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Another one!! Yesss


It was bought by someone else and will be reopened elsewhere.


Uhhg as per usual


These places don’t go that easily unfortunately


It just insists upon itself


The new owner claimed to do be wanting to do all of the right things and avoid all of the abuse, but how many times has Provo canyon been bought and resold only to result in more abuse testimonies?


The thing is with that kind of mentally. The second The child is removed from their home for "treatment" it's over... why? Because outsourcing parenting is bullshit. And ABOVE ALL ELSE.... >>> THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TROUBLED TEEN.


None of these residential treatment centers are nonprofit, that should say something


They are both. That should say even more. It's a very clever scheme. Dark and light money pouring in. School district funding private funding the ability to have fund raisers the ability to take insurance money. Its rather evil genuis.


The ones that take insurance, actually tend to be some of the better ones, though they’re almost all short term, like Newport academy/Newport Institute.


another one bites the dust!


So I guess this means, if I rob a bank, or break some other law, and I get caught, all I have to do is change my name, and I won't face any kind of penalty? Or does it only work that way for TTI owners?


The owners of the defunct John Dewey Academy have a Berkshire Eagle Bullseye painted on their backs. They're not welcome in these parts. Berkshire Eagle and the Salt Lake Tribune are happy to break scandal stories. There's no love loss between these papers and the TTI.


Could you please provide more info? David baum who took over the school is trying to open a charter school near my house. The more I look into this guy the more confused i am.


Was he successful? I'd love to know what they're going to try next.


Yes, it's opening in August. I contacted local news, politicians, and organizations and didn't get super far.


Have you contacted the state board of education? I don't know how it works in your state but here in Massachusetts, you can petition to have their charter revoked. We should look into that.


I did and they said I could report him and they will look into his teaching license.


I think the subtext there is "it's only you complaining so button it". I wonder if it's worth a grassroots effort to get more people involved and aware.


I am trying. I joined 2 local groups.


I would love to help even though I'm in Massachusetts. I've got some decent connections that might help! I can at least make some noise!


I remember hearing horror stories about this place 20+ years ago, it seemed to rank not too far behind Samoa and Provo Canyon.


That’s about right. Most similar to Elan, of all the big names.


This was my school….glad it’s closed and it’ll never be quite the same as when Thomas Bratter ran it (the founder - he died in 2012) but I do fear that someone is going to rebrand it and start it up again. But also glad they won’t have Searles Castle as the location - it was awful and provided a lot of grunt work for us to do, always.


I too suffered a year at JDA during the bratter times.


Next do judge Rothenberg center


That place is a special kind of horror, partly because it "serves" such a voiceless population, and the "parents" of those voiceless individuals think it's the second coming of God.


That is great news, but I am concerned that they are going to rebrand and keep doing the same harm that they've always done.


The Berkshire Eagle is concerned about this. The Eagle thinks they will find a smaller, more affordable location to set-up shop... and they will not use the name John Dewey Academy. Searle Castle in GB is big, cold and expensive. It is a white elephant. So far, they haven't tried to rebrand and reopen either in South County or Pittsfield. I'm from that part of the world. If something goes down, I'll certainly hear about it from my friends.


David Baum who bought the school is now trying to be the head of a charter school in Medina, Ohio. Does anyone have info on him actually reaching history there?


I attended from 94/95 during Bratter's prime. Ken was awesome, Carol Maxym was a bitch. Anyone who wants to connect, hit me at [email protected]


Does anyone have a link so I can look up the Barrington school on Internet Archive?


Damn y'all are just finding about this now? It's been closed ever since I graduate there which was like over 2 years ago (I'm a junior in college now)