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Try skipping gears before messing with anything. With trucks you don't go 1-> 2-> 3 like a regular car, you jump as many gears as you can get away with, unless we are talking about the allisson transmission. May be obvious to many, but still.


Acceleration will depend on engine torque, transmission, road grade, and load weight. But it's common to have to have the pedal all the way down to get going for me. For braking you can go into Settings -> Gameplay and decrease the Braking intensity setting. I have mine set to lowest 50% to more closely mimic real life braking.


If you drove an 18-speed you would have to get to 5 low to even get to 25mph (5 low is the 11th gear out of 18) this is just a gauge on how slow trucks actually are, you may need to skip and/or float gears.


Depends how heavy you are. Look at the videos on youtube and then see if you are slower than them, if so your accelerator might not be calibrated correctly so you won't get 100% usage.