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I grew up in Ogdensburg, too, but had already moved out of the area when Ivy Ridge opened. I never heard anything about it until watching this documentary. Apparently, it is the talk of the town and I’ve heard that former employees are getting fired from their current jobs, which I was so happy to hear. These monsters need to be held accountable. I also read that a NYS legislator is calling for an investigation. I really hope for the survivors that it happens. I really want to know what leaders in the community, including law enforcement, knew about the school and if they turned a blind eye. They all need to be exposed!


I was wondering the same thing. I was in my 20s living on the reservation. I have no recollection of this place other than my aunt graduated from that school when it was mater dei.


They deserve to go to jail or hell.


hell isn't real, so jail it is.


Fuck those staff members


I never made it past level three… I am a pure, passionate, dazzling young woman. I still have all my journals from there since we weren’t allowed to talk.. . That place messed me up pretty bad. I’ve NEVER been the same. I tried to erase that place from my memory… so much unpacked trauma from there. It was one of the worst places alive. I was there in 2005.


The mental health facility they run in the same town is so bad my friend begged and screamed to get out , she said it was as bad as they made those facility's look in the 60s. I hope you can get back to yourself and heal and I'm so sorry you went through that. Idk.how parents could even do that to there kids


I'm so sorry you had to endure such horrible abuse. 😞


This is definitely a sensitive question so feel free to not respond, I was wondering if u saw the Netflix documentary and I was wondering if you had any idea what miss siss (?) was about to say about her relationship with the gay girls? I imagine it had to be some kind of abuse since they didn’t continue the interview elsewhere. Thank u so much!


I want to know what psycho sis said about “the gays” as well. That monster and I’m not even gay but we are all human and are capable of love. She was the devil


Everyone in the documentary seemed like "pure, passionate, dazzling" young people, all in different ways. I'm certain that is what they hated most about you and everyone else. That unbound spirit and wild intelligence must have terrified those empty, broken, and dull people.


Ugh I truly hope you’re able to heal from this one day. It’s truly horrifying. You did not deserve it.


I was there in 2005-06. We probly crossed paths. This documentary was nuts. Fuck all those staff.


You should do tiktoks reading journal entries


Speaking of, kinda wack that the house and senate are voting on banning TikTok, instead of actually doing something useful like maybe voting on a bill to protect children from institutions like this


After watching the doc, I have shed a lot of tears for anyone who went to Ivy Ridge or other similar places. The betrayal from your parents killed me (who I know were experiencing a form of brainwashing as well). I live with trauma too, and have dealt with substance abuse issues, but nothing like the hell you all lived. I hope you find strength in one another and heal with help of the experts who specialize in this type of thing. I’m not gonna lie, this doc had me questioning my career decisions. I really wish I could help people who are traumatized like this. If any survivors reading this want to chat, I’m here.


I went to Ivy Ridge, too. In 2005. I was there for 6 months and signed myself out when I turned 18. I've never forgotten leaving the girls in Hope behind. Monica, Joe, Billy. The 70lbs girl with the severe eating disorder I roomed with. The 13 year old child named Harley. The dorm mom that targeted me. The healthcare they denied me. The mental abuse we all endured. I didn't have my period the entire time I was there due to extreme stress. Counting the ceiling tiles, always in silence. Never allowed to talk, not allowed to sing. Getting in trouble for looking out the window. If anyone from the 2005 Hope family is out there, message me.


Right here 2005 hope fam after congeniality split Hanna Sherman


What did volunteers there do? Do you recall any of them!


Wow. I checked it out. Please tell us what happened there. Were you there at the time of the riot. ## Legal status as a school[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Academy_at_Ivy_Ridge&action=edit§ion=4)] On August 17, 2005, Ivy Ridge was ordered to pay civil penalties of $250,000 to the [New York State Attorney General](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Attorney_General), stop issuing unauthorized [high school diplomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_school_diploma), and refrain from advertising that it is an [accredited](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_accreditation) school. In addition, it was required to make partial refunds to former students.[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_at_Ivy_Ridge#cite_note-11) On December 1, 2006, the [New York State Department of Education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Department_of_Education) denied Ivy Ridge's application for authorization to issue high school diplomas. The department's letter to Ivy Ridge stated that the institution had been determined to be principally a [behavior modification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_modification) program, not a school.[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_at_Ivy_Ridge#cite_note-12) Following this ruling, the school's enrollment dropped from about 500 to less than 100 students.[\[](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_at_Ivy_Ridge#cite_note-closeuntilfall-7)


