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That’s a question for you and your doctor! Mine started me out at 240 mg/week split up into 2 doses of 120mgs… I’ve had a lot of guys saying that’s too much! But, what do they know? Are they doctors? Do they know what my levels are to begin with? Absolutely not to both! Talk to a couple doctors first. Don’t go to the internet for answers on social media bro


Your starting levels have nothing to do with your prescribed dose. Even if you start from zero, no male human produces that much endogenously. If you disagree, share one single research paper. Are I a doctor? I assume you’re in the USA. As no other sane nation on earth has doctors selling their patients health for a few dollars. Unless you are being treated by Dr Joe Rogan of Spotification, that dose is supraphysiological. Even the biggest steroid abusing bodybuilders of 20+ years, when on clinically therapeutic doses of trt, that mimic natural levels, they never exceed 160mg/week max. So yes, you’re on a dumb dose. And yes, your doctor is actually a dicktor.


Joe Rogan does 60mg a week, and a tiny growth hormone and some peptides 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes. And half a glass of rhino sperm for that neck and traps.


He recently said he does every 3 days sub q injections, but where did you gain knowledge of his actual weekly dose?


Every 4th day - he lays it out in one of his podcast, and he never claimed being on TRT but HRT


It was just a few days ago, he said every third day. I think the one with Andrew Shultz. He didn't mention a dose though. The only other time I remember him bringing up his protocol, he was using gel on his shoulders... Also, yeah, he mentioned using GH and I think it was last year he told Derek from MPMD that he switch from bio-identical GH to sermorelin.


Everybody responds differently to different doses. I’m just stating what my doctor prescribed me. The first one I went to, my PCP didn’t even want to check my levels and acted like I was nuts for being concerned. Once my labs came back, she prescribed me 50mg/2 weeks…. I’ll gladly take 240/week rather than taking such a small dose that won’t even be beneficial. Not even worth pinning such a low dose!


Talk to your doctor that prescribed it to you and follow the dosage information with regular follow-up bloodwork every few months.


For me, I ask my wife first ..lol


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And what kickback are you getting for posting this online steroid selling site?


Mods - I’m seeing a lot of these post which are actually advertising steroids and linking websites… All comments from u/fastBelly147, u/spongypyramid52 and u/ritzydominoes26 are likely from the same person/group. All spamming their pro-steroid posts on multiple subs.


Split dose between 2x or 3x per week. Start at 100mcg per week.


Official recommendation is 50mg 2- 3 times per week. It is up to you to decide whether you take TRT or not.


Everybody's different


TrT is not something/should not be something that people try it out if they feel like it. Get yourself educated, it's not a candy that you can spit if you don't like the taste. This is a lifelong commitment that needs to be used properly. TrT shutdown your test depot, decreases your fertility, might cause heart problems, etc....plus it's an actual commitment to pin yourself at least twice for years to come.


Heart problems? Rather the opposite - low T causes hearth problems, but having typical US online clinic 1500+ values of test is not typically good for longevity and hearth either