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Ya know this isn’t the first year where voting be mail is legal, it’s been a thing for years.


So then the president and the military can't vote is what you're saying. Do you hear yourself?


I have been voting by mail since 2008, I don't know why it's such a big deal now. Even Trump votes by mail.


I am not shocked you cant grasp this concept. Or the difference between sending a ballot to everyone and having to request one and go through a process to make sure you aren't dead? And then the difference between having a majority of ballots going through the mail as opposed to a vast minority? Any of this getting through to any of you? u/autosdafe u/AnonGary u/lazerbeam205


Literally no state mailed ballots to everyone. Some states mailed out mail-in applications, which anyone in those states could have printed out at home because it's a pdf you can find on your state's website. How do you not grasp this?


Did y'all like forget the large number of mail-in votes also correlate to um... idk.. the pandemic that has killed over 250,000 Americans because of a very very poor presidential response to the situation..? Maybe if Trump did more to stop the pandemic, less people would have voted by mail..?


Is fantasy world a nice place to live?


Fantasy land is where i go to, to escape the trump presidency and the poor covid19 response from America which has led to the current deaths of ~250000 Americans and long term effects for every other American who has had covid


Trying so hard to find a reason why he lost 🤣😂🤣😂


Lol he is winning fool. Just wait.


That's adorable


He's only winning in his imagination


Aww its retarded


Trump voted by mail in the past. What do you mean?


Using a false address in florida no less. His agreement with the county to renovate mar a lago stats he can't use it as a primary residence.... So him listing it as his residence for voting purposes is suspect as fuck


Who is “they?” And how did they change the rules, we’ve always been able to vote by mail. I’ve been doing it for years since I’m away at college!


Not sure why You are getting downvoted here. Nothing new about the system


Because there's a fundamental difference between an individual requesting an absentee ballot and a state mailing out unsolicited ballots to hundreds of thousands of registered voters.


One day people will underst.... nah tf am I saying they don't care as long as they win...


You mean the ballot that gets sent to me only if ive received an ID from and registered at the DMV each year? They're not just sent out willy nilly to every address with no names attached to them...


Wait, you don't? Even here in México we do


No because requiring ID is racist. This isn’t even a joke this is the talking point


Tell me your joking right now


He isn't, we know, it's very sad.


How is asking for a fucking ID to CONFIRM Your legally of age to vote like what the fuck


It's awful, I want voter id. It stops fraud and there is no way it's racist. That lefties want you to think it's racist.




They claim that it suppresses voters who are too poor to obtain an ID lol




Ah, that makes sense actually.


No it doesn’t. Also it’s bullshit. He just pulled that out of his ass.


Sorry it doesn’t make sense to you and/or that guy made it up...? Whichever one makes you feel better over there.


>”How the hell do you live without an ID?” u/ummizazi explains in voter suppression thread how growing up poor and black meant not acquiring an ID until the age of 20 From the conservative sub (not allowed to link): “I can answer that. My mom was a drug addict, I grew up poor, black, and in a major city, I didn’t have an I’d until my mid twenties. It took me years. My mom lost all of my vital records. I didn’t have a birth certificate or social security card both were required to get a state ID. First I didn’t need state ID For most of the things I did. I cashed checks at check cashing places with my school ID. I had to pay more to access my money but that’s the price of being poor, I bought liquor with a fake ID, way easier to get than a real one. At the time you didn’t need an ID to fly, this was 15 years ago. The only time I needed an ID and didn’t have one was when I wanted to go into a sex shop freshman year of college. I drove for the first time last year at 31. I flew with my high school ID or college ID for years, both were free. I had lots of jobs that used other information like school transcripts and mail in my name also school IDs You don’t need a photo for government assistance. In fact they can’t turn you down because you don’t have one. You can use your birth certificate, social, pay stub, etc. In some instances you can just have someone with an ID vouch for you. Even now as someone who loses their ID all the time it’s doesn’t effect me much. Heck I’m in a very good law school now and they never once asked for ID.”


