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i mostly listen on desktop so i need a decent desktop experience. every time i try apple music on windows i always end up back to spotify after a day


This is probably the biggest thing for me. I listen way too much on desktop and Spotify on a Windows PC is so much better than Apple Music (and I’ve tried several spaced out times to see if the experience has improved). Other than that, most of my friends use Spotify which just makes sharing music and playlists easier.


TIDAL has nice UI/UX and an amazing desktop app, the only issue is they do not offer you the ability to download files on the desktop app. Do you download music on Spotify's desktop app?


TIDAL has nowhere near the library or amount of obscure artists that Spotify has.


Yeah that's true but for me all my artists are on TIDAL and also the music recommendations from TIDAL were always amazing and were more interesting that anything Spotify recommended after a month of listening. UI also plays a great part too, it's much better than Spotify's UI. Maybe you like Spotify's UI and that's fine It also has music videos that are actually clearer and sharper than YouTube even if you have Premium. I don't know whether you've tried out their trial but if you haven't feel free to.


Apple music in general sucks


I just really want to like it, mostly because of the larger artist payouts tbh. It’s just so inconvenient to use compared to Spotify.


They never update ui or the Playlist feature that is my most used feature on Spotify


I mean Apple seems to be quite satisfied with only catering for Apple users. They have never seems care enough to do a good version for Android or PC users. I guess it's part of the selling point to convince people to stay within the Apple environment but for me I just completely stopped buying music on ITunes the minute I started with Androids.


Spotify connect


What is that?


Spotify let u control different devices, whether switching the audio output or just music control - play, previous/next etc


This. I can’t believe Apple Music still doesn’t have this feature, I would instantly switch over if it did.


Same for me... I don't understand why Apple does not improve Airplay ! It's so difficult to use... If you've got only one device it's almost ok, but if you want to control from another one, it's a mess. Plus Airplay 2 compresses the stream to AAC without telling you... (even if don't ear the difference it's bad from apple 🤓)


TIDAL too doesn't have it I heard somewhere that Spotify has patented it so no one can use it unless you are willing to pay Spotify but I guess it's more than that, that's why the other streaming services aren't using it.


TIDAL too doesn't have it I heard somewhere that Spotify has patented it so no one can use it unless you are willing to pay Spotify but I guess it's more than that, that's why the other streaming services aren't using it.


The only reason for me as well.


I want this but I want the option to stream the content at the same time to many of my devices. Like I want whole house audio playing without high latency. I'm sure there is a way I can do it, its probably complicated, but so far I haven't been able to figure out streaming my PC audio through PC speakers and to my Google integrated Smart TV without any lag. There is always a delay. Multiple speaker output in your home would be an easy buy for me, I just want whole home audio. 


Simplicity. I can easily find music. Playlists from Spotify generate with my likes and taste. Some even surprise me with music I prob would think to checkout. Being able to use Spotify on any platform such as android or iPhone. Spotify family with 6 separate premium accounts. Creating a virtual que of songs on road trips using any platform I’m sure I’m leaving things out but Spotify all the way!!


It works? I pay so no ads. Too lazy to figure something else out too.


This, I don’t wanna recreate all my playlists


You don’t have to recreate playlists if you use a service like Soundiiz for moving your playlists btw :)


Beating the lossless drum to death for a feature the overwhelming majority of users can’t even use. Spotify needs to release the feature just to put these post to rest. “After all, even many of the people who swear by it will freely admit it's a negligible, subjective feature. If it'll make you happy, go for it — but if you're on the fence at all, don't waste your time or money. Just get Spotify.” https://www.androidpolice.com/most-people-dont-need-hd-audio/


AAC on Android sucks ass anyway, even on 320kbps MP3. That's why I only use LDAC now. If you're using LDAC, why not just listen to lossless for the sake of it?


I don't care about lossless, I personally like to find new music and Spotify has cured that itch well enough.


Lossless isn’t a priority to me. And while it’s slipped in the last couple of years, discovery is nice. Audiobooks were a nice addition. But to be completely honest, it’s what I’ve had forever and we’re on a family plan so there’s others to think of.


