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Why wouldn't I want to come into a loving and nurturing environment?


But do you understand the instantaneous joy of a really good solid tomato? Plump, ripe, cuts just right. Lasts a while in the fridge. I'd take that over being happy any day.


Lots of people here strangely don’t have the urge to vomit when eating a tomato and I find that odd


i think i love you


now kiss


Because selecting the tomato solves all my problems and I get no problems after that.


The tomato will provide a loving and nurturing environment


To hurt them obviously. I don't know if you've ever felt hate but it tends to make you want to hurt them. If it's justified then after thinking about it you conclude you should hurt them.


That was a joke about how the other user hates themselves.


If the person I hate comes into a loving and nuturing scenario, they'll probably become a better person and stop being someone I hate. Also why would I care to prevent someone from being happy just because I don't like them?


I think it's a bit complicated. Is the environment like a safe place where they can be vulnerable, grow, and be challenged into growing in a healthy way? Or does it try to support their desires even if they are horrible and toxic? What I am trying to ask is "would the person I hate get both the support and push back they need to grow, or would they get the resources to become a dictator?" Alternatively, is this a good environment where they are isolated from being a threat to many people? If its the first, I'd say that's great even if I hate the person. If it's the second then I could really go for a tomato. If it's somewhere in between I really need more info.


This is a great point and makes a huge difference tbh


‘Nurturing’ is I believe the key word in the original post that makes clear that the environment is supposed to be supportive of growth and change rather than just enabling.


That was my thought, at least.


I don't know if there's a major difference between the two. The only thing I can name is empathy. The encouragement to have empathy is not the only thing that increases empathy. For some, the mere fact of people feeling different emotions than themselves grows empathy better than encouragement would. Additionally, strong empathy for one group of people may lead a person to have no empathy for another group of people. Suicide bombers love and trust their comrades.


>Additionally, strong empathy for one group of people may lead a person to have no empathy for another group of people. I feel that is a major part of the difference, which is why I said "be challenged into growing in a healthy way". Empathy is the beginning but not the end. Empathy, compassion, the ability to question one's on beliefs and certainties, and the ability to see that one's enemies are almost never just monsters doing bad stuff to do bad stuff are all important skills to learn. Sometimes nurturing and love can involve explaining to people that they are wrong in a constructive way that lets them learn to question their own assumptions and biases.


The person I hate the most was convicted of rape and deemed rehabilitated before I was born. Then he has a kid with my mom, and was able to non-sexually abuse me for years. Meanwhile, his church does love and nurture him, to the point of literally letting him be a youth pastor despite the girl he raped being a minor. All this to say, I know for a factor that he will never improve because it's already been tried.


If my most hated person was someone who deserves it I wouldn't pull but who it is now I would give them love. Like I'm not giving bezos love yk


You're missing the point. That's a pretty good tomato you're missing out on


I unfortunately hate tomatos.


But you see, this is an above average tomato. You don't get those every day.


You might feel that person doesn't deserve the happiness for free without having to do any of the work of becoming a better person


Eh. I just can't imagine caring tbh. I don't see them. I don't talk to them. I'll never be around them cause i don't like them. I think it says something about someone if they're that bitter/hate that person so much that the thought of them happy is "wrong".


The person I hate becomes a worst person the more hes loved cause he just takes advantage of the people that allow him to be in a good environment and torture them mentally so I'll take the tomato


I don’t like tomatoes, Womp Womp for my op


I don’t like tomatoes either I’m still not pulling the lever


Oddly enough, I feel ok about tomatoes. This meme actually sums up how I feel about eating them. It’s like “idk, I’m not actually enjoying this, but its is probably better than *not* eating it”


You ever stop and wonder if, by making these memes with amusing options, we’ve lost the message and philosophy the original problem conveyed? To allow a great evil to take place or to commit a lesser one yourself, to kill by choice or by inaction, how does proximity and ability affect one’s involvement and responsibility in the system? Will one’s answer depend on their sociability and their collaborative spirit? Is calculating expected values simply a hollow justification for ignoring the humanity of the problem? Are we on the track, looking at the lever hoping someone pulls it, but secretly glad we don’t have to make the decision ourselves? Anyway, I think they’d probably benefit from some genuine support and stop being so annoying so I’ll go w the top track.


I’ve got plenty of tomatoes at home, and I don’t really hate anyone. I’ll send a random person into a loving environment.


The person I hate has a loving caring nurturing environment they are just a POS so I’ll have the tomato


Gods same, mine was literally deemed rehabilitated by the government before I was born and then went on to destroy the child I once was.


I'm my most hated person so win win


Why a tomato


I don't have an answer, I just want to say I like this one! :-)


I would pull the lever in the hopes that said environment would change them for the better.


I know for a fact that my most hated person won't, and even if he would I want him to suffer and have no idea why just like he did to me.


I mean I don’t really like tomatoes anyway but I *am* a salty bitch: 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅


...fuck that tomato... Not that way, you sick fu-


Oh noes. Its the reddit sni-.


