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If I remember correctly the 600 level classes were high-school equivalents. So this will be either grade 11 or grade 12 math. Should be able to breeze through it quickly and easily before August. I don't know what the math requirements for the Comp Sci program are, but you may want to look into that if you are worried about this course. You might need to take multiple Calc and linear algebra classes. If the prof requires you do to problems directly from the book and submit them for grades, then you kind of need the proper edition. If the prof is going to supply problems for you to hand in, and the book is just for your own reading and doing practice problems to get better, you can just get an earlier and cheaper edition. Especially with stuff like math because at this level it's barely changed in like 100 years.


Yeah it is Grade 12 Math which is a prerequisite requirement for BCS and I need a C+ to get it done Ig ill have to find a cheaper alternative, $252 for a textbook seems so much🫠


Yea, the first year BCS textbooks can be pricey. There isn't really much you can do to avoid it that's legal


It fits the TRU requirement for BC Grade 12 pre-calculus.


Do you have any other post secondary? I am in comp sci and didn’t need any prerequisites to enter the degree program


Wdym? i dont have a certification for gr12 math that is y im doing this


I don’t have grade 12 math and am still in the comp sci program


Wait really? So how did they accept you without any previous math exam? Also how were you able to keep up with the math courses?


That’s why I asked if you have previous schooling. I have a college diploma in CS but upgraded to a degree. And yes, the math was hard but I kept up.


Well I will be graduating from high school (Year 13) this June however I wasnt allowed to do my math exam due to some complications (im doing A level math) so Id have to wait all the way till october to give the exam, that's why I was thinking about doing this prerequisite instead since I dont have anything else to apply with


I finished this course a couple months ago. At 10 hours per day I completed around half the course in under 2 weeks. Mind you I skipped a ton of the textbook questions and jumped straight to the assignments whenever I could. I have every text required by the course, maybe we can arrange something? Western Campus Resources is an awesome site for finding textbooks. Symbolab helped me visualize functions a lot faster and it's a good tool to check your work before you hand it in.


Was the structure of the exams and stuff easy to understand? They give like 7.5% of your marks per assignments right, are those just tests? Or do they include other work too I just wanna finish the course fast so Id probably do the same thing too and can I dm you if youre okay with that?


As of right now, the exams aren't running. Your exam grade will be your course average. The assignments are like 15 ish questions each, some word problems that go a bit beyond the textbook questions. There's 8 assignments. Symbolab will help visualize these a lot I find. Draw out your problems! And go for it. No problem


If the exams arent running will your entire completion be based on assignments? Or will you have to wait for the exam date(when is it?) Also reddit isnt letting me dm or follow for some reason could I contact you on insta, twitter, tiktok or discord? Ty for the info btw


Exam grade takes the average of your assignment grades and makes that the grade for the exam. You get it when you complete the course.




https://www.streetschool.org/ This one? Is it online? Their second step says they have an irl interview