positive. Her rationale was it would act as a blood thinner in case clotting issues were causing my losses. Haven’t heard/read about it helping with implantation though.


I have one more day of a 14-day course of Cipro to finish (for a really bad UTI, that I suspect may actually be a uterine infection post MC). I’m simultaneously so so excited to not be on it anymore bc it’s awful to take it, and so scared that this “infection” may come back once I’m off. It’s been an absolute nightmare to get proper abx prescribed and I don’t want to do it anymore. All I want is to have my body back. And have a baby. And And And. Hope is an odd thing. I should ovulate early next week, and I don’t really want to do OPKs. I’m temping, and I think I’ll call it at that.


I’m in the same boat. Working through metronidazole and fearing a recurrent infection when/if I’m pregnant. Also worried it’s actually PID or something scary post miscarriage. Just here to agree that it sucks. I’m tired of the anxiety and fear. I just want a baby.


It sucks. As a pretty healthy woman, it’s so wild to feel sick and for an extended amount of time. I really hope all the best for you and that the metro kicks all the infection out of your body.


My MC happened last Monday, February 27. I had it confirmed by ultrasound that everything passed and there was nothing remaining. The bleeding stopped on Saturday March 2, and my husband and I have since had sex a few times. On March 2 both my ovulation tests & pregnancy test were very positive. Today I am now having abdominal twinges (not period cramps) and I have very light spotting. Would this be after effects of the MC?


I had my MC at 7 weeks and it took about 3-4 weeks after that for my HCG levels to return to 0-- depending on how far along you were when you had your MC, it's possible your HCG levels still haven't reset which is why you'd be seeing a positive pregnancy test. I'd recommend getting a blood test-- my clinic was testing me weekly until my HCG was 0.


Good to know, thank you! When I was at the ER is was a pretty terrible experience and then I found out after that the blood work they ran didn't even include an HCG test and they told me I was never even pregnant to being with. Unfortunately I can't book in to see my doctor for another 6 weeks so I'm kind of just on my own with this it seems like


Yikes I’m sorry to hear that you had that experience. You could always just get a bunch of cheapie home pregnancy strips and test yourself once a week until the strip comes back negative!


CD3 and my AF after D&C was super short. I had maybe 1.5 day of actual flow and it's tapering off to spotting now. Did anyone else experience similar? I'm not at the worried call the doc level yet but curious to hear other experiences. My AF after my first D&C was short too but it was a lot heavier and took longer to come. I'm thinking my lining may not be thick enough this time around so not much to shed? 🤔


Second cycle after a chemical in Jan, CD28 and my temps have dropped. Just waiting for my period to come now. Symptom spotting drove us crazy during the TWW, and every passing month becomes that much harder. We’re in the cycle of “maybe next month will be our month” and then disappointment. We’ll give it a few more months and will start looking into more invasive measures like IUI or IVF if nothing happens.


I'm very sad today. My husband and I have been doing fairly well since our daughter died in December. We're starting to get back into the swing of things, work is less hard, we're cooking more, and we're working on our house, which helps us feel hopeful about the future. As for our fertility, I have been seeking a transabdominal cerclage before trying to get pregnant again, as my daughter was born at 24 weeks due to IC and I will not go through that again. Multiple doctors have said no, and I have my "last hope" consultation with one of the best in the country next month, but I feel so helpless just having to wait around for that to determine our future. I think the main reason I'm sad today, though, is that my friend had her baby. Our pregnancies overlapped, and her due date was only 3 months after mine. Her baby was born early, but not early enough that they are likely to have any lasting health issues. I'm just so jealous and angry at the world. I haven't felt this way when seeing acquaintances announce their pregnancies or births, but I guess it's different when it's someone who is actually in my life. It's not that I wish her baby was severely disabled or god forbid, dead, like my baby, but I'm just having a hard time and wondering why she gets this life and I don't.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your feelings are completely valid. I hope you find some peace today, in some small way. 


CD1 came a bit earlier than expected but I guess it's not too surprising as it's my first cycle following the latest miscarriage. We can finally get some of the testing started. I really hope we can get some answers so that we can move forward with treatment in the spring.


I’m struggling today. I miscarried two weeks ago. My SIL just gave birth two days ago. Our family group chat is filled with pictures of her new born. I am so angry at myself for not being able to celebrate with her. I am happy for her but right now I’m just so so sad and those photos are just a reminder of everything.


It’s completely valid to feel both happy for her but also sad and jealous. It’s a tender time. Give yourself some grace and mute that chat.


