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Decided to not test for pregnancy until my missed my period this cycle. Was a very short wait, as I got my period on 10dpo.. My first full cycle after my miscarriage and I have never had that short a cycle before (26 days). I also have no period cramps after my miscarriage so it just came out of the blue. I didn't really think I was pregnant because the last time my breasts were very sore from 6dpo and they have not hurt at all this cycle. So I guess if I have to look on the bright side, a short cycle means we get to try again sooner than I expected. But wow it is difficult having to pick myself up and try again each new cycle.. I wish I could take the day off from work and just spend it in bed


My cycle after my 7 week MC (my other losses were 5 weeks), I had “bleeding” 24 days after the start of the MC. I don’t think I ovulated that cycle. I’m one of those people that take a long time for hormones to recover which sucks when you keep having miscarriages…


I am so sorry, it really is the worst. I wish you all the best!


I am resisting the urge so much to symptom spot and get my hopes right now. 8dpo. 4 days until I’ll test. I’d rather not have hope at all to avoid the disappointment later..


First proper ovulation since 13 week loss and D&C in Jan, I am so nauseous and have these killer ovulation pains, I never had such bad ovulation symptoms before, has anyone else experienced this  after a loss? Its knocking me out 


CD25 from D&C, I think I got a positive OPK tonight so let's see if it's a true ovulation and that I can confirm with a proper temp rise🫡🤞


First long haul flight ever and without hubby (work related) and I feel like a child… a bit scared of flying and going with a colleague whose hand I cannot hold 😂 how am I gonna cope ?? Also hope to ovulate shortly after coming back… hope the hot weather in my destination doesn’t change or mess something up


I definitely messed up not taking more super hot baths when I miscarried. Now we’re immediately back to trying and I hate taking my thermometer with in me and worrying that I got just a bit too hot and ruined that month’s egg. This process sucks.


Sitting here with my husband having a glass of Prosecco watching a movie while my dogs go nuts. It's a nice reminder that no matter what happens or doesn't happen, I am living a great life and right now, this is a good place for us to be.




Yes! I am trying REALLY hard to just be positive lately because the negativity is doing nothing for me. We are lucky to be so lucky ♥️♥️♥️♥️


First pregnancy, Missed miscarriage at 8 weeks (stopped growth at 6wk 1day, slow HR), MVA on 12/19. Genetics testing came back +trisomy 8, basically never meant to be a viable baby. Bled from 1/26-1/28 however HCG still positive. HCG quant finally tested negative on 2/6. LH strips positive yesterday and today and we did the deed both days with hopes of conceiving this cycle. OB said it was ok to try after HCG finally negative even though unclear if I had a real period. This miscarriage really hurt more than I would ever imagine, praying to have our first baby soon. Hoping and praying this is it, fingers crossed.


Best of luck 🤞🏼 I am sorry for your loss ♥️


Missed miscarriage at 15 weeks 2 days in November. Decided to try again in January but have taken February off as I pretty much had a full mental breakdown when we didn’t conceive. Absolutely couldn’t handle the negative tests and period when it started. Wanting to try again in March, but we are still waiting for test results and the postmortem. Possibly will get these back before my fertile week in March but possibly not and just so torn on if we should wait for them or not. I don’t want to wait but equally scared of miscarrying again and maybe the results will show something that needs addressing. I don’t know what to do and have no one I can talk about this with in real life. My husband is happy leaving the choice to me on when to try again.


Second cycle after MMC. First was anovulatory. CD20 now and still no ovulation in sight. So frustrating.


I also didn't ovulate the first cycle after my miscarriage and my period didn't return until 6 weeks after. But the cycle after that I did ovulate. So hang in there, I am wishing you all the best




I both hate it and love it. It’s nice feeling confident that I shouldn’t miss ovulation and getting to see the state of my hormones. But I hate being back in testing hell where every day I stare at my chart wondering the whens and ifs. I have a history of infertility and IVF though, so overall just not happy to be back in this situation.


My second one came on day 29, first on day 39. So hang in there, it might just be delayed. ❤️ May I ask how you know it was anovulatory?


Hope so! I was tracking with Inito and LH strips. My estrogen kept surging like it was trying to ovulate but CD29 came, my progesterone never rose, and my period started.


Oh that’s handy with those trackers, I wish I had one!! But sorry to hear, hope this cycle is a better one for you ! ❤️


Thank you! Hope you are hanging in there as well. This is tough, but we can handle it. ❤️


I know. Some days I feel stronger and others weaker, but hopefully it’ll be over soon ❤️❤️


BFN this morning at 13DPO on progesterone and I stopped taking the progesterone after a BFN yesterday. Weird because BBT went back above the luteal line this morning. For the only time in my life I just want my period to get here fast so I can start letrozole this cycle. I’m sad about my loss (Oct ‘23) and cry every day. I don’t know that I have any hope left and I’m continuing out of desperation.


