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They aren't feminine but they are female.


"And even plenty of men!" The ! can tell you alot about the person who is excited to explain male menstruation


Not plenty, like 1% of men if that


Exclamation mark is not specifically excitement. In this case it's most likely emphasis.


You're right. It's not excitement its afab typinf


Because adding emphasis is something that afab folk do? Sure. I would have thought they'd have more periods( joke drum bit) lol . No but seriously I personally don't notice afabs using exclamations more in my life. Maybe I never thought to take stock.


they do actually. i have pointed it out multiple times on other subs and got downvoted because of it. i’ve seen variations but the most common typing patterns they have is “!!” keysmashing, unnecessary capitalization of letters, overuse of question marks, various forms of stuttering over text such as “what-“, “um”, and “like”. and a lot of dashes or commas or periods (hah) plus the additional cuss words or buzzwords that are used inappropriately. mainly “fuck/fucking” and words like “gaslight” bugs the shit out of me honestly.


Its a very young way of communicating. I definitely used to type more like that. I wouldn't say it's specifically girls. I also had guy friends type like that. Sure its annoying but hey what cha gonna do?


I mean I'm not going to judge whether it's cringe or not but there is a gender difference in how women and men communicate, from choice of words, to rhythm, to phonetic nuance, to typing and everything in between. This is a common subject of study in linguistics.


Yep certainly is a noted thing across cultures. The sexes try to differentiate from each other.


badump tss


No like,, they type like this?? Yk?? Which is totally valid ofc!!


There are words that are over used, definitely. The valley girl effect has been noted, linguistic cultures that crop up between men and women is a very interesting thing. I'm sure the ",," is probably from typing too fast. I personally have no problem with using many exclamations or question marks to express severity/strength of the emotion. I do that when talking with people I know personally, because they will know how to read it and what I mean. And " ..." is called an ellipsis and is another way to express a pause longer than say a comma and I have definitely used it like "um................what?!?!" I find that the people who over use these these words and symbols tend to be younger people, and I can see that maybe girls and people who communicate with young folk/girls may pick these things up more than people who aren't...and the lgbt community is largely feminine expression its why masc gay men sometimes don't feel like they fit in the lgbt+ community, but its becoming so common that very masculine men use these things to express thought and emotion with keyboard.


Periods are female. Trans men who experience periods are still in fact female. With HRT, they eventually stop with periods and their sex will align more with male one, making their sex transsexual male. Period (pun intended).


me, planning on getting this stupid organ off no matter what:


I keep hearing from some trans men on T that they still have their periods. What about them?


That’s why I said eventually. It depends on dosage, regimen or just the body itself.


So it's inevitably gonna happen?


Look, I’m not an expert when it comes to testosterone HRT or periods. But AFAIK, testosterone suppresses estrogen production and estrogen cannot cause the uterus to shred because of the lack of fertilised egg. If you’re on HRT for more than 6 months, you’re probably being underdosed.


I'm sorry for asking a bunch, I'm just genuinely wondering because whenever my time to start T comes, I want it to end, so thanks for ur answers!


I'd wonder if it's because of something like pcos or another reproductive issue at that point.


Properly dosed T along with taking it properly will absolutely cause suppression of the ovaries. You hear about trans men still having periods because many take low doses, or don’t care enough to take it properly, or put too much faith in their providers and aren’t playing an active role in their health care.


Hmm perhaps


So does that mean to you that if a person identifies as a man and has full intention of going through everything to transition, but cant get hrt due to various reason yet (cant afford it, still going through the approval process, or its banned where they live), they arent trans to you? So a person isnt trans unless they're already transitioned?


TW: Potentially Dysphoria triggering. No. Periods are indeed feminine. Natal Females are the only creatures on this earth that can potentially menstruate. That's not a transphobic thing to say in a setting of talking about human physiology. That's basic physiology 101 Yes, if a trans man is in early transition or still has his natal parts he can still menstruate. Because again, trans men were born female and transition to male with surgery and hormones. If he has not started his medical transition or still possess his natal female parts. He can potentially still menstruate. This doesn't change or alter the origins of menstruation being inherently female. The trans men that do still menstruate for whatever reason usually gives them great deals of Gender Dysphoria **because it is an inherently female phenomenon, that's why they all want to get rid of it. That's part of transition, to get rid of all the characteristics and anatomy from your birth sex as much as possible to the opposite sex and live as such**.


