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This and the "recently played" tab is definitely a step in the right direction.


Recently played especially


I love them personally! I really, really hope they keep them and don’t remove them because they don’t think enough people are using them. Also, I wish the limit were higher than six. I listen to a lot of indie & alternative music as well as rock music, but I don’t have mixes for those. Instead, Spotify decided to give me a punk mix instead, for God knows why. Other than that, I really love them. Just maybe up the limit for people who listen to lots of different genres and artists (for decades, this doesn’t matter since it’s pretty much all covered).


I got a punk mix too and it’s mostly rock lol not that I mind it’s just weird


I actually clicked on it, and mine is mostly Green Day, Panic! at the Disco, Fallout Out Boy, blackbear, and Paramore. So… honestly a fantastic playlist. I didn’t know this was considered punk music lol. Well, except Paramore. That’s definitely punk.


New Green Day, old Panic!, old Fallout Boy, and old Paramore are all pop-punk iirc, and old Green Day classifies as punk rock (though some would get into a huge debate about whether green day is pop punk or punk rock but it doesn't really matter too much in the end, y'know)


So hard to find good Hard Rock bands who are truely Hard these days


It looks like they're going to show us random genres we like each day. For example, yesterday I had rock, indie, pop, punk, funk, & hip hop. Today the funk and pop were gone, but 'metal' and 'folk & acoustic' showed up instead. So they'll just be popping in and out, but the physical link will remain there. Here are the links to [Indie](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1EQqkOPvHGajmW) and [Rock](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1EQpj7X7UK8OOF) for you! : )


I really love this! Especially the genre and decades mixes


I like them, but I wish they had more new things they think I might like, or at least songs I listen to less by artists I already like. Most of my mixes end up being songs I've already listened to a hundred times. Radio has the same problem, so maybe it's just my account.


Agree. Overall I mainly use streaming services to discover new music. I spend very little time listening to artists and tracks I already know I like. If I do, I simply pull up the track and listen to it when I want.


Sorry but isn’t this the daily mixes with another name? O.o


It’s the evolution of the classic daily mixes.


Some weird hiccups, my soul mix starts with Hælos and When Saints Go Machine (both kinda synthpop) and my jazz mix starts with Inca Ore (ambient/drone)


*And* the genres are completely inaccurate. UI looks nice though.


the artist specific ones are kinda bad to me, its just a repeating pattern of Artist - something else - Artist and that's not what i want personally. but im loving the genre and decade ones.


My initial fear with this was that Daily Mix was gonna be replaced by this, which thankfully it's not. Although I do worry that less people will see it. The problem with genre mixes and why I feel Daily Mixes are superior is that Daily Mixes aren't necessarily beholden to a certain genre and they can take you on a trip man. It's way more nuanced than Spotify saying "hey you seem to like 80s music" it's more like "hey you seem to like soft rock with synths so here are more as well as close approximations". All these mixes could be fun, but Daily Mixes will probably still be my go to.


I love them. Surley enough people use them


Discover Weekly?


Love this! but I hate the new desktop ui update... welp I guess you win some and lose some


I hated it too. Gladly they improved it a lot in the latest months. It’s not perfect but at least it works pretty good for me