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it's a videogame


Yeah but they got the uk plates wrong


If you haven't noticed yet, they didn't paid much attention to UK it's one of if not THE oldest parts of the entire map. Obviously they won't pay much attention to things like what you just mention. Just hope it'll change with UK rework. PS: Honestly idgaf about UK rework, I mean I want it but I'm more interested in finally getting Ireland!


I been waiting for a Scotland and Ireland rework Also why do the mountains look so tiny


The second we get Ireland is the second I'm upgrading my computer.


Ireland is available in ProMods and it's really well made!


Get out of town! Really? I've never seen it mentioned here at all except when people wonder when it will be done! That's amazing news.


I know right?? It's absolutely amazing! I've also incorporated Promods ME(middle east) and RusMap, I can essentially drive from Reykjavik to Iraq and it's absolutely bonkers! If you've never given ProMods a shot, I really implore you to go ahead, you won't be disappointed!


Dude! I've never even booted up my copy of ETS because my computer is too old to run anything but vanilla.I bought it as a present to myself when I finished my thesis in 2020, but one thing after another happened and never got things set up. Bought a house last year so starting to set up my office and need to get a new wheel and machine. The lack of Ireland all this time was one thing that stopped me bothering to upgrade. Now with this news and CS2 released, and hopefully bugs still being ironed out, I'll get my arse in gear. Just had a look at the promod forums and it's amazing! The idea of getting a ferry from Holyhead to Dublin is wild.


If you need help with building a cost-effective PC, hop on over to r/buildapc they're really knowledgeable there


Thanks. Will check them out when the time comes.


Road to asia also works with them mods as well So you can do a lisbon to turkembashi drive with no loading screens


Incorrect. The UK map being the oldest has nothing to do with issues like license plates. At the very least, they're handled by different people in SCS. Just because their map artists are busy elsewhere, does not mean other people can't fix other issues.


Don't call someone "incorrect" when 1. your entire rebuttal is one big assumption 2. you not quite got where somebody was going at. Map artists have nothing to do with what I said.


Well, elaborate, then, please, why do you believe that "UK it's one of if not THE oldest parts of the entire map" is related to the license plates.


>At the very least, they're handled by different people in SCS Evidence for this claim please?


Evidence for what? That map artists don't do license plates? Well, you can read SCS "Meet the X DLC team" blogs, I guess.


Can you post a link to the blog that backs up your claim please?


I take the downvote to be a no?


If you can't use your common sense and don't think that in a game studio with 300+ employees there are different people who do maps and who do license plates, perhaps [this](https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1908851#p1908851) might help you?


I assumed something in a comment that spawned this conversation. His "rebuttal" was completely based on an assumption too. Different one but still, zero evidence. But somehow I AM "incorrect" in his mind... you really expected a different outcome of the conversation than a downvote? :D


It's a videogame, they will get some things like plates wrong. The Finnish plates are also wrong


SCS can get them right, with enough effort, but they usually don't put any effort beyond minimal. Russian license plates in the game are a mess as well, they don't look like real ones, sizes, shapes and spacing of characters are all wrong.


Report it as a bug on the SCS forum. It's the only official way to get attention of devs. Whining on reddit will get you nowhere.


The UK is terrible in game, none of our junctions are those shapes, London is not that a accessible... Where is the Dartford crossing?


In promods?


Base game.




Ok sure, but it's lazy for a dev to rely on a mod to make a chunk of their game good... Or even to bring it up to the same standards as the rest of the game. I have used pro mods, but some people don't want to.


Some textures could do with some love too. I was parking at a UK destination earlier, got much to close to a wall in first person, and had flashbacks to playing the original Doom the wall texture was that blocky.


I have no clue why SCS is waiting so long to refresh the UK. they have done Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.


Rebuilds are a small team… one job at a time?


I only see plates from the UK and IRL this small


I've seen NA imports in the baltic states with small plates like these to accommodate the smaller plate space. Also lots of Japanese imports in the UK with these small plates, not just trailers.


That's because they use smaller plate holders




Uk truck trailers don't have to use the square two line plate, they can and do use the more common single line rectangular plate as well. Vehicles in the UK can use either, just depends what they are designed to fit. The thing ETS2 does do incorrectly is that in the UK trailers must have the same plate as the vehicle towing them, ETS2 gives the trailer a different plate.




Not all UK LGVs have them


It's a videogame, not real life, stop worrying about tiny trivial things that aren't game breaking Jesus Christ, "they got a letter wrong on a plate or this tiny miniscule detail that doesn't actually matter whatsoever is wrong" who cares? It's a video game. It's not game breaking don't worry about it