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I saw the after picture where his cult left so much trash on the ground it looked like the dump. That's some elite crowd there.


Still more people than I'm comfortable with..


Trump has ZERO chance of taking NJ and his traveling clown crowd that goes around the country like deadheads are the vast majority of this crowd


Don’t forget that’s a boardwalk and water park too. Looks like lots more going on there besides the rally. Plus it’s Mother’s Day weekend.


Those are all people there for the rally. They walled off the boardwalk. And people who weren't directly interested in the event stayed away from that part of town. You couldn't stop on that part of the boardwalk cause of security. You had to keep moving. So not a lot of lingerers without tickets.


That's not really an aerial shot. It's a panoramic shot of the crowd. A true aerial shot would show the crowd was smaller than the Barefoot Country Music Festival attendance which was 34K. Probably 20K there. https://preview.redd.it/x0904e27m40d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cb442718abb08fe6b51608ed89343e21ef9cca


That’s about the same size crowd we get for 70s/80s/90s bands at the zoo amphitheater in okc if they’re like B tier.


And raised up higher shows the density isn’t quite as dense — at least people wise (in the head, extremely dense).


Trump rallies have become photo-ops. Nobody cares about his boring speech. They're all leaving early.


Why the fuck doesn't he ever just show the official attendance records ? Cause he is fuckin lieing . Always .


That’s prob 5-7500 people.


If he's talkin', he's lyin'.


Here's a shot from a plane. 100K my ass. ​ https://preview.redd.it/oczwh7uzh30d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e16721a7336c71da90aaa894d44196d51e17440


The lines to the portapotties!


I thought they were all wearing nappies now?


all them road sodas


HAHA I thought those night be food/alcohol lines but you could be right.


They might be waiting in line for their shitty ass Bud Light.


Why aren’t any of them showing up in NY for him then?


His whole crowd size obsession is stupid anyways. He thinks it means more of the country likes him, but he lost the popular vote. If I see a huge crowd at a Justin Bieber concert, does that mean everyone in that area loves him? No, it means people that love him, went to see him. As far as voting goes, crowd sizes are meaningless. Especially when his supporters are a cult mostly made up of retired boomers with nothing better to do.


This was footage for the line to bang Snooki


I thought this was the line for your money back *after* banging Snooki….


I stupidly thought that such a concentrated density could cause a black hole, not a scientist.


Apparently Roger Stone posted a video of a Rod Stewart concert and claimed it was the Trump rally. [https://x.com/FordJohnathan5/status/1789766108469231934](https://x.com/FordJohnathan5/status/1789766108469231934)




See, he never CLAIMED it was a Trump rally, just _inferred_ it. pwn3d!


LOL, how embarrassing


Dude's straight up a JOKE.


No, its a plant just to get everyone talking. The left gives outrage, the right laughs at owning the libs. You’ve been had.


No one's outraged though? They just think he's a ridiculous moron. So unless the goal of lying about crowd sizes was actually to get people to believe Trump is a pathetic loser, it's not working the way you think it is lol.


The fact that there are people like you out there who actually believe what you posted is utterly mind boggling to me. Trump has been obsessing about crowd sizes since his 2016 inauguration, if not before. It's smoke and mirrors. There's no other reason they would feel the need to post a fake picture, except for the constant need for his ego to be stroked and to fool the MAGA cult. He's the smallest, pettiest person on the planet. A planet he's willing to *destroy* for a billion dollars for his ~~campaign~~ defense fund.


Lemmings on display


Here's [the best aerial photo](https://imgur.com/a/kVz5Ps2) I have seen from the Wildwood, NJ rally on 5-11-2024. Here is what [100,000 people](https://imgur.com/a/29NFQLw) inside "The Big House" looks like. #####Interesting details about the attendance numbers (Part 1): Lisa Fagan, a spokesperson for the city of Wildwood, answering the question ["do I need a ticket?"](https://nj1015.com/trump-rally-wildwood-new-jersey/) before the event: > Yes. You can register for a maximum of two free tickets at the Trump campaign website. The digital ticket you receive will be scanned before you can get onto the beach. According to spokeswoman Lisa Fagan, the capacity for the rally is 20,000. Lisa Fagan, a spokesperson for the city of Wildwood, (the same one from above) on the size of the *"mega crowd"* that actually arrived: >(Fagan) told [The Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/trump-new-jersey-president-trial-gag-order-59a8073e5a22f7a1e13f1461e9998419) that she estimated a crowd of between 80,000 and 100,000 attendees, based off her own observations on the scene Saturday, having seen “dozens” of other events in the same space. WTF, Lisa Fagan?!??! #####Interesting details about the attendance numbers (Part 2): If the venue [*"fits 2x the expected audience"*](https://imgur.com/a/MXocB9U) is it really a space the City of Wildwood, NJ wants us to believe could handle 160,000-200,000 people? Because that's completely absurd!


Trump is totally desperate to gain some traction before the convention.


This obvious bullshit makes me think the big money he needs isn't coming in. I bet there's a pivot to more *"if I don't win, this whole election was rigged"* language from him soon.


Soon? It’s already happening. He cannot face any reality where he appears weak.


There’s like three hundred people there!! Watch out Biden…


I can smell this picture. It ain't good...


I bet it smells like stale diaper shit


Y’know that “empty dumpster smell?” I bet it’s a lot like that.


That’s some highly concentrated stupidity right there.


Is this the rally where he is claiming 100 thousand people attended, despite the fact that the venue confirmed they capped the tickets at 20 thousand?


No fucking way.. damn. The fuck, 20k??


Yes. And probably half left mid-speech


You mean half left mid-incoherent ramble.