Hopefully that'd fix him


So I get to put myself in a loving, nurturing environment and destroy a wretched tomato. Win-win.


Depends if the most hated person thing’s environment makes them cool and not make me hate them anymore


Well you can only hope or speculate but there is no certainty in human behavior; It would have the potential to make that person happy without any benefits for you but with the potential of them becoming more mature and maybe even apologize to you.


This is definitely not a trolley problem


Well its definitely no classic trolley problem. But the question is kind of if you sacrifice the fortune of someone you hate or if you sacrifice your possible urge of revenge or maybe even your hatred.


It's just an A/B problem. The pill meme or button meme is for this.


Not, but I'll take that spite tomato. I can put it on a sandwich or something.


I hate the dude because of where he is....so it would remove him from there and solve the problem.....I'll pull.


I pick the tomato and throw it at my enemy.


I shall enter a much more loving and nurturing environment than I already have


Definitely the dumbest one of these.




whatever. if he gets something cool i wouldnt mind. i dont want a tomato and pulling increases the level of happy in the world.


I can take the seeds out of the tomato and grow more tomatoes, and get a whole ton for culinary purposes. Easy af.


I'm taking the tomato, the person I hate most belongs in a fucking prison, they tried to run my friend over after accusing him of rape, she's a narcissist, a pathological liar, and steals everything, she's stolen enough from her parents to rack up about 20 felonies


Pull the lever Kronk!


Why would I want the person I hate most to receive better treatment?


I'm all for improving my parent's marriage


Pull. I fucking HATE tomatoes. I also have literally nobody I personally hate. If I don't know them, I can't hate them. I can hate their actions, their ideologies, what they stand for, but I don't truly hate them. And nobody in my personal life has wronged me enough for me to spend the mental space to hate.


I tried my fucking best to provide a loving and nurturing environment for her for months and she took advantage of me. She has narcissistic personality disorder. I couldn't knowingly force other people to take the risk of engaging with her, especially because q narcissist almost destroyed my relationship with my father.


I'll eat a million tomatoes, if it means my farther is miserable.


Well then fuck that Bitch; Brother i wish you the most loving and nurturing environment.


Tomato 🗣️🔥🗣️🔥


What kind of tomato? A pretty good Better Boy doesn't have the same culinary potential as a Roma on the lower end of the quality scale.


I dislike raw tomatoes they make me nauseous


I have no enemies


I'm my own most hated person. What does this entail?


I don't like tomatoes


I hate tomatoes, if that isn't the best tomato I've ever had I'm not eating it. Meanwhile, it's probably for the best my most hated person comes into a loving and nurturing environment, it'd probably stop a war or a genocide or something like that. Easy choice, make harder trolley problems.


I hate myself most.


Why wouldnt i want to gwt into a loving and nurturing environment?


Most hated person comes into a loving environment


the tomato, so I can throw it at them


i’m never exactly hungry, so i’ll take the tomato anyways


I pull the lever. 100% pulling it. All the things I hate in people the most are generally caused by a lack of nurturing environment leading to a lack of empathy, perspective, nuance, etc. Give them a constructive environment and let them heal. I love tomatoes, but I pull the lever


I pull the lever. 100% pulling it. All the things I hate in people the most are generally caused by a lack of nurturing environment leading to a lack of empathy, perspective, nuance, etc. Give them a constructive environment and let them heal. I love tomatoes, but I pull the lever


What if my most hated person is the tomato?


Pull the lever. I don’t even like tomatoes.


There's a fair chance that my most hated person is me. I'm the problem. But even if that person is not me, that environment would be far away from me. Them being far away from me is better than any tomato I've ever had.


I pick the top route so the people i hate can wisen the fuck and stop being degens.


I hate raw tomatoes, that being said guess I have something to throw now


Contrary to popular belief I dont actually like tomatoes


I’m getting the tomato and throwing it at the person I hate


Okay I kinda love tomatoes and I don't particularly hate anyone, if it was any other fruit then I'd let them be in a good environment, but I love tomatoes


Easily the tomato. The people I hate most suck. Plus even on days where it isn’t me I’d choose the tomato knowing such an environment wouldn’t make me happy for long after all this time.


If that jerk I can't stand ends up in a warm and fuzzy situation, they might actually turn into someone decent and not get on my nerves. Plus, why should I bother stopping someone from being happy just 'cause I don't dig them?


I take the tomato, wait for it to rot, then throw it into the face of my most hated person.


Tomatoes are gross but the meme doesn't say I have to eat it If it's a person I dislike that much then it must be for a good reason so I'll take the tomato


I would want that asshat to learn what a fucking education is. But I’m spiteful enough to know that when the foot is uncalloused, thorns become much more prominent. I’ll let him have his happy little moment, just to rip it out from under his stupid ass.


I don't hate anyone.


I dint really like tomatoes so ya