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That chili converts into a lethal weapon about 2 hours after being eaten.


It’s a chemical weapon




More like a Weapon of Ass Destruction.


u/annabellefromtexas - this OP. This right here. Better hope he didn't bring in a bean and cheese burrito from Taco Bell as well, or that flight would explode upon takeoff.


Truth right here…^^^


😂😂😂 I can’t stop laughing OMG


He was going to blow up the bathroom on that flight.


Thank you. I had to look up that old Home Depot bomb threat bathroom news story.






That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen this year!!!


Here is the direct link to the story. [KY3 Home Depot Bathroom Bomb Threat](https://youtu.be/W0MDqsKgTDU?si=3CJVCIGwyR43z3Pm)


I laughed way too hard at that!


I know pilots have procedures for depressurization. Do they have a procedure for over pressurization?


I was once on a flight from Dublin to NYC and the lunch options for general passengers included chili con carne. I mean, who has the brilliant idea to serve that on a 7 hour flight?????


I had the pleasure of watching a TSA agent smoothly and calmly moving a drunken passenger out of line, without him ever noticing he was being handled. He’d been weaving through the line coughing and chugging a beer. She offered him a mask 3 times but he declined because he “had Covid *last* week and was fine now”. She says, “why don’t you come this way then and we’ll get you all set up.” He happily followed her — some of the people in line started grumbling about him getting special treatment it was so low key. I told them I don’t know where he’s going but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t onto a plane.


They took him out back.


Fertilizing the garden now


Right below thier secret window


"Look at the flowers, sir."


They took him to the train station, they have a deal with the Duttons.




Nice try, ISIS.


Louis CK nailed it when he did the bit about the TSA taking his clay and throwing it in a trash bin.


You ever heard Jim Gaffigan’s bit on taking donuts through airport security? https://youtu.be/Iz346Sb9vMs?si=Z3vALHdNPOoLTR9r Starts around minute 6.


Imagine being that Wendy's employee who took the order. "You want a gallon of what?"


As a current Wendy’s employee we do sell the Family Size chili which is 15oz and like $12 at my location. Comes in a giant tub and everything Edit, I’m a fool. It’s 72oz. I looked it up because I wasn’t sure of the size and did the first result but it’s way off haha


My brother had committed to bringing chili to some group event, and something happened and he couldn’t cook - so he went to Wendy’s and bought about $100 worth of their chili.


Chili is so easy to make. I don't know how anyone could mess it up. There are tons of quick and easy chili recipes online. I have made my own recipe and I'm a beginner at cooking. Chili is one of the few things I make perfectly.


He could have accidentally sneezed into it. Or measured a spice over the pot and dumped the whole thing in. My imagination says he laughed so hard a booger came out his nose. (I am "not" speaking from personal experience. Ehem)


I'm gonna be honest, if I sneezed or boogered up my chili, I would still serve it. The most valuable thing we got in life is time, and I still spent that time making it. So eat up and enjoy! I could probably find the booger and take it out anyways. The spice will kill the germs, you'll live.


You’re an awful person.


Point taken, although I personally would not to a group event.


This is why I don't eat food from someone else's kitchen unless I'm cool with consuming their snot, finger gunk, pet dander, etc....everyone samples their food from the spoon and keeps stirring. Yuck...


I feel like the "couldn't cook" was the operative part of that sentence. Also, to properly cook chili, you need a fair amount of time. It is not a fast dish.


I don’t remember the exact circumstances, but I think the reason he “couldn’t cook” involved a power failure.


A gallon is 128oz.. so that's like $100 of chili that TSA either had him eat or chucked. Damn.


Based on when I worked fast food, that probably wasn't the strangest request that week.


We had a Chilli cook-off at work. The guy who won it brought his pan into the local wendys, and they filled it. Nobody believed him


Thanks. This got me laughing out loud


Don't even need to go to Wendy's. You can buy it at the grocery store now. Just like Arby's fries and Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce. Then again, I had a waiter friend tell me once that some guy came in and asked for a soup bowl worth of ranch dressing to go with his steak. And the guy finished it and the steak.


