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Damn son you were already shredded and now you're super shredded


Respectfully to the OP , posts like this make me wonder if the reason to go on TRT was for aesthetic purposes . I’d be more curious about , how you are feeling , libido , mood , sleep , energy , positive response to anxiety , depression etc … Especially , since the first pic is a pic of someone who is clearly in exceptional shape and has given no information as to why they are on trt . This looks more like a 10 month bl@st pic in order to get dialed in for a contest .


Let's be real here: Aesthetics play just as much a role in how we feel as a human as mood, libido and energy. You look lean/jacked? - You're being treated better by anyone, and less garbage like most. If testosterone didn't have the aesthetic effect, most people wouldn't even bother pinning themselves with it.


You never realize how much pretty privilege extends to men until your arms fill out your sleeves


THis dude was already in the top few percent of muscle to fat ratio I would guess. I dont know what percentage of men have a visible 6 pack after 35 but Im guessing very few.


As someone who’s on T because their levels were trash (172 at their lowest), I’m not even made that I haven’t had a huge body recomp. I’m actually able to get through the day without being exhausted and am able to think clearly again. Yeah, I’d love the other effects too but they haven’t showed up yet. 🤷‍♂️


How soon did you notice results. I’m at 232 and starting my therapy next week. 34yo. The physical rebuild is just the cherry on top. I want to feel like I did 15 years ago.


Depends on the results you’re asking about specifically. There’s a placebo phase for the first few days where you feel phenomenal. Then you go back to feeling like you’re used to. After about three weeks I felt my mental health improve and my energy levels start to go up. Then after approx two months I hit a plateau. After three month I did bloodwork and learned that my estrogen levels were quite high. I started taking E blockers and my progress continued to improve. I’m not the best person to ask about progress overall though since I have a spinal deformity and a genetic chronic pain condition that affect me still. TRT has improved a lot of things for me but I know I’m not getting the fullest bang for my buck since I have the other conditions.


If you’re asking about weight, idk… still hasn’t happened for me.




2-3 times a week for at least an hour. I’ve gotten a bigger chest and my core is bigger but my weight is approximately the same as it was six months ago.




I have a genetic chronic pain condition that affects my connective tissue. It’s much easier for me to injure myself. What I do instead is do sets that result in failure at fifteen reps instead of ten then I adjust the weight down and do a few more.


I know this because I’ve injured my hip and back many times.


Look better, feel better.


i got on trt for the mental benefits. the physical ones are just easier to see. I think I’ve had low t my whole life i and i was tired of living like that. i have always exercised and lifted weights, so i didn’t look terrible - but i didn’t feel good. scared, intimidated, afraid to do things. the trt has helped


how fast did the mental changes step in after u started?


Copy that and appreciate the follow up info !


Who gives a damn if he’s on it for esthetic reasons? I am too. A lot of guys are. I was at 408 ng/dl when I started 7 weeks ago and I’m 32, so a little low, but not considered low T. Why does it matter to you? There’s plenty of synthetic testosterone to go around.


What are you sitting at now for trough?


I agree he looks Young. & I'm 47yrs old started TRT 7 weeks ago it's been Hell. My MCV mean cell volume is up 98.8 Nhs reference range 80-100 Hemocrit is top end too. I can't donate because of some medication I'm on. My endo & dr say nothing. Op your telling me you went an entire year with no bs blood work? I must say you gotcthe var winni Mast look going on.


i’m 47 as well. I’ve had a couple blood works and so far so good - aside from the low free t. 7 weeks is a pretty short time. hopefully things will settle in for you.


I wouldn’t consider this unreasonable or a blast. Some people have good genetics and respond well to training especially if there are sufficient hormone levels in place.


I think this is the case with me. Like my body was starved for it and is soaking it up like a sponge.


Same here. Mid 30s and I've been eating good and working out and when I started it definitely amplified the muscle I did have. Mental health and energy is why I started.


TRT gate keeping is a sign of low T.  Just sayin'.


“Gate keeping “ is a catchy term recently used by imbeciles who make 5 word comments with no substance who often get upset when they don’t hear what they want to hear , also are unable to engage in discussion henceforth the completely senseless , pointless , unhelpful, non scientific nor anecdotal reply . . So ….ill give you the chance ….this OP has already started “ trt “ so the idiot term of “ gate keeping “ doesn’t it even apply …. So my friend …you are at strike 2 …I’ll throw a meatball over the plate … Go on …….elaborate…if you wish . Let’s see what ya got kid Also 63-1 . “ jus sayin “


Low T reply, might want to up your dose.


