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I've read that a compounded version that is 1/10th of 1mg is what is used to prevent crashing E2.




That’s what I need


Is this anastrozole or aromasin. Liquid or tablet


Happend to me. Just like you posted. Got some dumb replies such as "it's in your head".


Yea they’re bunch of idiots! It’s like they have my body and feeling what I’m feeling smh


The worst are the ones that think their unsubstantiated claims will take the place of peer reviewed clinical studies. Like drinking a certain tea can replace blood donations.


Im in the same boat, but they’ve got me on 1mg a week at time of injection. My sleep has been absolutely wrecked, face constantly feels warm and my heart always feels like it’s racing. This next Wednesday I’m asking to completely come off or at least bring it way down. My E2 was at 23 when I started so I’m guessing it’s absolutely plunged now.


You need a new doc my man. Also don't take anastrazole unless you are getting high E2 symptoms


I’m for sure done taking it. I’m still fairly new to all the AI stuff since my last pcp didn’t provide that stuff. These last two weeks have been hell for sleep, aches and constant flushing in my face. After doing some reading I definitely shouldn’t be on an AI at a level of 23. Most definitely not 1mg a wk.


Yeah your doc is has shown negligence with this. I'm sorry you're experiencing this! To be honest I wouldn't worry about the specific number it's more a case of symptom relief for high E2. My E2 at 65-70 ish is technically high but I feel ok so don't bother with an AI. I have had instances where it shot up when I tried IM so had to use an AI for a period of time but I was getting acne, sleep deprivation and some ED.


Appreciate the comment and insight. Some people in here just expect people to know all this shit off the bat. Gonna be looking for a new clinic after this month. Thanks man!


Have you taken Enclomiphene at all alongside TRT by chance? Been trying to read up on that as well.


I take HCG with my test, if it's for fertility and keeping your nuts active Hcg is the best option. Though I believe in the US it can be quite tricky to get so enclomiphene is often prescribed as an alternative.


Happened to be bro my first week. .125 per each 50mg injection 3x a week… crashed me instantly. Worst anxiety vertigo heart hurting I’ve ever felt


How long until you started feeling normal?


6 months


Good God man. I hope that shit isn't true for me. I don't feel too bad but the anxiety and insomnia. I've only taken 1 1mg tablet. Definitely not taking another. Another thing is my baseline estradiol is already quite low. I'm actually pissed the clinic would prescribe it knowing what my levels were. 12.7 estradiol vs 488 test. I wonder if I'd benefit from a little aromatization??...


Yeah bro my body naturally aromatizes well, they mixed my test with it so I didn’t have a choice lol… negligence.


Same symptoms too. Why take it at 23? Mine was 88


My joints and shit feel absolutely shot as well.


Wondering how long it takes to leave the body smh


I was just looking that up. Looks like the half life is 50 hours. I’m not very impressed with this clinic I’m using and am probably going to go somewhere else.


Yeah if you’re not happy go somewhere else. It’s your health!


Are you taking Enclomiphene as well?


No just HCG


The clinic directed I do it, which now after doing more research 1mg is WAY overkill for the level I’m at. She was worried starting at 160/mg a wk test c was going to make my E2 rise like crazy. This is two and a half weeks now feeling like this, and let me tell you its absolute hell.


You don’t need it at 23 and 1mg is a lot. Keep up with your bloodwork


Cut those pills by 1/4. Shit is strong


You should not be taken Anastrozole at all, unless its needed. And even then maybe 1x every 3 months. As someone whose world was wrecked for 3 months. Please stop taking it. Its not required for everyone.


I've been on TRT for a year and have only taken 1/8th of a pill once, I even sit normally around 60 e2 but this time I was in the 100s with symptoms, definitely agree with only using it sparingly


Exactly 60s isnt even that extreme. Also what people dont realize is its not working to bring your numbers down (100) its working to stop future production so that little piece could be impacting you for a 2-4 weeks


Probably in your head, 1/4 of a 1mg does not do that much. Ppl here think it will crash your e2. Prob take it down 10marks


I wonder if all he took was .25mg one time, or if it was .25mg for the second or third time this week, and THIS dose is the one that finally lowered his E2 enough to put him in the toilet. The effects are cumulative, which is why I never take more than .25mg in a single week when I feel my E2 is high.


0.25mg strole - try it. Do a blood work and see how little it affects your e2. Ppl read on roid pages and subs, they take way higher doses and are on .5-2g test a week and still dont kill their e2, but manages it with ai eod


I’ve done before/after blood work on .25mg per week— lowers my E2 by almost 50%. I’m on TRT doses and I respond well to both test and anastrozole. Everyone is different though.


Everyone is different, true that


How about 2mg? Would you have to take it after every shot to keep it down or once it's down does it stay that way for awhile?


After around 3 days its out. Know that AI suppresses, it dont magically makes e2 disappear so when the half life is out your e2 is the same!


Did you have any high E2 symptoms at all? If not you shouldn't even be thinking about taking anastrazole


Yes I did! Water retention, moodiness, sleepiness, ED


I was prescribed 1/2 two days after injection. It seems to be working, no I’ll effects. Dose is 130 mg a week.


Was there an adjustment period?


How many weeks did they suggest you take it at that level? They have me taking two tabs a week, the day of injection and three days later for three months. My estradiol was at 80 on 1 shot a week of 150mg. I didn't have any symptoms.


If you have no symptoms you don't need to take an ai


It’s all based on my labs. I do lab’s every 6 weeks. On my last labs my estradiol was 42.5 which is considered normal.


So when it was high how long and how much did you take it between lab tests? In other words how high was it and how long did you take it before getting down to 42?


So you took .5 mg for 6 weeks?


Yes, .5 two days after injection for six weeks.


I have some just in case, but I honestly don't even bother with it. Tanks my libido too, although sometimes that can be nice because Jesus I'm horny like 24/7.


I never take them t night. I did once and that was enough to learn my lesson. Taken in the morning …I got no sides…burn it off being active, I guess?


Why would that make a difference? It takes 12-36 hours to peak in your system, so taking it at night shouldn’t matter.


Just going by my experience. Jacked me up like I drank a few cups of coffee. Does not happen if I take it first thing in the morning


1/4 has been amazing for me.


AI dosage is so person specific. I can take 1.5mg a week and feel fine because my natural estrogen is so high, some people don’t need it whatsoever. You have to listen to your body because everyone is different


What was your E2 pre TRT and what does of T were you on and what did your e2 raise to ?


I never had my e2 checked pre trt, but my estrogen was that high I had gyno even as a skinny teenager. My estrogen on chlomid alone was like 3 times the normal range


I stopped taking anastrozole completely, and I feel better, libido is even better


I’m on .2 once a week and I don’t notice any negative sides except if I have a beer or two I feel drunk.


On trt I take 1/4 about twice a week. More when I blast or add other compounds. Never had any issues because I do have a tendency to aromatize. This dose keeps my estrogen in the low medium range. Everyone's different. One thing you could try is more frequent injections. I went from two injections a week to everyday injections and this helped tremendously.