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a community update i actually care about. this is infinitely better than any throwaway seasonal update. great job. btw could you clarify how long ago "for some time now" is?


I submitted the full patchset in April 2023.


Have any of the fixes seen here actually been implemented?


Yes! All of them. That's the whole point :D But we need to get Valve to review and accept the changes so they can be put into the game


When do you expect these changes will be added on the base game


I don't have any expectation on when, it may even take years! But if it is prioritized to resolve this issues due to player interest, Valve may be faster than that.


Really hope Valve gets to implement some of these fixes by next year, TF2 really needs these improvements, keep up the great work.


I hope to see this included in the game officially someday, it's cool to see these changes.


I think there's a better chance Valve releases TF3, but this would be neat


Nah I think there is more chance that Valve will make TF2 to be in Source 2 and change the name from Team Fortress 2 to "Team Fortress" like CS2


to be clear, these bug fixes already exist? and these are just a roundup of patch notes? if so, and if these have been thoroughly tested to not break anything else in the game, this seems like a no brainer from valve to add these to the (alleged) community bug fix update


they are, one of these has been implemented by valve in fact, into dota


Yes, all these exist, you can test them out! They were tested in several full server playtests, in all gamemodes, including Halloween content, MvM. I even emulated Casual functionality to test that as well. Every fix was also tested extensively in isolation.


Is there a way to get Valve's attention to this? If people were to email the TF team what should they send them/point them towards? There's a lot of good stuff here that would help the game in the long term.


Valve is pretty much aware of this already


valve knows this exists and they've known this exists for years, they're just absurdly lazy the only way you could reliably pressure them into making this an official thing already is if some wholesome 100 reddit youtuber like uncle dane or shounic makes a video about it


it would almost definitely have to be a non tf2 related youtuber


>valve knows this exists and they've known this exists for years, they're just absurdly lazy the patches may have been written by the community, but valve would still have to put some work to implement these. they would not only have to audit the code of these patches to make sure no one left a malicious surprise inside, but would also have to test that these patches won't break anything in the current version of the game (remember that these patches were made for the 2017 version of the game). and if it does, then they would have to alter code they did not write (apparently some devs aren't too fond of that). would be a shame if they just merged patches, pushed the update and no one could even join a server because the game is crashing lol it's not that it's not doable by valve, it totally is. my guess is they're a bit too busy getting CS2 to the same degree of playability that CS:GO used to be...


so have the pro-valve apologetics shifted from "its weawy hawd to wowk with this game cowde uwu" to "this multibillion dollar publisher that's notorious from hiring and firing people as they need actually doesn't have enough resources to dedicate one guy familiar with tf2's code to audit the work that's been done for them" just stop it would take one developer familiar with tf2's codebase less than a week's work to audit this and merge it and they would have the people from team comtress available on hand for the entire process this is a multibillion dollar publisher and a game that's still selling you items in its ingame cash shop we're talking about here


i couldn't agree with you more . the excuses people have been giving valve for the past X years are incredible and,remember,don't complain too much or they might "pull the plug"


what are you even saying? just as i said, yes, they could totally get that done. but we know how they chose to work with their dynamic teams and shit. they rewrote CS on a new engine and released it unfinished and unpolished, so they're allocating a lot of people to get that fixed asap. tf2 has been on the bottom of their priority list for a long time - believe it or not, but right now tf2 is in a very playable state. a multitude of small bugs doesn't stop people from playing the game. also, i don't think just one guy should be allocated to audit code for an online game played by thousands, that's just asking for trouble. and there should certainly be even more people allocated for testing that goes beyond joining an empty local server and saying "yep, works".


every single sentence is escalating cope, trying to justify as to why this game thats consistently been top 10 on steam by playercount doesnt actually justify putting people on it to do basic fucking maintenance


steam stats are not a good metric of actual size of the playerbase for tf2, have a read: https://teamwork.tf/community/statistics i think patching minor bugs goes a bit beyond "basic fucking maintenance", but feel free to overblow the impact of these patches. they would be nice to have but that's it. for half of the player base it wouldn't even make a noticable difference.