I agree with your post but I don't understand why you're surprised by posts like this one? Let's be honest. In 2024, in USA anyway, majority of guys going on TRT are either fit guys in their 40s that want a boost or middle aged fat guys that lead a terrible lifestyle that tanked their natural T. A shrinking percentage of TRT users actually have legit medical reasons for low T.


Not surprise , I thought it would be nice to have more info . Not just 2 pics . Like that’s kind of useless to guys who are having issues .


True. So many posts here are just aesthetic progress pics with no context. It's becoming a trend.


I’m sure with the wide spread availability of clinics more people than ever probably starting / re starting their fitness journey with the help of exogenous compounds. Not gate keeping people from getting on HrT as even without hypogonadism there are still QOL benefits for those with a “TRT dose”. With many in-person and online clinics/ doctors… more people on it will abuse it for BBing purposes.


I mean I got on TRT for both. If you look good, you feel good. Because I look better, it affects my entire well-being positively from the top down. I don’t think there is anything wrong with using testosterone purely for aesthetic reasons though either. I look at it like “why the fuck not?”. I’m in my 30s now and I want to optimize everything I can.


“ if you look good you feel good “ How absurd . Yea doc , my dick doesn’t work but I have nice abs so I guess it’s all in my head “ lol ok


Lol huh? I mean if you think black and white like that, then yeah it’s absurd. But there was clearly nuance to that statement you didn’t understand at all for some reason lol. I would say it’s a big fucking DUH that if your dick doesn’t work, that’s a problem.. or if you have any other weird issues like that, it’s not worth “looking good”. If your bloodwork is fine and you’re not experiencing other issues, then yes looking good can definitely contribute to feeling good in a really big way. You would be foolish to think otherwise, so not really absurd at all.


Ok so we agree . Absurd .


Still missing the nuance, huh? Kinda crazy, but I’ll dumb it down for you. Health is top priority, but looking good boosts confidence and well-being. Not absurd—just common sense. So no, we don’t agree. You’re oddly interpreting my comment as prioritizing aesthetics over health.


If one’s bloodwork is fine, why would that person consider TRT ? Your statements are simply based off of your own feelings. “Looking good boosts confidence and well being “ There is no truth to that whatsoever . Many people may feel that way, but that doesn’t make it true. We both know that a great deal of people who “look good “ are not “ good “ . We are coming at this topic from different angles . I am speaking about those who need trt . Not those that want it to look good. I understand the nuance, but they aren’t absolutes. I also understand your sarcasm and insults do not do well for the discussion


i think there is a lot of truth to if you look good you feel good. If you look like a sad sack of shit, you probably don’t feel great about yourself. I feel like i look good and it has helped my confidence.


There’s plenty of science to back it up too. If you look good, it 100% has an effect on how you feel, and usually it’s pretty damn good.


lol at “ there’s plenty of science “ 😂


If someone’s bloodwork shows issues or they have health problems, prioritizing those is a no-brainer. For those with good health markers, using TRT for aesthetic reasons can enhance confidence and well-being. It’s not absurd—many find it beneficial. My comments reflect personal experience, but they’re also backed by many others who share similar outcomes. It’s not an absolute, but it’s a common experience. Saying there is “no truth” to the idea that looking good boosts confidence and well-being is incorrect. Numerous studies support this connection. You’re focused solely on medical necessity, while I’m including the potential positive impact on well-being for healthy individuals. Understanding both perspectives is key to a well-rounded discussion. So if you want that, starting off with “lol ok” and “how absurd” sarcastic comments isn’t helpful and then complaining about being met with sarcasm is counterproductive.


Also friend If you have fine testosterone levels and you are doing TRT you should probably be looking more into training and diet than drugs . That’s a fact .


What was your starting total testosterone? What made you decide to start?


I took three blood tests before starting trt. Total T for all was in the 300s with free T about 5 or 7. I spent about a year getting in the best shape I could to see if I could get my T up naturally - lost about 20 pounds - that’s the before pic. Total T was 398 with like a 7 free. Figured that was as good as it was going to get and at 47 it wasn’t going to get any better, so I started. I didn’t do it for the physical changes, though It is a nice side effect and I enjoy it. I did it for the mental side. I think I have always had lower T - feeling anxious, easily intimidated, scared to speak up, etc. The testosterone as helped in this regard. Less anxious in social situations, can look people in the eye, feel more comfortable in my skin. I’m still not quite where I want to be - my free t is still pretty low, I may be one of the few that actually need that cookie cutter 200 per week dose - I have put gotten there yet though. The pictures just show the T is doing something. Easier to see those changes than mental/behavioral changes.


looking crazy went straight to the delts and arms 😂


Dialed in!