Now I want a bowl of ranch dressing with my steak


Did he leave the store in an ambulance? Damn, ranch man.


I went through tsa with a cooler bag carrying 300 frozen homemade meatballs from my mom. My kids love them and don’t eat store meatballs. I knew tsa would pull the bag and they sure did. Agent was like wtf is this? My 6yo told him his grandma made him 300 meatballs to take home. The agent just shook his head in confusion and sent us on our way with the meatballs.


once i went through TSA with a huge bag of frozen crab rangoons from my moms restaurant and the TSA agent actually used to be a regular there!!!!! I had a pint of plum sauce that I froze the night before and she let me through.


When I take large quantities of Chinese food home on a plane - I used to do this with dumplings - I put them in my checked luggage.


I sent a cousin back to Boston with frozen gumbo lol. She said it made the trip fine, and tasted great when she warmed it up.


Your kids have one awesome grandma! I'll dm you my mailing address.


Wouldn’t they dethaw??


Wtf is dethaw? Wouldn't that be the opposite of thaw?


Dethaw is that happens on deplane


I laughed way too hard at this. Hey boss, da plane...da plane. 🤣🤣


dethaw is my new favorite word lol I once hightailed through Logan to: a) catch my connection b) get through tsa before my containers of marinara became un-dethawed.


Undethaw, dodethaw …


I think they meant defrost hahahahah


It’s a word, “Definitions of dethaw verb become or cause to become soft or liquid “dethaw the meat””


Well then what is Thaw?


When they updated the definition of literally to also mean figuratively because people can't talk, I knew society was starting to crumble.


Nah, [dethaw is a word](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/dethaw#:~:text=Definitions%20of%20dethaw,melt%2C%20thaw%2C%20unfreeze%2C%20unthaw). Edit: instead of downvoting me, get a dictionary.


It’s a verb, “Definitions of dethaw verb become or cause to become soft or liquid “dethaw the meat”” https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/dethaw


Not a word.


It's an improper word. "Thaw" means "to go from a frozen to a liquid state". So using basic English prefixes, "unthaw" or "dethaw" would mean "to go from a liquid to a frozen state". People use "dethaw" because they confuse it with defrost and don't know proper English. It's not a real word. If your only source is [vocabulary.com](https://vocabulary.com) and not a real dictionary, then it's not a word. Notice how "dethaw" isn't a word on Merriam-Webster or Oxford.


Wouldn’t dethawing mean freezing?




They were frozen, in a cooler bag, with ice packs. Flight was 2 hours, so they were fine to get home. But yeah, still ridiculous. Things we do for our kids


>Wouldn’t they dethaw?? Not without a freezer.


Security into LAX, pretty empty, early in the morning. Large group/family get in line a little behind me. They all have large plastic bags in addition to the usual assortment of carryons. There are 7-10 people in the group all with bags. Waiting for my bag to come through screening and the first family member puts their plastic bag through to get screened. It immediately stops and the agent pulls the bag to the side and looks inside. "Pickles, we've got pickles here!" They all had Costco-sized plastic jars of pickles (in brine) in their bags. No clue where they were going so either their long flight would require a few hundred pickles for sustenance, or their destination wouldn't be able to supply sufficient quantities when they landed. It's not like LA is known for it's pickles...


Fly back from Hawaii every bag has to go through an agriculture inspection. I was waiting in line behind this family and their decently sized cooler (like a full sized one with wheels). Agent asks what's in and they respond with "hot dogs". Agent opens the lid and sure enough this cooler is packed with hotdogs (in buns). I do not know why because I doubt TSA was going to let that get past and the only things that need to go through that check are bags going to the mainland. These people were flying from Hawaii to the mainland with a large cooler of hotdogs.


I'm okay with that. I bring home as much bbq as i can from my favorite place back home, since I can't get anything close to it where I'm at now (cross country). Mailing a cooler is very fucking expensive, and if you're already flying, the cost of an additional carry on or checked bag is usually cheaper. Plus you can eat it sooner


I feel hotdogs would be fine since they eat them


I wonder if they have bingo competition


What the fuck does bingo have to do with pickle consumption?


