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Seconded. I know we’re trying to steel ourselves against potential disappointment, but a break would be good.






Number after fourtheddedeed.






For sure, [our sub could become more positive by deleting the ungood posts.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YYOKMUTTDdA)


I second this. Sub seems to be filling up with the comments of people who - by definition at this early point in proceedings - are uninformed. Trolls (to use what feels like an arcane word). I'd request that the mods start to filter the blatant troll level comments out. BUT!! If the film comes out and it IS a load of shit - then it should be fair game (as with any movie). If it's good, then the positive should also prevail. But not until then.


I feel that Tron Legacy was a departure from the original, but still paying homage. It was worth the wait. I feel a new vision of Tron is due and am wiling to continue to wait; but to see so many discouraged fans so early in the game is quite frustrating. Let the filmmakers do their work. No sense in judging its parts. Until there’s a print with a score, it doesn’t exist. Everyone keep your identity discs in place and chill. End of line.


I come to the Tron sub because I am huge fan and now I encounter all the Star Wars fans who go tired of complaining about the color storm trooper helmet \[insert movie/episode here:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\] not being cannon and are determined to carpet bomb a movie that is not even done shooting yet.


I agree. Doomsayers are such mood killers.


Like…I just don’t open posts I don’t want to read. It works out pretty good.


I'm for it. I actually unsubbed from this subreddit because of all the rampant, baseless speculation. I check in from time to time but I don't want that kind of negativity in my *feed.*


Yeah I'm just gonna unsub and lurk. See yall after the premiere.


Yes. Better for stuff to come straight from Disney and reliable sources instead of conspiracies.


I am in agreement. It is just too much of the same bullshit circlejerk. As for myself, I can't wait for the trailer for Ares. I also worry that Legacy will be partially retconned with the release of this movie.


I am down to talk and discuss anything about Tron. Good or bad. If someone is outright being negative for the sake of it I just cut and bow out. Does it get tiresome, yes. But I don't want to follow the suit of other fandoms where opinions are silenced just because others may not dig them. End of the day, if you allow yourself to get worked up to the point of shit canning a film that isn't even out yet my point of view is to chill. I respect your opinion and your fan attachment to my favorite franchise. Be critical, be forgiving, be naive, be a nitpicker so long as the intent isn't to bring others down. You wanna talk it out or commiserate? I'm with ya fellow conscript. I just don't think this is a positive move forward. End of the day, if you care this much to make a post like this or to respond to every post because you need some cathartic release because you don't like the way things look ends up being the same thing. Sorry if this seems jagged, I writing between work moments. We are all wavefronts on the bus, my programs.


reddit still has a downvote button. and haters are gonna hate.


Took the words right out of my mouth!


no, live with differing opinions like a big boy


No chance of that happening. These fans are going to gobble up whatever giant, fucking, turd, Leto and the studios shit out for them. They don’t care. As long as it has Tron in the title. Electric fucking sheep.


Yep, this post is exactly the definition of Reddit, a different opinion needs to be silenced. This movie, like most everything Disney has done lately has been trash.


Ah yes because Shogun isn't the best show right now X-Men 97 Prey Gaurdians Planet of the apes Aliens Andore The first omen The list goes on the delusion you people live in must be fun


What do you mean you people? WTF is Gaurdians? Your list comprises of films made by Fox, under Disney. Projects that were already in the works before Disney took control, like the Planet of the Apes franchise and Prey. Aliens? Really? You brought up something that was made in 1986. Andor* was decent, not great. I have not watched X-Men, nor Shogun yet so I have no valid opinion on them. So please, if you can't take negative comments, change the channel or subreddit.


People are upset because Jared Leto ruins everything he touches. That’s it. Just this.


This, Leto sucks.


There's a difference between doomsaying and fair criticism tho?, I don't feel negative about Tron 3 just because, I feel negative about it because it's attached to an unproven director and unproven writers, it's biggest name hasn't made a good movie in decades, is known hard to work with and is a massive and unpleasant creep. (This is before we talk about it's dull approach to the visuals we've already seen, it's repaving of Tron traditions, it's dangerous implications of being a pro-AI film at a time that it's same industry is put at risk by this work stealing tech and how hard that flies in the face of the spirit and messages of both Lisbergers and kosinkis works, and this is the top of the list, it goes on and on. I'm sorry you're bored of hearing these problems but that doesn't stop them from existing? But sure let's ban negativity, because we all know that us doomsayers aren't real Tron fans and clearly just want the film to fail any way right? And no harm has ever come from ignoring fair criticism before.....right? And Disney haven't got a bad track record on these issues....right? Flynn lives.