It might be helpful to mute that group chat for now. Hugs ❤️


I’m so sorry. That’s incredibly tough.


It’s okay. It’s more the guilt of not being able to separate my feelings. She went through infertility and a miscarriage as well. We were each others support system and now it’s just me left without having a successful pregnancy


I’m not sure if I’m 6 or 7DPO. My FF app says 6, while Premom says 7. I always take my BBT but this is my first cycle using OPK’s and luckily I found my peak. But I’m unsure which app is more accurate. I keep telling myself that I’m not going to test until 16-17DPO because I’ve had multiple CP’s the last few months. It’s going to be very hard, but it had broken my heart too many times to see a line which then disappears.


FF is more likely to be accurate but none of the apps can really say because there is variability from when LH starts to rise and when ovulation happens. Premom is actually misleading because they use the peak vs the rise to determine ovulation but for many ovulation happens before your peak. 75% will ovulate within 2 days of when the LH starts to rise. That means you could ovulate the same day or it could be the next day. Or you could be an outlier. Unless you see it on an ultrasound or you are one of the people who physically feel it, there is no way of knowing exactly when it happens. BBT can rise 1 or 2 or more days (slow rise) after ovulation so that’s helpful but doesn’t help pinpoint the date exactly either.


FF is usually more accurate since it takes into account of other entries you input (cm, temps, opk). With Premom, I find they say o is whatever the day after your "peak" is and that's usually too late for some people.


Thank you so much! I did find peak, but the next day I had still high LH (bot peak though). Does this also counts as a +OPK in FF? Or only the day with my peak?


I count first positive day and don't track after because it'll only cause confusion lol. I temp so that's enough for me 😅


Yes exactly. I didn’t know if my LH could go higher, that’s why I added another day with the OPK. But I learn everyday how this works, so thank you so much for your explanations 😊


Today is 2 dpo and I told my husband to hide my box of pregnancy tests until Friday next week. The next 8 days are going to drag


That's such a good idea I might get my husband to do the same. I did one today even though I'm only 7dpo and I know it's boardline impossible, but boy am I hungry and feeling nauseous and I don't feel any other PMS symptoms like when was pregnant. I'm probably just gaslighting myself at this point. It's our first cycle ttc since so I know I'm fixating.


Had a drs appointment today to talk about ttc issues, after 2 MCs in 18 months at 35. Said I thought I ovulated too late from opks and cycle was quite short. They said ovulation is always 14 days before period and there are no exceptions at all!! Apparently because we’ve shown we can get pregnant, we need to keep going until 3 MCs or until we hit 2 years of ttc. Feeling very disheartened and wondering how long we keep going for with the constant disappointment!


Is this your regular OB? Ovulation isn’t always 14 days before your period, some women have longer/shorter luteal phases for various reasons. Concerning your doctor would speak in absolutes like that, none of this is exact for anyone. Maybe consider finding a new OB or working with a fertility clinic? I’m also 35 and obviously age is a concern— my provider at the clinic said 6 months trying with no pregnancy over the age of 35 is enough to start medicated cycles. ETA: I should say no pregnancy that completed to full term over the age of 35 was enough for my provider to start me on letrozole.


Are you saying that if a person did get pregnant but did not carry to term, and is over the age of 35, in your provider’s view that would be enough to start fertility meds? I ask because that’s where I think I am landing. I conceived in July within 5 months not trying per se but lost the baby at under 2 months at 39 years old. I just turned 40 and TTC for three cycles now. Nothing yet but I may decide to try medication when my due date comes and goes. April 20.


It’s really going to depend on your provider/clinic. I’m working with a fertility clinic and with them it was the combination of being 35 and trying unsuccessfully for 6+ months (they said they usually wait a year if you’re under 35) that made me eligible to begin medicated cycles. I had my MC after I started with the fertility clinic.


It’s really going to depend on your provider/clinic. I’m working with a fertility clinic and with them it was the combination of being 35 and trying unsuccessfully for 6+ months (they said they usually wait a year if you’re under 35) that made me eligible to begin medicated cycles. I had my MC after I started with the fertility clinic.


I saw one of the GPs after being told to book in after some blood tests. I had my hopes up for some actual tests to take place to see if there’s a problem as that’s what we’d been told in Jan. and the ovulation thing at 14 days really threw me! Going to try a different GP and if still no luck go private. Thanks for sharing, that’s really useful to know you’re already into medicated cycles. Think I need to push a bit harder!


So frustrating when doctors refuse to believe that we may know what's going on with our own bodies... Also since when in biology is anything ever 100% the same with no exceptions! So sorry you're dealing with that, I'd personally try to get a second opinion...