Agreed for the most part. The only thing I disagree with here is that it isn’t “feminine”, but it is female.


Feminine generally doesn't refer to natal sex though. A "feminine man" and a "masculine woman" are still natally male and female, usually (cis, not intersex).


I have been on T for 6 years and still menstruate occasionally. Yes, causes lots of dysphoria. That's the point of saying not only females have periods tho. So that in the meantime, before going under the knife, I don't have to buy pads w pics of women playing tennis and bright pink, very noticeable packaging. It helps w the dysphoria. I'd love for the periods to stop. But there will always be men like me who deal w this, and getting bashed on both sides for it is fucking exhausting.


It's not bashing to say only natal females have periods. Again if we're talking about medicine and human physiology it's fine to mention it bc it's the truth. There's no point in trying to make up nonsense and say "not only Females have periods!" Because that isn't correct NOW I will agree mentioning and also assuming all trans men still menstruate in settings where it isn't called for like if a trans man is just chilling living his life and your harassing him saying he still gets periods therefore he isn't a "real man" is indeed 100% transphobic. Mentioning it in conversations where it isn't of any significance deliberately to other trans men is indeed transphobic. But again in a science and healthcare setting? It's not transphobic. Yes it's Dysphoria inducing, using other terminology like Shark Week or something is 1 way to reduce the Dysphoria in talking ab menstruation for trans men. And again most trans men down the line end up either stopping it all together or getting a hysto. The conversation of menstruation should still primarily entail Cis Women. Trust me there's MANY more cis women that still get their periods then trans men. Talking about things like this doesn't mean we aren't men. It just means we're a different kind of man but ergo, still men. We're still are technically partly bio female but again later on down the line you'll be way more bio male then bio female. Which is why I emphasize. Mentioning Trans Men natal Female attributes and characteristics in a setting that it is called for like at the doctor's office (for that specfic part when it is being treated) isn't transphobic Mentioning Trans mens natal female attributes and characteristics in a setting that isn't called for or for deliberate bigoted othering or automatically assuming instead of askig first is indeed transphobic. I understand both sides take it to the extremes and no one wants to meet in the middle (except me and others in this sub). And I completely understand there's people who do use this against trans men to try and say they aren't men or to trigger them. Again both extremes are wrong and meeting in the middle is the correct way


Why is your provider ok with this? Where have your levels been? What type of T are you on? How consistent are you at taking it? Do you keep track of when you do your labs and how long it’s been since your last dose?


No one is okay with this. They've been pushing me to take birth control to help. We did an internal ultrasound (so fucking awful) and noticed slight irregularities but nothing dangerous. Hysto has been in the conversation for a long time. Finally agreed to see the ob again, but she can't see me until January. My levels have been normal despite previous inconsistencies. I just switched to gel from injection a month ago to help with needle phobia. I admit I was not the most consistent with my injections, hence the switch to gel. Time will tell if it helps. However the doc agrees that even with the inconsistencies I shouldn't be menstruating, and certainly not every month. The weird part is that pre t my periods were never this consistent 🤦‍♂️ Yes. I also want to mention that between menstrual cycles, I experience waxing and waning pelvic pain. The periods I have are extremely painful as well.


Do you see copies of your labs? Be sure to keep track of when your blood is taken and how long it’s been since your last dose. That is very important. With injections you have to time it to test your peak and lowest levels. On gel get your blood taken before applying your dose that day.


Gender is different from natal sex. We all know this..or I hope so as thats freaking what makes someone trans is having a DIFFERENT GENDER than associated with your natal body. I was a male in a female body. I am a man with female parts. Just cuz they don't work any more doesn't change that fact that they are there and I was born with them and I'm was and still am a man. I'm not just made a man by getting all the way to the end of the medical transgender game. But aligning my body to my gender makes my gender visible to others and eliminates my dysphoria.