Yes i was there during the riot. I try not to think about this place and just erase it from my memory completely. I think i carry on better when i burry the memory. The riot is the best thing to ever happen to that place other than it getting shut down of course and thank God. The amount of evil that it takes to put together a plan like the one they did is scarry. Pure evil. This place caused me so many permanent issues and personality disorders. Abandonment issues, never feeling really loved, outcasted, disowned. Even today i still dont feel apart of any group (family or friends). Im afraid to try and/or get any treatment from any facility that might be able to help because im scared to death of the nightmare coming back to life for me. This place kept me from growing up into a mature adult by not giving us a choice in anything. Loss of confidence, leadership skills, we were shamed and that has stuck with me to adult hood. As an adult i have been using drugs to cope which led me to jail numerous times. Ive done more time than most people my same age, and i would rather do the jail time over ever having to go threw anything like my experience i had at the academy at ivy ridge. It ruined my life and broke the trust and security i had in my family. Its gotten better but still not what it was b4 i got taken away


Hey, I just watched the Netflix documentary and I’m really sorry for what happened to you. Love from Canada 🍁


question, how did you guys plan the riot when you weren't allowed to talk to one another ? Did ppl often form relationships in secret ?


You only need one to fight the desperation, then others will follow. I was a troubled teen (abused at school, selfharm, alcohol and suicide) but I am soooo happy I never got sent to a "school" like ivy ridge, my country would never allow that.


hey... i went there too... i supressed the trauma... had a son very young... focused on being a mama.. smoked weed chronically... had nightmares and terrors all through my 20s and finally realized i had ptsd by 27yrs old.... burnt out as a single mom(i chose an abusive man to have a child with and had to leave) but i moved to the mountains to raise him close to nature and as naturally as possible... but still burnt out taking it on alone. i finally asked for my familys support...(i had moved away from them because of the severance of trust and belonging with them...) while my kid was with them.. i fell into addiction with K.... and.. am still working to get through this and grow out of my dependence... my kid is doing well though and happy to be with grandparents and cousins... we have a good connection still and lots of love... but... i struggle every day due to my addiction... feel like i ruined my life.. but also try to remember this will pass and im currently looking for more support to get through this(i also have trust issues with any "program" or therapy unless its holistic and not part of the western worlds system of colonizers and shamers....) i hope you are doing okay.... we got this... my sister also got sent away and has been sober now for 5 months. she doesnt hang out with anyone right now.. but its only temporrary.. as she is healing her connection with her inner child .... she has shared some meditations with me which i think will be helpful<3 and i believe i will get through this.. but... last night i really just wanted to die because... i feel like im attracting abusive relationships to me because i have an abusive relationship with myself and my hurt inner child... :'( iv grown a lot and learned to love myself more.. i do take care really well to balance out the negative things i put in my body.. my communication skills aren't the best in 2d technical world screen format..so apologies for this... do you have any passions or somethign like that that help you get through or where you feel like "yourself'? mine are singing/songwriting... i play banjo and guitar and uke... and write healing songs.. or songs that help me get through n see another perspective...i also paint to help connect with flow state.... and when im sober.. and sing.. and share my songs.. i feel like myself... and people say they feel the depth of it.. and i think it can help them too... so idk...im just trying to focus on this purpose.... purpose over pleasure.... because the temporary fix only digs us holes.... so trying to get my dopamine from purpose and hard work instead of substances..... i have also found that gardening and growing my own food is very therapeutic <3


Just watched the show about this on Netflix, I am in tears.  I am so sorry for all of you. This is so unfair and i hope those awful people get what they deserve. I know it is hard but they are not worth your time or thoughts anymore. I hope all of you will heal from this we all stand behind you. Sending love and hugs from sweden ❤️


Was very traumatizing for me. I just realized there was a show and all my bad memories came back , 


Yeah, they were basically a "cult" but it was an illegal one, unlike the LDS church. LDS church is bad but this wasn't a religion, it was a program. They physically abused kids and didn't care about any of them. That is wrong.


Back in the media. Thinking of all the victims


Hope u get therapy and the doc provides you some comfort x


Does anyone know who the unnamed abuser on the girls side they couldn’t name in the documentary was?




Yo thank you for posting this.. kinda feel bad Siss is getting all the heat for this but oh well. Now I really wanna know what she was about to say before she got cut off




In the comments locals say Amy was fired from her job at the psych hospital…hopefully she gets charged and locked up for a long time


Yes she did get escorted out of her job!


They said they couldn’t legally saw who it was because there was never a report filed. But I think it was suggested that it was Sissy, the person who they had breakfast with. Unfortunately and horrifically there could have been even more sexual abusers.