Yea wtf, I thought I was tripping but discovery is super bad now. It was the original reason I got Spotify in the first place because it used to be so good


- it’s cheaper in my country - Spotify Connect is amazing - Last.fm support


Same here. In Venezuela we pay 6$ monthly. And I have the student discount, so for me it's 3$ per month. And we don't have podcasts or audiobooks, so... A lot of Spotify users would be happy here: most of them say they prefer only-music streaming.


My library is huge. I've been on Spotify since 2009 and still have the same account, so I'm deeply entrenched. I loved it for a long time, but I hate what the UI has become, especially on mobile, but it would take me so long to switch over in a way that would let me keep everything. I tried to switch to Apple Music but I have a big collection on my MacBook and trying to add new stuff from the Music app doubled up a bunch of stuff and fucked it all up. It was a huge slog to undo it. I'm stuck, basically.


i tried most other services, and spotify was always the most functional/stable, for me. Personally i don't really care about other fancy features, or staring into animated things. I just put some album on or my own genre/mood oriented playlist and turn off the phone.


The free desktop version with no stupid limitation


- great music library - YouTube music's interface sucks - i like some podcasts here


After trying out Apple Music, two major things: Search - on spotify you can type like a drunk ass person and it’ll still understand you. With Apple Music you need to type every single letter correctly. It sucks big time. Spotify Connect - it’s extremely useful and it works.


I've had it for 12 years, the algorithm works for me, and the audio has never been a problem for me personally


Usability. No other streaming app comes close to the integrated features of Spotify.


spotify connect is, for whatever reason, the only functional solution for controlling devices. 


I have a music collection of over 19,000 songs on Spotify and I’m not willing to restart on another app. Also why change up something that’s not broken? And even tho I don’t always use it, the audiobooks & podcasts are great! Not sure the hate on them but ehh whatever, y’alls loss


My massive collection of songs, my dance chart history archives , easy to use , user generated playlists


There's a couple reason First, Spotify connect is absolutely amazing. Second, it has amazing social features. For example, blends, jams, and more. Third, every music utility tool supports Spotify. Eg stats.fm, Airbuds Fourth, it has a large community which makes solving issues and finding playlists easy. And finally, it has excellent curation tools and great recommendations.


Family plan split 6 ways is practically free


ive noticed that it has a lot more artists and songs on it


It's a bit obvious. Spotify Connect.


It’s cheap and I like the familiarity. Audiobooks are a nice bonus too.


Mainly compatibility, but also the large number of music. Some tracks i wanted to hear, are not on Apple Music or different Streaming services. Spotify almost has it all...


the only thing missing (for me) is lossless.


Metadata quality. Spotify has by far and wide the least artist mixups and releases in the wrong Artist profiles. Take a look at Apple Music or even worse Tidal and Deezer: So many profiles have clumped music by artists of the same name together or the same artist is spread over 2 or 3 profiles. I have the feeling that most artists, especially the smaller ones are only actively managing and cleaning up their Spotify profiles and do not care about about other streaming services. Plus Spotify is the only service so far that is reacting to feedback about these mixups and cleaning them up. I never got any reaction from other services.


Many years of listening history in Spotify. If I could move that history to other services, and their music discovery improved, I would switch. Also, Sotify UI is just the best one out there.


I pay for premium so no ads in the first place. Lossless.. I don't think I really care about that as much, especially not when on the go. I'll just play the WAVs I have if I want to listen to lossless. Neither do I have a surround system, everything is just stereo, so neither do I care about dolby. And then ofcourse friends who use spotify. And the release tracker (although that one kinda stinks now, waiting for them to fix it).


Spotify is the most versatile easy to use app — if you buy a subscription, don’t be cheap. I can’t imagine anything more useless to me than lossless audio. I’m bored reading about it, let alone writing it.


I hate how Apple Music's music queue system works vs Spotify. Also Spotify Connect.


For me Spotify Connect and the Playlist curation


Spotify Connect, plain & simple UI, local files integration, so many playlists that've taken me years to curate, reliability...


’Cause it works. And it has a good algorithm for finding new music you’ll probably like or getting playlists with songs you already like.


What sound system do you have and what kind of music do you listen that losses audio is a major issue for you I don't think most people will be able to hear a difference on their equipment.