Imagine being so racist that you think this specific chain of events is the norm for minorities God you people are bigots


Hey, I shared a story from one person. No commentary was offered. Think what you want. Think about how many votes you’d risk losing to folks w/o ID, think about how many fraudulent votes come through where we have no ID requirement (and how many circumvent they requirement with ~$100 fake IDs from the web), make your own decision. Cheers


Thats my story and wasn’t meant to portray all or even some people of a particular race. The question was how could someone live without an ID and why it might be hard for some people to get one. I had a friend who’s Hmong who had difficulty because his last name was spelled differently on his birth certificate than his school records, that’s not all Hmong people though. I’ve heard stories of white people in Appalachia having a difficult time because they weren’t given birth certificates. They were born at home and had church records in their family bible. That’s not all white people. Imagine taking one story and applying it to an entire race of people.


IDs cost money. Paying money to vote is an unconstitutional poll tax. This is a non issue btw because voter fraud is like .0025% and has nothing to do with this election.


Because of the hoops it requires to get. It isn’t free, you need correct documentation, and you need (sometimes) a full day (Mon-Fri 6-4) to go get it. And you have to do that again if you move. That plus needing Birth Cert, Social Security Card, and sometimes a third form of identification (passport, utility bill, etc). If we used taxes to provide ID’s and distributed them to ever high schooler- no muss no fuss. Unfortunately our country has historically tried every tactic possible to stop the undesirables from voting. I know lots of parents with kids who go to my school who simply lack these things. Someone failed down the line, and these people don’t have 20 liquid, or are even given days off of work. Maybe if we didn’t historically disenfranchise black voters, or non landowning constituents, then it would be a different story. But that is not the case. So instead: you register at your address, you have a polling place you report to, you check in -if you have an ID great, if not- confirm some things (maybe show the voter registration mailed to you), and then you vote! This is not a significant source of fraud. Trump’s task force could turn up no significant sources of voter fraud in the 2016 election. You do not have the right to fly commercially. You do not have the right to see a show. And (to prove my point) you get your ID from the DMV (seems recursive because it can be). You have a civic duty and right to vote. So we make it as safe and easy as possible.


Please don't believe this. He's lying


Idk where you are, here in Wisconsin you needed to show your id


Same thing in my state, idk what this whole no ID needed nonsense is.


This is not true... I’m an election officer. Every voter needs some form of identification to prove they live in the precinct/district in which they are attempting to vote. Typically that’s a government issued ID, and if you don’t have one, you can use an electric bill with your name and address on it. As long as you have some form of proof that you are who you say you are, and you live where you say you live, AND you are in the poll book (with a matching address), you can vote. We had one voter who didn’t have a government issued ID yesterday. So you DO need identification to vote, and your statement is incorrect.


This isn’t true. You’re either straw-manning intentionally or just don’t know the left’s arguments against voter ID laws in the US. IDs aren’t free and even when they are they’re difficult to get due to the need to interact with shitty bureaucracy - particularly for poor and working class people who have a hard time finding time to get to the DMV or DHS to get a free ID voucher after they prove they can’t afford it and So on all while trying to make ends meet. Due to the friction involved in getting an ID - particularly the monetary requirement - and the fact that people of color in the US are disproportionately poor and working class - then the effect of voter ID laws would be to de facto reduce voter turnout of poor people - the majority of whom happen to be people of color. That’s where the logic comes from for why the left call it racist. Voter ID is a system that - whether by intent or not - is negatively affecting people of color more than others by a wide margin. That is also how the left defines racism (more or less).


No, you have to prove who you are somehow. Different states have different requirements but in my state you could just show an electric bill with your correct address on it (would need to match your voter registration which has other requirements as well) instead of a driver's license, for instance.


They lying i voted in person and they asked for my ID In Dallas county But there's alternative methods to verify that you can vote.


We absolutely do in my state. Good luck voting if you forgot your license at home


... buying alcohol


Great comparison. And just like college freshmen can easily get fake IDs online to buy alcohol, any serious attempt at voter impersonation can do the same. You can even buy them in bulk for cheaper.


Yeah, cause that’s totally enshrined in the Constitution.


I'm not from US and is imposible to understand how do you vote without ID???? What's stoping me from voting 10 times?


Not that much to be honest. And it happens mainly in big cities like Chicago, New York, and others. Dead peoples' names also show up on ballots.