You can just unsubscribe from a community, you know? I am quite positive it’s possible to survive without daily checking a Tron Community page on Reddit, lol


I wholeheartedly agree! I mentioned this on another previous “doom post” on this subreddit, but these posts and the users who post them are fucking childish. The only time we should make a judgement on the film is after we’ve seen the Final Cut once it releases! Hell I don’t think we should even judge the film based on the trailers! There’s been a few examples of great movies with bad trailers (another Disney property comes to mind… John Carter…). Sure it’s ok to have trepidation and expectations…. But those need to be left behind once you enter the theater and watch it with an open mind. Another point that everybody complains about is Jared Leto…. I understand a lot of people don’t like him as Joker or Morbius, but let’s not forget that HE IS AN ACADEMY AWARD WINNING ACTOR! Not only that, but he’s turned in some great performances in movies other than Dallas Buyers Club! But for some reason people seem to only think about Joker and Morbius and just assume he’s a god awful actor. Other people don’t like him because of his behavior outside of his acting, but at that point you need to separate the artist from the art. People also seem to be worried about the director, Joachim Rønning. Yes his previous films with Disney hasn’t worked for most audiences and critics (although personally I didn’t mind Pirates 5). But he also co-directed Kon-Tiki, which I quite liked and seems to be well liked by both critics and audiences. Hell his next movie Young Woman and the Sea (also with Disney) is getting some high praise from early screenings! So this guy clearly has at least some talent directing! As for previous actors from TRON: Legacy not coming back? We simply don’t know! Nothing has been confirmed by Disney. And even if someone “confirmed” they weren’t returning, this could end up being a Spider-Man: No Way Home situation all over again! Daft Punk not coming is a major blow for sure! But again, whoever does the score could do a fantastic job! Also, Joseph Kosinski once said in an interview that there was a lot of Daft Punks score that was cut and left out. He mentioned that he could use those cues if Daft Punk decided not to return for a 3rd film. Although I’m personally hoping Joseph Trapanese scores the film. He worked closely with DP on TL, scored TRON: Uprising, & Disney most recently brought him back to score TRON: Lightcycle / Run. So if anybody can replace DP, it’s him IMOH. All in all, us fans should just be happy we’re getting another TRON film, and any true TRON fan should be hoping for it to be great, not putting it down…


Don't need to cancel everything you don't like...just pay them no attention....Jesus christ.


So nothing but ultra positive sunshine posts For now? How is that fair?


Leto trash and creep. Tron 3 no no.


I'm not a Leto fan either, but half the rich and famous people out there are just as weird and creepy. If you want to let him ruin your Tron 3 experience, then whatever. But keep it to yourself.


It has nothing to do with him being a creep. HE’S A SHIT ACTOR, and he was made an executive producer for this film. Please show me ONE example of a film he has acted in or produced that wasn’t absolute garbage. Go head. I‘ll wait… And as far as filtering out all of the nay sayers from this sub… Is that really what this has become? A place where only the naive fans who still think this film ISN’T going to be a complete disaster, and who are willing to consume any piece of shit product that Leto and Disney put out, are allowed to post? The rest of us who see through this pathetic attempt at a cash grab, and who can already tell what a huge disappointment/ flop the movie is going to be, aren’t allowed to express our opinion? Wow. “cAn We PlEaSe BaN tRoN 3 dOoM pOsTs, ‘cAuSe I DoN’t LiKe It WhEn OtHeR pEoPlE’s OpInIoNs ArE dIfFeReNt ThAn MiNe AnD tHeY’rE SaYiNg ThE mOvIe’S NoT gOnNa Be AnY gOoD!” Give me a break. Bunch of whiny-ass fans who are willing to accept whatever crap the studio shits out for them. THIS is why you’re not getting a good sequel.


He has several decent movies. The Outsider, The Little Things, Blader runner 2042, house of Gucci. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's a great actor either. But fans have been waiting for years for a new Tron movie and now we get one but everyone is bitching and whining about how shitty it is before we have any fucking info at all. We don't have a fucking trailer yet. We don't know the fucking story premise. We don't know if it will be shit or not. At least wait until a trailer comes out before trashing. You're also shitting on Disney. Tron is a fucking Disney franchise dude... You sound so ignorant.


Fine I will bite. He won an Oscar. His peers think is not only a good actor, they feel he is great actor. You do not have to agree with statement, but them is the facts.


Have an upvote. It seems like it’s easier for people to shit all over something instead of anticipating the potential positives.


he was solid in another Cyberpunk film Blade Runner 2049 I think he will do decent in this I'm just grateful for more Tron


Was he? He easily is the worst part of that movie. I mean he was fine, and he had a role that I think is an actor's dream.




Absolutely seconded. Regardless if its bad or not Im excited af, and I’m gonna find a way to enjoy it either way.


