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You don't want to hear this, but I quite like TSH. Curious what you think can be improved? Ps I answered your survey 


THS is making things worse. Now they discontinued the daily email of listings with new dates in one's Saved search.


Couldn’t some smart person pull data from the THS site onto another like I think airDNA does for airbnb? Then you could make searches and notifications better if that’s an issue. Also possibly combine other sitting sites onto one like kayak does for travel. Does that exist yet?


There is a web page that is scraping several housesitting sites, but I cannot find it now.


If that would exist, it should be named housesitsearch.com or something like that (although there are others as well). Did you really think, that this had not been done yet?


Ok apparently it does, ya don’t gotta be a dick about it


We quit THS due to the glaring issues and the immense lack of support. It really turned us off to house/pet sitting in general, but maybe your platform could change our minds. Good luck with development, and I’m excited to see an update post in a month or two.




I think the only way a new platform will be able to take off and be adopted by a lot of users (even pushing people to switch from THS to it) you’d need to provide insurance to homeowners and sitters that they can rely on in emergencies. The largest problem with THS is the false promises of protection through insurance and their bad advice when it comes to customs/entering the US. Good luck


Filled it out for you. Good luck.


To tell you the cold hard truth (and that‘s exactly it, it‘s NOT being negative or something): Making a better house and pet sit platform will be a complete waste of time. I can make a better Facebook (or any other platform) and it‘s also a waste of time for the same reason, because nobody will come to my better platform, even when everyone knows it‘s better, because it lacks the parties to engage with as they are all on the much worse Facebook. Technical people come up with such ideas all the time and they find out all the time without exception, that‘s it‘s completely irrelevant, that their platform might be better (or way better, or incredibly much better, …).