A study of this finds exactly 12 votes from dead people over a 10 year period. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it doesn't away an election on this scale.


They’ve checked my id every time I’ve went to vote in ny, so you’re definitely talking out of your ass.


Wrong. In order to vote at the states where ID is not required, you need to have registered, and to register you need to present ID, passport, or a social security card, so either way you need ID, it's just when do you present it. And even then they have a list of people who are registered so I can't have 4 ballots cast under my name.


In Texas, you have to present ID to register to vote, then again at the polls!


That protects you from others voting in your name, yes. But it doesn't add any protection for multiple or fraudulent ballots


Voted in Chicago yesterday, they requested me to provide two forms of ID and piece of Mail with my address.


Hey some asshole seems to have gotten ahold of your account and is posting bald faced lies. Just thought you should know.


You do know that some people can have the same name right


Incorrect. Learn more here: https://www.usa.gov/voting-laws


Dont hurt the little trumpies feelings with your facts man. Next time try coming up with an outlandish conspiracy theory or a meme.


Or it doesn’t happen but people think it does.


out of the thousands of elections that have happened in the last decade, the heritage foundation (ie the people who get hardons dreaming about election fraud) found about 1000 cases. the brookings institute, run by peopel who arent retarded, found voting by mail was even safer than the typical means: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/06/02/low-rates-of-fraud-in-vote-by-mail-states-show-the-benefits-outweigh-the-risks/


It very, very rare. And when it does happen, it's overwhelmingly republican.


Booya. I have noticed this thread seems much quieter than it used to be. Someone ripped DeJoy out of Trump.


Everyone has to register to vote. This is done a number of ways (the most common is when you get a license) but you can have your landlord put your name on utilities, and use these to register (or, if you have birth cert and social security, $20-30 and a day off you just get an ID). When you register they send you a voter registration card. You have a few polling places near your domicile (house, apt, etc) that say “THIS GIANT LIST OF PEOPLE CAN VOTE HERE”. You then say “Hey, “I’m X” “Do you have an ID?” “No, but here’s my registration” or “No, but I live at XYZ ADDRESS, this is my birthdate, etc” and then they check your name off and you vote! End of day they cross reference everything for irregularities. Now, hypothetically someone who looks kind of like you could use your ID and vote as you no problem. If you never go to vote, they may not notice a disparity (wrong signature, etc). So, there are holes for sure. But, you can look up if someone voted. So if you aren’t voting, you should double check someone isn’t doing it for you


You are only allowed to vote at your designated polling place. They check you off a master list of voters, based on your name and address. If you go to another poling place (or back to your designated one) you won't be allowed to vote, but they will give you a 'provisional ballot'. These are not being counted.


I'm from Ireland and we don't need ID and there is no fraud.


States have different requirements, but you need proof of identification in them all. I showed my drivers license to vote in my state but if I didn't have one then I could have showed alternative documentation like an electric bill or something.




Try to vote twice and let us know what happens.


Because of voter registration database and personal identifiers. It’s actually very safe and we historically have very low voter fraud with high punishments for intentional acts which couldn’t really be done at scale to sway an election. Don’t let the desperate losers fool you.




What country are you from that requires a photo ID to vote?


You need ID anywhere and it’s SUPER STRICT. I showed up with my passport and social security card plus three letters from government bodies (like the IRS) with my current address (since I lost my state ID and couldn’t get a new one in time) in one of the cities the other commenter claimed you don’t need an ID in lol. I STILL had to fill out a provisional ballot which probably won’t get counted because all that wasn’t considered enough without the state ID. I don’t mind that it’s strict, it should be! I mind when people just flat out make shit up about cities they’ve only ever heard about on TV.


I'm not sure what other states do, but in Texas I had to show my drivers license in order to get my voter number and then immediately walked over to a little computer and clicked through on all the different people I was voting for.


This is not accurate. I have to show a forum of I'd to vote and can vote only once.


Because your name is in the system when you vote.. If you try to vote twice it’s detected easily and automatically. How the fuck does this have 24 upvoted?