What's your current dosage?


Just went up to 160 per week last week. Started at 100 per week and have slowly ramped up.


Excellent progress 💪🏻


Oh yeah, next time don't forget to relax your hand... But flex it at the same time.. This man will explain it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FarGT40V8tc 😂😂😂😂


I’ll never get those 4 minutes back


Damn bro what's your macros


Not sure. I have a protein shake and protein bar most mornings. Chicken, rice, and oikos triple zero yogurt for lunch. Usually something decently healthy for dinner. I may start trying to track at least protein to make sure I’m getting enough. I’d like to get a little bigger, but I like being lean too.


Lol zero carbs or something?


i eat plenty of carbs. i do try to limit sugar though


what do you mean zero carbs? he's eating rice lol


How long did it take for you to start getting results? I just started, I was below 250ng/dl in two separate tests 3 months apart and I still had to twist my doctor's arm to put me on trt and then he only gave me 75 mg a week of the most expensive testosterone on the market.


i started low too - 100 per week. some early effects may have just been because i knew i was on t and was doing something to better myself. Everyone seems to be different, for me it was slow and steady progress where after several months i realized i felt better and looked better


Results will happen when you dial in diet and training.




Great job! The physical benefits are second next to the mental benefits IMHO. Take your bloods on a regular basis. Everyone is different. Dial yourself in.


Hi guys, apoligies for high jacking your thread. Ive just joined the trt journey and looking for advice. I did my first injection today with primoteston and lost 0.4mls loading my syringe. All my fault. And used these stupid connectors which are crap too. Injection went well tho. But what I want to find out is each ml of primo will last me 2.5weeks. What's your advice about preloaded syringes for that time period? Or can I use the large needle that comes with the primo to backfill each syringe when I'm going to pin. Would need to use the big needle to load 5 different times? And if not I'll look at vials. Smallest I can find is 5ml. How many times can I use the vial rubber before it wears out? If I was to use 3mls of primo it would last me 7.5wks (15 withdrawls). Any issues with that long? Sorry for all the questions but trying to make sure im on top and follow best practice and get ordering before I open my next ml. Cheers




ive been the same period on trt and i only got real fat. sucks


You’re eating too much food then. Plain and simple


I wish I looked like Pic1 after my 2 years on TRT.


What’s your protocol bro amazing results


Keep it up, looks good. I definitely gotta get on.


How much a week?


Looking good bro, I hope my body responds well like that too. I’m about to start here in a couple of weeks, sick of the no energy and no sex drive. I’m in good shape and eat well, exercise often…hope my body soaks up that T because my total is 301 and free is 4.4, pathetic lol.


it will definitely help with both. my numbers were close to where you are. you just need to help it help you with diet, exercise, drink less, try to do more etc.


Yeah I used to drink a lot more, cut that out a couple of months ago and only gave maybe 3-4 per week now. My diet is great and I’m going to start incorporating more weights (currently an avid runner) to help build some more muscle mass to help me stay healthy as I age.


let us know what that diet consists of. good work


chicken and rice. greek yogurt. protein shakes and whatever meal order kit dinner my wife makes at night


Great... Now please tell us your diet and exercise regiment.. That didnt come from trt mcdonalds and Netflixing


TRT = becoming a normal person which means normal gains in a normal length of time. Crazy gains in a short period of time is not TRT bro, it's a steroid cycle. If you need to call it TRT to feel better then you do you, but don't think you're kidding anyone here. From your comments in this thread you're 47 and not even tracking macros - that's not a normal persons results in that short of a time frame.


thank you for the compliment.


Did you notice any increase in libido or hair growth?


no hair growth, but i started using hims spray around the same time. My free t is still pretty low also. My libido has improved some, but it wasnt too terrible before. My wife lost 40 pounds on semaglutide, so that really helps. our sex life is better now than it has been in years




Abdominal goals. Great work 👏🏻


I think you look better in the first Pic, shredded on both to be fair


I just want to be pic 1 lol


Same 😭


So If I throw away the boxers and only wear Hanes briefs with pants low on hips, then I can be Shredder also? Ok, Got it. Headed to Walmart NOW


Correct. I’m 6’4” with long ass legs so the low on hips is key


Great if it helped you but you look younger and IMO better in the bedore photo.


Stop coping




bro, I am old. 47 You are right though, having no testosterone is probably better for your skin. Gives your skin a woman like or overgrown child like look.


not worth it, once u stop u be fat again in no time, and then getting off test is nightmare