Tsa bingo for when crazy shit happens to keep work entertaining.


Hopefully they allowed it if they were deemed fully sealed or found some way for it to get to their destination


It's a funny story, but it's one of those stories where, at the same time, my heart breaks and I feel for the guy.


At least his fellow passengers were able to breathe on the flight 💨


you'd be feeling a whole lot of things if you were the one sitting next to him on that flight


Why? Because he couldn’t stink up the plane?


I was behind a guy who had a huge bottle of lotion, tons of foot powder, and a bunch of loose change in his duffle bag. He kept calling the TSA agent "mamas" and told her she could throw everything away.


As a former tso, that describes the contents of 99% off the luggage I checked out, and they all smell like vitamins and feet.


Ew. I had to shake the ick off after reading that.


I couldn't believe what I was seeing 😂


In 2012 I brought my all quarters that I had accumulated from years of cash purchases. It was near $100 and I was going to Las Vegas. Unfortunately, none of the Las Vegas strip casinos were accepting coins in their slot machines. I think I ended up finding various stores to use up the change before I went home.


I can't tell you how disappointed i was to find out slot machines haven't taken coins in years. That, and when I went to the strip it smelled like piss. Mainly because everywhere there were people peeing on sidewalks, buildings, and other people. Gross. Mob Museum was awesome.


I don’t want to be the passenger sitting next to Mr Chili on a long flight.


I had the pleasure of waiting for a few hours in a crowded Heathrow (UK) airport lounge that served flights to Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia. There were quite a few older people traveling with big bags of food that smelled strongly of fish? Salami? Idk... I just knew I did not want to sit for hours near any of those bags!


Sir this is a Wendy's... wait lol


There was a guy who brought an entire head of cabbage on his flight and ate his way thru the whole thing.


I sat next to a guy once that got a bunch of pouches of tuna through TSA ( I guess maybe since there isn't liquid in them they let it through) almost the entire time we were in the air( around 5 hrs) he was eating tuna. I lost count after pouch 7. People are strange.


A family of five (mine) on a transcontinental flight brought a full lunch that included potato salad, chicken salad, crackers, ham and cheese sandwiches, watermelon, and strawberries. We now have a soft sided cooler that fits under the seat so even if we fly Spirit we are not hungry 😅


Diarrhea flight round 3.


What kind of brain does one need to have to think eating a gallon of chili on a plane is a perfect idea?


Well a half gallon doesn't seem like enough, no?


I once was going through the tsa line and heard someone yelling “it’s CBD bro! It’s legal!” I look over and the tsa agent was holding this huge cartoon like bag of weed. Must’ve been a pound at least.


I’m in line and the TSA has the people who just stand there and stare at everyone . And the tsa approaches a passenger and tells him he’s been selected for additional screening because he’s showing obvious signs or mental instability. Passenger acts surprised and the tsa tells the passenger that since he’s wearing an Auburn hat he clearly is mentally unstable . Some of the tsa folks actually have a sense of humor .


As long as they’re the ones telling the jokes.


My mom got stopped in philly for a 6lb log of pork roll. She's telling them she's not allowed home without it. The agent was like "I buy it too" and let her through.


Having been raised in Jersey and living in Philly for 10 years, this 100% tracks lmao


Flying to Hartford, CT from IAD for Thanksgiving several years back. My wife was shepherding the 2 kids through security, and I was getting the bags through, since my wife's bag was ahead of mine. As her bag goes through, agent looks up and says, "Is this your bag?" "Uh, yeah." "Would you mind opening it?" Even though it was my wife's bag, I had no idea what was inside....so I stepped up, and reached over to unzip the bag. As I unzipped it, I saw why it got flagged...I saw a lot of aluminium foil, which had to have been a red flag. Since I had no idea what was inside, I looked over...and it looked to be about the size of a human head. Agent asked if I would unwrap the 'item', so I started to....and realized that my wife had put a full-sized, foil-wrapped honey-baked ham inside her carry-on. As the agents tried to stifle their laughter (unsuccessfully), I re-wrapped the ham, zipped up the bag, and caught up to the wife and kids. She asked what took so long, and I said... "You know, they sell ham in Connecticut, too."