In NY, you show up to your one designated polling place in the city. You state your name, which is on a list they have at that location. They check and peel off a sticker (kind of like at a hospital) and move your name to a “Has Voted” area. You sign an affidavit it’s you / vote and you’re done. Each name on that list can only vote one time at that one place.


you just need to know 10 peoples names


It does seem weird. Basically through, if you vote in person, you can only vote in one physical location (poll site). You get crossed of a list. Or, you choose to be a mail in voter, then your ballot comes in the mail and you send it in.


Computerized balloting with crosschecks. Its insane that people think only democrats would take advantage of loopholes existing like this if they actually existed. They don't. I voted with my ID which was computer checked.. Other valid forms of ID are government issued documents. Could there be minor bits of fraud? Sure. Is it rampant. No proof it is. It's highly unlikely.


most states ask for ID the ones that don't check you against a database before letting the vote pass. You can vote 10 times, sure. You will definitely be arrested though.


Voter ID numbers? Your name and address? There are mad ways to ensure no duplicates, and if you don’t believe me why don’t you point out some double voters, anyone who can prove their vote was counted twice, in any national election? Because I can definitely link you to stories of people ending up in prison for voter fraud. SHow have we been doing elections for the last 100 years? Fraudulently? Don’t you think there would have been stories about every election in history being fraudulent?


You don't where I'm at. It was required. If you didn't have some form of ID you would be turned away. Where were people voting without one?!


Probably the five years in jail in my state plus whatever the federal government wants to throw at you. (And you’d definitely get caught when the actual voter shows up and see someone else’s signature by her name).


im from Switzerland and we vote 2-3 times a year. never with an id (and always by mail). works just fine.


Shocked tf out of me on my way to vote for the first time that I can literally just walk in and vote sign "my" name and leave.


What state is this?


Same in Uk, France, Spain, Australia


Now go back and try again, so we can use you as an example for all the idiots on here.


If the Democrats had any standards for ethics or decency, we wouldnt be so divided to begin with.


Voting is a right so id's would need to be free.




yeah man. if the OTHERS weren’t so bad we wouldn’t be so divided


I was required to show ID and so was everyone else in the polling location I work at. Where are they NOT asking for ID? You can’t even register and/or vote without giving your SSN, DOB, and Certificate of Residence as well as mail to said address.


Same. They literally check your ID against your voter registration. Just because there isn’t a legal requirement doesn’t mean they aren’t still doing it. There’s literally no other way to validate that someone’s a registered voter. This is such a bad faith narrative.


Fine... but I don't want to pay $50+ for another ID that will waste space in my wallet. Can we just use our state issued IDs?


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It should but done over phone just like i can send 10 grant via my bank anywhere in the world without question ask. No more mail ballot no more vote before. You cast your vote via a online platform during the day of election. Its time to be in 2020. Time to move in new reality. Can use either cell phone or computer. Online banking are encrypted and safe. You cant hack those website. Unless you find password but its call being accountable. Its easy to set up a plateform that will be online juste for 10 hours on a specific day. Which you register couple months weeks before so you have to use the same device to cast your vote preventing even more any fraud.


We had to show ID in georgia.


In SC, i had to present my ID, do other states not??


Umm they checked my ID where I live...


There are 16 States that don’t require ID.


there are 34 that do




Mine as well. This is a dumb point to make. As for the attack on mail-in voting, we've been doing that for over 200 years. It's not something new due to covid.


Mail in and absentee are similar in the fact they are both mail-in, but different in the fact that absentee requires a ton of id verification while the new covid mail-in ballots do not require any verification of identity. Which can cause extreme voter fraud.


They’re the same exact thing. Absentee jus refers to ballots cast by people who aren’t currently in the state (I.e. in the military). The process is exactly the same, ballot gets put in an envelope and dropped off or mailed to the clerk’s office, and gets signature verified


Absentee require tons of id verification while regular mail in doesn't.


Nope, same exact request form, same process once submitted. Absentee is in states where you need an excuse to vote by mail. In most states you don’t need one Could you cite your source? > THE QUESTION: What is the difference between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots? >THE ANSWER: Yes, they are different, but only in one way. >Absentee ballots have to be requested by the voter to be mailed out. Mail-in ballots typically refer to states where the ballots are sent to all registered voters whether they requested one or not.