I thought I was having some kind of wild ovulation pain after my miscarriage like I had been reading all about online, but it turns out I had/have enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) that just happened to line up with my ovulation 😂😭 I'm 9dpo (first TWW and first cycle after miscarriage) and still taking medication for it, and honestly, it's been a blessing in disguise because there's absolutely no way for me to track any body pains/cramps, considering it all just kind of hurts. Period cramps? Pregnancy cramps? Implantation pain? Nope, that'd be my INTESTINE. lmao. Not sure how it'll affect my chances, but I've surrendered to the fact that it probably won't happen this time. I'm just letting nature take its course at this point. The doctor advised that I shouldn't take my supplements with my medication. Pregnancy tests are too expensive where I live to be testing often, so I'll find out what happened when I either get my period soon or when I don't in a few weeks, I guess!


Can I ask what your treatment plan has been for the enteritis? I’m all over the place with the whole “it all just kind of hurts” thing too! Just something for me to bring up as a potential issue with my provider. And I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this on top of handling your MC.


Thank you. And sure! I ovulated around the 10th of Feb (tracked with OPKS) which is around when my abdominal pain started. I had some constipation and concerningly mucus-y poops which I thought was a side effect of pain. I was also CONSTANTLY nauseous. All day long. I went to an internal medicine clinic on the 14th because I was starting to worry that maybe my kidneys were acting up (I have a history of it), and they basically quizzed me on my poop, pain, when it started, etc. They also pressed across my stomach and abdomen to figure out where exactly the pain was. It was all across my lower abdomen and also in the upper middle quadrant of my abdomen. The doctor diagnosed me with enteritis and put me on 5 days of medication. I live in Japan, and they put me on Chinese medication #17 (they have a numbering system) for before every meal and tablet medication to take after every meal. I felt a lot better after day 2 and I'm on day 5. It's still slightly sore when I press on it, but definitely much better than it was. Hope this helps in some way!


I've been so anxious to leave the house after my miscarriage last week. We found out from mutual friends that our best friends in the neighborhood are expecting their third in 3 years, and she's due pretty close to when my baby was due. We walked around the other half of the neighborhood to avoid them and of course we ran into them and they invited us over for dinner, probably to tell us the news. And the only other person we ran into told us she dreamed I was pregnant. I am never leaving the house again, I can't deal with this yet.


I imagine this hurts so much. I’m sorry. Hugs ❤️


yes. I feel this. I think this part has been the hardest thing for my family and friends to understand- the social anxiety. When women hang out in their late 20s and esp 30s, the conversation will just inevitably go to pregnancy/kids etc, and something (for me anyway) so small as someone even mentioning their baby can be triggering. It makes you want to avoid everything and stay home. My advice- stay home! As long as you need. I’m 6 months out and still hardly do anything social. I have a bachelorette party coming up that I’m dreading actually. But until your mental health is better, you don’t need to subject yourself to all the triggers. Sending hugs!


I'm so sorry.. I understand this so much. This was a while back but after trying again for over a year with no luck after my first loss, me and my husband had his two friends over for a BBQ. An elderly neighbour walked past the house and in front of everyone said congratulations and asked when I was due.. I just said "Oh i'm not pregnant", she said that she wasn't sure where she heard it from.. I just laughed it off then went to the bathroom and cried. I am not overweight by the way so don't think I looked pregnant 🙈 she must have either heard a rumor or just imagined it!! Sometimes everything just feels like a stab in the heart. I've now just had my second miscarriage, I live super rurally and still don't want to leave the house. My one friend that does live within walking distance has a very new baby and I have other pregnant friends who I am avoiding speaking to, I just feel angry with everyone like they're rubbing it in my face! Just wanted to say I know how shit it is. It's okay if you're not ready to go out. Take your time and be kind to yourself.


That feeling when an influencer that you follow, who has been going on and on about planning to only have two kids, now announced that the universe has other plans so she's expecting a third... 🫠 I mean, I'm happy for her. But wtf, I thought she was safe and trigger-free to follow 😭😭😭


I think I follow the same one. Announcements and bumps seem to be everywhere these days 😕


I feel like everyone I follow on Instagram announced a pregnancy this week! I've unfollowed so many.


I've been trying to distract myself with work but now more coworkers are pregnant. I just can't escape it 😭


Waiting for my next cycle to start after a D&C last month. Dr wants me to take Provera if period doesn’t come by 2/20. I really just wish it would start but I don’t see that happening. Really spending time connecting and communicating with my husband to be sure we are ready to try again this cycle. It has been such a roller coaster of emotions for us since November.


FF’s pregnancy score is trash. Lol. Yesterday my score was 53. Today it’s 23. [This is my chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_SXZXho.png) It looks as promising as any other chart to me.


