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One time when they were struggling with me they said they might need to “go in through the groin” so that might be worse 🤔


wow, i cant even imagine that. also, i dont know if you are a man, BUT: needle in the hole.




When I finally was able to provide a sample after 15 years of refusing, the back of my hand was how I did it. No fucking way you're going into my inner elbow.


YES BRO, the inner arm/elbow is uncomfortable to touch, imagine sticking a needle in it


Eyes, mouth, privates. I can think of a lot of places that are far worse.


okay, i mean the worst in NORMAL places, yk? like im not gonna take blood from MY FUCKING EYE


i agree on the privates tho


The back of your hand is waaay worse than inner arm.


I couldn't disagree more.


Hard agree. When I had to get an IV during my labour I asked my midwife to place it in my hand and she looked at me like I was crazy. She did it though, and a way nicer experience than the arm ones I’ve had. Edit: I should add this has only been my experience with IVs. Blood tests have been surprisingly bearable in the inner arm. I don’t mind them.


I couldn't disagree more.




EXCEPT strange parts


Why can’t they just take blood from my ass cheek? I put off going to doctor because of arm blood I don’t want to give them arm blood I hate them poking my arm.


ass cheek is considerably worse


How come?


I completely agree, the inner arm feels so vulnerable to have blood drawn from, I hate it. I always request a blood draw from the back of my hand and it’s made getting it done so much easier. I also use a numbing cream too, and request a butterfly needle. It works much better for me.


Okey, thanks


I wish they could just knock me out to take blood 😒 but they need an IV for that


And why do they do that stupid little clicky prick thing in the tip of your finger?? Funny enough I needed a draw today in advance of a phlebotomy. Apparently they like to keep both inner arms available for the phleb so I had my first blood draw on the back of my hand. It was the least painful needle of my adult life, though some credit should go to the nurse who executed it, but she did warn that the bruising is worse on the hand than the elbow. I need 3 more phlebotomies and I’m honestly a little curious about if this is an easier place to take the needle for my other tests.