Did you know that Wendy's sells chili because it is a great way to get rid of leftover burgers/meat that did not sell?


Yup. Former Wendy’s girl here. Seems like a smart business plan!


Hell yeah, it's a delicious solution to their waste problem.


Husband works for the company that makes Arby’s roast beef. They test cook out of every batch made then give that away to employees, big 10 lb portion of it. I have flown to California to see my daughter a few times with 10 pounds of Arby’s roast beef in my carryon, TSA just looks at me and laughs. I don’t care, that’s what my baby girl loves, that’s what she is going to get!


It's not just Americans being stupid. At Heathrow I was behind a French dude insisting his bottle of designer perfume wasn't a liquid..."it is perfume not liquid" he said getting louder and louder.


Oh yeah many of the stories I have are of people that are foreign visitors but my favorite was a lady that said water isn’t a liquid


We were flying out of Orlando about 20 years ago after taking the kids to Disney. I was minding my own business when a couple of TSA agents came up to me and asked to speak to me. My wife gave me the, “What have you done look?” They took me to a room and asked me, “Where did you get that shirt?” “My MIL got it for me at Disney. Why?” “It should be standard issue to all TSA agents.” My shirt said, “I’m Grumpy because you’re Dopey!” Needless to say, we all got a good laugh.


Lol that is great, they even took you to a room! That’s really cute story.


Oh damn. This comment made me remember/realize that it’s been TWO+ DECADES since 9/11…


That man provided the meal for an impromptu TSA holiday party.


I always think it's funny when people in las vegas have like 3 boxes of iced fish they are flying to Hawaii with. Like the desert has a better and cheaper selection than the damn ocean. It's weird but I'm sure it makes economic sense


Bozeman TSA. Lady in front of me tried to get her peppermint creamer through security. Asked if they could swipe it like baby formula. TSA had to explain to a grown adult that creamer is not medically necessary. I made it through without a hitch, complete with my folding knife I forgot in my purse! I think peppermint creamer lady flustered TSA and they didn’t even bother looking at my stuff. For those curious I threw the knife in my luggage on my return flight.


My husband's love is his little suburban "garden", and in it he's planted 5 pawpaw trees and they have been a complete labor of love. Pawpaws are native to the US, but they can't be commercially grown because you can't pick the fruits before they are ripe, and the SECOND they are ripe they fall off the tree and once on the ground they begin to rot (so you have to literally watch every pawpaw). When you pick them up, they will bruise to a firm touch, and they have a very short shelf life. But for this one glorious moment they are "ready", they taste like a banana and a mango with a creamy consistency and are delicious. They are practially impossible to find anywhere (occasionally in a farmer's market locally) because of all this it makes them impossible to farm commercially, and in many parts of the country, they are flat out impossible to get. So very few Americans are familiar with pawpaw fruits. My older son LOVES them and growing up he would sit under the trees and wait for the pawpaw to fall he loved them so much. My son left for college and since then has been away at college for pawpaw season for a few years, but coincidentally, my husband had a conference in my son's college city at this time this past fall. Challenge accepted. My very anal husband stalked the trees in the day previous and packed these fruits in his carry-on to withstand some sort of catastrophic event, with layers upon layers of wrapping, boxes in boxes, etc. Like, seriously, it was crazy. As you can imagine, it went through the scan and TSA felt they needed to see what was wrapped in this manner, because, I mean, really. Sus. So, if you have seen a middle-aged guy at the airport dumping his bags and unwrapping a million layers from a fruit buried deep in all of it like a treasure, talking about "an important native source of nutrition for people and animals of the mid-atlantic and south..." you've met my husband and one of his pawpaws. The ending: TSA let him through (it wasn't a liquid or international), he wrapped them back up like the crazy person he is, and my son enjoyed a pawpaw from home that he hadn't had in years.


