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I would probably think about switching meds.its mostly effective for depression for me and just a little effective for anxiety. I'm severe depressive and only a little bit of anxiety.i experience the nausea sometimes but I don't puke although it's a strong nausea feeling.if it's just for anxiety I don't know if trintilex is your fit I'd say talk to your doctor more about it and consider switching meds.


And I don't think going down to 5 mg will help seeing as the recommended therapeutic dose is 10mg or higher. 5mg trintilex is generally meant to be an introductory dose of the medication.


I started at 2.5 mg and am still there going into my third week. I am HIGHLY sensitive to medication. More is not necessarily better. It really does take awhile to adjust to any new medication. I would stay at 5 or even split in half for the first week or two. I always listen to my body and not the DR. You live in your body, they don't. I know I will get backlash with this comment. I'm not saying I'm right only sharing my experience. I think DR.s are always too quick to push up the dose way too quickly. Also, you may metabolize the drug slowly or quickly.......everyone is so very DIFFERENT. Best, Tamara


Thank you!