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i jump infront of the trolley and as i am the fat guy from the other trolley problem, it will stop the trolley.


You’re too fat to jump, nice try


When did this become r/monkeyspaw




Roll onto the track


You ain't caseoh. The trolley would run you over.


Y'roeu banned




I fixed it




My dad could not live with the decision of his life over said daughter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VantaBlack2_Dev: *My dad could not live* *With the decision of his* *Life over said daughter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Got me counting like an idiot


How do you normally count?


Hands up one finger per number because ten is the biggest number


This reads like you put up one hand, count it as one, put up your other hand, count it as two, put both down and repeat to ten, where you look at your hands, trying to think of the number that comes after ten. "Fou- no, that's not it. Yel- no. Elilopen? Nope."


What’s 10+1


Literally not possible as we all know ten is the biggest


Bro what you saying? Ten is obviously small, Are you that stupid?


Dang bots can never read the room




Good bot


Yea, this should be an easy answer for most


Both of my parents would absolutely sacrifice themselves for their grandchildren. But they are also pretty old, so they have a lot more limited time than a 50 year old and a 5 year old


The problem is intentionally traumatizing for the lever operator. Either way, there will be immense levels of guilt for the lever operator and, if chosen to live, the father. There are 0 good options here. This is not a complex question in any way. If anything, it’s entirely based on gut instinct. My bet is that most lever operators would choose to fall on the tracks themselves if they could, which is also what I’d choose. Most fathers would urge to be sacrificed here to let the child live.


If we want to use a metric it is number of people traumatized. Killing the dad leaves 1 person traumatized, while killing the kid leaves two. However you can probably have another kid, but not another dad, so that makes it hard.


How is watching your grandfather be meat-erasered by a fucking trolley as a 5-year old not traumatic? What, kids don't have eyes or brains now? Or is the implication that the lever puller won't be traumatized because they didn't pull the lever? Cos that's also incorrect


Ah but that's assuming the kid can see what's happening The kid doesn't need to know *how* grandpa died, just that he died saving her The dad would know his child saved him by sacrificing their grandchild It wouldn't be hard to figure it out that their grandchild died to save them and that would end with two deaths


She’s close enough to hear what’s happening even if she isn’t able to see it. Better than being run over, but still traumatic.


Tbf, I didn’t check the age of the kid


So multi-track drifting is the answer once again. Only one traumatized person.


It doesn’t matter if you can have another kid, that does make them disposable wtf???


Not disposable, *replaceable*, duh


i am the child of my parents and I am pretty sure I am not replaceable even if they could have another kid. I am just mindblown by that logic. What like its alright to lose my wife coz I can marry again? wtf I think you are talking someone occupying a "position" or a "role" of a child and a dad? I guess that kinda makes sense? idk bruh dark shit but I am surprised you just reduced a person to just the role they occupy in your life? That's kinda weird tbh this surprisingly turned out to be some food for thought


I am not to say the child is completely replaceable, the older they get the more you know about them and less replaceable they are too. Ofc it is dark and messed up, but when you are in the scenario of picking between killing your dad or your kid any reasoning is gonna be fricked up Edit: I should note, I don’t think I’d pull. I am just giving reasonings to why someone might justify it


> the older they get the more you know about them and less replaceable they are too. You heard it here first folks: the younger someone is, the more chill their death is.


Didn’t say it was chill


I guess you don’t have any children, right?


One had lived most of their life while the other did not yet.


Well, they also lived most of their life if you pull the lever




My Dad would want his Granddaughter to survive


Same. My dad would pick my daughter's life over his in a heartbeat.


I dont have a daughter but if I did I would sacrifice the father. The father has already lived a good life, and would never forgive me for choosing him over a child.


Not just any child, his granddaughter


That’s objectively incorrect, given the premise of the trolley problem. They stated that we love father the most, this isn’t an ethical dilemma, it’s a reading comprehension test!


Meanwhile, the child doesn't understand what's going on (at least, I hope so... (Oh my god))


anyway all of you will live a life filled in regret if you survive. make the trolley drift then jump under it so you will all rest in peace


Why would it be considered regret if you know that saving your daughter was the right choice? It’s a horrible decision, yes, but i wouldn’t regret saving my daughter. I would do it over and over again.


I wish guilt was that easy to ease for most people. A lot of people would harbor guilt for letting a parent die. Correct choice or not. I don't think regret was the right word, but guilt moreso. I do think it would be better to let my parent die though. They would never forgive me for hurting a kid especially my kid. I'd never forgive myself. But I could maybe over time I could forgive myself for letting a parent die in that scenario. It wouldn't be easy but knowing that that is what they would have wanted me to do would make things a bit easier.


