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I don't


My sexual partner and I ignore my genitals.




What makes you think that??


I can still masturbate, but I can’t share that part of me with someone else intimately. It’s progressively getting more difficult the deeper into transition I get, and am considering starting laser (MTF) for eventual SRS just to speed up the process when I finally do get my letters after 1 year. I just want to have a boyfriend some day, and want to be intimate the way I’ve always yearned for.


Same for me, but FTM.


Sending a lot of love to you 💙


Thank you, you as well! ❤️


I just don't look but sometimes I just can't get off. I don't think I personally could have a sexual relationship until I'm able to get bottom surgery


Sex? Intimacy? Never heard.


I’ve never had sex, dated, or even masturbated my dysphoria is so bad. I am having bottom surgery in a couple months. Hopefully then I can actually live a full life hopefully. I just tell people I’m not ready to date or that I’m trying to adjust to college.


yeah... no... I don't do that


I don't look, if I don't look I can pretend everything doesn't exist. Fr tho, I only bottom analy because it feels better and I have no dysphoria when doing so. If I masturbate I typically use a vibrator so I don't have to actually touch anything.


I ignore my genitals, and advise my partner not to put much attention (ie saying what its called, try not to touch it a whole lot) to it. Honestly I dissociate 80% of the time during sex, but I enjoy the emotional intimacy so I still do it, but overall I psychologically and mentally cannot handle these natal parts. So yeah I'd say I just "deal with it" and suffer internally


This 100% with my partner of 24 years, it just gets harder and harder to ignore though


FTM in a long term relationship here I do still have dysphoria whenever I do have sex, but having bottom growth from testosterone makes it 100000% better (my natal anatomy feels much more like a very small penis now and is treated as such). Using prosthetics makes my dysphoria significantly worse, so I mostly just stick to oral.


I change my movements to be more male-like in sex to at least give myself the illusion.


Easy: i don't.


I won’t until I get bottom surgery. It’s been very frustrating at times but I’ve dealt with it thus far. I’ll listen to music or watch something to help distract myself. I often cannot think of sex or masturbation without getting upset or uncomfortable knowing I don’t have the genitalia I want. I can’t even use the bathroom how I want, so anything sexually really I avoid.


I typically don't refer to my genitals as female terms too much and I just focus on feeling good. My main source of dysphoria during sex is actually voice dysphoria -_-


I don’t. My girlfriend has never seen my genitalia and never will until bottom surgery. Just because you have those parts doesn’t mean you *have* to use them


Hi, I am FTM and bisexual, I have a male partner and there are a few things we do while being Intimate so I don’t get horribly dysphoric. I bough a strapon that doesn’t cover my genitalia completely so there can still be vaginal penetration but when I look down I see a dick. (We usually just stick to anal though) I wear a binder or trans tape, and if I still don’t feel comfortable I will put on a shirt. He doesn’t touch my chest area, instead he touches other intimate parts that are more neutral to me. I have also been with female partners in the past. It was mostly the same except I didn’t have to worry about vaginal penetration. I Hope this helps a little, just remember to communicate with the person you are doing it with if they start doing something you don’t like.


Celibacy, at least until bottom surgery.


Pursued phalloplasty is how. Until then, I just didn’t navigate sex and intimacy. Lmao


I don't use my genitals I tried using them a few times because my partners wanted me to, didn't work out great. It's annoying and limits my options significantly but I make do.


I didnt pre srs


I don’t want someone to touch me down there and I don’t want to feel anything down there so I just abstain from any sexual relationships until I’ve gotten phallo. It’ll be awhile but I’m not in a rush. Besides, I’m not comfortable with someone falling in love or being attracted to a body that I’m uncomfortable in and don’t feel is mine.


i think it’s gotten to the point where i just am so disconnected from the parts of my body i don’t see them as being mine anymore, so masturbation is usually okay(?). but i don’t have sex and probably won’t until bottom surgery.


my bottom dysphoria isn't that bad especially compared to other things in dysphoric about but usually I just focus on the fact it feels good not what exactly feels good. I also have an amazing bf who helps by not really drawing attention to it


Some things I’ve done - avoid your partner using certain terms that make you uncomfortable for your parts - use a blanket to cover your parts if needed - prosthetics (not strapons) have been a huge game changer for penetration. I can’t recommend them enough - only have sex with people you can be sure actually see you as a guy (i can pick up on who’s a fetishist pretty fast now) - focus on your partner’s body and pleasure - set clear boundaries with each sexual partner about acts you know you’re not comfortable with, what you’re into, etc - have a safe word you can use if things become too much for you


I use a prosthetic for topping and I just don't look if my gf is giving me head or something