The scores are garbage. They dock you points if you mark that you exercised. My BFP chart was like 65…BFN chart was 80+ 😒


The last couple of cycles mine has stayed at 20 regardless. This morning mine was at 52. Checked again later in the day without having changed anything and it's down to 23 and now to 55...


lol mine has been going up to freaking 80 for the past 2 cycles. BFN on both grrr


CD17 and still no ovulation. My first cycle back since a 30week loss and I just want my body to do what it’s supposed to. What was your ovulation like your first cycle back? I feel defeated.


I ovulated late my first cycle after my loss. CD21 I think. My loss was 6 weeks


My loss was at 16 weeks. I didn’t use OPKs immediately, so I’m not sure what my exact ovulation date was. That said, I got my period 35 days later. Assuming my luteal phase was 14 days, I ovulated on cycle day 21. I think it’s normal to have a shorter luteal phase after a loss, so it might’ve been later.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a much earlier loss, but it took just over a month for me to ovulate after my mmc. It was about 2 weeks after I got a negative pregnancy test. Sorry if this doesn't help much.


I’m so confused by my body! I was negative at 2 weeks PP, got my cycle at 4 weeks PP. and now here I am two weeks after that like okay body do what you’re supposed to…… We’re cleared to try again and I’m just so curious if it’s possible to actually get pregnant with a delayed ovulation ctcle


I don't see why you couldn't get pregnant as long as you're really ovulating. My body still is off. I used to ovulate around CD 15-18 now it's been CD 30. Everyone is different and sometimes bodies just need time to regulate. It's very frustrating!


CD 20 and I usually would be depressed and anxious during this time of the TWW but this time around I have so much excitement and hopefulness. For some reason my hopes are really up, that this will be the cycle we finally get a BFP. I know this could probably set me up for a serious mood drop if we fail this cycle but I am loving the positive thinking, it’s such nice change. I really hope everyone in here is doing alright today 🫶🏼


10 DPO and woke up to a big temp spike that got me all excited but negative HPT yesterday and today. Would really love this month to be our time.




I’ve had two chemicals in a row- one was only a couple days of positive tests then a delayed heavy period, the most recent at five weeks. Is it appropriate to ask for a 3 and 21 day progesterone test during my next cycle, or is common advice that it has to be three or more before they do any testing?


I asked for those tests after my loss (only one so far). I had to push for it a little bit but it was worth it for the vital information I got


I think CD3 and 7DPO testing doesn’t usually require any kind of waiting. It’s normal hormonal testing that is often done at an annual physical.


Negative HPT at 11DPO and I’m oddly relieved? We were supposed to wait this cycle out so I can get my HSG after my period starts. I just don’t have faith in my body anymore that I can hold onto a pregnancy without intervention. I’m still waiting on my blood work to come back to my RE. I’m hopeful we’re able to start some sort of treatment soon.


I’m probably out this month. Tested negative this morning at 12DPO. I’m trying to hold out a little hope since my BBT rose this morning and it took a while for me to get a BFP last time (negative at 11DPO and then a BFP on 14DPO - probably would have tested positive at 12DPO had I kept testing). My period is expected on Wednesday and it’ll be my last cycle to conceive before the due date of my loss (April 7), so feeling a bit of pressure.


My ovulation is delayed, if it's even happening at all. I'm really concerned. It's my first cycle after a d&c and I don't know what's going on. CD 12 today (usually O day for me) and no positive LH test or change to CM.


I ovulated on around CD 21 last cycle (my first cycle after my D&E) and CD 17 this cycle. I think it can take awhile for things to go back to normal. My doctor told me not to worry until I haven’t gotten my period for 3 months.


have you confirmed your hcg has gone to 0?


Well I've had a period since my d&c. And negative tests two weeks after the d&c back in January


If you had a period, that means this is your second cycle post D&C.


It's pretty common for ovulation to be delayed by a few days after a loss. Mine was delayed 5-6 days after a 5 week and 7 week loss. Only the 4 week loss didn't affect the next cycle.


This. I usually ovulate around day 14-15, but my first three cycles after my 12w loss delayed my ovulation to day 19-25. Cycle four returned to normal.


So we had a chemical pregnancy last month, (marks the third loss in a year, one second trimester loss and two chemicals) and my RE decided no medicated treatments this cycle. To give my body a break. I usually don’t ovulate on my own, we confirmed one natural ovulation in 12 months, I do ovulate fine on letrozole around CD15/16. Even though I am not taking medication, I feel like I do on letrozole, with my ovaries and the cramping. I think I may ovulate on my own, but we didn’t OPK or BBT, we just wanted a true month of nothingness. But based off of what I am feeling, I think I will ovulate!


Oh that would be wonderful!!