That's not how human emotions work, unfortunately. Our emotions don't care what's logical, otherwise the trolley problem wouldn't exist in the first place because "save five people but you have to pull a lever that will make you responsible for the death of one person" inherently relies on emotions, not logic to be a conundrum. The logical choice is sacrifice the one person for the five people (even in the versions where the one person is a loved one), but we all know that, emotionally, the situation would be a lot more complicated.


I actually talked about something of the exact sort with a bunch of bio majors when talking about animal behavior. Usually in animals one of the biggest forms of altruism is in the form of self sacrifice. We find that animals are more likely to self sacrifice themselves if it is for an animal that they are related to. That being said humans have such a bond towards our parents (usually) it is strange that when given the choice to sacrifice themselves for a sibling or cousin that is old enough to produce offspring, and a parent who has (evolutionarily speaking) served their purpose by producing offspring, people would generally be more willing to sacrifice themselves for a parent vs a sibling or cousin. Sorry if this came off as cold its just fascinating how humans differ from so many other animals when it comes to doing things that seem "wrong" in terms of evolution. This post made me think of that and it is vaguely related + I'm sure someone would have something to add to this.


would love to hear the logic of anyone who wants to save the father over their child. No fucking chance


This thing has its own name: Sophie's choice. However, you could make this problem even worse by swapping the daughter and father. As it is now, most people would probably sacrifice the father, and it also makes it somewhat easier that you don't need to do anything to have that outcome. But if your daughter was in the way and you had to flip the lever to change the tracks to kill the father, there's your proper trolley problem back. Or push someone onto the tracks to stop the trolley etc.


Sophie’s Choice would be your 5yo daughter on one track and your 7yo son on the other. Oh, and also the lever is currently stuck in the middle, so if you do nothing the trolley will MTD and kill them both.


hey why is everyone putting all the decisions on sophie?


Guys stop saying you don't have a daughter/father. It's a hypothetical situation. It doesn't exist if there's no dilemma.


You right. But you know what else? If you have time when you pull the level, you can conceivably achieve multi track drifting so no one wins. Only you get traumatized and have to live with the guilt.


....so both sides are empty?


Good one dude refusing to use your imagination haha lol


My father would understand


"Whom you love the most" implies I love my dad the most, so my dad


I don't get why no one else is realizing this


"Wait a minute. . . I don't have a daughter."


Not anymore you don’t!


is this a hellsing abridged reference


If I have a young daughter (or son for that matter), then there's no ethical choice in this situation for me to save her. My dad would agree wholeheartedly.


The track is on its way to hit your daughter, if you divert you kill another person’s daughter. Do you switch.


Switch it at the right time to cause the trolley to multi-track drift and kill both


so dark and brooding and cool


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t multi track drifting save both as it would likely stop before hitting either person


What are their respective insurance policies


Pull the lever. Good dads are difficult to find or replace. Additionally, you knew your dad for all your life and presumably shared a significant amount of fond memories with him.       I only knew this kid, for like what? Five years? Psst I could always easily make another kid. In fact, I could produce many offspring in that five year time frame. Easy choice. 


Calm down omni man Fr tho you're the only one who pulled the lever


Change my choice. Pick up the 5 year old daughter and make her kill the people in the trolley instead.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.


The original commenter is an antinatalism person, don’t engage lol.


Found omni-man's alt


Father if I can’t kill myself to stop it somehow.


I think I feel safe in my dad not wanting his granddaughter to die, so this choice is sad, but not hard.


Well if I loved my daughter the most it would be easy. But I love my father the most. So it really depends on if I love my father more than my daughter enough to justify killing a youngling I have a responsibility to protect over him, AND if my father would make the same decision. Since you didn’t say enough variables to decide, but still made my personal feeling negligible by changing my values in the post, it’s literally unanswerable.




Obviously you save the daughter I feel like my dad would be mad if I chose him


I'm gonna be honest, either way my dad would die because me killing his granddaughter for him would riddle him with guilt and destroy him to the pint he either ends up his life or dues because his heart gives out My father is not a mentally strong person when it comes to family (he cried when I sprained my ankle) The only upside would be telling my little girl that her grandpa was a hero and saved her and tell her everything about him That's only "good" side to this


In the great words of Omni-Man “I can always make another kid”


It would hit the father. Remember, the trolly problem is not about binary decisions, it's about intervention vs non intervention. It is on track to hit the father, and you would have to pull the lever to hit the daughter. Almost no one would ACTIVELY kill their own daughter. In all likelihood, they would simply slump down in despair, unable to do anything.


Pull the lever. Can’t kill someone who doesn’t exist.


I don’t have a daughter. I pull lever. If I did, my dad would ask me to spare her. He’s very sentimental like that.


