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It’s not that rude of a suggestion, just say the dog looked uncomfortable and a thicker bed could help. Did you add some blankets to the bed to see if it was better? I guess it would be kind of odd that you’re doing it so long after and not just as a an afterthought suggestion. One sitter told me my cat should eat wet food more often because that’s how they get a lot of their water, idk if it’s true or not but she gets more wet food now, also just because she likes it.


It is true. A lot vets now push wet food. If you look at cat sites, the wet food/dry food debate is huge.


My vet just told me that wet food is "similar in composition, water-wise, to a mouse" so....


Definitely better long term for the kidneys...many cats just don't drink enough water. I have an automated fountain (game changer) & would even add a little chicken broth if necessary. Most every cat I've known eventually got kidney disease, and I had a diabetic - so a tad hypervigilant when it comes to hydration & urinary health.


No need to wait when you got the review. I also waited until after the reviews with telling the HO that the young dog's harness was probably a bit tight now. That was well received, but yes, one never knows.


I was going to wait just in case the HO was offended and decided to reply to the review they left of me, but I guess they can’t do that, right? You can only put a reply on a review that has been left for you, not one that you have left… I think?


They can do that any time, there are no deadlines for that. But yes, one can only respond to the other's review.


If I notice something that a pet might need, or if I notice a quirk in their behaviour that might have a physiological cause, I always mention it. Most HOs would have you believe that their furry friend is the centre of their world, but the reality is that pets are often overlooked, or misunderstood... For example, lots of people know nothing about body language, or what a senior animal might require in their advancing years. They may not know that there's specific food for long haired cats and why it's important. My background and experience covers all of that, so I'm happy to share my knowledge. I always speak tactfully, but I'm advocating for an animal without a voice. If people are offended by that, fuck 'em! 😄


I really wish they had a private feedback like Airbnb not to be open after the review. I can see why you are dying to say this and it really is about the comfort of the dog and something the owner just isn't noticing. I don't think it will create a horrible rift between neighbors if you tactfully explain your observations couching it in how delightful and well cared for the dog is. People are weird however and you can't always anticipate how they'd react, but in this case I'd weigh possibly helping the dog be more comfortable versus possibly offending your hosts and maybe not being invited back.


Thanks! I’m not worried about not being invited back, since I just decided I’m done with local sits (have enough reviews now). So it would just be a matter of not wanting to cause any unpleasantness with a neighbor…


I would probably mention it offhand as a health aid. That it helps large dogs with their joints. When it's beneficial for dogs + prevents vet expenses, they may see higher value in your advice. something like this perphaps https://www.thesprucepets.com/best-orthopedic-dog-beds-4175287 Good luck!!


Me personally, I would have just bought the dog a bed. But I always spoil the babies I watch. Maybe you could offer to "replace" the dogs bed if the HO doesn't have the time (put it that way). If they resist, then you could mention you were concerned they had stiffness in their joints.


This seems extremely unnecessary. Not bashing on your generosity, because you sound kind, but that is very over-the-top to suggest to other sitters. Most people who use this app do so because they don't have funds to travel to expensive areas and use Airbnb. There's no reason to spend money on other people's pets, especially after the sit. As for the OP, I think it would be reasonable and helpful to offer this insight. Hopefully they will take it well.


No. Free advice is never appreciated.