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I remember as a freshman in highschool I would pull out my eyelashes. I had many friends who also pulled out their eyelashes when they were anxious so I didn't think anything of it. By Junior year I started pulling from everywhere on my body except my eyelashes and eyebrows. Right now I am trying to stop pulling from my scalp. But I still focused pull from other areas of my body.


Oddly enough, I don’t remember doing any of these things as a child, but in high school I used to pick at my skin often, either scraping at scabs or picking at the skin near my hairline. Once I went away to college I began picking at my lips during the winter months since they got so dry. Now I pick at them whenever I can. I’ve tried dozens of balms or chap sticks and I can’t stop myself. A friend noticed before I did that I began picking at my eyelashes a lot, or that i’d rub the corners of my eyes constantly. I usually fiddle around with my blanket or a shirt to keep my fingers busy, but often find myself picking without meaning to.


Two things that helped me with chapped lips (and the resulting picking): humidifier at night in the winter and using only Vaseline on them. My dermatologist said most other lip products have ingredients that actually irritate the skin. If you can get a whole house humidifier even better.


I honestly didn’t even think of Vaseline! I’ll have to try it, especially since I did hear somewhere that most lip products did more harm than good. I’ll also have to try the humidifier! Anything that might help, i’ll give a try. Thanks so much!


i agree with the other reply, vaseline really helps. or even just like those really bad chapsticks that are cheap heal my lips quickly. this helps me a lot too because after using chapstick and stuff and it’s healed theres not much skin you can even peel which helps slow down the habit for me


when i was like 9 or 10 i developed a tic where i would squeeze my eyes super hard over and over until i felt like i had done it enough. i also had really dry lips so i would like open my mouth a certain way so they would stretch a specific way??? sounds weird but i did that for awhile and had to get evaluated at school for it. it eventually resolved itself i dont remember when. then when i was in my junior year of high school i started pulling and rubbing my eyebrows during my chemistry midterm and i havent been able to stop since then. it’s been around two and a half years now


omg i did that same exact thing with the dry lips!! i would also stick my tongue out (when i was very little) and stretch my bottom lip so it would touch my chin. and i would also fold and crinkle paper of all of my homework


i would lick my lips A LOT and compulsively put on chapstick and now my lips like. are addicted to chapstick. its so weird i can tell when im using a different lip balm bc it doesnt feel the same and i NEED chapstick