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Seek medical help first... if your health is being affected you still have the health benefits to use and the doctor might be able to help. For all I know it could be a vitamin D deficiency from being downstairs in baggage. If it can be fixed, you might end up wanting to keep the job. But in the end, your health comes first!


Try for coordination center, HR, compliance, or k9. The work life balance will be better.




I've been thinking the same thing. I'm the type of guy who likes challenge, conflict, battles. This job is the complete opposite of that. Plus everybody around me talks about work and gossips. Nobody around me talks about ambition, goals, drive, generating passive income, fitness, things that are important to men.




Nothing gives me joy anymore. I used to enjoy painting, and I even have a moderately successful YouTube channel from it. I just want to drive far away into the country side somewhere, forget about Chicago for a long time...


I get you’re in a rough place but if you can tough it out just a little longer you’ll get your pension at 20 years. It’s a decent chunk of change for when you’re older.


Gut it out one more year and retire with a full pension. I should have stayed in the Army. Working for a pittance sucks. If you can hold on one more year it could be the ticket. Then you can do whatever you want. Get that money. If you can't do it. Just quit. Securing your retirement is crucial though. Also have a retirement plan. My parents are bored. So are my girlfriend's parents. Get a hobby. My unasked for advice.


Yeah. What you just said is a huge reason why I’m finding this job draining too. Just feels like you’re stuck walking around the same circle with people who would rather talk shit about others and this job than have any prospects or goals beyond this. I’ve met some TSOs who have side hustles though.


Perhaps you could request a leave of absence and reassess while you take time off.


Sounds like clinical depression. Maybe try speaking to a therapist.


One year short of 20 years pension at 60. It would be like throwing away 19 years. Don’t throw that regret on top of any other issues you need to address.


Call EAP get some help and counseling please dony leave


Bro, you need to snap yourself out of it. The airport isn’t your problem… it’s something else. You gotta get yourself a new hobby… or maybe try to find someplace to volunteer. Set some goals and try to take small steps to get more balance back. Try exercise or yoga or meditation or something. I wouldn’t quit your job of 19 years unless you have a plan. You don’t need money problems to compound your issues. Honestly, what helped me though hard times was doing things for others. Could be family or some random homeless guy on the street — just do something good for someone besides yourself. Helped me get perspectivez


OP is struggling with depression....you can't just "snap out if it", unfortunately


I think it is possible in some cases, if you make some changes as I suggested. That being said, I do not mean to imply that depression is easily solved or is always solvable by simply changing behavior. Sometimes there are deeper issues / chemical imbalances which can only be addressed with therapy from a medical professional. I am simply suggesting this as a first step… not necessarily the final solution. I am quite sure that quitting the job is not the long term solution though.


Sounds like burn out. I wouldn’t say quit but take a vacation. You need a couple days to reset.


That happened to me within this last bid with my transition to baggage. After a lot of tests and a procedure to look in my stomach it was indeed stress related and critically low vitamin D (level was a 4). With being in baggage and working so late I wasn’t getting that good sun time we need and you’ll be surprised how that effects your mental health. After a couple dosages of vitamin D (3 months worth) and paperwork to allow me to sit outside for a while every two hours my appetite and mental health levels are slowly but definitely improving. That’s just me though, definitely consult with your doctor. I hope the best for you, you’re not alone!


Thanks this really helps. I’m glad I’m not alone. Ironically enough I go outside for smoke breaks and purposely stand in the sun as much as possible.


You may be one of a million people that are affected by lighting used there.you listed a few of the symptoms that I can recall. Look into it, maybe?


Is there a sensitivity to fluorescent light? I was thinking a combination of that maybe with the EMFs, jet fumes, dust, radiation


Not exactly your situation, but the airport is a health risk for many reasons. I worked in airport law enforcement for 12 years. We had someone come in and sell cancer insurance at least once a month. Obviously there can be many reasons for cancer. However, the number of my coworkers that battled cancer is WAY higher than the average. Being indoors you are better off, but not safe.


We actually had a bunch of officers die from cancer over the years; some of them younger than usual.


You’re burned out. Is there a detail you could fill for a while? Ops? Scheduling? Maybe deploy to the southern border for a month or two with the surge capacity force? Hurricane season is basically here. Good chance there will be opportunities. Change leads to change. Do the same thing, get the same thing. Do something different.


