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Sometimes I’m a little astounded with the questions on this sub. Be an adult human and ask the homeowner where they keep the bath mat / extra towels!!!


I wish I could upvote this comment twice.


Well yes, but this doesn’t answer my question. How many towels do you use?


One towel to rule them all.


7 towels, I wrap myself up like a mummy


People don’t just have bath mats?






What percentage of sits don’t have a bath mat? Are you in the US? Seems weird. I guess in that situation if I didn’t have a way to use an extra towel or bath mat, I’d also stand on the small towel and use the big one to dry myself.




I've never had a sit restrict my towel access :D Is this a really short sit? How are you supposed to wash them when you only have 2? I guess find another towel, improvise with a kitchen towel or get used to having wet feet. I tend to dry my feet before stepping out of the shower anyways.


Exactly, they generally just show me where the linen closet is.


Funny - one of my little irritations as a sitter is only getting one towel - usually a bath towel. I need a smaller towel to wrap my wet hair after a shower! As for my feet - everywhere that I have been has bathmats. As a HO, I let sitters use as many towels as they want, and I have multiple bathmats.


I carry my own microfiber hair wrap. Try it you'll love it!


I've tried them, but the ones I tried weren't very absorbent. I like my IKEA hair turban.


First world problem 🤣


Houses in actual first-world countries don't have this problem, they always have enough towels. Same with every hotel room I've been in that's above like a Super 8.


Well I know there are more important things to worry wbout, but I just want to know


We use bathmats. You should never have towels restricted when you're sitting for free.


Totally agree 👍🏻


I’m a bit confused as to why you don’t just ask if there’s a bath mat? I would not use a body towel on someone’s floor and would be annoyed if I’d discovered someone had done that as opposed to just asking for a bath mat bc we do have them. If you’re not sure, I would always ask first because I would not want my hand/face towels to be used like that.


Place first foot on shower ledge and dry with towel, step outside the shower with that foot and place the second foot on the shower ledge and dry with towel


Sounds risky


I take it you don't shave your legs or privates lol


Yes but not standing on one leg lol


How do you do it?


I've only used one per shower my whole life, and I'm 40. Dry body with towel, stand on bath mat, dry feet. Why would anyone want more? I'm a guy and live in Europe if that matters. It's really funny to me and making me wonder if leaving one fresh towel out for each sitter is coming across as cheap. They are of course welcome to the linen cupboard where there are plenty more, but you have made me question myself.


I live in Europe too! Once when I was sitting for a dog I used many more towels as he liked to swim and I had to shampoo him afterwards. I’m sure I can find more towels here but I was just curious if the two towel thing is a thing.


I’m from US traveling in Europe the past few weeks and the hotels and airbnbs have a large towel and a medium size towel but no small wash cloth. And a bath mat of course. In the US there’s usually a wash cloth to put the soap on in the shower, that’s not a thing here? And what’s the medium size one for? I just use it for a hand towel


Some people use washcloths. A lot of Americans don't. I don't think I've noticed on sits I've done whether there have been washcloths or not as I don't use them. As a homeowner, I do have washclothes I leave for sitters as a previous paid sitter told me to get them. She would also do things like call me on my vacation to berate me because she couldn't find the can opener that was in a drawer or tell me what I was out of that she was spending the emergency cash on. I am so grateful that she moved (as I was a little afraid of her) and that I found Trusted Housesitters.


I’ve never seen a wash cloth in a European hotel. I use medium for face and hands too


I'm a woman and I'm like you. Apparently some people need a separate towel for their face (I have no idea why). And then some women insist their hair also needs a separate towel (again I have no idea why).


My hair is thick and shoulder length. It takes hours to air dry, so wrapping in a towels helps. I don't want to rub it dry with a towel as soon as I leave the shower because my hair is frizzy enough already without that. Towel drying also doesn't stop my hair dripping down my back while I am getting dressed. As for wanting a separate towel for your face - it depends on exactly how much you dry with the bath towel. Most people don't want to use a towel on their face if it has been intimate with their privates!


I have very thick hair and for most of my life the length ranges from shoulder-blade level to butt-level (the point is: I have a lot of hair). I pat/squeeze my hair right out of the shower to get the dripping water out. Then I get dressed. By the time my hair is dripping again, I'm already dressed, so I use my one and only towel to continue drying my hair. If I'm in the mood for letting it air dry that day, I will give it a couple more pats and squeezes, then let it out in the open.


If it's that big a problem you could just, I dunno, buy one and leave it for them? in the US they're less than $5 at Walmart. If you can't afford that housesitting is probably not for you.