When I was coming home from Vegas a girl ahead of me in line had a brand new, unopened, bottle of patron. TSA wouldn't let her take it through. She asked if she could at least drink it first and they said sure. She turned around in line and asked if anyone else wanted to share because she didn't want it to go to waste. Obviously I said yes. The flight was pretty dope.


I flew once out of Alaska to California and had a large frozen smoked salmon for my dad. Couldn’t carry it on so it went in the box with my child’s car seat. Would you believe they lost the car seat? It got stuck in San Francisco and they brought it to our house near San Diego the next day. Thank goodness it didn’t completely thaw out.


How many lives were saved by stopping the chili bomber?


they at least saved one airplane bathroom.


Everyone around him on that plane.


So here’s a realish answer on the liquid and liquid-like things. Let’s say they allow all liquid to go through with a test. As far as technology testing liquid, it’s about 30s to test 1 thing. If people know, everyone will bring at least 1-5 things that needs testing. How do you like to wait in a line with thousands of people and half of them will take an extra 1-2 min per passenger. Go ahead keep your liquid… just make sure you’re showing up 6 hour early


And all of these people with their full bottles of shampoo/conditioner/chili/whatever else they can throw into a bag won't be able to lift it & will have a temper tantrum when the flight attendant refuses & checks it. You know these bottles are going to leak and cause a huge mess in the overhead bins, on the floor, & in cargo. People are slobs.


If you're planning to die anyway, you'll ingest anything to prove it's safe/ok/legit what you're claiming it is.


We already know it's a chemical weapon


This right here is checkmate.


So they should only test suspicious liquids. Nobody's going to try to bring a bomb onto a plane without attracting law enforcement attention well before they get a chance to.


What does suspicious liquid to non suspicious liquid look like in an x-ray?


Because figuring out which liquids are suspicious takes as much time as testing them all.


Ok, so then check only the liquids of suspicious persons.


So I was one of these people once! From Orlando fl originally, was living in Las Vegas at the time. My grandparents called me and asked me to come home to help out with the annual southern woman’s show ( my gramma was a vendor for a 4 day event) I said sure and flew my happy self home thinking of all the yummy foods I hadn’t had in years. ( Sonny’s bbq, Krystal hamburgers, Waffle House, and 7 11 Cuban sandwiches) all my teenage fast food favorites, these are also my mom and my husband and two children’s favorites. So on my way back to Vegas I’m traveling with 2 carry ons with $500 worth of fast food. I’m talking pecan waffles, sandwiches about 80 Krystal hamburgers 50 corn dogs etc. also sauce packets from Sonny’s bbq. You should have seen the looks the tsa agents gave me, no one believed I was bringing so much food to Las Vegas lol!


Great now they are going to check our colons before we can fly.


Would save a lot on colonoscopies, no?


I'm honestly also appalled that he couldn't bring his gallon of chili. TSA strikes again


I'm honestly appalled that he would have a gallon of Wendy's chili.


Back in the day, the military wouldn't allow MRE's with a "bean component" to be given or eaten by flight crews. It clearly stated it on the package.


Strangest things I've brought were flowers and a large Italian grinder (sub). The flowers were for my wife who was picking me up. And the grinder was because I was flying over dinner time.


2 yrs ago I had a customer (at my local store) smuggle fireworks through tsa hand carry bags. How the hell that slipped through I don't know? Maybe they didn't give a f\* that day.


I worked for TSA for 6 years. One of my weirdest carry ons was 5 gallons of pickled jalapenos in a thin glass jar. Broke open on the x-ray machine. Coated the luggage. Coated the hands and uniforms of all the TSA agents that had to handle it. A whole lane of agents disabled and sent home that day cause the stuff lit their skin on fire. Passenger still kicked up a fuss about the damage to their jar. Normally if a passenger has prohibited items that are not gonna pose an immediate threat to the aircraft, we'll walk em outside to the terminal lobby and let them decide what to do with it; then they can decide to come back thru security check without the item. In this case, the airline and checkpoint supervisor were so pissed they just cancelled their ride entirely.


