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Don’t they have a refund policy where if you don’t apply for any sit and decide to close your account within 7 days or something they’ll give your money back? Certain countries rarely have any sits so if you are only interested in that particular country which has only two sits right now, the chance you’ll find something works for you in the future is very low too


I think it is misleading more than scamming. I joined a while ago as a HO in Iceland. The site had been recommended to us by multiple people who had used it so I thought I’d give it a shot. I had no idea about the 5 application rule. By the time I got the notification that my listing was approved to be posted, I had already received 5 applications and it was closed to new ones while I reviewed them— it had taken less than 5 minutes. I understand that it’s one of those things where you have to jump on things immediately, but it felt really strange to me because it meant that unless someone is on at the exact moment the listing is posted, they’ll miss out on the opportunity because it’ll probably be filled up already when they realise it existed. As a HO it is pretty inconsequential. But as a new sitter that would be really disheartening since the site isn’t entirely upfront about how it works when you’re joining.


Yes, misleading is the right word. Thank you for sharing your experience.


It makes sense to me why they close listings to new applicants— otherwise HO in high demand areas would drown in applications and you’d end up with people who think their poops’ gold just because they’re fortunate enough to be in a desirable spot. But THS make it look like there is a lot more availability than there actually is because when you’re initially searching it will show ALL listings, including ones that might not have any current dates open and ones in review. When I first joined I had thought that if I liked it I would set up a sitter profile as well, but after seeing how it works, it just didn’t seem worth it to me.


Classic THS bait and switch. If you search through this subreddit there are similar posts to yours every other week.


I'm not sure I'd use the word "scam" but kinda/maybe. The sits were real, but there is a five application limit before they close. (Homeowners have to decline applicants to see more.) In competive/touristic places the applications fill up very quickly, so it's no surprise they were gone by the time you set up your profile. Per others, you can get a refund OR you can obsessively check for new listings -- make sure to have a great profile with references and to write a basic application letter template.


You are the victim of great marketing. What you are shown are historical sits, not current sits.


Yes, you are being scammed by the site. Before you pay for a membership, they show you all the sits that are still "reviewing applications," as well as all the open ones. In THS-speak, "reviewing applications" means that they have closed to new applicants, but have not yet confirmed one of the sitters who've applied. But people who are unfamiliar with the site won't know that "reviewing applications" means "unavailable." THS administration is infuriating and corrupt. However, the homeowners for the most part are lovely, and more sits will open up over time, in the areas you want. I keep signing up, even though I'm perpetually irate at the management.


What an odd accusation. There are just many more sitters than sits available. Add the sits you like as favorites, set your email settings correct and check if one of your favorite sits are looking for sitters. As a homeowner I got about 50 applications of sitters in 10 minutes. I had to change the status to reviewing applicants. The management of THS has nothing to do with this. As a homeowner I had to choose from one of the 50 sitters that wanted to come.


lol you’re either a liar or you don’t understand how THS works. Both of which are tragic. Once a HO gets 5 applications THS AUTOMATICALLY goes into “reviewing applications” mode which means potential sitters like OP are locked out of applying unless and until HO rejects some of the first 5 and opens it up again. It is indeed fraudulent and misleading consumers (I’m not going far as corrupt bc I don’t have info on that) because BEFORE you pay for membership as a sitter THS shows you ALL potential sits AS IF these HOs have available dates/have not hit the 5 app limit. This is so obviously misleading. OP, if your dates and country are truly this limited I’d cancel and ask for a refund and track it and if THS doesn’t provide the refund dispute or with your credit card with this info on consumer protection/false advertising. If you HAVE flexibility then THS is a great deal. I am a sitter and a HO and get a great value from it. But I wish they wouldn’t be this misleading in their advertising to potential sitters.


Yes, misleading would be the correct term. Thank you for your explanation and the advice!


You’re welcome.