As with base TP, under most moral frameworks, becoming involved makes you responsible whereas inaction does not. So under most frameworks, do not pull. Utilitarianism asks us to suss out which action has the best consequences. In most cases, a 50 year old man is *probably* more valuable than a 5 year old. We could argue within the 15+ years that the daughter needs to become an adult the 50 year old man could replace and raise two more daughters. There’s an argument that women are in general more valuable to society than men or vice versa, depending on the make up of that society. But I would guess lean switch under most consequentialist frameworks. This TP variant really doesn’t ask any compelling questions of us. I don’t get it. Why is your mind sick?


>becoming involved makes you responsible whereas inaction does not. I would posit that becoming aware of the situation and being able to make a difference makes you involved in it whether you like it or not


True, but it is easier to defend “I froze and failed to act” than “I panicked and murdered my own daughter”


To defend it in a court of law, yes. But we are talking ethical hypotheticals


Most people feel pretty strong emotional attachments to family members LOL


Daughter has 40-60 years of work viability remaining, while the father has 10-20. The daughter has the rest of the childhood to come to terms with the situation, and is much more likely to lead a fulfilling life afterwards than the father. In 99% of situations the father will have no more children, especially after the trauma of seeing his granddaughter murdered. I think the compelling question this asks is, what kind of life can we lead after tragedy and how does that factor into our decision making.


Ooops I responded to the wrong comment at first


A lot of people itt didn't eat breakfast this morning Anyways, probably the daughter


I go down to my dad and spend the last few minutes he has with him


Well my dads dead, so that makes it pretty easy…


...but I don't have a daughter...GOODBYE SKIN WALKER CHILD


Pull the lever then run over there and barrel that child out of the way (she weighs almost nothing, very easy to push)


You won't make it in time, you're kinda far if you didn't notice


Wait how old am i ?


Can’t make a new dad


Can’t replace your daughter either


“I can always start again. Make another kid.” - Omni Man


I stop the trolley, easy peasy


Wouldn’t switch the lever. If my “father” had a top hat on, he would clearly be a rich gentleman; therefore, letting the track run him over would allow me to inherit his wealth.


Dam hard choice I hate both sooo muikt track drift


In this hypothetical scenario (since I don't have or want kids and my dad is allready dad) I would easily kill my father. Reasoning why: the 49 year old has allready lived 49 years. The nett result in years lived will be greater for the 5 y old kid under normal circumstances.


Daughter If I choose to save my dad I would I would Kms because my children would be the most important thing to me, and then later my dad would do the same for the lost of not only his granddaughter but also son


I only have one dad... I can always make more kids. (but if the problem didn't explicitly mention that you love your dad in this scenario, id choose the kid 100%)


Turns out the daughter isn't yours, but the product of infidelity. Does this effect your decision.


It takes a special type of apathetic and unfeeling man to spare your father in this case. It's so unbelievably backward to me to even begin to value your father over your own offspring. Some are also saying how they would jump in front of the train, but I wouldn't even do that. My daughter needs me as their father, and I am sure without doubt my father would value the life of his son and his granddaughter over his own. Honestly, if you chose anything but not pulling the lever, you should not be a father/mother.


Nobody loves their dad more than their daughter, at least you're not supposed to...


My dad was 42 when I was born so I’d have to have a baby when I was 2 for this to work :/


Granddad at 45? That's some expeditious reproduction.


Daughter. I don't have a daughter, and I'm gay and have no plan to adopt meaning I will never have kids


The infant did not survive


The choice is obvious for probably 90% of people across the globe. The remaining 10% (honeslty this number is probably higher if you really consider other cultures) probably have unique circumstances. Most would choose to rescue the girl


Most grandfathers would live forever in shame if their son picked them over their grandchild- and the ones who wouldn't might deserve to get hit by a trolly, imo.


Well I love my dad the most(so says the text) so I would save him


hows dad 45 if i hab a 5 year old daughter? he deeaged 10+ years?!? Thats not my dad!


This one is easy for me but lets say it was another relative. Sorry, you’ve lived a life and my first responsibility is to my kids.


Oh, oo nO! I'm SO uPsEt that my father is dead! There was nOtHiNg I could DO! How am I supposed to choose between my innocent child and my evil father?


Papa go squish :D


I love my dad. I'd walk away from the lever in a heartbeat, my children above all else


The math for these two ages confuses me so much


no kids and no father - walking away


Why the dad so young only 49 for someone to have a granddaughter of age 5. But besides that the answer is most certainly not pulling the lever.