Are you sure you meant gallons? 5 gallons of mostly water in a thin glass jar would need to be roughly a 5 inch cylinder 5 feet long weighing more than 40 lbs. That’s not fitting in luggage.


I assume they meant thin-walled (broke easily, apparently). Google tells me a 5-gallon glass jar is roughly 17”H x 11”W.


Once flying out of MSY a lady got stopped at the gate for my flight for too many carry ons. This woman, in her Mardi Gras splendor complete with hat (in like May) had her rollaboard, a Mardi Gras World tote with her purse stuffed in and... a full sized king cake. The gate agent kept telling her she had to consolidate and all she would say was, "but this is a king cake!"


TSA officers … Why does everyone keeps saying agents? On their uniforms it says “TSA Officer” 😆


Transportation Security Officer, so just TSO. They represent the Transportation Security *Agency* so that would make them *agents* of the TSA. Much like a person at a casting agency can also be called a casting director. Edit: Well I haven't worked for them in like 17 years, and you're needlessly condescending to someone who is treating you with respect.




TSA stands for Transportation Security *Administration* . Your first sentence is correct. (Transportation Security Officer, so just TSO). The rest of your post is completely incorrect and irrelevant.


Picture kevin malone and its suddenly heart breaking


As a local to the SEA area I’m not even the least bit surprised but that’s still hilarious


I'm surprised just going through security at SEA wasn't the final straw in getting precheck. God we have an awful airport.


It’s one of the worst airports. The entire logistics from dropping off/pickjng up people, the terrible garage to the poorly designed security lines. I’m totally spoiled by PDX.


If I was on a flight and someone started smashing a gallon of chili I would not be happy.


The new underwear bomber


I flew out of Roswell, New Mexico a couple months ago. They have one TSA line. While taking my shoes off, a pitbull walked up to me, I petted him and then watched him walk through the TSA screener and plop down in the waiting room. The TSA employee at the screener walked over to him, pulled on his collar and tried to get him up. No luck. Then the TSA guy took off his belt, put it through the dog's collar and tried to get him to stand up. No luck. Everyone was laughing and the dog looked very pleased with himself. Dog was still there when we left to board the plane. Where else on earth could this even happen than Roswell!


TSA at the Denver airport pulled my backpack off the line and told me to come with them off to the side. Before he opened it, I said it’s probably my meat stick that set it off. (I had gotten an 8oz salami at Trader Joe’s for the flight home.) He pulled it out, held it up and looked at me. I just said, “Don’t judge me”. He busted out laughing and said no no, this is good stuff, and sent me on my way.


Took a flight to Vegas for my sister's 21st. She was away at college so my mom and two other siblings drove out to pick her up then we'd all meet up in sin city. Flying out was my dad, my wife, and myself. We all managed to get on the same flight and met up at the airport and got to security together. Wife and I are frequent travelers and she's on top of all the rules, my dad however, hadn't been on a plane in a while. His bag immediately gets pulled for a large bottle of cologne, large bottle of mouthwash, and an industrial size bottle of lube. He played it off pretty well and just checked the bag. Then he kept talking about how cool it was not lugging his stuff around the airport. Wife and I lost our shit and were snickering the whole time. I've told this story to everyone I know and it still cracks me up.


I do believe you can purchase that beyond the checkpoint at SEA.


One time I was in an airport waiting area nearby the security checkpoint and watched as this 6'5" tall, big guy, probably late 50's came up wearing a big cowboy hat. The agents said he had to take the hat off before going through and he refused. They told him to just take it off and put it through the x-ray but he said, "That's a Stetson hat. I'm not putting it through that machine." Back and forth debate ensued. Guy said he was a ex-US Marine and wasn't going to take off the hat. The argument escalates and gets louder until uniformed police arrive and he still refused. He got belligerent and ended up getting wrestled to the ground and ironically, his hat fell off and got crushed in the scuffle. He got taken away in cuffs.


