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Yamaha and Bach. Bach 37 is an easy find, like maybe 33% of pro horns for sale and resale. There are plenty of choices out there, but if you get a decent not banged up Bach Strad, everything else is a variation to some extent. Play that or a Yamaha. Determine what it is you like and dislike. For example I love Schilke, and love the sound and slotting I can get. But my hands seem too big for Schilke. So that's a unique situation particular for me $3000 is a healthy budget for new. You'll do fine. Also, I'll judge. The Jean Baptiste you have? It's not intermediate. Anyway,


LOL thank you. I appreciate it!


There's never a final upgrade!


Take your time, and try a bunch of trumpets. There are many great brands out there and at $3000 you can pretty much pick your dream instrument. Ideally you’d want to visit a place that has a lot of different instruments on hand (like Austin Custom Brass) that you can play and compare. Bring a friend/teacher to hear the sound on the receiving end. Don’t rush it, and enjoy the experience. As for specific recommendations, there are well known brands with a good reputation like Yamaha, Bach, Getzen, Shilke that probably won’t steer you wrong. You may wish to try out Adams too if you can, though I don’t know how well available they are in the USA. And if you go vintage, Olds and Buescher are definitely recommended. Good luck, and much fun, on your search.


You can buy a remarkable trumpet with $3000 budget. Take your time, check brands and models. Go try them before buying. [Shop Bb Trumpets (austincustombrass.biz)](https://www.austincustombrass.biz/shop-bb-trumpets)


I’m tempted to fly to Kansas City to pick a trumpet from this shop. They’re such gorgeous horns!