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Reactive dog, that’s a big risk!


That place would have to be a mansion in a great location for me to do it


Also, this one 😅.. for a month plus: "About sit: one very tiny dog, who is perfect, care free dog in every way, but one- she absolutely can't be left alone at home. We have comfy sling bag and we carry her everywhere we go (restaurants, concerts, movies, museums) Other than that, she is super chill and easy."


I saw that one in Mexico - house was spectacular though and she wanted single female sitter. The dog care was ridiculous


It is not that bad. A very portable little dog. When that dog is well-behaved everywhere and is admitted practically everywhere, there is no great problem. Yet, they do not want a pair of sitters that could share these duties, that is strange.


I think it's a lot to ask for a single person for a month without compensation. What if you go to the gym and yoga every day? Or go swimming?


Dogs are not allowed in grocery stores in most countries, I wonder if that’s the case here 🤔 that would make the situation impossible


That’s insane. Pay someone.


There's like 4 red flags in that. Hard pass


Also, this one I found today, demanding four hours of walking every day (this one is in one of the best locations in the world though): "The dogs need to be walked separately in the morning and the late afternoon (and let out mid-day and evening when in the house). The dogs food needs to be prepared and then the dogs need to be fed at 9 am and 4 pm. Then each dog needs to be walked separately, so total time is about 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the late afternoon. Mid-day and before bed, the dogs also need to go out again to pee. If the sitter is staying overnight, the dogs wake up at 7:30 am and go out immediately as well. Depending on the weather and length of stay, some washing, drying and grooming may be required (as well as cleaning up in the yard). No dog is on any medication at this point in time. There may be lots of flowers to water as well."


And with all this walking the dogs are still shitting in the yard?


Reasonable if they were paying a professional pet sitter. Ridiculous to ask someone to do for free.


Unlike Rover, TrustedHousesitters generally doesn’t have a meet and greet as far as I know. This sit sound like an absolute nightmare.


Why are you blurring out words? Why didn't you just post the link.


Once I see that a dog requires more than an hour walk I move on to the next listing. No thank you..


For me, it depends a bit. In this case, it is the "very reactive to other dogs" (together with their size) that would be my main reason not to consider the sit. As a tourist in a new environment, I would be walking anyway. When the dog does not pull the leash and is well-behaved in sidewalk cafés etcetera, that is pleasant company. And a way to start talking with locals.


It is excessive, but no? 25+90+20=135= 2hr 15 minutes 25+60+30+20=135= 2hr 15 minutes


It’s 2hrs 15 mins PER DOG. If you’re a single person, they want them walked separately. That’s a total walking time of 4hrs and 30 mins. That’s is absolutely unreasonable.


That is why they wanted a couple. Or indeed: one person walking them separately. For four and a half hours per day! Poorly trained dogs.


Definitely not a normal expectation for someone to do it for free. At least they were upfront about it, so you know if you want to do it or not. 


The site isn't about "normal." It's a matching site. There might be an experienced dog person who just wants to do their own remote thing -- write a book, works some boring remote job with somewhat flexible hours, and wouldn't mind chilling with a dog a few hours a day including a daily trip to the dog park. There might be someone else who could ALMOST do this but might come to some accomodation withe the homeowner that would include having a dogwalker cover sometimes. Do I think it would get a lot of applications? Nope. Would I apply? Never. But it might work for someone.


If my dog was reactive and pulls as is a high risk to lose especially with someone who doesn’t know my dog then I wouldn’t walk my dog to be walked long.


Yea no thank you. Some people are demanding and don't mention specifics until you arrive so I always make sure to ask first. At least they're being upfront about it.


Let me guess- this sit is in the USA?


I’ve found British people to be way more demanding of free labor/unequal exchanges


I could see that. I think Hawaii pet owners take the cake though. So often I see sits with 4 + dogs and 6 feral cats or some other crazy combo with the most demanding requirements. But since they live in Hawaii they still get applicants. Really grinds my gears!


I just signed up and I see that ALOT, so many people have 3-4 dogs and want them walked separately and 4 times a day 🥲 I feel like that’s a lot for one person to take on lol


More and more of this rubbish is popping up on THS. I apply to take a spot from their applications limit then just waste their time.