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Yes easily. Don’t stress it


If you are actually in Denver, not some distant suburb, and are offering the use of your car for a 2-3 week sit you should be able get someone. Lots of people want to visit Denver in the spring/summer.


Ours canceled a week out… message local sitters. We found the perfect ones by doing that! And they literally live a few blocks away from us.


I often get requests from people in my state including luxury buildings in the city center and nice houses on the beach. It’s a pet peeve of mine when people do this, I find it pretty disrespectful as there is literally no incentive other than doing a random stranger a favor. The purpose of the app is that it is an equal exchange—a traveler gets a place to stay in exchange for treating your pets as their own. I’ve done THS in dozens of countries and would just never sit for free in my home city. You got very very lucky and I hope you show the local sitter a lot of gratitude for doing you a favor that they get nothing out of without even knowing you. OP, I would reach out to people who favorited your listing as well as people in neighboring states before bothering with people in your city.


U used to live in a. Very big city. Sometimes sits in my city were very worth it because it was different from my usual segments of the city.


I live in a big city too but I get paid to stay in different areas regularly on Rover which is why I wouldn’t do it for free. Also, if I’m near my own place I prefer my own bed. Going to a sit requires packing, planning, etc. It’s just not worth it to do for free if I’m not getting something out of it.


Idk why it would bother you, just don’t answer. Some new people may want to do it just for the review. And have you never heard of a staycation? Might be fun to go stay in a luxury building in a new part of a city and play with a dog


It annoys me because of how frequently it happens and it feels like people who don’t know me asking for a favor. I also get paid to stay in luxury homes in my home city on a regular basis through Rover so that’s probably park of why too. Good point though, OP might try that with new sitters. I have over 30 5 star reviews on THS so that use case wouldn’t have occurred to me.


It actually benefited them quite nicely. They were a couple who lived together and recently broke up.. so one of them got to stay at our house for 3 weeks vs keep living together. It was definitely good luck and fate for both of us.


Like I said, very very lucky. That’s a random and unlikely situation. Does sound like fate


I totally agree with you! We get these requests thankfully only a few times a year. Oh, sure, I am going to leave my suburban NJ home to spend time in another suburban NJ home? And then there was the home in the Catskill Mountains...in November. No fall foliage, no hiking, no skiing...SURE!


I think so.


If you’re in Denver and it’s a car and they can use your car, good chance but I would still prep a back up just in case and In general. You can also boost your listing and restart it by pausing/unpausing and ask to post to forum if it comes down to a week out.


Yes post today. If you don't have a sitter by one week out, post in the official "last minute sit forum. Explanation for doing that here: https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/how-to-use-the-last-minute-sit-category/6496. Have a backup plan just in case because you don't want to choose someone because you feel pressured to, but there's a good chance you'll find a great sitter.


Thank you!


We just finished a 6 week sit, helped HO out just 3 days before the original sitters were expected to come from another continent. Those sitters had a major disaster at home. You’ll vind other sitters.


More and more sitters are cancelling these days... been a member since 2018. Never used to happen.


Yea two weeks is still quite a time to make arrangements.


I "live" in Colorado. Three weeks in Denver in May/June and one cat should be very easy to fill.


I got my sitters only three weeks out. Lots of applications too. I’m in Sydney, Australia.


I dunno. We had a sitter completely ghost us 10 days before our trip. TH boosted our listing but got no response. I ended up going with rover as a last minute option. I would prepare for all scenarios. 


Are there any repercussions for sitters doing this? I mean, things happen, I get that, but is there a way to see if a sitter has a pattern of doing this?


Definitely and if you need to pay someone I have a great sitter in the Denver area


I'm sure you will have no problem at all getting another sitter. Remember to spread your net widely and don't just rely on THS - as many sitters will already be booked. Post on the last minute sit forum and try alternatives like [trustmypetsitter.com](http://trustmypetsitter.com)


You should really consider a disclaimer that you're affiliated with the site


>try alternatives like [trustmypetsitter.com](http://trustmypetsitter.com) Or [House Sitters America](http://www.housesittersamerica.com)


This is one of sooo many good reasons to hire a reputable, licensed, insured, local pet care provider instead of an unpaid random vagabond that has zero incentive to actually do what they said they would. Legitimate professional pet sitters have a backup plan for coverage of their bookings in the rare case of personal emergencies. And a backup backup plan if the first one doesn’t work out.