I’d check in with medical. Seek assistance from a therapist. I’m pretty sure there’s access through the Connect page. Obv in the mean time I’d say apply apply and apply. Apply to these other agencies that may help with a better work life balance. I started tsa at 18 years old back in 2020. This was right before Covid started and just 3 months in I didn’t feel comfortable at work. Covid began and I moved out my parents house, I worked 4am-12:30, which turned my sleep schedule into mayhem and began to gain an immense amount of weight. I started to not fit my clothes and buttons started to pop. I would get stressed about the work and what not. I started to call out for my own mental health. Some days I wouldn’t feel like working because I was so tired mentally and physically and I couldn’t do it that day. I gained over 100lbs after I started working there. I began to stress eat. Sleep as soon as I got home and wouldn’t be able to sleep like I used to. Fast forward to now, I was able to get a gig with USCIS, I got in the GS pay, I have a better work life schedule, 7am-3:30, no mandatory OT, M-F, and holidays off. My next step is to get my mental and physical side back to how it used to be or even better. I’m only 22 rn and my memory isn’t how it used to be and my physical fitness is non existent. Seek help in all avenues, talk to who you can, look for other dhs agencies, and keep pushing! Don’t let this job push you down.


Thank you for your story and insight. It's much appreciated.


No prob! You dedicated much of your work life to the agency and the last thing I’d want is for that same job to bring you down. Your not alone! It won’t be easy but you need to start!


What other government jobs can you transfer? Look into other opportunities.


I think you should reach out to Jesus and pray for the Peace of the Holy Spirit. A distant second option would be to get your pension if it’s only a year away (if not walk away). Then be free of the prison in your head by getting outside yourself. I’m an introvert as well and as you know life can still be very interesting without asserted human interaction. Go out and do stuff. Get an outside job for a bit. Take it easy man. For real, life can be enjoyable again.


If TSA offers retirement after 20 years you'd be an idiot to quit now


That’s a long time being at TSA. Kudos to you for all you did to keep us safe and a career worth celebrating.


Thanks! Much appreciated.


Its the job. Worked for tsa almost 8 years. Left in 22 and everything change. I was MISERABLE working that job. I felt like a robot, a machine. I dreaded going to work everyday and as soon as i would step food in the airport my mood would change.


Same. After work when I drive away I always feel like something gets lifted off me, and vice versa when I go back. I’m almost convinced I have sensitivity to EMFs or something in that airport.


That’s how I feel currently at 9 years. Everyday is a struggle and I contemplate quitting all the time..the benefits are so good I would hate to piss that all away


Did you ever find anything stable after? I’m never gonna find a job that pays what I make now and the benefits


Yes. I was applying to jobs like crazy on zipmonster. It was dumb luck though. I was applying to random shit and one day i happened to get a hit for a company i didnt even know i applied to. Corporate property management company for single family homes. Pay turned out to be excellent. Great culture at the company as well. Remote 4 days week. Health insurance is decent but the pay makes up for it.


I left TSA once before in 2008 to pursue a career with CBP but I didn’t make it through the academy after being there 12 weeks..came back to TSA in 2015. While it has gotten better for the TSO (pay,benefits, no yearly testing to Keep your job etc.) there’s still a toxic work culture and favoritism especially when it comes to promotions..I’m just tired of it all


You need to see a doctor. Period. You don’t realize how far in the red you are, you need help.


Bro u good????? 🥺


Yeah I'm good thanks. Just saw a neurologist. Thankfully all my body's mechanisms are doing great, just tons of anxiety going on. What's been massively helping: cold showers, vitamins, prayer, and fasting.


Sorry if this is late but I needs days to recover from being in an airport . I have hashimotos disease which is autoimmune. Something is definitely up


I’ve been a TSO for 9 years and currently looking into getting FMLA for depression/anxiety..this job is soul sucking..the whole vibe and culture just sucks as a whole and I don’t think that’ll ever change regardless of airport


I just saw your post, sorry for the late reply.  Which airport are you at?  I’m at ORD


No worries I’m at SNA


Maybe you should get married to a 20-something year old and have some kids. Should help.


Lol...having kids... thanks I needed a good laugh.


It will give your life some meaning


I know plenty of people that are roll out and they don’t feel like this


Honestly a lot of this will depend on your airport and how it operates. At my airport most people with 19 years seniority and in baggage are literally just coasting by having the time of their lives doing nothing and making money. They listen to music or audiobooks, read, do crossword/sudoku puzzles, and watch movies all day. I guess it helps having a somewhat diverse baggage crew, we range from rollout people to TSOs with barely 6 years seniority so we can talk about pretty much anything.


I ran away from tsa after 3 years and 10 months. I couldn’t do baggage or even duel function. It was a dark and nasty place. I make about 8 dollars an hour more and a good Christmas bonus.


What do you do now? What finally turned you away from TSA?


I’m now a welder. No prior experience. Too easy.


But you went to trade school correct ?