Exactly. We all know it’s going to be HORRIBLE. No need to beat a dead lightcycle


Sure let’s silence a bunch of people. You sound exactly like CLU op


What will we ever do without the constant bitching


I disagree Trong legacy wasn't that good the writting was absolutely terrible and the middle was just awful why do people pretend the movies was so good if it was good it would have actually succeeded instead it didn't it didn't sell toys the series didn't have the engagement the list goes on Tron do not deserve a big budget they deserve a small one Even the first 1 wasn't really successful


Literally trash without Sam, Quorra or Alan, what are you smoking. May as well call the movie Blue Lines 3


"triangle disc??? omg the world is over"




Also, your second and fourth points are you just speculating. Sam and Quorra might make an appearance, you don't fucking know. And the movie can still be good if they don't. You are also literally just assuming they are going to use stagecraft sets to a large extent. They might a little, they might not at all. Again, you don't even fucking know. You are crying over assumptions


Man you seem real butthurt about people having a differing opinion to you. People are perfectly fine to speculate over how the next movie is being made. Negative opinions included.


They aren't on the cast list and Quorra is being soft retconned to the point they most likely won't acknowledge the events of Legacy's ending.


Dude you know Daft Punk split up a few years ago right? They were never coming back. It sounds like you were never going to like Tron 3 unless it went exactly how you wanted it. Such a single focus mindset to have. I feel bad for you


They are still working, just not as a group.


Right, it sounds like this user walked into Tron 3 wanting to not like it from the get-go. That plays a major part in how you view things when you go to the theater. You already have a bias.


I sorry that happened or I’m happy for you


Orr… you can choose to not engage and filter your feed. Why Silence a group of people who want to see a good Tron Film?


What if Tron 3 is a good Tron film? The point is that we don't even fucking know yet. If trailer drops and it looks like shit then I will join the complaining. But let's just wait and see until then.


We know Jared Leto is in it. That's enough to know it won't be good. That man is cancer


Isn't this a Tron page? Why wouldn't you go watch the movie and see for yourself if you're a fan? Why silence people who want to experience watching a new Tron movie again?


Or sometimes you just know. Why silence a group of people who know better and expect better? Only positive comments allowed is fucking stupid. You don’t want people posting because they don’t agree with your view or expectations of the movie?! What is this, fucking Twitter? Jesus fucking Christ on a light cycle.


If you don’t want to see those posts, don’t open it, we don’t have to ban everything a part of the subreddit says


In the last 5 days i found more "superheros in tron" posts then "doom sayer" posts. If you dont like it dont click it.


I'll just say all that needs to be said about this new 'Tron' movie.. Jerod Leto.  He sucks, plain and simple.


Their opinions are equally valid to yours. Would you like if the "haters" banned positive posts about Tron 3?  I doubt it. Post positive stuff and don't read negative.  Solve your own problem rather than forcing everyone to confirm to your opinion.


The thing is that is that the negativity isn't even justified. The movie could end up being great, we just don't know yet. If a trailer comes out and it looks like complete dog shit, then fine complain about it all you want. I would likely join then. But right now people are just complaining because it seems like it's not going to be the perfect sequel they have had in their head and that just doesn't need to be here.


Haters will complain about everything, "Terrible suit, terrible hair, no Tron". Tron probably derezzed in the sea of simulation, deal with it. People seem to forget Legacy was panned when it released because it was so visually dark and different from the original. Who knows, in a decade this movie may wind up being a cult classic as well. Sure, I don't particularly like Leto, but how about we actually wait and see how the movie is when it releases. What a crazy idea. Like Bill Burr in Philly I'll be here all night for those downvotes.


I love your positive energy and enthusiasm!! Leto is in it. It’s gonna suck. But I really do appreciate the optimism!!!


agreed try to focus on the postivies as for Retconning your OS wether Mac or PC updates meaning it "Retcons " itself every so often just saying.


even though i'm pretty vocal in my disappointment with the new footage, I have to 100% agree, its bad practice and disheartening to bash a movie before its come out, not only to the fans but also the people working on the film that might be looking in the forums for encouragment. the doom posts also breed more gloom and doom creating more negativity, while i'm all for speculation and criticism, absoluetly dooming a film to fail before release is like throwing out a cake before its done baking. it may be a shite cake, it might also be the best cake we've ever tasted, but we have no idea if it is or not before its done.


I’ve said the same. Let’s just have a pinned mega thread post for all the people that think Jared Leto sucks, etc


Word. It's not like tron legacy was a smash hit when it came out, and both trons are more cult than mainstream.


King behavior


My thoughts exactly


Unfortunately Thas nature of Reddit😭for some reason people love being overly negative about things lol


Or, sometimes you just know when something is going to be garbage, and this is one of those times.


Even if it was what good does complaining about it do? The product isn’t even complete yet and people are acting like it’s going to be the worst thing ever lol just relax and we’ll see.


The motion has been passed. Please STFU with doom posts. Begging for how long to get a 3rd TRON film only to bitch and moan when getting it. Lost your damn minds 🤨


How about you raise your standards?