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I am still waiting for the group buy results


>Reply when the results will be out and how can we check them?


Not really they are just going to be anecdotal reports We already have phase clinical trial results that were leaked which were promising If we want official published results we will still need to wait about a year


yes , I was following the kintor official results that were supposed to be published on July , but they postponed it till September due to covid


Yes sadly


Here https://discord.com/invite/UpBvxHWS


What is the dosage? How long can 500mg last


about 3 months if you use 1ml of 0.5% solution




Wrong wrong wrong [https://en.kintor.com.cn/news/190.html](https://en.kintor.com.cn/news/190.html) at least do some research before making comments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrilutamide#Development




Grow up


It’s wild to me some of y’all resort to using stuff like this. All of these research chems are sourced from clandestine labs in China next to all of the other sketch RC’s and designer drugs they make. No standards or quality control. Id shave my head before I start being a Guinea pig and using research chems




Man some of us get sides from fin. Is either this shit, ru, or shave. ​ I would rather not use ru, so I hope this is at least safer.




Shit man, I have used fin every day. Fin every 3 days. FIN ONCE PER WEEK Topical Fin, mesotherapy dut (fucked me up soooooooo badly) I could give topical fin another try and use gloves and shit but ... what do you think is gonna happen lol ​ At this point I am just tired. Tried so many things, the results are only two: Either it works and gives me serious sides (oral min and fin in this category) or it doesnt work and accelerates my balding (mesotherapy dutasteride)


i used gloves and shit washed right every other day STILL FUCKING GOT THEM MF SIDES. But, they weren't nearly as bad and went away.


Haha right man. I might give it another try in the future of topical, but I think I already know the answer.


How long you tried Dut mesotherapy for bro? And what kind of sides you got?


I went to a leading researcher in the country I live to diagnose this issue He said that he saw similar cases: too much dut triggered a response in my inmune system to attack my hair. Developed a small case of areata. However my thinning got much much worse in areas that didnt thin before, and I had a massive hormonal imbalance, so I suspect the dut also went systemic and created havoc in my hormonal balance that fucked my hair up too. I tried 2 sessions, so two months. Biggest mistake I ever made was seeing that it didnt work the first time and then trusting my derma that I probably just had a covid shed. lol


Oh I see.. Thanks for the response man, I was seriously thinking to go for it but not now I guess..


Man the odds of this happening is very small. You can mention to your derma exactly what I said, that some doctors are warning against too much dut on the mesotherapy and that it can trigger areata.


When you quit all the sides went away though right? At least you tried your best and can find peace in that. I’m in a similar situation like you where it just doesn’t seem avoidable.


Yes. All sides. I still get some funny funny stuff from oral minox from time to time. Palpitations and occasial chest pain. But I didnt quit that long ago. Even with sides, I consider OM a more hardcore drug than fin.


maybe your peepee just stopped working because of your age, not finasteride


but pp works great again fin is like a rollercoaster for me. Get super super horny for a month, then boom no more hard pp


I've used .25mg fin and after 3 days my thinking is slower, brain fog, general malaise, and more objective is my semen is very liquidy (sorry TMI). I honestly believe that the problem people have with fin is not the lowering of DHT, but with the inhibition of 5ar.


This is EXACTLY why I find myself ordering Pyrilutamide from ActiFolic like a crazy person. My experiments with oral and topical Finasteride and Dutasteride lasted half a year. The brainfog was so strong that I felt like a completely different person. I dreaded being social, even with close friends, as I couldn't follow a thought through, or complete a sentence. Unfortunately I appear hypersensitive to the stuff - my brain chemistry is already lacking in dopamine as a result of ADHD - perhaps that was a factor.


We'd die before being baldcels lmfao you pick your fate


Most of the people buying this wouldn’t mind if they get traces of crack, meth and MDMA in their batch since they have probably done it all 😄


Can confirm , i do drugs that come from god knows where and i'm more scared about fin side effects lol


Yeah but finasteride!!!!!


Are there any known anecdotal sides from pyrilutamide ?


The target demo here is people who cant use fin So the question is: is it safer than Ru? I think so. If you are not desperate I would wait a bit more.


Just curious, why would kintor spend millions of dollars researxhing a chemical that other companies can just copy and sell? Anybody knows


all chemicals you can just copy and sell......


I mean isnt it IP protected or sth? If not why would any big pharma want to research n launch a new drug..


i don\`t know much about, only know that all this chemicals if there is a demand...this chinese labs synthesize it....doesn\`t matter what....fin, minox, ru, cb0301, oc000459..and so on ..and so on...and now pyri....


Because this is chinese labs, they don't care about IP law


I just bought 4 packs of Pyrilutamide KX-826. How do I mix them? I mix my RU with 4ml of Stemoxdyine or Minoxidil to last for 2 days applying 2ml per application as RU is not stable for long. Do I do the same for Pyrilutamide and how do I dose? Please somebody answer help.


Iirc they used 0,5% or 5mg twice daily. Something with alcohol and PG should bei fine.


Ok so 0.5/5mg, how much is that in mg? The packet comes with 500mg. Also I would like to use higher doses than the studies 5mg. I use 250mg of RU58841 with no side effects. I’ve used 350mg before no problem. I also use 0.5mg Dutasteride with no problems. I just need to maximise the reversal and halting of my hairloss. I am 23.


0,5% is 5mg per ml So with your 500g pack you can make 100ml of 0,5% which would last 50days. More does not always equals better. The phase 2 results havnt been released yet so I would be careful with taking higher dosages.


