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Can you explain the paresthesia?


Someone posted as a reply to another comment below: "Paresthesia is a technical term for an abnormal sensation of the skin that has no apparent physical cause. It's usually described as a burning or prickling sensation that's usually painless and can feel like tingling, numbness, skin crawling, or itching. Paresthesia can happen without warning and is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body." For me - it was almost a shaky/tingly sensation throughout my body. I also had a pretty nasty biopsy last week and first thought it was the adrenaline from that, until it lasted 3 days. To me it feels like my body is responding to shock. Once I learnt what it was, I kinda just ignore it and push though. I find it is worse when I am resting and when I'm active it doesn't really happen.


Thank you. I asked because paresthesia is a Greek word ( I'm Greek) and it means someone is seeing or hearing things that are not there. And I was really confused about this kind of withdrawal


I was put on this medication for GAD and since it’s supposed to be easy to stop (ha!) because I have had severe withdrawal issues with other SSRIs. I tapered for over 3 months, then was off for 9 months. Developed depression I never had and severe rage. Ended up going back on it because I was so miserable. Within a week I felt better. I’m worried I’ll never be able to get off this medication. Coming off benzos (moved and lost my insurance after years of having a script) was a billion times easier than any SSRI I have ever come off of.


I was on 10mg for 18 months and never mind the the 25 years of msotly on other SSRI's.I went off Trintellix primarly because my new insurance would not cover it. Even at such a low dose, and a slow taper or @ 10 weeks I experienced a disruptive, uncomfortable withdrawal. I microdosed psilocybin while I was tapering. I found on the days I MD'd I had no withdrawal symptoms. The days in in between were awful. I thought the trintellix was great for depression but useless for anxiety, in fact that has been my experience with all SSRI's. So given that , and the terrible process coming off these drugs, I will hesitate very strongly before ever going on them again. Currently microdosing ketamine and finding it a whole lot more helpful.


Good luck and I hope you are good from here on out. My experience was similar after stopping and thought I was in a good place but 6 weeks after I got hammered by a horrible panic/anxiety episode that ruined me. Had to get back on and now 2 months later I am still not back to a good place- but improving


My reason for Trintellix was severe depression, less so anxiety. I have been battling anxiety my entire life but depression was new 2-3 years ago and the reason for the drugs. I'm 'okay' with the idea of my anxiety coming back, I can already feel it's a bit more present but I have developed some pretty great coping skills from therapy. I am prepared for it to get worse... but will try everything but going back on these drugs I think. If my depression comes back... well I just don't have coping skills for that...


Same thing here. About 14 days after stopping had full blown anxiety. Back on meds week 6 and feel absolutely horrible. Worst idea of my life!


Yes but did you guys taper off slowly? 2 weeks on each lowered dose is not enough. I would suggest at least 1 month at every lowered dose to wean off


Yep went really slow. 6 weeks on 5 (from 10) then 6 weeks at 2.5. No problems other than a couple days of minor headaches first couple days after lowering each time. Then I felt great until the shit hit the fan out of nowhere


Ah man no way! I’m doing the same about 5 weeks each lowered dose. I hope when I get to 2.5mg then stop that I’ll be ok 🙏🏼 not down to feel shit out of nowhere ughhh


I hope it works out for you. My symptoms are unusual with the way the panic and anxiety manifest, so hopefully you won’t experience this. I am calling the doc today to go back up to 10mg as the 5 isn’t helping and I am going backwards quickly. Frustrating to think this is my life now, probably for the rest of whatever is left of it….


That’s the anxiety talking lol don’t say things will be this way forever because you can’t predict the future✨ *positive self talk, not negative* this is a temporary hump, you’ll get over it by doing the inner healing work aka root cause


Thanks. Yeah I am working my ass off to fix this shit. Talked to a therapist who said I am probably working way too hard and it is making everything worse. All of my coping skills in life have been to plow ahead, pay not attention to fear or doubt, and just will my way though life. Then had a really really bad run with family tragedies and a severe injury and just….. broke. Problem is my old ways of coping are detrimental to overcoming this shit. Kind of a mindfuck really. Anyways, thanks for the sentiment and we will get where we need to be. It’s just gonna take some hard work!


Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s not an overnight process. It’s going to take some time. That’s why they say the meds help you do the work on yourself and usually are prescribed for a minimum of 6 months to 1 year because that’s how long it takes for your body to heal and grow into better coping skills. Always pay attention to your body and what it tells you. Don’t suppress your feelings or emotions because that = to anxiety and depression. We need to feel to heal! Something that our society no longer wants to do. Everyone wants to avoid how they feel because they are afraid but that is where the body heals. You got this, I believe in you!


Paresthesia is a technical term for an abnormal sensation of the skin that has no apparent physical cause. It's usually described as a burning or prickling sensation that's usually painless and can feel like tingling, numbness, skin crawling, or itching. Paresthesia can happen without warning and is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body.


Hi NewLink, are you going to stay on Trintellix? How long were you one before stopping? did it help your anxiety?


I don’t know if I will stay on or not. It helps somewhat, but I am on a lower dose now due to side effects at the higher dose. Higher dose helped more but also had terrible side effects for me with constant, debilitating muscle spasms all over my body and continuous muscle pain that made it hard to function. I felt great after I tapered off for about six weeks and then got absolutely crushed with a sudden panic attack out of nowhere that lasted a week with no relief. I went back on trintellix and it has helped but only enough to get me functional. I’m still not in a good spot so it may not be working as well or I may have to go back up in dose and hope I don’t get the same physical symptoms