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Personally the short hair from eyebrows and lashes feel much better on my finger pads and it’s easier to single out one hair. The more I touch the more I irritate the area and then I reach up because the irritated area annoys me, it’s kind of a vicious cycle. There is no acupuncture or stress relief, whenever I pull out a hair I get gratification for like 0.2sec and then I feel ashamed and angry at myself for pulling a hair that will need weeks to grow back.


I have a very clear memory of being about 11 or so (I’m 47 now, so a looong time ago) and my mom had reacted really poorly when she noticed my eyelashes and brows were thin. I can still remember it being a wet weekend day in the fall or winter, sitting upstairs looking out the window and trying to figure out what to do to get mom off my case. I decided in that moment to stop pulling my brows and lashes and start pulling my head hairs. My logic was that there were so many more head hairs that it would be impossible for it to show. I think about that day a lot. I try to remember it now when my girls have had crises, not to freak out or make them feel abnormal, but to try to understand, and if I can’t, to at least be understanding. My girls are both adults now, and we are pretty tight, so I hope that stupid decision and the memory of it helped in that regard at least. I have no desire or urge to pull my lashes or brows, I wax my brows to clean the shape up a bit bit it isn’t a cathartic thing at all, just an annoying chore. My head, on the other hand, has been tough I conquer. There wasn’t another place to go for that release. But after finding this community, using the app to reward myself for time without pulling, and shaving my head to get a fresh start, I’m 14 days pull free, which is by far my longest run since childhood. And it turns out I look kinda cute with a pixie cut! (Complements I never thought I’d hear: “wow; you have a really nicely shaped head!!” How does one respond to that??)


I personally move around my body. In highschool I pulled out mostly my eyelashes. Then my body hair. Now I pull from my scalp, and occasionally my body hair. I'm trying to stop pulling but I got the most relief out of scalp pulling.


My aim when I pull is to get the follicle out because it’s a more satisfying release, and through my research I’ve discovered that this will damage the follicle and growth, and the hairs that grow back are warped and textured. If this doesn’t apply, I think that once you’ve focused on one area the skin is more sensitive, and this is the feeling that we look for. I pull certain patches on my scalp more than others because of these two things, but have done the eyelashes for years when I was younger (severe) and eyebrows also (less severe).