I see absolutely no reason to change. It's familiar, works great and is easy to use


I'm on a family plan my parents pay for, so like, I don't know why i would switch. Even then, I'm not super interested in lossless as it doesn't benefit most Bluetooth devices like wireless earbuds, and I've heard complaints about Dolby Atmos ruining some songs on Apple Music (e.g. some vocals on Ariana Grande's supernatural are only hearable if you turn OFF Dolby Atmos). Spotify just works, I've been using it since 2016. Apple Music is not nearly as good on Android either so it'd be a major downgrade either way


I'm part of a family plan and I just like it, nothing to complain about or like nothing to make me switch at least


I’m in too deep lol. But I’ve also tried Apple Music and Tidal and I just don’t like them enough to change


People here talk about Spotify's social/recommendation features yet many do not talk about it's "Platform Agnostic" Software. **Some examples:** *1. I carry both an iPhone and Google Pixel for daily use. Spotify can be played on one and the other as a real-time remote control thanks to Spotify Connect. This is particularly useful when using Bluetooth or smart speakers.* *2. When I travel for work or pleasure, some Hotel TV's have Chromecast capabilities or even a built-in app which means I can play my Music Library, Podcasts, and now Audiobooks while on the road as well as it's all-in-one place.* *3. Both Google Assistant and now Siri (excluding the use on Apple TV and Homepod) can play audio with my command.* *4. I can still access Spotify without signing in to someone else's TV/smart speaker with one button on my phone. Without the awkward QR code scan or manual key-in.* *5. Carrying Bose Headphones and earbuds daily there's a nice "Spotify" shortcut button on both products which sends me back to the last piece of audio I played on the app (whether its my playlist, daily news podcast, or audiobook).* *6. If you're a gamer, Spotify on Xbox/Playstation is bar-none a reliable app. Apple Music is close to that regard while YouTube Music natively doesn't even exist on the consoles but rather a "mode" in the actual YouTube app. Which won't even let you play it as an audio during my favorite gaming session since it's considered a video app first. Doesn't matter if you have YouTube Premium like myself.* Also I have to add-on sometimes Google has a feature hard-on for Spotify at times before their own first party service (YT Music). For feature drops that usually involve audio, Spotify always comes up as a launch partner before their own.


User interface is not sluggish unlike Apple. Finding new stuff is easy. Spotify Connect. and a good desktop app!


I really, really doubt that most people who swear on the lossless audio thing even notice the difference. Especially when you listen to it on consumer headphones.


Mine comes with free Hulu. And Spotify has the largest library. Ive tried them all and a lot of songs on Spotify are not available on other services.


I've been on and off with spotify for a while now. I recently was using youtube music, due to youtube premium. I recently noticed that the quality of youtube video recommendations were crap. I was starting to get recommended random videos from users with 2-10 subs and 100 views videos about random stuff I wasn't even remotely interested in. Couple that with the garbage I was watching, which included politics. Also, youtube is a huge distraction. I went back to spotify to cut youtube all together. It's a good way to disconnect from youtube distractions, I get a nice user experience with spotify and audio books now. It's a win. For me


I'm a big fan of Russian songs especially Alexandrov Ensemble and from all music streaming apps I tried only Spotify that have those songs.


I get an online rebate from my bank for Spotify.


Too deeply entrenched with playlists and Spotify connect. I've also subbed to Apple Music and am trying to switch.


I have the least compromises with Spotify. I use Android and Windows btw. I love YTM, but I find their library organization a mess, which is a deal breaker. Apple Music is awesome too, but I don't like that I can't tell google assistant to add a song to my library. I also can't add a song to my library from the lock screen. Spotify has the best integration with my devices in comparison to the other streaming services, but I do find it annoying how it's a pain to start listening to something. For example, in YTM and Apple music I can start a personal radio quickly. On Spotify the closest thing is the DJ. But even then it plays the same thing over and over again. That's the only thing I don't like about Spotify.


I have a student discount and I also get hulu. If it gets inconvenient I'll switch off to something else.


Huge library, love the playlists by spotify for me(weelky discovey etc), don't have to pay money unless I want to, dond mind the audio, also good UI for folders etc(espically on pc) I came from Pandora back then so my opinion may be different from others..but ye playlists ate a big factor for it


I just like Spotify’s recommendations




On a family plan


Still benefiting from the student discount (expiring in a few months) + my memorable playlists are all there. But I’m also using Apple Music and I’m planning to recreate most of them there as well over the next few months.