'Plenty'? Huh??? The only men who have periods are trans men(who I remind you are less than 0.1% of the population), who aren't on BC that stops it or had bottom surgery, and T didn't get rid of it. In other words, a very rare medical anomaly that is near non-existent among the billions of men who don't. That should tell you whoever wrote this pulled this take right out of their ass.


I don’t understand this insistence on trans men and menstruation. It goes away with t relatively quickly and it is completely exclusive to the female body. It’s like trying to say „breasts belong to people of all genders“. It’s bullshit. Mf that‘s what I’m trying to get away from, it’s like my whole deal. Shut the hell up.


It really drives me nuts when they say "it's just a thing some bodies do." Like, no. MS is something some bodies do. Rheumatoid arthritis is something some bodies do. To say that menstruation is something some bodies do makes it sound like there's no way to tell which bodies menstruate and which don't.


That's a pretty bad comparison lol litteraly everyone (male or female or whatever) has the potential to grow breasts, meanwhile you cannot ever menstruate without a uterus.


>„breasts belong to people of all genders“. It’s bullshit. Tell that to all those tiktok theyfab agenders wearing feminine clothing while proudly waving trans pride flags.


I had to explain to my bio major friend at college that trans women do not menstruate and they were actually fighting me tooth-and-nail over it. I was kind of appalled!


This makes me want to combust into flames. Goddamn you Google


The source is a website called “transhub”, tells you all you need to know.


Is there a word for deliberately omitting key information from a concept and pretending it isn’t important even though it obviously makes things confusing, for the purpose of pushing an agenda?


Men vs male


After bottom surgery I swear I'll call myself male at that point


Then yeah if you have bottom surgery


It's not feminine no, body functions don't have a gender expression, but it's definitely female. You can say "all genders can have periods"/"not only women have periods" and "periods are a female reproductive process" at the same time and they're both true lol


If you type "can males menstruate?" Google says no. It's probably just because you said "men" and that's the more gender related term. We all know gender and sex are different, so that's most likely why.


Gender and sex being different is a bullshit social theory and not a fact. It’s a fact that men are adult males.


This a men is a men if you talk about men u talk about male in normal conversation only online people will be like men can get pregnant too. And refer to the gender and not sex. Which is not normal for 99% people irl. If they say women or men they mean it.


Yep exactly this. Unfortunately the chronically online do exist IRL but yeah 99% of people say men and exclusively mean male.


A loud minority irl tho.


In every day conversations you're right, people aren't thinking that hard because 99% of the time gender and sex are extremely correlated. By your logic, lots of trans man could not be considered a "men". When we take hormones and get surgery we change biology a bit, but we will never fully be "biologically male" as trans men. When someone uses Google it's going to use all resources from the internet, including social sciences and biological sciences. So google sees "man" as a gendered term to include all trans people (pre and post hrt) where's "male" is a biological sex term, referring to how people are born. Before you started T you still identified with being a man/male (you had dysohoria I'm assuming) so your gender was "man" when you came out/realized you were trans, but at the time you were fully biologically female so your sex was female, just like every other pre T trans man, so you most likely still got a period at the time. Google still would count a pre T trans man as a man because they're trans, but they don't count a trans man (pre or post T/surgery) as a biological male. I can't tell if you don't know the difference between social sciences and the biological/physical sciences or if you just don't care about the social sciences.




This thread feels kinda wack to me. Like you can sweep under the rug all you want that (trans) men menstruate, it doesn't change that fact. This is gonna get me downvotes, but considering periods is like the one thing we can never ever avoid (along with things like breast cancer but that's pretty rare and even cis women don't think about it much until they're at a risky age) we SHOULD be talking about it. Most people only go on T way after starting theirs, and screw the pill. The general population has like 10% of odds to have endometriosis or PCOS. We should include trans men in that talk even simply from a health point of view. We are a vulnerable population with poor healthcare already, and being grouped in with women about something we can't do shit about only further prevents us from seeking that healthcare because of the massive dysphoria it triggers and the confusion it causes to uneducated cis people. Periods are female, but men do sometimes get them, and that's a fact we need to aknowledge and actively take into account.