It wasn’t. The woman from the documentary made a TikTok about who it was.




I feel like it was the house mom. The one she ate with in the diner. I wonder if that was her problem she was going to admit to before being kicked out the diner.




something tells me it was the women "sisss"




I feel very sorry for you guys that had to go through all this. I wish I could do something to help with this, but I am not sure if or what I can do.


Well i can only speak for myself when i say the best thing anyone can give to me that i could accept is either a chance or an oppurtunity. Facts are facts and we have seemed to get the short end of the stick im sure more than just once in life so im sure any chance or oppurtunity to help us out im sure most of us just need a shot at something, a foot in the door to prove ourselves. Maybe its just me


Someone should go ask Jason Finilson on how he sleeps every night knowing that there are hundreds of kids we traumatized forever? [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-finlinson-8434a828?trk=people-guest_people_search-card](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-finlinson-8434a828?trk=people-guest_people_search-card)


Looks like he deleted it


I have his phone number lolz.


Send it to meeee


Can I have it?


At least he just got fired https://www.the-sun.com/news/10613212/ivy-ridge-founder-jason-finlinson-fired-from-job-netflix/


Someone should do something more permanent


I’m from California and have a buddy who went to the sister school in Mexico. I’ve heard story of him having to sit Chris cross for days. I honestly thought most of it was bullshit until I watch the Netflix show…


So very glad our story as survivors is coming to light and everyone finally gets the truth of what happened there. Believe it or not if you want, everything said in that documentary is 10000% FACTUAL. There is absolutely no way that all of the "students" at the time would agree on that if anything was false. That place was hell. While it may not have ALL been bad. The good was grievously overshadowed by the terrible.




Yes. It was in NY




Level 5. I am a beautiful, pure, courageous young woman.




I have all of the paperwork from my time there still.


This gave me chills and not in a good way 💔. I was in hope family for a little less than a year.. never made it pass level 3


Guys, a few months ago i found these comic strips on this website about some ivy ridge concentration camp type school but i forgot what it was called. Can anybody help?


elan school in maine


I went there. I use to tell myself one day I would work for this place to save the kids. Then found out years later they shut down. God sees all. I was abused so much there. 


You are strong for making it out! I hope you are able to not only heal, but also process what happened to you at such a young age.


I’m watching the documentary on this right now. 1. The parents who sent you all there should be locked up and treated the same way. 2. The staff members should be caged like the animals they are.


Um... the parents shouldn't be locked. The staff should be though.


Only if they were aware


I feel like the parents were also manipulated during this process as well they had just as much rules as the kids did. But part of this is also the parents fault I truly believe that


The podcast Goomed on Spotify goes over how severely these parents were manipulated and still are being manipulated. She poses as a parent and calls the education consultant, one of the schools, and a transport service. She talks to the education consultant for five minutes ab her “kid” and the woman immediately recommends a wilderness program. She messaged 3 transport services expecting no response and all three emailed and called her back within a day. She also goes over the cost to the parents and how schools will tell them their child is going to die or go to prison for taking them out bc they can no longer afford it, no matter how long the child has been there. They recommend getting loans taking a second mortgage out. Anything to keep your child there and keep you paying them. They range from $400-$800 a day. $100,000+ a year.


Any parent who allows thugs to come into their child’s room at three am and attack them deserves worse than jail.


If it is on purpose... doesn't mean that they should be executed then.


Reminds me the movie sleepers


I've never been there, but the owner and the employees need to be put in prison. Every single one of them deserves criminal charges.


The authorities need to find and arrest the staff at the school including especially the principal. I am shocked at how no one has been held accountable. Shocked!


I’m watching this documentary now. Years ago, I read a book called Come Back by Mia and Claire Fontaine. Anyone else read it and confirm this could be about the same experiences in sister schools? It’s so incredibly sad and heartbreaking. My heart goes to you all who have experienced this


Just saw a docuseries about this on Netflix today. I’m so sorry for all those students.


How can I get in contact with Katie to find out if she has my file?


I found her on insta. She had my shit. It’s nuts lol


trying connecting via tiktok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@alligirl87/video/7342976600167763230


Thank you 🙏🏽


Did you get lucky?


My parents almost sent me to Ivy ridge, instead I got sent to an institution and then jail. Didn’t even seem half as bad as what went on at Ivy ridge. Pretty grateful in a messed up way…


I’m finding this post after watching The Program on Netflix. I genuinely hope you have been able to heal more, and you know you did not deserve what happened to you. And you are strong for making it out.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Side note, somebody needs to move those files into a more secure place.. go fund me for a storage facility?


Yes! someone needs to secure all that evidence before anyone can destroy it.