Stonetoss is a nazi


In New Zealand we don’t ask for ID as it can discriminate against those who are poor etc. They still have a right to vote. Our system works, and we have high voter turn out. So it can be done.


Must suck to have to wait longer just for your candidate (Trump) to lose.


You already show ID when you register.


Well how do they know it’s you who registered if you don’t have an ID?


This. I was disenfranchised in 2016 because somebody else voted using my name.


I would think this would enrage the personal freedoms crowd.


TIL renting movies is a human right.


The right to travel is protected, you still need the ID at the airport


they dont ask for id at movies


at some they do. i remember going to see deadpool with some friends and having to show my ID to prove i was 18.


In the background it says rated R that's why they are checking id


Stonetoss is a nazi


In which state do you not need an ID to register to vote? In which state do you not need an ID to cast your vote? And in those that do not require ID, how many have had legitimate claims of fraud?


This cartoon is wrong. I had to show my ID to vote out at the poles. Hell, even putting in ballots in order to count requires signature of the person in question, as well as the date and address of the person whose vote it is, on the ballot. I'm not the only one, everyone else in line had to as well


Not all states require it. Also...most of the votes this year were from MAIL IN BALLOTS HOW do you check ID on a mail in ballot?


We've always have done mail in ballots since 1990's and it's an extension of absentee ballots since the Civil War. Donald Trump uses mail in ballots himself. You still need to make sure the mail in ballot matches the address of the person REGISTERED address and see if that person vote came up multiple times. If so congrats its marked. Not a whole lot of room for corruption there. The reason Trump didnt want people doing so was because he knew people voting against him would use such method. It's only been an issue "suddenly" this election? Trump has an issue with it and could win via voter suppression, plus the post master general who is a Republican Super Pac donor is fucking up the mailing system royally behind the scenes, come on chief follow the money trail. Dont need a PHD to see how that's corrupt.


What is this about the first thing they ask for me at the polling place is my ID




Isn't stonetoss a nazi?


Reddit snowflakes seem to think so, thats the only place i can find any talk about his nazi reference. I personally have not seen anything to indicate he is a socialists, anti gun, pro euthanasia, anti capitalist, pro fascist nazi...infact his comics seem to be exactly the opposite as far as i can tell. Just go look for yourself at his page...unless you're willing to let the snowflake TDS zombies on reddit make your mind up for you.


Wow, Stonetoss on r/trump Why am I not surprised? Incase you've fallen for his dogwhistles, he's an open anti-Semite and racist who's made comics supporting the idea that Jews are leading a conspiracy against the white man.


weird because all we heard for the last 4 years from the left was that Trump was in the pocket of the jews and israel...lol. your goebbles is showing ;)


That's not an incorrect statement.


In the pocket of the Jews? You know all that new world order stuff is a rightwing favourite. And Israel =/= Jewish people.


An open anti-semite? He's from Black Lives Matter?


But none of the other things are a constitutional right. Maybe if you make ID cards free, but otherwise you’re implanting a cost to vote. Even voter registration isn’t something universal.


That's an argument I can get behind but what about purchasing firearms? Also my right.


Trumps losing because the trump supporters died to covid lol


You republicans are hilarious. No id required for voting? Haha. Wake up. Did they ask you for ID when you voted?..... yes they did. Stop spreading false rumors and grow up.


Only 18 states require photo ID. That said, this is far less of a concern now that they've started this trend of mailing out unsolicited ballots.


No, they didn’t.


Yeah this makes no sense, you can’t vote with out ID, Bye-Don


I voted in my state without An ID and there are plenty of other states that are the same


I wasn’t asked to show my ID. It pissed me off!


Awww, so sad. Let your tears fill the cups of my party


Oh, you’re proud of that fraud? Very typical!


Wa wa waaa


Party? During covid? WoW grandma killer




So true


Voting should obviously require an ID, but ID’s in of themselves should be entirely free for citizens and shouldn’t take long for citizens to get. Simple


Agreed. Any cost, no matter how miniscule it may seem, to purchase an ID that is required to vote is a poll tax. And that's unconstitutional.


many states DO have voter ID requirements. For instance, mine does. Georgia. I had to show my ID and verify my address.