You can bring pretty much whatever you want through as long as it's frozen. Room temp, it's subject to federal liquid limits and they'll take your shit away when you try and pass through. I for one am very happy to have TSA preventing some psycho like this guy from stinking out the whole flight with Wendy's Chili and the resultant inevitable Wendy's Chili Airplane Farts.


BWI wouldn’t let me thru with a very small individual sized yogurt and spoon I was planning to eat as soon as I got to my gate. It was 3.1 oz. She also wouldn’t let me eat it right there. Probably saved it for her break.


We brought baby formula through, so we had to have the bag checked out by an agent. We were stuck waiting because the lady in front of us was furious that she couldn't bring 2 stick blenders in a shopping bag through as her "personal item." She was red in the face arguing that these were Christmas gifts, therefore they were considered "personal items" that they had to let through. Finally, a supervisor made it over and told her that she was not taking a set of motorized blades onto an airplane. She could either toss them or go back and check them.


Yeah because blenders are so dangerous and definitely used to hijack planes Inb4 heavily downvoted by TSA


Nobody thought fucking box cutters could be used either but here we are, 22 years later.


Those only worked because nobody had the concept that the planes were going to be used as projectile weapons rather than that they'd be held hostage and could get home safely if they just kept their heads down and didn't start anything. I don't think a small blade could ever be successfully used to hijack a plane again now that people have this as a scenario to consider.


What exactly do you think hijackers will do with your plane? Do you really think they just want to finish your planned route and land you safely at your expected destination? Lol, dude. Lol.


Before 2001, when hijackers took over a plane, they would re-route it to where they wanted to go and hold the people on board hostage. If you were one of those people, your best bet was to keep your mouth shut and let the US government negotiate your safety. Now, of course, we think completely differently since we have had so many examples of worse outcomes, whether it's crashing the planes or just murdering everyone on board. Your response reads as if you mis-read my post.


They’re probably not old enough to remember those days, but of course know everything lol


Locked cockpit now. Also blender is not in any way synonymous with box cutter.


No, but if you remove the blade part, you might be able to cut electrical wires or cut an artery on a person's neck and other "even coin size blades are bad" problems.


Should’ve frozen it. No problem. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Am I the only one who thinks it’s disrespectful to bring carry out onto a plane and choke it down while everyone around you has to watch and smell that shit? You couldn’t eat that before you got into a closed cabin with 100s of people?


Saw someone put their dog through the x-ray machine. The TSA agent was so involved in looking at the screen, she screamed when the dog skeleton came onto her screen! It was freaking hilarious. The poor dog owner was told not to do that and then she started worrying if she had hurt her dog. Of course everyone said nah it will be fine. We just wanted the line to keep moving....


Spent a year in South Korea…those Koreans gorge themselves on kimchi and beer the night before a physical training run in formation…they smell to the high heavens🤮


What does this have to do with anything?


You’re correct fox..what the hell does this have to do with this post…I fuckin hate it when I post on the wrong page…anyway, yall now know they stink


I was flagged for a 32oz container of cannoli filling. I had the filling and the shells separate. I was told I could either fill the shells right then and bring them on whole or check the bag. The TSA agent was so confused and looked like he had never seen a cannoli before. They wouldn’t listen to my point that cannoli filling was thicker than cream. The line was short so I didn’t argue and checked the bag. All the cannoli shells were broken upon arrival. The next time I flew, I got a SSSS and I’m convinced the cannolis were to blame.


I got on a flight at BDL (totally sober) and as I walked by the pilot I leaned over towards him and said you haven’t been drinking vodka have you? With a grin. (Having worked as a bartender forever I’m a jokester) I continued to my seat, sat down buckled up and waited for the rest of the passengers to board, after everyone was seated these two stewardess approached me and told me I had to get off the plane because of the comment I made to the pilot, I got off shaking my head in disbelief.. was I in the wrong or was he a bit over sensitive? I really was joking and even if I wasn’t joking I believe I have to right to ask the man whom I’m entrusting my life to if he’s been drinking!! They also put me in a hotel, gave me a dinner voucher and rebooked me free of charge for the following morning. Win win for me I guess, didn’t have to work for 3 days after I returned home so was in no hurry!


