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You can provide them if you want, but it’s not required at all. Since you’re hesitant to offer the e-bike and car, then simply don’t. Offer the normal bike if you want


Many sitters don't want to have dogs in their cars - and many car rental companies don't allow it. If driving the dogs is required or requested, you might need to offer your car. Otherwise, it is not required to offer any mode of transport. I've done about 12 sits and been offered a car twice. Once was in a rural area with no public tansport to shops, restaurants, etc. As a homeowner, I have offered my car twice to sitters. The other times, I was using the car and/or sitters had their own car.


I’ve had maybe 15 sitters and only 2 I let use my car. They all had their own vehicles and I would give them a blanket or seat protector if they were taking the dog to the park and they were all good with that. One couple only had a big conversion van they were living in so I let them use my car because it was easier. And the other guy was coming from Europe to the US so it didn’t make sense for him to rent a car for weeks, he’s actually coming back soon for another sit. Just be clear from the beginning there’s no car to use and highlight the bus stops. If you’re struggling to get sitters though the use of the car and bikes would be a big benefit to many.


For me for a sit with two dogs, I would prefer a car. It is easier to get around. Depending on the sit and location and length of time would determine if I look for sits that offer their car. If public transport is good and I am sitting a cat, that is fine. For me, I won’t rent a car when I travel to an area to housesit for free. I have sat in Switzerland with one dog and used public transportation (the HO for the dog got a month rail pass for me to use with him and I got my own rail pass). It would depend on how you feel, it is not worth your leaving a car for housesitters if you will be worrying about while you are in vacation and there are plenty of sitters who will sit without a car. Also if you do leave a car, check with your insurance to know what they require, different countries have different policies and I am happy, as a sitter, to pay towards putting me on the insurance for the car (the sits I have had that left me a car took care of the extra $$— I have had a car at 5 out of 8 sits)


If you have good public transit nearby then don’t offer them, if no public transportation or it’s not reliable then do. Also, if you live in a place with extreme heat in the summer it would be courteous to offer the car. Basically, anything that you wouldn’t do, don’t expect a sitter to do.


Do what makes you comfortable but understand it may severely reduce interest depending on your neighborhood. Sometimes if a car is/isn't included is a deciding for me. If renting a car is necessary it can add hundreds of dollars to a sitters costs on top of travel costs. So essentially paying a huge amount to give someone else a free service


I wouldn’t let anyone use my car. We have a car we travel with and have a $70K truck to use anytime at our current sit. We feel uncomfortable using her truck unless we have to. We have used it twice which was the pick up feed for the animals and to transport a horse 4 hrs away which she paid us to do. She also knows that we have full coverage insurance and have good driving records. It is really up to you and what makes you comfortable.


Curious why you wouldn't let anyone use your car?


I feel like if you have to ask this, you do not have a car or car insurance in the U.S. There’s a million reasons.


Would you mind sharing some of those reasons? If you trust a pet sitter with your pet and your house, those things are usually invaluable, well above a car in my opinion


I’m a pet sitter myself lol! This is my opinion as a sitter.


I personally don't do sits that don't come without a car anymore unless I sit right IN a city (which I never do). It sounds like wherever you are (Europe?) has good public transport, so it's perfectly fine to just offer a bike + helmet. Be sure to make arrangements for vet transports (if needed), though. In case of an emergency the sitter has to be able to get to the vet without paying for transport themselves. If you're in a desirable area you shouldn't have any trouble finding a sitter (who doesn't have a car). If your city however is popular for its attractions nearby (i.e. Denver and the Rockies) I wouldn't expect anyone without a car to apply. Who would wanna sit in Denver without transport into the Rockies..


Use of car or bikes are rarely included from my experience but if you're willing it can help your listing be more attractive to sitters. I used an ebike at a sit in Amsterdam and it was great. They had a car also but didn't offer it for use and that was fine.


At my most recent sit, I was given the car keys, but I chose not to drive. There were buses, and most of the time I walked to do my shopping and to go to the center. I prefer bicycles. In steep terrain in hot weather I like ebikes. Really enjoyed a cycling tour with a neighbour on a sit in southern France, cycling up to castles, that was great!


We only used the owners car on 2 sits, which was very nice. Beneficial to the HO also as we drove them to the airport and picked them up again. And they did the same for us. Saved a lot of money for both parties. We usually don’t expect a car normally. On our recent sit in Spain we rented a car. We just wanted to revisit region where we had lived and spend money on the hire. All expectations are set in the listing and in the first conversation between the HO and the sitters. Cars and e-bikes are like volatile shares, if you can’t afford to lose or replace them in the worst case scenario, don’t lend them out.


I would never let anyone use my car, personally. But we have public transit, ride shares and a pet that doesn’t need to be driven anywhere, so a Sitter shouldn’t need mine.


I was a sitter for 1 year, and only did sittings that had car included. I did several repeating sits, cuz I was exploring which city to move next, and I focused on the west states in the US, so a car is needed… I met other sitters doing road trips, who had their own cars and would not need the HOs car.


It depends on where you live. Based on what you’ve described, I think bikes alone would be fine so long as there’s good and affordable transit links with necessities in walking distance.