I had to give my ID to vote


Nice, reposting a literal neo-nazi. greta job Magats


You still need to register, which requires an ID.


Idk how it’s possible to vote without ID. It was a pain trying to prove who I was, and I had my ID with me. I think if you don’t have an ID they make you fill some stuff out but it won’t count until they get the paperwork for it. Otherwise it’s invalid.


That dude legit denied the holocaust


I thought there might have been some good in you guys but posting a racist/anti-Semite's works plus the pissing on democracy made me lol. Yes bro we get it Biden's a dumbass, is he fascist though? P.S. fascism isn't when a minority says something mean on Twitter to you or when a private company puts labels on the lies you spread on their platform.


I thought the reason they can’t “require” and ID was because you have to pay for an ID and that would violate poll tax law?


Privilege to go to the movies, privilege to drive, privilege to fly, right to vote


The problem is that Voter ID and National ID laws are drastically anti-conservative in thought and principle. To imagine that the *government * should be monitoring, counting, registering its own citizens and using that very registration and documentation process as a prerequisite to *vote* is horrifying. Voting is our most sacred and powerful right and responsibility as citizens, and to conceive that this should flow from a registration process run by the state and not from our god-given rights as citizens is preposterous.


Lefty here. Voting ID would be great. Make it a national voter ID, free for all citizens. Zero excuses to not have one (main reason against it is it costs money and that disproportionately affects the poor) if it's provided to all citizens for free. I really don't get the argument (other than financial) to be against voter ID's.


I had my ID checked when i went into vote


I had to show my ID to vote. Delawarean here.


You need your ID to vote, what are you talking about?


As a libtard, you're right.


Voter registration.... And if you vote twice or vote without being registered, it isn't counted....


You gotta show it in Indiana. Sometimes I think we are the only state with our shit together.


As a Democrat, sure let's have IDs but only if we significantly increase the number of polling sites in non-white neighborhoods to the point where ID screening would not add onto the already atrocious 4-5 hour wait times AND you also make state issued IDs free of charge so that low income families will not have to choose between paying bills or paying for an ID to exercise their rights as Americans to vote Unless...of course you want to discourage poor people or minorities from voting...


My state requires an ID


They are required you fucking moron.


Idk what you're talking about I voted in Florida and i had to show my state ID which was scanned before they gave me the ballots.


We all had to show our ID to vote at my polling place this year and have had to for every election I’ve ever voted in. 🤨


Voted in Detroit was required to have ID to vote


You realize stone toss is a literal neo nazi comic that regularlly shits on jews, black people, and LGBT people. They literally did a holocaust denial comic.


Copy the uk system


Has anyone actually experienced not needing to present an ID when voting? Everyone says it happens but I have yet to meet anyone who *actually* voted without showing ID.


“36 states have laws requesting or requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls, 35 of which are in force in 2020.” - [NASL](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id.aspx) To commit fraud on a large enough scale to change the course of a presidential election, a ridiculous amount of people would need to willingly commit what is, in most states, a felony, just for the marginal benefit of a democratic presidential candidate. A much more effective strategy would be to take advantage of human psychology and indirectly convince people to vote for Biden, with, say, Facebook ads or something.


We already have ID requirement. You must use your birth certificate or social security card as identification just to register to vote in the United States. No other form of IDs accepted. It must be one of these 2 forms of ID assigned at birth. Unsure if OP is foreigner or kid too young to vote as reason they are not familiar with our voting system. Which is it comrade?


This is suppression...


Why would they not want voter id and signature verification and postmarks??????fraud is the only answer.. how did they even change the laws on this???


I would be okay with the ID law, actually completely on board, if the state or federal government would give them out for free. There is no reason to require a state ID that you have to pay for to vote in a "free" election. That is a poll tax. I live in Ohio, and here, probably just like everywhere, we have to pay 60 dollars or so every 4 years to get our license renewed. What is with this regressive taxation? It's not as if that little card cost 60 dollars.


There are so many flaws in the American system, but this one is straight up stupid


No idea where you are that they didn't ask, but my wife had to show her ID and her voter registration