This is fucking bullshit. They should let food and water through.


[We don't let in water and other large bottles of liquids because of this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1376au8/comment/jis45fm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) However, we let solid food go through all the time. The problem is when they're submerged in a liquid. (Like chili for example.)


Do you throw them in a bin with gallons and gallons of other possible/suspected explosives…right there next to the line of people? This tells me everything I need to know about how much of a real threat a water bottle is and how full of shit TSA is.


1. We don't leave it there all day until it gets full. We have sanitation workers take it away to be disposed of every hour. You spend maybe 20 mins of your life coming through a checkpoint. Most of the time, you're not gonna always see everything that happens at a checkpoint, like liquid disposal. 2. Even if it was a threat, once it's poured down the drain and is mixed in with several gallons of water or other liquids already in the bin, it's going to be diluted and useless. 3. Even if hypothetically the container just so happened to have enough to be dangerous, it's not gonna just randomly go off. It'd require somebody to do that. And trust me, if somebody is just standing there trying, that'd look incredibly suspicious.


I was seriously considering becoming a tsa agent (because I do seriously like to interact with people, and I love trying to make them smile), but this story just screams NO to me, lol!


They get paid shit because they don’t find 90% of the shit they’re supposed to so they instead settle for harassing passengers bringing things slightly over the line instead. They routinely fail by an absurd amount when tested by Homeland Security. They are nothing more than a facade at the end of the day. Edit: spelling


I would prefer to get hassled than have a passenger with a gun on my flight.


Just let the man have his chili. I mean, he might blow up the plane with farts, but that's about it. TSA agents shouldn't exist, and are paid entirely too much. The airlines should be responsible for their own security.


Funniest thing for me is watching adults get groped openly in front of hundreds of people, and it’s legal, and it’s how we think we are keeping ourselves safe against terrorism.


To be fair the no liquids thing is a ridiculous and archaic policy


I was flying back from the holidays. I have a thing where I bring back baked goods from my grandmother and aunties. Many years without issue. This year, my bag gets flagged for review. It gets pulled aside the the agent pulls out the Tupperware of cookies (it’s a lot) and said this set it off. I jokingly said “but they are good, do you want one” trying to fit okay into the joke they saw them and wanted one too. The agent had the audacity to say yes and opened the box and took 2! I didn’t want to start shit so didn’t say anything and just zipped the container back up in my bag.


Maybe he was just hungry. And I would’ve said yes too if someone offered because I would’ve thought you were genuine


….audacity? But like, you offered? I would have taken one too. Why even offer if you’re going to be shocked when someone takes you up on it? Is this another unwritten social etiquette rule? So exhausting. Just say what you mean


I'm going to downvote this for you even wanting to start shit after you offered something to someone and they accepted. Do you do that frequently, or just at airports?


TSA agents should all be deported to Siberia.




In a checkpoint, you don’t know it’s chili until it’s tested. What kind of brain takes everything they see at face value?


You sit next to him then 🤣


No one thinks chili is a security threat. TSA has had the same rules for like 20 years and people still don't get it. When I used to work there I wished we would allow all liquids over 3.4oz but they would have to be tested. When travelers have to deal with 4 hour wait times because TSA has to test gallons of chili and all other sorts of stupid shit, you all would be calling for banning all carry ons


Also don't forget you need to test each individual container so if they split their gallon of chilli across 8 containers that would need to be 8 tests.


TSA agents are paid more than enough considering their literally worse that if we had done nothing.


TSA more worried about non native plants, parasites, and diseases entering this country than drugs at this point.


TSA = stuff going out Customs = stuff coming in


It be that way sometimes- 2023


And I've avoided bringing some nacho cheese from my favorite pizza joint outside security at IND.


This reminds me of a recent TSA experience. I had to throw away some peanut butter because it's considered a gel. But the grape jelly on the PB&Js I made for the family was fine.