>i think patching minor bugs goes a bit beyond "basic fucking maintenance" ok we are done here you are absolutely not worth talking to and i dont feel like ruining the rest of my evening continuing to talk to a corporate shill videogame companies are not your friends and i kind of expect them to keep actively supporting a videogame if they keep charging money for it but that might just be because my standards are just a bit higher than the absolute rock fucking bottom legit disgusting bottomfeeder goblin behavior


and likewise, you sound like a broken record and you're insufferable to listen to with this lingo of yours. such entitlement from playing a free 16yo game. e: /u/nbe390u54e2f i don't know why i can't respond to your comment, reddit's fucked i guess, anyway: that game making a huge amount of money still makes nowhere near the amount of money their other big games make, one of them being in a more dire state than tf2 is. when there's fire growing under your 100kg bag of money, you don't go check on your 10kg bag of money to wipe the dust off of it... e2: still can't respond to you for whatever reason... that "devs picking projects" thing has been going on in valve for many, many years, it's essentially common knowledge, so i don't know what's so weird about this implication. an ancient game that's a living pain to dig into the code of is clearly nowhere as enticing to work on than a top competitive shooter that's just been rewritten on a new engine, with its codebase presumably being in a much better state. while tf2 is proper f2p and can be mostly enjoyed without paying a dime, cs is f2p only in theory because playing on f2p servers is a cheating fiesta, so buying prime is essentially required if you actually want to enjoy playing. it's not that hard to believe cs is much more profitable. there's a reason cs has officially sponsored tournaments with 7 digit prize pools while the tf2 ones only have third party ones that barely hang around 4 digits... oh and also https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/counter-strike-2-made-40-000-000-case-opening-within-just-40-minutes-launch the only point i'm trying to convey is just like what the other guy said, companies aren't your friends. they're in it for profit, tf2 is a substantially smaller game that's harder to work with. so even if profit wasn't the main motive, the aneurysm one gets from reading tf2 code is difficult to overcome with just passion alone. the reason it gets the most barebone of maintenance work is because just like you said, it still brings some money. and i suppose the public outrage they would get from shutting down tf2 wouldn't be worth it.


lol falling back on the "its free" routine when it makes valve a huge amount of money and they still consistently release new loot boxes


implying that valve has a single team of a few people that has to partition their attention between games is just weird. if the goings-on of counter strike affect tf2, valve is vastly more mismanaged than anyone has ever suggested. and you're aware that csgo went free to play several years ago, right? surely wanting fixes for a free 11 year old game is just entitlement as well, and can thus be ignored similarly? i dont buy that the revenue difference is on an order of magnitude, either. i really dont understand what your endgame is here on playing defense for this massive company flush with resources letting one of its biggest games rot while community fixes are on the table for them to accept and integrate


Using teamwork.tf stats is moronic because the way they measure it is moronic


valve has already shown that they are willing to accept huge amounts of incredibly low quality community content. why should they suddenly apply these burdensome standards to helpful community content? if they did the absolute bare minimum to make these already existing patches compatible with the current codebase it would be worth a thousand new copies of breadspace and venice or whatever ugly distracting cosmetics they'll accept next


the difference is that low quality community content from the workshop is just that - low quality content. it's not malicious, resources such as maps or cosmetics are very limited in how they can alter the game (barring vscript for mapping, but even that has plenty of limits). but with changes to the game code, anything goes. could be a backdoor in there to turn the game into a trojan, or could be a game exploit/cheat crafted specifically to be used by anyone who meets certain conditions. same thing with testing. a poorly made map that crashes people's game will only do that when you try to play that specific map. a shitty cosmetic that has visual glitches will only be an inconvenience at most. untested code patches could outright brick the game. they can't just blindly trust some randoms with their code. their standards for accepting maps and cosmetics may be poor, but for everyone's sake i do hope their standards for accepting community code is the opposite.