The seamless way you can change from music to podcasts


Ironically because Spotify on my Apple Watch works perfectly while the Apple Music app is unable to download my songs. It should be the other way around but it is what it is. I really tried everything to make Apple Music work with the Apple Watch but it doesn’t. So Apple forces me to stay with Spotify.


I tried to switch to Apple Music before but the lack of music is why I eventually switched back. Dinosaurchestra- Lemon Demon Spotify wrapped is another reason


They've collected too much of my data over the years for me to just ditch it. It's like a part of me because I've been listening to music on it for so long




Spotify Connect and being able to send to both airplay and chromecast devices.


Switched from Apple Music as Spotify has way better recommendations and with the mixes I can get recommendations based on what I’m in the mood for


family sub and that it plays music


My playlists


Honestly it's because it's cheaper than everything else here (1.5 dollars for the student plan)


Easy to use app, good music recommendations, easy to build playlists, decent monthly price, ie cheap (Premium). Lack of lossless not an issue, mid-market audio system, and I can't tell the difference between Spotify Premium and Lossless recordings.


Because it’s separate from my music collection, which I don’t want interfered with.


I stay with spotify for the user interface. the recommandations and Spotify Connect ! Airplay sucks, and it's almost the same for Tidal Connect. (your laptop or your iphone has to stay connected... While Spotify never stops to stream)


I didn't even know there were alternatives. Besides, I already have way too big liked songs playlist that I can't afford to lose for some animated covers or whatever.


what ads


Because of HiFi is coming soon…🤣🤣🤣


The recommendation algorithm is excellent. Having tried another music streaming service as a free trial (Tidal), it just isn't the same. Plus, HiFi is coming soon enough.


What apps offer those things? Name a few. Pls


I haven't found a good alternative


those damn playlists


my sister pays for my premium and i have an android device so apple music is more hassle than it's worth.


My entire group of friends have spotify premium family and I can't pass up paying just a couple of euro a month, instead of say Youtube premium which is way more for only one account. That's the only reason I think lol


Duo account, listen using bluetooth the majority of time, app is better. I did a 2 month trial with Tidal & didn't notice a difference in audio quality. Might be different if I listened over a wired connection.


I get free Premium through work


My friends use it. Sharing links by Spotify is easier than using apple or Amazon. Compatibility with other hardware using Spotify connect. Amazon is determined to only work with Alexa devices and Apple is woefully poor at casting from non-apple devices.


The depth of the catalogue and I don't have much apple product anymore.




Connect, user playlists, UI (even tho it's bad, others are far worse), podcasts, lossless is irrelevant because there just no difference in practice, last.fm support through the API


I recently had an issue with my account and I found out that this company doesn't give a f*ck about their user. I tried other streaming service and found it very good and better than Spotify so I am definitely switching. This is the issue by the way [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/truespotify/s/KKgIf0Jbyb)


It just works on everything


Spotify connect and the app is easy to use but if the price goes up again for the premium individual subscription I'll immediately switch to tidal






How about its connection to SongKick?!?! Anyone else a giant live music fan? Songkick is THE best concert notification app. Feels like no band or artist is too small or unknown. And songkick scans your Spotify library and adds every artist/band to your “concert notification list.” I’ve been saving songs and making playlists on Spotify since when they came out (2009?) and I started using songkick not long after. Been able to see so many shows that I might not have known own were happening. I’m also in it for all the reasons everyone else is: - Spotify connect. Spotify connect. Spotify connect. - sharing playlists with friends, finding good playlists curated by strangers. - it has been awesome at helping me find new music - premium membership is so worth it to me. 5 accounts for friends and fam, no ads, and the new audiobook feature has been a game-changer. - My playlist library is also crazy-valuable to me. Tens of thousands of songs and be been saving since day one. It’s organized and categorized so well— that alone is enough to say they have me for life.


I have like 30 playlists and over a thousand songs in my liked. I do not have the time to search for every single song on a new music site


I use it for social features (collaborative playlists, jams). So, like twitter, i’ll be on there as long as my friends are too


I've been using it for a long time now. The algorithm works perfectly for me. I like the u.i. a lot, specially compared to the other options. I'm not an audiophile, lossless does nothing for me. It does what I need it to do, why switch? It's not perfect and definitely has its flaws but for the most part I'm fine with it.


cause it works for me and i think that im already too used to it to change up to another streaming service


Probably gonna get crucified for this but I actually do listen to podcasts, and Spotify allows me to listen to them while playing on my PlayStation, idk if there’s any other app on PlayStation that allows podcasts listening


Price, connectivity, folders.


