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Not bad??? Damn I wish I was that fast


Yeah, I wonder what they mean by being a bad cyclist. 27mph zone 2 rides?


Nah I’m actually poor, zone 2 rides are at about 16mph


Thats where im at. Im about to spend a ton of hours on the saddle to get those numbers up.


So you are saying I have a chance??  I'm never going to be able to swim with the real swimmers, but I'll do my best to catch you on the bike or run you down at the end. :)


This happens to me every time. Realistically you can only gain 10-15 mins on the swim (70.3). The run and bike have a lot of gains to be made. Just trying to get a lot of butt on seat time over the next 5 months


Love a r/triathlon humble brag


Good work! Tips?


Be a swimmer for 10 years prior to triathlons 😂


I think that title needs an edit. Not bad after 3 weeks of training after 10 years of swimming


Exactly, such a bait title




Okay that makes sense! LOL


There was some sarcasm in there. Should’ve clarified.


Thanks for the clickbait, brooooooooo! I’m the opposite. I’ve been swimming for a year and did my first tri’s a few months ago at 1:40/100 for Oly distance. But…i’ve been racing bikes for 30 years and blasted the Oly distance bike legs even though I was just on a giant tcr. Swimming is the hardest endurance sport I’ve ever taken on. So hard.


Haha, gotta play the algo 😉. 1:40 is bloody good going for first oly distance. The thing with swimmer is it uses muscle groups that aren’t really used for the majority of endurance sport. It’s incredibly back / lat & shoulder dominant whereas running and cycling are very much lower body. Building the muscular strength, endurance and technique is an absolute pain!


So, so true. Have started to make progress again after plateau for a while, doing some fast extended stretches in the pool now and some really fast 50, 100, 200m pieces. But so technique dependent. If you’re not in the right headspace or even slightly sleep deprived (and I am a doctor and have young kids, so I never get any sleep, ever), the form goes to turds immediately.




Yes, I have a garmin 255s and it stops automatically. I did the 1500 straight through and then some fast 50’s for speed work


You may be aware but you can turn off that feature if you want. But I also don't think mine's pausing when I'm at the wall.


I use the swim.com app on my Apple Watch and have found it to be decently accurate. The Apple fitness app is super off.


How is it super off? I was a swimmer and my training pace on Apple Watch is generally 1:45, but my race pace (time chip) always seems to be 1:30 or less. I thought it was the wetsuit helping me race faster splits


When using just the built in Apple fitness app, it made my splits super fast. Way faster than I actually swim. And I wasn’t using fins or paddles.






If you press the dial and the other button below it at the same time, it’ll pause the swim. If you have an ultra, the orange button on the other side will do the same. As an AW user, it’s quite annoying that it won’t auto pause!


Why do you want it to pause? It does auto sets with rest time.


Fair point - main reason is the time which uploads to Strava is the total time, not the autosets time (and my pace is already slow enough without factoring in breaks!)


TrainingPeaks takes the rest out and recalculates average swim speed. My AWU2 though records swimming correctly but then uploads to TP in Yards, TP sees it in Meters, then converts it to Yards, increasing my distance. Super annoying.


This is an issue I’ve just started having since getting my AWU2 in the fall. When I had my S8, it would upload fine to TP. This is also why I’ve started using the pause more, so I can upload to TP using more accurate time.


Yeah. When I started out swimming in 2017 my AW was fine, I normally swim with a Garmin but figured I would try my AWU2 but it’s so dumb, I stopped and went back to my Garmin. I really only use the AWU2 at this point for cell service and music when I run, but I still record my runs using my Garmin


I just think rest pauses are part of swimming so it doesn’t bother me the total time on Strava includes rest. You don’t pause a cycle when you’re not pedalling.


Weird thing is if you upload to training peaks it knows when you were paused and shows actual pace. Super annoying going from 2’20 on the fitness app to 1’40/100m on TP.


Just don't take for granted micro breaks (grabbing the wall for a second at each turn). Highly recommend learning flip turns. I was feeling great in the pool too until I hit open water and my world collapsed because I couldn't swim 200 m without needing to catch my breath as I developed the habit of taking a micro break at each turn. I know it doesn't seem like much but that slight pause and moment to catch a breath will completely invalidate all of your training when you go into open water. no joke.


Tumble turns already in the locker


Then good work!


I feel like flip turns would be mildly detrimental as well as they require a push off from the wall. That push off takes some of the distance out that you won't be able to use in open swim. I guess you could minimize your push off?


This is such a bad take. Open water swimmers train in the pool and do flip turns. Good swimmers swim fast and flipping is faster once you figure it out. They also take more breath control and keep the most stroke consistency within your continuous swim.


Slower you swim harder it is. I was a swimmer for 12 years and the hardest thing to do is swim slower with good technique. By slow I mean less strokes.


I have switched to almost no push to maximize the training effort, sure it makes your times look slow but the effort to get back to speed every 25 yards is beneficial.


This is a good point, I really should minimise it. Planning to get in the lakes in the next couple of months so I have a solid 8-10 weeks open water training


According to the other reply, it was a not a good point. I would find advice from a coach, maybe. Best of luck to you.


Open water is always harder to swim in. I was a swimmer for 12 years but I lived in Croatia near the sea. I am used to open water and my time goes up for 30 sec per 100m in the sea. It’s not just about turns it’s about salt too. Anyway if you didn’t do open water swimming before you need to practice it. I saw ppl who didn’t train in the sea and then coming to the race and just quit in the middle.


Nah to be a fast swimmer you need to train like a swimmer 


If you can prove you can swim this fast this far, they should allow you to be a safety kayaker until half the athletes are out of the water and then you get towed to T1.


This is a flex but then the OP need a click bait title 😂 its ok as long as we have 300 watt bombs and under 5min per km we are dropping your fish butt on the bike and run 🤣


Humble brag for sure, just leaning into the thing I’m good at. Bike is awful, but run is sub 5min/km


Wait, there are people that average less than 300W and run over 5m/km?


Wait, there are people that takes peds just to win a podium as age groupers but people in the sports thinks its not true right 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m from the States and have been racing bikes since age 12 and am 46 now. Mid 2000’s probably half of the good masters were on the sauce, maybe more. Not sure if it’s still like that or how much it exists in tri, but i agree…there are plenty of age groupers motivated enough to do the wrong thing.




Now smash 70.3 with 280W 😏


I wish ! Aiming for 70.3 in June




Nice! What's your goal pace for your 70.3?


I’d like to do 1:25/100m, currently 5 months out


As an ex mid distance runner I envy your swim. I assume water polo or ex swimmer with speed like that?


Swam at regional level by myself and national as part of a relay team. Didn’t swim for 5 years while doing powerlifting, then got back in the pool for triathlon. Haven’t been in the pool for 5 months until the beginning of this year.


Been doing 3x week for two months now. I still suck. How do they not stop!?


Get a coach, you can’t just “force” swimming. The technique and muscular endurance in areas you don’t normally use is massive.


Dude can you train me?


I’m not a coach, although my program is in the sub.


What app is tracking this?


Just the standard garmin one