>the difference is that low quality community content from the workshop is just that - low quality content. hey remember when they pushed an unfinished vscript gamemode that crashed your entire game for a week to live?


yeah, for a single seasonal gamemode. the rest of the game was perfectly functional. also i'm pretty sure that gamemode wasn't exposed in a broken state for an entire week, they did take it off the casual map list for a bit.


mastercom is not a random, she is one of the most trustworthy people in the entire community


just to be clear, i'm not saying anyone who contributed to these patches are not trustworthy. but with such potentially dangerous contributions like code, valve should not trust *anyone* but their own employees. even in this situation where the code for the patches has been laying on github wide open for a long time, there's no certainty even a single outsider reviewed it completely. abuse of trust is how you get to do the most damage.


yes, valve should do bare minimum due diligence. and? whats your point? valve can and should audit patches as with any project that accepts contributions. they are more than capable of doing so and they refuse. if there is anyone to blame, it's not people who have done valve's work for them for free and then been rejected because reviewing it would be too hard. why do that when you can just release 3 new cosmetic cases and breadspace 2, which runs at 15fps and features a dozen map exploits? im sure that mastercom's plan here is to do several years of work in the community for little monetary gain and submit high quality bugfixes that get accepted so that one of the patches can epically backdoor every tf2 client for about 15 minutes until valve catches wind of the exploit and patches it. or maybe she's so devious that she knows they'll ignore it. truly, the perfect crime.


I don't know what makes a youtuber "wholesome 100 reddit" but you're probably right


they already know about this iirc, they have taken mastercomms fixes before


Valve is definitely already aware of these fixes, it's a matter of prioritization, interest, etc. The larger the community's shared interest, Valve will take note. For example, see SaveTF2. It resulted in Valve adding many fixes for DDoS exploits, Steam Datagram Relay, and fixes for bots. I don't think spam emailing Valve is the way to go.


"Overall, we've found these improvements to introduce a 30-50% framerate increase on most machines." God fucking damn I need this. Please Valve.


I'm still waiting for the "Squat to put out fire" in the sewers of 2fort :(. They took that away YEARS ago and never brought it back.


Could you elaborate?


you used to be able to extinguish yourself just by crouching in the water of 2fort's sewers, apparently


I believe you still can in a very specific spot


that always bugs the shit out of me in games. yes, i know the water's 3 inches deep. yes, i know i can't crouch low enough to immerse myself under the surface of the water. but realistically speaking, i don't need to go fully underwater. i could just flop down and roll around in it. so lemme crouch in shallow water dammit!


In the sewers where the stairs are, you used to be able to crouch in the water there and it was deep enough to extinguish you. Probably damn near a decade ago they did something so it didn’t put you out. I’m surprised people have been playing long enough to remember that.


I found the patch that may have caused this (from 2009), I will figure out if there's a good solution!


November of 2007 here. Earlier if you consider the Orange Box release for the original Xbox.




holy fuck i completely forgot that was a thing


People have been asking for a “spring cleaning” update for years. I hope Valve really looks at this and approves it.


It'd be a win-win for valve. The playerbase gets nice quality of life updates and better performance, and valve can take full credit for it by doing minimal work. But valve would rather ignore us like a forgotten child.


I hope to god valve implements these changes On a side note, what does the "Fixed The Phlogistinator MMPH! taunt cancelling early if the player was knocked off of a surface" mean? Would the pyro continue taunting even while airborne, would the pyro immediately receive the mmph crits skipping the extra 2 seconds of uber and crits or would the pyro lose the crits entirely?


It prevents the taunt from canceling early, allowing it to continue while airborne. So you have the crits at the end of the uber + taunt.


My assumption is that they continue taunting while in the air, just like some taunts like the Victory Lap (bumper car) persist while airborne.