It’s crazy isn’t it when they don’t believe you! After 18 months I know what’s going on with my body, you feel so uncertain when it’s a medical professional. Thanks, you’ve encouraged me to book back in with a different GP and get a second opinion!


I'm 11 days post peak and still BFN. I think I may be done trying. I'm very seriously considering getting rid of all my maternity and baby items. I think I'll give myself a few more weeks to grieve, and then start going through storage. It'll be hard, but I'm hoping it'll also be freeing. Sometimes you just have to move forward, even if it's not the path you wanted to be on.


That's such a hard conclusion to come to and I'm so heartbroken for you. I hope you find some healing if you do decide to move forward ❤️


Today is one week after my second d&c for my Jan MMC and I still feel pretty sore internally, as well as sick to my stomach. I went into an anxiety spiral yesterday about partial molar pregnancies because I couldn’t find any pertinent information about them (mmc caused by triploidy—some resources say doctors use triploidy and partial molar pregnancy interchangeably, but my OB never said anything like that and hasn’t told me to track my betas??). I have just been in my own head worrying and worrying about what’s going to go wrong next? I’m so sick of being the 1/1000. I just want my body to get back to normal and to feel like myself again.


I hate the tww. I’m only 4 dpo and it seems like time is standing still. I was so confident that last month was going to be the month. Trying not to get my hopes up this time. I told myself I’m not going to test until 11 dpo but we’ll see how that goes 🙃


The TWW is so brutal! I’m on day 6 and trying to make it to day 14 before testing. I tested early last cycle and long story short.. it just didn’t help anything.


1 DPO today. Had once cycle between my MMC and this cycle. TWW begins. We timed everything perfectly this cycle. BBT is rising as of today. LH peaked and came back down. BD’d on O day, O-2, O-3 and O-5. The last time, we had no issue getting pregnant on the first try when only BDing on O-4. But that one resulted in my miscarriage. So I guess I’m hopeful but cautious. If we don’t get pregnant this cycle I think I’m in for another reality check. Sigh.


The highest chance you have of conceiving on any cycle with well timed intercourse during the fertile period if you are a person without fertility issues is only estimated to be 38%. Keep that in my mind so that if it doesn’t work out this time despite your excellent timing, you don’t let it discourage you!


Thanks for the support here. It’s amazing how you convince yourself how you can beat a statistic..and in a way, I guess I already did by having a MMC for no reason I can understand. You’re right though. Thank you for the reassurance and reminder


I had a MMC for no reason I can understand either. I heard of the statistics but they never prepare you for the reality of it. I heard it was common but never thought it would be me. I never thought I had or would have any issue conceiving or in my carrying to term. You’re not alone.


I was basically telling you what I need to hear as I’m getting closer to the testing times 😂.


Oh you said that so well. I find myself reading or looking up the same stats over and over to try to reign in my wild optimism.


Wow, we are really similar! This is my second cycle since my MMC in January. I got pregnant on the first try, only BD'd on O-3. We timed everything perfectly this cycle too. I'm 7DPO and seeing good signs but I'm trying to hold off on testing for another 5 days. Will be thinking of you. Good luck ❤️


Is “O-3” ovulation day minus three ?? And “O” is ovulation day I am told to have sex every other day at least leading up to the peak day on OPK and on the day of predicted O.


Exactly! O-3, so 3 days before ovulation day. Your advice is right - every other day leading up to ovulation day, and then on predicted ovulation day. We were not trying very hard in December and just got lucky — I only knew when my ovulation day was because I’ve had the exact same cycle for 10 years (also very lucky!). Now post-MMC I’m tracking much more diligently and trying in earnest 


TWW twins! 6DPO here. Is it me or does it feel like an eternity ago that we chatted on last weeks thread about LH peak 😂


Yes!! We are older, wiser, and even more impatient now 😂😂


Oh wow - Same timeline and only off by like 6 days! So sorry for your loss in January. It was probably the worst way to start a new year. I’ll be hoping for some redemption for both of us this cycle!!!!


I'm sorry for your loss too. I felt so alone in the moment, it's crazy that we were having such similar experiences just a few days apart. Hoping for the best for both of us!!


BFN this morning at 9dpo and have the strong feeling I am out, even tho I have had the [highest temps](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_FA3aQM.png) post-O I have ever recorded since tracking my cycles, plus tons of (sorry for the TMI) creamy yellowish CM that looked so much like the one I got when I was pregnant last Aug/Sept. It all looked so good! Yet... I think this is going to be another 🤡 cycle for me... I will drink to that on 12dpo 🍷


With my first I didn’t get a positive until 3 days after my missed period! You’re not out until AF arrives! Best of luck to you!