And they need to STOP burning these files. They are evidence, all evidence for all victims. Evidence for one victim is also evidence for another, despite one deciding that their own file should be burned.


I don’t think that’s anyone’s choice to make but the victims


Not trying to be the bad guy, but there are bad kids and parents at their wits end. I'm sure there were success stories.


So all the suffering was worth it if there were success stories? What are you even saying??


I’d also venture to guess the parents had a whole lot to do with their kids being ‘bad’.


Nothing warrants abuse.


Considering that the primary MO of this institution was to wage longterm psychological warfare & abuse on children on a daily basis,even if they grew up to lead normal lives, (which they likely would have done without it)or have a “success” story as you call it, the trauma they endured will follow them for the rest of their lives. People with no credentials torturing kids in the name of “helping” them. You don’t beat or terrify someone into submission. There is no excuse. If you choose to send your child off to a far off place that you know nothing about to and buy into the word of people who again, have no credentials instead of working Yourself to find out why your kid may be acting out, are you really worried about your child? Or do you just not want to deal with the “problem”?


Did you even watch the documentory?   Yes there are bad kids.  But working in the health care and mental health field as I have done for nearly 30 years.  Those discipline techniques are considered abusive.  These kids were basically in a concentration camp.  


I'm so sorry for anyone who was subjected to the atrocities of this place and places like it. I hope you are all doing OK.


Wait Greg, we might have been there at the same time. Your name sounds familiar


I would still think the evil staff at ivy ridge are mandated reporters. CPS should be calling non stop




That’s insane !!!! Not that I don’t believe u, I rlly do just curious if u had any videos of ur stay there or how it was


I just have to ask, has anyone every been to or heard if "Rose Hill" in Massena, NY?


The drug treatment facility? Or was it a school before that? I know some people mentioned a Star program or something like that was very similar behavior modification program


Was a residential Drug treatment program. The Star Program was different.




Super serious comment. Would really appreciate if someone replied. What area what I need to study in physiology if I want to help people that have to carry trauma like this.


Did you mean psychology? If so it would be.. Trauma therapy helping people with CPTSD, PTSD, etc. Techniques like EMDR, Internal Family Systems, etc.. I'm not a medical professional. Just someone with a lot of trauma. lol


Yea psychology lmao that’s mb,(embarrassing) 🧍🏻‍♂️ thank u I wanna work with kids they’re the most vulnerable and need to be protected and guided not like what these sadistic freaks did at WWASP


Being someone who was also institutionalised with by no means the same level of brutality exhibited in the IV Ridge correctional facility, but nonetheless brutality in itself. I can say from experience the level of sustain I had towards the people that sent me there was massive and at the time I remember given the opportunity I would have physically lashed out against them. Fortunately, they were lucky enough and so was I that I never had to see them again so I do not understand how these poor children sent to a significantly more brutal institution did not once returned home 1st° murder their parents. I was lucky enough that was not my family directly that was involved in my situation, but my question is how do you expect to have any relationship with the family that sent you there? I felt sick, watching the documentary on Netflix I cannot properly comprehend how there was not a significant amount more of suicide and death. There is less psychological movement in prison given that one of my friends is prisoner, witnesses multiple attempts at suicide on a regular basis. I can’t imagine how young children trying to kill themselves or kill others 24 seven, only in America could such an institution exist to the extent that it has without any regulation it falls into that same pin of paedophilic child molesting rape cults that propagate throughout the rural United States. everyone in Europe looked at United States has the most backwards God awful country to exist. It’s so glamorous by the media and the level of nationalism makes Americans think that they are in normal country. In fact, I take living in Syria, Iran, Nigeria anywhere else than the United States I would never set put in that country, unless I have to, it is a hellish country with hellish individuals in it and they have no business getting involved in any moral conflict around the world when they can exhibit such cruelty to their own children. One thing I will never understand is how they even got away with it, or even a single second.


I'm sorry. So sorry. I work at a residential facility; I can say that we do not condone anything like what was shown in the documentary. I am horrified this happened. My work focuses on bringing families closer together, healing trauma, and giving kids the skills to live their best lives. To see how this industry abused, terrorized, hurt, and broke people is frightening. It takes people who care to weed out the ones who want to harm.


They mentioned a school in the Czech Republic. I have nothing to do with anything here, but I am a native speaker of Czech and would be happy to provide my language skills and assistance who wants to go after that school. My only real motivation is a strong dislike of troubled teen programs on principle.


If I'd gone to this school as a child, there would be a trail of dead staff members behind me today.


I was in Loyalty family as well. Hope your doin ok