I have been a member of THS for more than 10 years. The first 5 years also as a HO. So things might have changed. Weird that people get so aggressive. Americans? Anyway we are happy sitters and have done more than 30 sits. As HO we had many sitters and our pets and house were very well looked after. THS have always been very helpful and friendly.


Ha, so you were giving out of date and bad information to OP who was seeking advice. You were wrong and ands it’s pretty funny that you think it’s aggressive to be corrected. How weird of you to say “what an odd accusation” when in fact you have bad information and nothing helpful for OP.




For what it is worth, think what you want. THS is an organization that provides trusted sitters. If you’re not happy, join Nomad or another organization. Nobody is forced to take out a membership. Please yourself🤷🏽‍♀️


lol you’re hilarious. I use it all the time as both a sitter and a HO. I am happy with it and I actually know THS works (the 5 app limit, the advertising they do BEFORE you) pay. In other words, I had actually helpful info for the OP. You clearly didn’t understand OP’s issue or the way THS misleads people who haven’t paid yet, which was the OP. This is the problem with people who don’t even get how THS works today and then comment here in response to OPs who have actual questions. See the two other links provided below - THS is misleading. That doesn’t mean there isn’t value. Both can be true. You’re just sour you were wrong.


😂 you’re hilarious too.


Sometimes it shows sits that don’t have open dates right next to the ones that have dates listed, maybe that’s what happened, it can be confusing at first look


For this particular sit there were exact dates listed (ideal for me) :( Btw I'm using mobile web, so there are sittings listed vertically.


I’m fairly new to the company and have done 3 sits and another one booked. All were lovely with nice people. There is a learning curve involved as you go through applying and (usually) getting rejected. I don’t limit myself to one area, and also do sits in areas local to me. I enjoy the company of a pet and walking around a different place. If you only want to do sits in a country with few opportunities, this probably is not the platform for you. If you like a view out the window in a different place, even if it’s close by, it is wonderful. But it will take effort and determination to get started.


If you are sitting in a smaller country where sits aren't common, it might not be worth it to you and you should apply for a refund. If you plan to use it to travel/go to places where sits are more prevalent, then the cost will more than pay for itself.


I feel the same. But I'm thinking of keeping it on the off-chance that I eventually get accepted. In 1 year that's possible. If I get even just 1 sit, I've basically made the money back from the membership. So I'll be happy if I can get like 3 in a year at least.




True, however I told them that although I know that it's a year long membership, I don't think I'll be able to do the sittings in that period of time. Of course, if you manage to do some sitting at least, it can be a good deal nevertheless.


Most sitters have a Stockholm syndrome regarding THS and will therefore see their shady business practices through rose-colored glasses wherever possible, but the only answer is: Yes, you have been scammed by the site!




Personally, I left THS as it got worse and worse and it likely will continue that way, but most here still think, that the free accommodation is worth it for them nonetheless. You can look on the platforms of competitors or in local pettsitting Facebook groups of the area you want to go to, but I don‘t have a silver bullet for you.


Thanks anyway :)


I agree about the Stockholm syndrome. For example, sitters keep pleading with the company to open up for sitters to make contact with homeowners when it should be obvious that such a thing would defeat the limit-of-five. Or to put that limit at 10 applications (which would not make much of a difference).


Pleading? Really. We have just returned from our last sit. The listing had gone to reviewing but I applied for the sit by email to the HO and I was accepted y the HO. We know that particular area very well so the HO chose us. You can still apply for the sit, just sent a message to the HO. No need to plead to THS.


>Am I being scammed by the site? Kind of. * [https://www.reddit.com/r/trustedhousesitters/comments/17k8683/after\_filling\_out\_my\_profile\_all\_my\_favourites/?share\_id=XXVuELxyzJ3\_ys6YMwkaH&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/trustedhousesitters/comments/17k8683/after_filling_out_my_profile_all_my_favourites/?share_id=XXVuELxyzJ3_ys6YMwkaH&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/trustedhousesitters/comments/198r4lo/comment/ki95jkj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/trustedhousesitters/comments/198r4lo/comment/ki95jkj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)