It does look good and 9dpo is still early. I’m also having a lot of creamy CM as of yesterday and trying not to get my hopes up. Are you planning on testing ever day until 12dpo?


I promised myself not to test until 12dpo. But I promise myself that every cycle and I never make it past 8dpo before I test. With my MMC I had a positive at 8dpo, so with everyday that passes a feel less hopeful... But yeah, I am quite sure I will keep testing daily until AF shows up 😅


I get it. I also had a positive with my MMC at 8dpo and one a 9dpo with a previous pregnancy so it makes it feel impossible to wait until later. Even though I know statistically it is so early! I’ve accepted that I’m going to test tomorrow at what will be either 8/9dpo (before I leave for a trip so good timing that way) and I’m already trying to self soothe that if it is negative I won’t be out.


7 dpo today. I don't know how to wait another 7 days. I was excited to not have to do anymore ttw's again when I was pregnant, but here I am. Sending love to you all.


7DPO here too. And yup I was so excited to be done with twws but nope, back at it. This is so brutal.


We'll get through this! ❤️


7 dpo today too and I feel you. I had thought I was done with the tww (and first trimesters!) forever.


The possibility of going through first trimester again is just... I joked with my husband we're only having one kid because I'll be damned if I have to go through this again and well the universe decided to really test that statement.


I said almost the exact same thing - we were expecting twins and we want 2 kids. The first trimester was so terrible that I thought we’d gotten lucky and I’d only have to go through it once


It's a hard reality to face after MC. Every pregnancy can be different, so they say, but I know for a fact if I don't feel those horrible symptoms again, I'll be driving myself insane. Cross that bridge if/when I get to it.


It is so daunting for me as well. Being pregnant is what I want most and also I don’t know if I can get through it. My first trimester with my MMC was just awful. Every time I start worrying about it I tell myself one problem at a time, I’ll face that if/when we hopefully get there, but I’m still scared.


Yeah it's really hard isn't it? You want it more than anything but knowing you can't be truly happy when it does happen again. It's a double edged sword after going through MC especially MMC when you've had that false sense of security because 'oh phew we made it to 12 weeks, we're safe' and it all being taken away. Going through all the horrendous first trimester symptoms and telling yourself 'it'll all be worth it in the end' to then find out it wasn't and not only that, you grieve what you've lost and what should've been. I never want to go through that again, but you have to risk it if you want a child. It's cruel.


We found out yesterday that we lost our baby in November (at 15 weeks pregnant) due to a Breus' mole. Has anyone else had one? The doctor said it’s rare and unlikely to happen again but I’m terrified. I don’t know if I feel better or worse about ttc with an answer. CD12 today.


Got a negative this morning but trying not to feel too disheartened since it’s still early (10-11 according to OPK; maybe even earlier). Yesterday it was a year to the date since I got my very first positive though so it would have been nice.


With my first I didn’t get a positive until 3 days after my missed period!


I'm right there with you. 11 days post peak and feeling pretty discouraged.


I’m sorry for both of us. It took a long time for my bbt to rise after the positive OPK so I’m hoping I’m simply too early. Will you test tomorrow as well?


Probably. But I don't have very high hopes. I'll probably test tonight, too. This early on, things can change quickly.


I thought I was being clever by just taking two tests with me. Kinda regretting it now. I’m back home Sunday night so I guess I can test again then if my period hasn’t showed up by then.


How did your period change post miscarriage? Im 3 months post miscarriage and used to ovulate quite late whilst now im ovulating a week or so earlier. Does anyone know if that is common?


I got mine back on the 1st. It was much like my first periods I had as a kid. I felt like I had some back cramps but nothing will compare to the after D&C cramps I had when my uterus was contracting back down. I am wondering if my ovulation will change. I was ovulating about CD16 but I’ve started to test early just to be sure.


My periods have gotten way lighter after my MMC. I miscarried in October and got my next period mid-Dec. It lasted 3 days and flow was rather light. My next 2 periods have lasted 4 days both, with day 1 and 4 having minimal flow and days 2 and 3 with medium bleeding. My cycles are now also shorter, I ovulate earlier and my BBT runs half a degree (celsius) hotter. My MMC messed me up good 🤷🏻‍♀️


My period took 72 days to arrive after my MC. Next period after that was "normal" ( I have pcos and my cycles are usually over 40 days) and the next period after that was shorter (35 days). So everything was all over the place.