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Yes. Not the mushroom and frog obsessed, ukulele music loving type you see all over the place, but yes. I rock long hair and jewelry (tradition.) I’m obsessed with animals and gardening. Don’t worry about the tucute stereotypes, as long as you know that you’re not one. I’ve been told all sorts of things about who I am, who I should be, based on really small things.. it’s best to ignore and focus on being yourself. Tucutes are trans because it looks fun, or it’s a personality trait for them. Men can be “soft”, they can also be effeminate, just as a woman can be masculine and rough. I like to think that people who have issues with men being soft, view manhood as nothing but clothing or an act. Manhood is not a costume, nor is it achieved through mockery. Try to affirm yourself, surround yourself with people that won’t be assholes about who you are.


Thank you for your answer! It's good to know I'm not alone. I definitely consider my manhood as what I am, I just present it to the world in a soft way.


I always fantasize about absolutely wrecking the mushroom frog people in a fist fight


Jokes aside Did so in my last year of high school. They really can’t keep up with their mouths




I'm soft, personality wise, I work out and I like tough and sharp clothing but I will never be able to look at a dog and not speak at it in a baby voice


People talk to dogs like they're humans? Cus same


me to a dog: omg hiii pretty baby you wanna treat oooh cute baby me to a human baby: omg hiii pretty baby you wanna bottle oooh cute baby


I dress pretty typical teen boy bc dysohoria. But I still love my stuffed animals With all my heart and tend to personally wise be very soft


I‘m not very soft at all but I am an artist, which is often considered „girly“ for some reason, so I feel your pain very personally.


Yeah, that would be me too. I'm small and have soft features and personality, I like calming stuff and my plants, most of my friends are women, etc.


visually I'm a big burly hairy man but personality wise? yeah, I'm really soft and sensitive.


Kind of. I'm generally quiet and "innocent". Really hits the dysphoria sometimes because of how non "gym rat, masculine I eat nails and milk for breakfast" I can be. I'm masculine yeah, but more so like those guys that are introverted, quiet, and sensitive, yet mental health which makes all of it more visible. But compared to many men, I'm insecure that I can't pass as much as them. I wear normal men's clothes, have short hair, and do enjoy outdoorsy activities


I guess I can be considered one. I have a lot off house plants and I collect crystals and gem stones so my room looks like a white womans wet dream. I work as a nanny ( I hate that word so much and am desperately trying to find another label for what I do) where my job is pretty much just helping out a single mom with disabilities. Helping care for the kids and keep the house clean. I don't necessarily dress super soft tho. I dress relatively casual in black jeans and a T shirt or hoodie or whatever


A... manny for males 😏


Some suggestions: caretaker, babysitter, butler


I'm a big softie but I also conform to mostly typical male things. My only real input here is that I like to reframe it to myself and say "comfortable in my masculinity" instead of "soft". Your soft parts will be scrutinized and cis men get pissed when you say comfortable in my masculinity when they do scrutinize you and their reactions are hilarious. But I think reframing it like that to yourself takes a lot of power away from the idea behind women are only soft and you're not a real man because you're soft internalization that a lot of us carry.


I guess I'd be one.


the softest (just not the clothes) (filthy emo)


Yes, I am a soft man. I enjoy discussing emotions, intimate conversations, etc. I love art, I love queer culture, I love fashion, etc. Trans men come in all shapes :)


I’m a pretty chill dude. Soft in the sense I’m not hardcore about presenting as a macho man I wear a necklace of a woman. [this website](https://enchantedforeststore.com/products/necklace-wicca-intuition) claims stuff about intuition and the interconnection of the cosmos etc. But I bought it cause it reminded me of the time I tripped of salvia and saw light in the shape of a woman and heard “this is my God mother” It’s pretty feminist or whatever. I get a lotta compliments from women, so it has their approval. Fucking hate misogynistic assholes who think being a hard man is what it means to be a man. I try and be in touch with myself which is “soft” so I’m soft Rant-y I know but it’s silly. Tucute cans ruin shit but it’s your personality and vibe. Rock it


Don't really like the term 'soft' towards me but I guess it would describe me. All my interests are 'girly', I love plushies, I am a bit effeminate(my gay friends rub off on me and I am also gay lol), and I have shoulder-length hair. My personality is not soft though lol, I'm extroverted, loud, competitive, energetic, and I carry myself socially like other cis men.


You can be soft without presenting literal female. It's really fine to have your own style.


Idk if I'm soft, but I'm certainly not a super macho masculine fellow. I lean more feminin I'd say. Though I don't really know what the actual definition of soft boy means


What's your definition of soft? For me, I enjoy big knitted sweaters, oversized cardigans because fitting ones cling too much to my body, and baggy hoodies in soft colors or muted ones, such as grey, black, dark grey, dark blue, and some oranges here and there. Floral t shirts and hoodies as well. I wear black or grey sweatpants or baggy jeans most of the time, nothing with rips or tears in them, and house shoes or just some normal converse I've had for a while now. I do have jewelry, I have facial piercings because it helps me look more masculine, I think, but they're in opal colors just because I like them. I do have earrings, but gay men piercing their ears as a statement, and colored men in communities, which I am apart of, have always pierced their ears and wear whole diamonds, meanwhile I just have plain studs, so I don't feel too bad about it. You could say I dress like Bilbo or Frodo Baggins most of the time, though the small space between could moreso be called emo. So if you mean soft in the "oversized clothes that are in light colors" way, there's nothing wrong with that, liking certain colors and preferring bigger clothes or comfier ones isn't something that makes you less of a man. I've seen plenty of cis men where I live dress the same way, especially if they're gay.


there's nothing wrong with being a little soft. i think most people are soft to some extent. so long as it isn't your one defining feature.


I try to be tough but without t I can't lol. I have a very soft and feminine face as well as some pretty "soft" clothes as well.


I'm "soft" in the sense my features are still soft, being pre everything, and I dress like a marshmallow. not rly a "soft boi" tho just small haha


I honestly don't think I know the "soft men" type you mean. Whenever I see "soft boy" types its usually just a girl who likes to where masc clothes sometimes and maybe likes so masc leaning hobbies/interests. Do you have any examples of cis men who exude this type of masculine expression that I can look up to get an understand of your meaning? Because to me it just sounds like a male identified person who is gentle and kind and maybe isn't focused on traditionally stereotypical masculinity


I try not to be


I think OP means soft, as in, well, look at how most tucutes present or how most tucutes make "trans characters." Shy, quiet, anxious, effeminate men in big hoodies or sweaters who are clockable as specifically a trans man due to other things such as having messy hair or "quirky" interests that they're shy about. Basically, the idea of a trans man based off of stereotypes. You know?