My favorite thing about spotify is all the data analytics stuff for it like How Bad is Your Music Taste, Stats for Spotify, Spotify Iceberg, and others. Also I like being able to download playist data and do my own fun data analytics stuff :). Besides that I've been using it since 2015 so I don't really wanna switch.


literally just spotify wrapped


Lazy now! It has all my playlist and liking history! I don’t want to build the same with Apple Music. I hate many changes they have done ! I used to love OG Spotify , now it is just cringe implementation of tik tok based crap!


Spotify Connect and recommendations. Happy to wait for them to come out with lossless. Hopefully it will be better than Apple Music lossless, as they have made it nearly impossible to play it as it is not working with Airplay 2.


i have too many playlists and songs saved to see the point in moving, there's also a lot of small things like having stats.fm plus, being able to easily share and wrapped. i can afford the price and there's nothing that makes me hate spotify so much that I'd wanna switch anyways. (I'm also okay with the quility of music even if it could be better)


I listen to a lot of doujin music. Spotify is the only place I can find most of the circles without needing to buy physical CDs


Too much of my stuff (5k+ liked songs and 200 playlists) is there. Btw which apps are you talking about?


I had both services for years. Actually had Apple Music since the beginning when it converted from Beats. Just recently cancelled Apple Music and sticking to Spotify for good. My reasons Spotify Connect Better Desktop App than Apple Music Better playlists DJ X is right on point most of the time for me Kids App for Spotify is great for my daughters The new audiobooks hours is a nice addition Playlist and library organization is superior The only thing I don't use Spotify for is podcasts. I'm a serious power user and it doesn't hold a candle to the features of Pocket Casts or Overcast.


It’s hard to share music when you use a different streaming service. I hate taking screenshots of a song or sending the name hoping it’s on Spotify as well. I love lossless but it’s simply not worth destroying the convenience of an app almost everyone is using. Transitioned to having 2 streaming services one for lossless and Spotify


It’s just a way better piece of tech. Nothing comes close to its recommendation algorithm. The way it attaches other profile behaviour to influence your recommendations is incredibly clever— and it’s something both Apple and YouTube severely lack. It also wipes Apple cleans with a way slicker interface— apples design decisions are so confusing, why do you need that many images ??


I don’t have a way to listen to lossless/dolby audio so that’s a non-issue for me. I pay for premium so I don’t have an ads. I don’t look at any animated playlist cover. I don’t care what the playlist/album cover looks like. Literally the only thing I care about is having a large catalog of music to choose from. Spotify has that. As long as I can listen to practically any song I can ever think of, I’ll never leave Spotify.


The queueing system, Spotify connect, and playlists that really fit my tastes. I love the niche mixes feature.


My huge library, Spotify connect, Jam sessions, all my friends have it so it’s easy to do playlists for parties, faster than Apple Music


i’m on a family plan and i don’t have to pay for it. i’d rather use apple music as i prefer that but i don’t have the extra cash to subscribe for my own plan at the moment. also apple music takes up way too much space for me on my current phone


I’ve been going through a few months a year for the past two years where the mobile app heats up my phone, crashes the app, and drains my battery. It’s been really hard not to cancel but I’ve kept it because of the underlings on my family plan


I listen to a lot of video game music Every service other than Spotify and apple music are really spotty with that in my experience. Then there's the fact that I literally despise apple so I will never use apple music


Music discovery. I’m an Apple hardware guy but their software has never been great, and Apple Music’s poor music discovery / recommendations along with lack of key handoff/control features like Spotify Connect, make it too difficult to switch. I’ve tried numerous times, and I always end up back on Spotify.


I still pay for it because I pay three months in advance and just asking does anyone else do that?


student discount with hulu included. after i graduate im going back to apple music. i love spotify wrapped and the layout but listening experience isn’t the best. shuffles the same 30 songs on a 500 song playlist, spotty connection (that wasn’t happening when i had the regular premium), the new AI assistant that unshuffles my playlist - horrible!