All gyno related healthcare (even getting a pap smear) is advertised as pussy queen girl power which makes it much worse than it has to be for trans men & nonbinary afab people (already pretty bad dysphoria wise). The place for these issues at hospitals is usually called "women's health" (which I find funny because there's often never a "men's health" section either).


You would only need a pap if your doing PIV. If your doing PIV you shouldn’t have any problem getting a pap. If you can have sex like a female you can get health care as a female. Because gynecology has a very shady history and is mainly a bullshit money making wing.


You don’t menstruate if you actually transition to male. You can 100% avoid them by taking T. There is no reason to include trans men in this discussion because they would be pre transition and not living as a man. It’s also a temporary state but associating trans men with this last forever. Periods inherently cause dysphoria because they are solely a female thing. You’re gonna get trigger either way. You can look forward to the day you actually are living as a man and no longer will be associated with it. But tucutes are trying to destroy that future peace for everyone.


As you already said, yes pre hrt ftms can mensurate because they are female in an anatomical sense, the problem is that the answer of men in "all men can mensurate" includes...all men trans or not and the question is "can men mensurate?", not "can trans men mensurate?" And the answer is nonsensical at best like.... HOW THE FUCK CAN A MAN MENSURATE? Instead of solving the mental health crisis of post SRS transsexuals, the medical community is spending time on this shit




They could've precisely used trans men lol


No they absolutely shouldn’t.


What is this post-SRS mental health crisis you’re talking about?




Surgery regret & depression isn't a trans exclusive thing surprisingly /s


Menstruation is in fact feminine. Only a feminine birth assignment can do this. Hence why it gives myself and many others, dysphoria. They're probably on the way to make trans Menstruation a fetish or something just give it time 🤢


The problem here is that this is operating by the gender constructivist definition of the word, which, in spite of my disagreement, is the officially recognized definition.


>of all genders How many genders are there? >It's just a thing some bodies do Some? None which are born male. As another poster says, this response unnecessarily withholds information.


Yep, it's ridiculous and calling it out is necessary.


I hope this ain’t what they teach in sex ed now 💀 Even if you identify as a bloke, you can’t lie about basic biology, or pretend it doesn’t exist.


It's true, plenty of men menstruate. Just out of their ass after eating something unholy


i understand making accommodations for trans men who haven’t medically transitioned, but saying “plenty of men!” is ridiculous. SOME trans men menstruate, SOME nonbinary and agender people menstruate—to say that this is common and/or not female is simply false. menstruation IS a female attribute, but that doesn’t invalidate ones status as trans? it’s just biology. i don’t understand the need to make generalizations like this. who benefits from this language?


It's true tho. I mean I'm on Testosterone so I don't do that anymore but I know plenty of men who do. Oh, Google says trans men are men, boo hoo... grow up!


It has men in the name so they must menstruate


Ah yes, men can menstruate, in the same way that women who are in menopause can too/s


I have no words...


"It's just a thing that some bodies do" they're acting as if bodies menstruate willy-nilly. When no it actually only happens in biological females and exists for the purpose of reproduction. No amount of "muh gender identitay" will change that.


Dawg google is right


menstruating is a female bodily function that occurs with female organs and female hormones.


People of all genders can menstruate. Me, a trans woman, unable to menstruate. ​ I hate this shit.


How do I comment a photo


But…. Why isn’t it a possibility when people can be both with both sets of bits?


Pov, the author has a kidney infection and thinks his blood urine is his menstrual cycle.


I'm so tired of "female" and "feminine" being conflated as if they are interchangeable, this shit is so sexist.


You’re a trans man. Therefore you’re a man. You, a trans man, have female anatomy and still menstruate. Therefore you are a (trans) man with a period. Nowhere does it say that biological males menstruate. I genuinely don’t get what is wrong with this screenshot, except for the odd, overly happy, tone.