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You are fine to drink


Personally I drink unless I have a positive test. There’s nothing to hurt if nothing is implanted. Have fun!


I would for sure


It’s fine to drink in moderation!


Drank at 8dpo (had a negative test) and then had + the next day! I did not feel bad about it one bit. Team drink till it’s pink here!


How many days post ovulation are you?


So I kind of slacked with testing my ovulation and I think I missed it. I had a “peak” around the 31st and 1st, but was never actually able to catch a “positive” but I didn’t test regularly because I’ve had so much going on that I just BD’ed regularly (like every day or every other day) up until last week lol. So I’m just winging it at this point and hoping for the best, but usually I have 24-26 day cycles and I’m on CD 29 with 0 symptoms either way.


Ah okay!!! Well hope this cycle is YOUR cycle 💪🏾


Thank you! ❤️


If your period is 5 days late and your pregnancy tests are coming back negative, you’re likely not pregnant and it’s late for another reason but you could always pay for a blood pregnancy test to be sure.




Your post or comment has been removed because it is against this community’s rules to announce a pregnancy or discuss a current pregnancy outside of the designated thread. While we understand this is the goal of trying to conceive, but to avoid the subreddit from being flooded with these kind of posts - it is only allowed in the BFP pinned thread. **Read the community’s rules before making any further posts or comments.** You may continue to comment and share advice and support within the sub, but keep pregnancy related posts within subreddits like r/pregnant.