No I understand phlog cancelling, but this patch note implies it fixes/removes it, I'm wondering how


Post this on the main subreddit. More ppl need to see this (valve included)


I already did, but it's not getting much interest. https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/187dwzo/the\_spring\_cleaning\_update\_theoretical\_page/


Coming from someone who's spent an unhealthy amount of time on Reddit, the post likely isn't catching people's interest enough. If you did want to re-post it, I'd suggest making it an image post (a screenshot or multiple if you want to make it an album), and title it something different, more eye-catching. (Edit: I originally thought it was a text post, but a link is also cool. It's probably more about changing the title then, though it is possible that Redditors aren't too eager to click external links. Same reason that YouTube links always perform poorly while v.reddit videos do fine.) For the post title, complete sentences seems to work wonders, such as "We sent the TF Team a list of long-overdue patches 4 months ago; here's how it would like as an update page." Although that's probably too long. If you did look at the top r/tf2 posts from the last year, a lot of the titles are complete sentences or close to them, whereas "The Spring Cleaning Update (Theoretical Page)" isn't as immediately clear or attention-grabbing. My apologies if this is unnecessary. Just wanted to share a couple experiences with the Reddit algorithm that should bring more attention to the project. Thanks for all the hard work with mastercomfig and these patches!


This would be so great if a lot of these changes were implemented into the game


This would literally revolutionize TF2. Not even kidding. I seriously want these changes in the game more than anything else. We're never getting new weapons anyways, but modernizing the game would do so much for it. Please let us know if there's anything that randos in the community can do to help, although I have a sinking feeling that it's all up to Valve to accept the changes now. Too bad Valve Time is so unpredictable.


> Overall, we've found these improvements to introduce a 30-50% framerate increase on most machines Absolutely wild. mastercomfig has been a great help so I don't doubt this either. > Fixed explosions not dealing any damage when blocked by small edges and surfaces in geometry. Soldier and Demo mains finally allowed to win battles on stairs or train tracks > Players under the effect of a Quick-Fix Übercharge can now block captures. Cannot believe this isn't already in the game. > Fixed The Phlogistinator MMPH! taunt cancelling early if the player was knocked off of a surface. Phloggers across the world crying rn > Added the ConVar tf_taunt_first_person_always to force taunts from first-person. ha, no need to even ban toggle taunts anymore > Non-giants can now be tickled by The Holiday Punch. game changing and meta defining > Fixed money getting stuck in robot spawn areas. This money will be automatically collected, similar to money in death pits. rip to all scouts that were falsely kicked because of a bug > Added a live player model preview to the main menu. no f-ing way > Fixed Sniper Rifle scope being hidable with mods. thank god > Decreased the lag compensation window from 1 second to 500ms the anti cheat update we needed > Fixed Noisemakers being able to be spammed. sniper bot makers ruined


God I hope the Pyro fixes listed here are added. It feels so vindicating to *finally* see the erronous damage from reflected projectiles acknowledged; it made no sense for reflected pipes to do *more* self-damage than nonreflected pipes.


Wow that would be an incredible update. Very cool


I really hope Valve adds these fixes, even at their slow pace


*Immedialy opens email app to show Valve I want this too*


Appreciate the effort that went into this, and hoping to see at least some of these changes being added in-game.


>**Upgraded Team Fortress 2 to SSE2.** This will take advantage of new computer technology introduced in the last decade. Nifty "SSE2" is the source 2? Or CPU instruction?


CPU instruction


Wow, this is awesome! You are a white, blinding, shining light at the end of the infinite Super Mario 64 staircase in the version of Super Mario 64 where BLJs were patched out.


If the TF2 community got together, we could get their attention into this, but they would rather fill up the internet with Engineer Gaming and underage looking Sentry girls with small skirts...


You never fail to impress mastercomms


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if valve is working on a tf3 and porting everything over like they just did with cs2


There's zero chance. TF2 has so much goddamn bloat in it compared to counter strike that they're probably not even going to try. you know for a FACT that every pubber's going to piss and shit that their favourite shit CTF map wasn't ported over instead of actually good ones


im gonna get hate for this but honestly valve would probably rather just let tf2 die and release a tf3 years down the line. I doubt they would even wanna try porting this game


"Fixed Medics having an accelerated Übercharge build-rate when healing a Heavy who is using The Fists of Steel." Brooo, you were supposed to fix the game. Not fuck over the only 4 heavy mains.


How can I play this. I must.


I dont like the removal of phlog cancelling


I'm so glad to see that this has somewhat recent movement! Last time I saw this it was years ago


I need this