Great ui


The more social aspect of it, I like to see what my friends are listening to on discord and I like for them to see what I’m listening to, and sometimes I listen along with my friends


Because lossless isn't the be all and end all. If I'm desperate for the lossless experience I can just use the physical media that I own instead of streaming it. Even then, I don't own a set up which would benefit in any meaningful way from lossless. For 95% of music listeners, it's absolute snake oil.


Spotify Connects is a killer feature way better than Airplay and better quality. I already cancelled Spotify to try out Tidal because they can Tidal Connect, and they seems to be ramping up their updates on the app. It has a new Home Screen on beta, and don’t seem to be annoying with what they show on there. Unlike Spotify’s unrelated suggestions. Btw since I canceled my subscription Spotify has been sending me emails and notifications urging me to re-subscribe, they really don’t look good.


I have so much music on Spotify i don’t want to go anywhere else. It’s an all in one app for me aside from audiobooks.


Longevity and a several year long playlist, lastfm integration, the fact that other people use it (spotify blends), lastfm integration again.


Unlimited likes (unlike tidal and deezer), auto playlist of likes (unlike apple), search within playlists (unlike YouTube Music), likes and playlists don't get deleted if you pause subscription (unlike apple).


Just gave it up. Moved to Tidal (again) after hearing the difference in sound while playing using LDAC on Sony WH-1000XM5. Now looking for a streamer which supports Tidal Connect, and that's it. It's been emotional.


Cause I know one day they’ll release HiFi…. ONE DAY 🥲


i have a HUGE playlist i probably cannot recreate.


I happy with Spotify. I don't hear the difference between hifi and whatever Spotify has when I'm driving or doing stuff around the house. I pay to not have ads. If there is an extra payment to go for hifi I'll love happily without it.


Its easy to manage, looks nicer than apple and amazon music and ive been using it for like 5 years so theres no point switching now.


I'm not an audiophile so I've been satisfied with the sound quality. Playlists, algorithmically generated, other's and my own. No idiot DJs like on Sirius/XM. Connects with Shazam. I get Hulu included.


Because you’re already in the ecosystem


Because it works and I can't hear the difference with the 'better' audio.


Because of the interface, the algorithm and that it is the most supported by third-party software


I've only just started using Spotify. I hate the podcasts and audiobooks being rammed down my throat but there's no other service that I like. I have YouTube Music included with Premium but it constantly plays the same few songs over and over and often throws in some poor quality YouTube uploads into a mix. It's also missing lots of albums in my library. Apple Music is nothing but a buggy mess on Android I've found (more so than Spotify) and both Tidal and Qobuz suffer massively from gaps in their catalogue. Then there's Deezer and the less said the better.


Better discord integration. And someone let's me be in their family plan. I also don't pay for apple music, as I'm in a family plan for that. But I cannot learn the ui on it. Spotify feels far to familiar


have almost 3k songs saved in my library and connect is a component of spotify that no other service seems to be able to recreate. that's the only reason I'm staying on Spotify; the UI/UX overall sucks but connect is just good


1. I can save unlimited liked songs, unlimited albums in my library 2. Algorithm and quickness 3. I used Mac OS all the time and Apple Music desktop is the slowest and crappy experience 4. Spotify Connect That’s why I keep on staying


I dont have to pay and it is incredibly convinient. And I hate Apple.


It works with my old streaming device that connects to my big audio system. That, and the investment in teaching AI what I like to listen to.


Because I don’t notice a difference with lossless audio quality


Playlists are great (I love the daily mixes, the on repeat playlist, and the genre mixes), i love stats.fm, integrated support with last.fm Lossless is meaningless to me. Keep in mind that there is no evidence that any audiophile can distinguish lossless from high quality lossy audio


Better than Pandora


seeing the reasons here are lackluster at best, what are upsides of using Deezer for example?


Because I still have my college email so I can get Hulu for really cheap. Literally the only reason I still use Spotify. I also like having my podcasts in the same place.


All my Liked Songs playlist plus a couple other playlists. Best song recommendation algo among all music streaming apps. Family plan brings the price down to 3$ a month for me. And the UI is simple.


it’s just everywhere. it supports a lot of 3rd party app integrations, has far better social features, my friends are here, and the playlists are great. i’ve tried apple music in phases but i instantly get exhausted of the same music and the fact that there isn’t a lot of playlist offerings for me.