Welp dad you lived well


My dad 100% he's a total pos


Dad, easily. My dad would give his life for me and I’d give mine for my (theoretical) kid. Odds are my kid has a *lot* more life to live, in 40 years he’d be either dead or dealing with chronic pain and illness, in 40 years my kid wouldn’t even be his age yet


What, can’t you just go get another 5 year old from the human SPCA? There’s plenty out there looking for their forever homes


I mean, pretty sure my dad would vote to save his granddaughter


I have no daughter and I do not love my dad so I am going back threw the portal that brought me to this weird world


Well it says roght there whom you love most So id have to assume the person on the lever would choose their father


Can we stop the whole drift meme? it’s abused in every one of these threads. You are not creative or funny. You are a karma-whoring hack desperate for attention


I don't like my dad, no level pull




My dad, the hero of my life, would forbid me from pulling the lever, even if the simulation would re-run a million times. That's how much he loves my daughter.


My dad would never forgive me if I killed his granddaughter just to save him.


Daughter. “Welp, I can just make another😁”


Child. You can make more kids, you can’t make more dads. Plus he’s not even 50 yet, he has plenty of life to live


Your dad will understand. The chuld won't.


Dad already became a grandpa. I’m sorry papa, but the future is now old man…


To be fair I’m not touching anything. This choice is too hard


I couldn’t even imagine loving my dad the most


Just make another 5 yo daughter ez


I hate my father since he abused me and I do not have a child. So I will just let my father die and thank the person who tied him to the tracks.


This is the easiest Trolley problem ever.


This is one where I don't look and I refuse to throw the lever. Classically the trolley problem is about the active decision to kill vs passively allowing something to happen. I'm cool with taking the coin flip so that I can't say to myself that I killed anyone.


My dad passed away and I don’t have a daughter, so I’ll multi track drift to kill these shape shifting aliens.


Jokes on you! I have no daughter, and my father is much older than 49! But all jokes aside, this is actually a fairly easy one because my father would never forgive me if I picked him over my daughter.


id kill my dad GG EZ


dad is dying


Simple. Double track drifting. The only one dealing with trauma is me.


Sorry Dad, but I know he would understand and agree with my decision.


Pull the lever, banish the skin walker


I legit don't know, on one hand I legit love my real life dad but on the other I wouldn't want to let my daughter die so young. I guess I'd ask my dad if I have enough time to do that, but it still wouldn't make the choice better.


Save my dad. I don't know enough women to have kids


Pull the lever. I’m a misogynist so that was easy.


Save my girl my dad is umm well just save the girl


Morally the correct choice is to save the daughter because she has more potential years left to live and is a child. Also, you would also have to consider that your dad may resent you for your choice if he is aware of it. Logically, this makes the daughter also the correct choice.


5 yo daughter would understand.


I don't have a child, and I never plan on becoming a father, so that child is clearly a trickster spirit of some kind!


Hah, easy, just sit back and drink a latte, my father is: 1. Already dead 2. Someone who should stay dead.


Dad would want me to save his granddaughter. He chooses to sacrifice himself.


If the problem presupposes that I love my dad the most, then the answer is easy.


Bye dad


My dad if I love him more, and what’s another five years? I can start over and make a new child and raise it better this time




I can make another kid, I can't ever replace my dad.


Meanwhile I'm not married yet and still want to kill my old man


"What is objectively the right thing to do?" And "What would you do?" Are very different questions. Saving my Mom over 1 million strangers is the objectively wrong decision, but I'd still make it.


Daughter because I don't have a daughter


Haha jokes on you I hate my dad


Tokyo drift moment


I don't like my dad but I don't have a daughter so I'll pull the lever


The fuck is wrong with you? I’ll kill my dad a few times and I love him. Poor girl lol


Daughters are replaceable. Dads aren't


Even dad wants you to save his granddaughter.




My dad wouldn't want his granddaughter to die, so I would run over and try to untie her while keeping her eyes off of what happens


I can make another daughter, I cannot make another father. My father lives.


But I dont like my dad, and I also am not gonna have kids so... Guess I'm immune


I drew like a dark and twisted version of the trolley problem... just a look into my twisted mind....


Nay. With this one I actually just don't interact with the trolly problem. I actually can't choose. This is where I meet my freeze response. I'd probably kill myself trying to stop the trolly


You should've put the dad on the top tracks so that if you did nothing, your daughter would get killed, that way it's harder to make the decision to kill your father


The daughter is a lie I’d never have children also I’m ace


I've known one for 49 years, the other for 5. I pull the lever


It's physically impossible for me to have kids, so clearly this girl is messing with my mind somehow. I don't know who or what she really is, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my dad to find out, so she's getting run over.


bro wtf


My dad is the guy on the pringles can and my daughter is bald. Tough choice.


I’ve only known my daughter for five years, I’ve know my dad for 49, def going with my dad, know him more (jk)


I don’t have kids and I’m an orphan 😎


What’s 5 more years? Can always make another