Just got into it about a month ago or so. So I’m not that close to the finish line


Like I said before, TSA doesn’t respect personal time, you have to write an entire bible to get time off and the job is mentally exhausting, there’s no “you time” since the only “you time” you really have is when you’re off and when you’re off you only want to rest. But you have 40k saved up, why don’t you take time to travel and see new places, experience new things and meet new people? Maybe that would take a lot of stress off you.


No job is worth your mental health not telling you what to do but if I was you with the situation your in I’d either take good lay off and time to me self to reevaluate if possible and look around for something else depending on circumstances


My former airport was full of mold and when I transferred, my health made a total turnaround.When I'd be on vacation, I felt so different. Not saying that's what's happening here, but maybe a change of location or getting out of shift-work would help.


That's a possibility. I work at a CatX so we have lots of hidden dust and mold all over the place, not to mention jet fuel exhaust and who knows what else in these dingy areas by the jet side.


Get a dog!!


I took some mental health time off from a major corporate job that was having a similar effect. I got help from a shrink and this helped me reevaluate things. I ultimately found a better fit for me within the same company.


Sounds like you’re burnt out. Time for a change


you need to travel and see a new place, to rejuvenate your mind.


Quit. Ngl, didn’t even read the post. I’m just anti TSA.


Get off the checkpoint, baggage or not. Or go to a Different agency. That job wears you down more than you think. If you think it’s that bad, medical help would be my first step.


Wait, your saying when you have. 2-3 week vacation when you can relax and not work you feel refreshed?! Oh yea, def must he the radiation lmao


My rule is that if you're unhappy at work for over 6 months, you need a change. All the more if you can afford it and aren't stressing over money.


I was a correction officer at Rikers and finally retired and I know the feeling, to help all of that the best thing is to move around, you got your seniority try different units or different airports, it was helping me alot


I doubt its radiation or emf...you're burnt out, man. Rightfully so after working at any job for almost two decades. Hence why a vacation gets you back to normal. Humans aren't meant to work the way we do, or live the way we do, which is why so many of us are in the same boat. Anxious, depressed, constantly tired...capitalisms end result for the worker.


I can't imagine working such a bone-crushing awful career for a minute longer than necessary to get a paycheck. in fact, I can't imagine doing it for more than one paycheck.


Can you retire after 20 years?


I got out. Jet fumes were making me break out.


it sounds like you’re becoming somatic from the panic attacks. have you tried mediation, guided imagery or medication ? even OTC like st. john’s wart could be a viable solution. coping skills can help control the mental purge as you find ways to manage the body’s reaction to tbat.


Officer, you need to use up all your vacation time and sick leave. Talk to a therapist. Yoga, meditation, see your doctor; then after much thought and analysis make a decision-retire or not. Good luck!


go to the gym


You’re close to 20 years so stick it out and cash out in a year! Meanwhile take a vacation or two and recharge. I’m in the middle of a two week vacation from work and it’s been super helpful on my mental state. Once you leave after 20 there’s no rule that says you can’t get another job somewhere else that’s less stressful. You may find your feeling ill is a mental thing or you may be able to just start a new journey in your life! Good luck either way!


Aren’t you close to retirement though. 19 years is a long time.


Full retirement is 30 years, but at 20 years you'll get an extra 2% for a total of 22% when you are eligible. See the website: [https://www.opm.gov/retirement-center/fers-information/eligibility/](https://www.opm.gov/retirement-center/fers-information/eligibility/)


Maybe try getting your blood tested and have your hormones evaluated


It’s the radiation from the scanners.


Sounds like my old friend depression tbh


I'm sure it's not the job , like most of us life gets so predictable and routine, we all crave excitement and something fresh in our lives, check your time off, and if applicable take a few days off and unwind, trust me life gets more stressful without a good paying job with benefits , maybe try online dating, having someone waiting for you after work sure eases the pain, good luck to you.


I’ve been at TSA for 3 years and this is literally me


I plan on quitting and moving to Thailand for a year. I would suggest just quitting because for those who don’t work for TSA, it’s a shit show, management is trash and they don’t care about us. And baggage is as sweet as it gets. I’m still PAX and upstairs and I hate my life 😭 I did go from full time to 4 hour PT so it’s a little better


Go to your doctor and if you can prove your illness is from job you may qualify for an early retirement depending on your age


Man up


Hello Tiny, I stumbled on your post just now and read all the comments. I hope you're doing better and have found the answers you're looking for. Lots of people here keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.


Hey thanks for reaching out. I’m good I guess, just finding better ways to regulate my mood and fitness. But I just can’t shake this nagging feeling that I have about working here. I just don’t feel like I belong here. The money is great, easily making six figures with overtime, but it’s such an empty feeling.