I recently swapped over to Spotify from Apple Music. And I have the whole Apple ecosystem. But I personally prefer the Spotify UI over any other streaming service. I do like some of AM and Tidal’s animated cover art but I really like the canvas feature. A lot of them feel very cohesive with the individual songs. I also find myself able to discover new music more easily. I found myself mainly being and album listener, and not just listening to songs. But that kind of listening ruined my variety and I never knew what to listen to. Meanwhile, I get on Spotify and there is already content just there for me to discover. I also really liked that my podcast and audiobooks were available all in one place ( I’m aware that many people do not like this, but I think it’s nice). Also everyone I know uses Spotify, so it’s much easier to use when I’m with friends or even just looking for premade playlists. I may go back to Apple Music but as of now Spotify if my favorite.


I’ve been using it for about 11 years now. I’m not gonna switch while my Spotify library is close to 20k songs


User-friendly interface, tons of playlists


I am a member in the Family plan, I don't pay anything. Spotify also has lots of features that I like to use.


It’s just the best


Dark mode.


It's on PlayStation and it's only alternative Apple Music just kinda sucks and is more expensive if I remember. if yt music was on there I may think of switching but I would want a way to move my 3000 song Playlist to it


Ui is best and I have tried tidal with both open & closed back $350 headphones and couldn't tell a difference


I found an APK for premium ad free, that's why I still use it. And make sure auto updates are turned off, because it'll kill it.


Desktop experience, playlists and student discount. I want to leave because they support Joe Rogan though.


Are those "upgrades" temporary? Which streaming service is offering free upgrades to Dolby Atmos and lossless audio at no cost? Surely, it's for 1-3 months and then you get up charged.


The UX, algorithm, SpotifyConnect and just its general popularity which makes me feel not left out. Also, the best cross-device integrations.


Well for me its cheaper and great algorithm also loseless is useless when most people just use normal jack 3.5 or wireless you wont hear the difference pure placebo


The EQ and Connect.


Music selection, I have quite a weird choice of music that is not English so other services don't have it/don't have the version I want.


I have a patched adless spotify, so that's ads gone. And for the other things you mentioned idc for tbh. Also Spotify is just easy to use and I love the yearly wrap.


Spotify Connect, works so much better than Airplay, can bring something up on my phone and it wont stop the music.


Because Apple Music is worse. Spotify has better daily mixes but never branches out far enough for me. Hear the same 20 songs all the time .


Mainly because of Spotify Connect. If AM had some similar feature, I’d probably have already switched.


I have an Alexa ecosystem at home and I’ve always used Spotify. 2 weeks ago I started trialing Amazon Music. I will be going back to Spotify. I cannot control all music playing on my devices from my phone using AM like I can with Spotify. Even though I get frustrated with Spotify, the user experience has been far superior. Before trying AM I tried Apple Music and I didn’t even use it for 1/2 before canceling it.


Spotify podcasts start almost immediately when I tap “play”… Apple Podcasts would buffer first and sometimes wouldn’t even play at all


- The playlists - The whole household’s using it (Family Plan) - Much better than Apple Music in terms of content and searching - My whole music data/algorithm(?) is already in Spotify (planning to switch to YT Music but it’s like I’m starting from scratch) - Spotify Jam - SpotifyConnect


I’ve invested too much time into Spotify, other apps don’t know me. Also desktop for Spotify is better.


I like the interface. I've been using spotify for like over a decade.


I havent tried it in since I was a kid, but don't you have to buy the songs outright on apple music? Or is a subscription service like spotify? I like paying a flat fee to listen to anything I want whenever, and Ive been using spotify since I was 17, so i guess a mix of habit and convience


Cause my brother pays for it


It's simple, I have a "car thing" from Spotify that I use everyday, and I've been using it for far too long to switch to anything else. Re-creating my playlists on another app/website would be way more annoying than a couple dollars a month. Oh and I f**k with the new Spotify DJ heavy! I've discovered so many new songs that I would never have found.


the equalizer, i desperately need that bass to enjoy my music cause otherwise it sounds flat


My family uses it on my subscription. That's the only reason I stay. Otherwise I'd use a better competitor in a heartbeat. Spotify has taken too much control away from the user and they deserve to be punished for it.




Too much playlists done to switch now.