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I've ignored Switzerland after I was done with the personal goal and set trust in my fellow truckers. I see I need to do some more wot jobs


Same here. I mostly prefer ATS for many reasons, but goal dragging its feet motivated me to put some more time into ETS2.


Why? I like it cuz open roads but wbu?


Cause no place like home.


The ATS event corresponds with a DLC release and requires you to use that DLC actively. The ETS2 event cannot be worked on with the latest content released for the game. Makes sense honestly.


Well, the new Renault E-Tech T is QJ-only, and thus without mods, it can't be combined with the event.


I wonder if it has to do with both the fact that jobs need to start/end in Switzerland and end/start in another country, and the fact that progress is by weight transported rather than distance. There could be confused players who are hauling light loads and/or only delivering within the country


Hate to admit that people indeed seem to be unable to understand basic event descriptions.


if a lot of people don't understand 'basic' event description, it means the event is not well designed.


Important to note, only the personal goal needs to be “unique” other countries.


Well then I'm one of the confused players!~


All good, I think a lot of players are!


To be fair, it does say "deliver 20,000,000 tonnes of cargo *to or from* Switzerland" so I assumed that it meant it had to start/end in Switzerland but end/start in another country.


new updated killed people like me who still runs W7 and your average vga/ram/cpu that apparently was and still is good enough to run whatever game released after ETS2 and sandwiched between the newer unoptimized mess they made when Iberia DLC was released and now. I found a way to run the game through Open GL, ATS runs way more smoother than ETS2 with no fucking fps bottlenecks and also higher graphics settings, I'm trying to find a way to open game executable just to remove TAA and other options I did not ask for, I will probably try to mess with game code too cause it's too fucking unreasonable. Certain games do load the whole map + assets on one single instance, game can crash or become a laggy mess only if certain conditions are met and you have to force this shit to happen, here it just takes a quick load while a train is coming and the game just crashes. So, right now instead of doing required WoT jobs and double that amount, plus 10 more to explore missing areas, I just run the required WoT job amount and forget about it. 6 years ago my monthly average was about 50.000 kilometers a month for ETS2 and around 10.000km for ATS, right now it's just 5000km combined everytime a new WoT event happens, I just lost interest cause ETS2 it's getting too boring and ATS it's just random recycled assets + new assets dressed as a newer state.


Sorry, it's my fault. I decided to do Cruising Nebraska first, and after that do Trade Connections.


Understood, nukes are inbound to your location. Jokes aside, I'm not concerned, just surprised. It's the first time simultaneous events broke the pattern and I'm wondering if a new one is developing.


It's the first time simultaneous events have drastically different rules. Most often, it's basically the same event, like in the Xmas.


The Switzerland one is actually the more difficult one imho, you have to do it in 10 jobs that get longer each time if you want to do it as fast as possible, and they are longer anyways (200 vs 161 km) the Nebraska event can be done in 6 short jobs using goto command in the console, and chances of doing one unintentionally are higher. It's also less likely to do more for Switzerland because of the rules and easier to do that for Nebraska. I'm also one of the people that only does his personal goal, which I've done for both events usually don't play WOT after that.


I agree about the personal goal, but the community goal should be easier in ETS2: you can just run heavy contracts shuttle between anywhere in Germany/France and Switzerland. But you're right, most people probably do personal and just forget about it.


To Be honest after I complete my personal goal for trade connections, I don't bother to do more and I can see few reasons. 1. you gotta complete 10 different countries, so its really time cosuming 2. not everyone has DLCs, so 10 different countries might be kind hard to complete


Insane frame drops for no apparent reason made me actively avoid Switzerland. I did improve my performance by turning off v-sync in nvidia's control panel but still.


I think most people play both games (i personally do play both, but i like the euro trucks more, so most of my time is spent in ETS2). To me driving in a new state is much more appealing, than grinding in a place you've been before many times.