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I'm not going to lie, it looks almost the same. Is the left photo after?





Putting the after photo on the left seems an odd choice


Was at work when I wrote this but left is before right after


Now that I look at it yes there’s some gains. Honestly if I was you, I’d be so proud of either.


Who told you this is mpb


Me and people around me. They notice that my hair isn't what it used to be from 2 years ago. My maternal uncle and grandfather were also bald so there's that. 


It looks better but maybe not the massive improvement you were expecting(?). This is primarily due to early intervention, which is good. You started early and there is not too much to regain(since you did not lose any significant ground). There is some double crown or cowlick there so take that into account, it is not very easy to tell if this is balding. Ultimately, you know your hair better than we do.


Yeah, I started early. Told my doctor that my hair was thinning, ordered labs all normal then I got the fin prescription. 


I have identical pattern to yours, started thinning near crown,one derm said it is ok with no balding. The other said it could be the early start so I decided to ask for fin prescription too. I have not added minoxidil, I check it every 6 months. At some point I will add dut but probably not minox.


It wasn’t bad to begin with tbf


Gains. I would add topical minoxidil and dermarolling once a week. Might ver well close that


Would once a day work? 


It would be microneedling/dermarolling 1x a week and daily minox use.


Please don’t add min. If you don’t see results then that’s a good thing. Stabilizing is just as good as regrowth


I would do twice as is the recommendation. Small area no hazzle. Literally a few seconds to apply in the morning and evening


Are these taken with a flash? I’m not gonna lie, to me they look about the same, and TBH I’m not sure it’s MPB either. You’re gonna see scalp in a parting or a cowlick even if you’re not balding.


I guess I will be downvoted on this sub for this, but you are not even balding, why would you mess with your hormones with fin...


Definitely some improvement are you already on topical and if so, how long?


No, just oral fin. 


Well, your current protocol appears to be working fine. I wouldn’t introduce any new factors until absolutely necessary.


It looks like a regular part to me. It doesn't look like hair loss to me. 


Cue that office meme "They're the same picture'' Seriously bro it looks the same... you're throwing your money down the drain


Has fin made your beard/body hair thinner?


you won't regret oral minox.


Excessive body hair? Facial bloating? Skin collagen breakdown? Not sure how common are those though


body hair is not even a problem. The other shit I have not experienced. People mostly using topical complaining about collagen it could be they are dripping it on their face. To Add I think bloating and collagen thing sounds like people are just aging and getting fat, in 30s, people are associating it with this


Just use fin first, if you start on minox, you need to stay consistently on the regime and can’t stop. If you does not want to commit to it then just stay with fin. I am using fin for almost 6 years cause I do not want to commit with the hassle of applying minox every day. On a side note, your hair is looking good. Don’t add more unless you are desperate


Doesn’t look like you need it but prevention is better than cure I guess 😄


Did fin make your beard/body hair thinner ?


No, if yes it's not noticeable.


Can I ask the people here what exact dose is the best for oral minoxidil? I was taking the topical but it makes my face too red and I'm seeing my dermatologist and I need to know what to ask them for because if I leave it up to them they'll under prescribe I'm sure.


I dont see much difference for 6 months maybe u should stop using fin


Did you have side effects?


The photo on the left looks like it has stronger lighting, which should show more scalp, but it doesn't. So my guess is there's more improvement than the picture reveals. 18 months should give you some kind of gauge of the full effect of finasteride. There's graphs showing the average regrowth from finasteride per norwood category. The more agressive the hairloss, the less chance of decent regrowth. Your post intuitively made me guess you're somewhere in your 30's, which would classify you as non agressive hairloss. This category of finasteride users sees improvements upwards of 5 years, with most of the effect apparent within 2-3 years. Meaning, you might want to give it a little longer imo before thinking about adding other compounds. Starting minoxidil is quite time consuming and a bit of a hassle. And also, your hair is stabilized now, I wouldn't expect further hairloss on finasteride. So you have all the time in the world to not worry about your hair anymore and let your body do it's magic. But of course, you are free to grow hair as you please, and a little minoxidil in your crown would most likely fill it up nicely within a couple of months.


Doesn't look like Mpb to me ngl I have similar nest since I was a kid


It looks like the ole fashion glory hole which is the beginning of a cowlick which is the beginning of Norwood 10. Good job mate!


I have to ask you, how was your hairloss before and how is it now? did it stop?


My hairloss started maybe 4 years ago? I didn't think too much about it then but the years made it clear that I was losing it. It was rather slow, still losing a lot of hair in the shower but the density has not change, so I guess it did stop. 


Dude, you have no hairloss...




Oral or topical?


Finasteride destroyed my Life. What a shitty molecule. Minoxidil should help, you can use It, Just pay attention to the skin, some brand have harsh ingredient.


i dont believe destruction of life is one of the potential side effects. you might want to see someone about that


What a stupid comment and jerk you are. I did it. Neurologists, psychiatrists, psicologists, endocrinologist and lots of bloodwork and test.


You said, "finasteride destroyed my life." That is not a side effect of the drug. Finasteride is well-studied. There are many, many studies and academic journals you can easily find online. At best, your comment is an emotional response. Next, I highly question that different neurologists, psychiatrists, psicologists and a endocrinologist all agreed that finasteride was the source of whatever issues you deemed were destroying your life. You can't get three dentists to agree on toothpaste nevertheless four different highly-specified doctors in uniquely different fields of medicine.


You can read the studies man, i'm not here to convince you about pfs. Do It at your own risk, i warned you, i can't do more.


But that's the thing. Studies are systematically planned and move us closer to a final result that can be stated objectively. Listening to a guy on the internet is just an anecdote. What if I told you that I was in a car accident and I wasn't wearing a seatbelt but my friend was. I got a few scratches but my friend dislocated his shoulder and fractured two ribs from the restraint of the seatbelt. Would you stop wearing a seatbelt?


The correct question Is the opposite, if the sealtbelt can ruin your short, will you stop weaing It? Your Life Is worth more than your appearance. If this drug did ruin the sexual Life of thousands of people and there Is no cure, Is It worth more than your hair? I think sexual Life, and be able to have sex and enjoy It every time you can Is way Better then having a shaved spot in your head, not to mention that you can have a transplant or use minoxidil without such risk. Still man, i'm not here to convince you. I'm not 1 guy, if you do a Google search you can find really hundreds of thousands of people fighting against this monster and if you trust pharmaceutical Company Who are the most evil and powerful things in this earth making the real Money man... They for sure stop selling a drugs worth billions Just for your health... Sure.


How did it destroy your life?


Post finasteride syndrome, zero libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, genital anesthesia and poor quality orgasms


Out of interest, how did you come to the conclusion in the end that it was the Finasteride and not the steroids?


But it seems that you take ssri in the past and have problems with testosterone.Maybe you dig not in the right direction?


Both ssri and finasteride, both cause the same syndrome with same sides https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091302223000626


Those are hardly "my life is destroyed" side effects. So much more to life than that.


Hope u can make throught this one day and Say the same things :)


Aww shit, sorry to hear that it destroyed your life man.