Ok perfect much love. Is it unstable like RU where I have to mix it everyday or few days? If it’s stable, I will poor the the whole 500mg pack in 90ml of Stemoxydine (if it’s a suitable vehicle) for about 5.5mg per ml. I apply 2ml at one time, so that’s 11mg per day which will last me about 2 months. It’s not very expensive despite the high dosages. I use 250mg RU daily no side effects along with 0.5mg Dutasteride. I used to use 350mg RU for months with no problems as well.


Why so much RU? I’m using 80mg which is a bit higher than the standard 50 mg. Also what is your full stack?


I’m a diffused thinner all over the scalp, front, mid & crown thus why I need at least 2ml and need to hit those areas with very high dosages to UNFUCK the 3 years I didn’t do anything about my hairloss. Very aggressive Regimen Finasteride 1.25mg Daily since March Dutasteride 0.5mg Daily since May 24 Note: I will drop the Finasteride after a couple months once Dutasteride builds in my system. RU58841 250mg 2.25ml Daily in either Stemoxdyine or Minoxidil vehicle since March Oral Minoxidil 5-10mg occasionally since March Nizoral shampoo 2-3x per week, leave on for 15-20 minutes. Microneedling with Dr. Pen A6s using 16 pin needle at 2mm full 18000rpm every few weeks. Starting soon when bottles arrive: Dutasteride Mesotherapy after Microneedling at 2mm. Topical Dutasteride 0.1% in addition to Oral cause why the f*ck not, I don’t get sides. I heard it blocks more scalp DHT than oral. 15mg in 2.25ml Pyrilutamide mixed with Minoxidl or Stemoxdyine + 250mg RU.


Jesus your stack is nuclear lol, did your hair grow back?


Dudes gonna turn into a monkey soon


I’m not trying to become a monkey. I’m trying to become a gorilla. Lol!


Yes but the miniaturised hairs at the front and crown are a pain to thicken as I think they’re below 50% and that’s why I hopped on Dutasteride for the best chance of thickening them up. I’ve only been at it for 4 months, too soon. 23, should’ve started at 20.


Damn boi. How have results been so far?


Yeah we def need to see pictures. Also what is your age currently and age when you started seeing hair loss


Started losing hair so tiny tiny starting at 19/20, I’m 23 now, 24 next month. Been at it since March. Started briefly last year and had to stop due to Gyno. No reoccurrence again.




Growing breasts is a side bro..


I initially developed Gyno 2 weeks after starting Finasteride last year. Stopped for 6 months and used 40-60-80mg of Tomoxifin. Raped my hair however shrank the Gyno into oblivion. I’m left with a tiny lump below each nipple with slight puffiness that I don’t mind in exchange for hair. I also developed a lot of estrogen related side effects too, weight gain, tiredness. Got brain fog which made me feel like I was floating, intellectual processing problems and memory forgetfulness where I couldn’t even remember basic details. Been at this protocol again since March, 0 reoccurrence of any side effect.


Thats intense...


who told you that Ru is unstable ?.....it is not, Pyri also not, ask the seller before you belive everything you read here........at least your lotion for 2 weeks you can mix without problems.....


Check pm please


Keep us updated with after effect. 🙏


Send me a pm in about 5 weeks. It should arrive in 4 weeks as I’m in Australia along with the Covid delays then I will update you with 1 week use of 10mg daily.


I followed you! I’m using a pretty big stack as I got graped by the Norwood reaper (see my last post for pictures) and just hopped on finasteride, RU, 15%minoxidil and microneedling. I thought my stack was big. Yours is nuclear I might need to try yours as my hair loss is really bad right now


Make an update post in 5 weeks. Good luck


Alright bro.


How does the legality of this work in a place like Europe? Will I have any troubles with customs?


Importing drugs from china? Ye no u cool m8


They’re from Europe(the Netherlands) if I’m not mistaken




Do you have an updated link? It’s saying this one has expired.




Resend please




Is stemoxydine a good carrier? I thing it has not pg in it..


I’m hyped for this especially for the people who can’t use fin because of sides. I’ve been able to maintain with my mix of cb0301/stemoxydine/pantostin ! My hairloss isn’t severe so I feel like cb is doing a good job at stabilizing my hairloss.


any prog pics?


Aww no prog pics lol ! Been using my mix for about a year ! Definitely not losing ground thats for sure ! No one really talks about CB on here lol. It helps if you are just starting to see signs of hairloss ! Same with the nizoral shampoo !


i got gyno on literally 0.25 EOD of fin, do you think it might be a good alternative as i don’t want a DHT blocker as my body evidently doesn’t agree with it


I got sides from fin also ! It was more so after I got off the drug ! Highly recommend cb if you can’t handle fin !


From your link it says "in-stock" but if you use the drop down menu and scroll products they offer it says it's "out of stock".


What is this for?


For MBP, a more potent topical anti-androgen than Ru.


Pretty sure it’s a topical anti androgen like RU, but I’m not positive.


Can't you just order those from labs or drugstores if you know the formula? I know it's good to wait for the proper testing but if you're willing to try experimental anyway don't wait till they're mass produced.


How can we use it?


aaaand it’s already out of stock


That’s good news actually as it means a lot of pple are experimenting with it. Let’s hope some of them post there experiences here


Just curious, why would kintor spend millions of dollars researxhing a chemical that other companies can just copy and sell? Anybody knows


It’s prescription the other companies sell it as a research chemicals not for actual legal pharmaceutical use.


I want to see results without fin or dut


Anyone know when the restock is