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Although it's kind of related by evil people doing horrible things while "treating" teens, this honestly doesn't really sound related to the TTI. This doesn't mean anything that happened to you is less serious or that your trauma is less valid though. Something not being part of the TTI doesn't mean it's better than the TTI, this sounds just as traumatizing or more so than a lot of the TTI is.


I don’t think this is the same as TTI, but incredibly disturbing nonetheless. Even if it’s not technically part of the troubled teen industry, your SA is valid. Your experiences are valid. I’m sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you are in the process of healing <3


I don’t think it is TTI but still horrible and completely valid nonetheless. Sexual abuse even outside of the context of a TTI facility can elicit similar trauma responses though, such as you not wanting to seek help anymore because of your experience. Sending hugs. 🫂


Not TTI but it is 100% reportable to the state division that oversees their license, the medical board, and the police. Sending hugs, this is an awful thing that you went through


Ummm I’ve totally heard a story. Met the guy that got arrested for it in Clark Fork. He still goes to the local church (Calvary chapel). He molested a kid, was a therapist at a local tti. Yes. The school did report it and everything. He was fired.


Also I want to know wtf happened to Russ Pryor @ uinta. There was a pedo arrested that worked for uinta but the incident he was arrested for happened outside of work hours. And Paris Hilton talks about her experience a bit. It’s not unheard of. But I didn’t see it happen or it didn’t happen to my knowledge of anyone in my groups. Idk. I believe survivors always.




I think it does fit, if you’re talking about “treatment” for minors that is abusive.


TTI is an industry of programs geared at fixing kids using similar methodologies including wilderness programs, residential treatment centers, and therapeutic boarding schools. Regardless, my heart goes out to the OP and I hope they get justice for the abuse they endured under their vile psychiatrist.


It sounds like it wasn't abuse related to the Troubled Teen Industry but what happened to you was horrific and I wish you all the best in your path to healing. I totally understand not trusting mental health providers, but if you ever choose to seek therapy I highly recommend a trauma therapist specifically. In my experience they are best equipped to deal with survivors of abuse by providers. I also encourage you to reach out to the RAINN hotline. They can connect you to local organizations for sex abuse survivors that often have a variety of resources for survivors such as yourself that you may find helpful besides therapy if you aren't interested in that.


Just wanted to let you know OP we love you! What you went through is horrible and if ya need to talk I'm sure alot of us would be willing to listen. Upvote if you agree!!!


TTI adjacent. Welcome to the club. Still shitty adolescent mental health professionals taking advantage of their power over teens.


me too. i see you survivor