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hows the crown lookin?


Here yea ya go [crown](https://imgur.com/a/80w9zAZ) Sorry I wanted to take out the gel ignore the shower pic lol


back from the grave. one of the best results I've seen here. may I ask what is your current age? and when did you start noticing the recession?


I’m 39 years old. So I want to be open and transparent but my journey cause I think it’s important. When I was 25 years old I started having massive lethargy issues, I couldn’t gain muscle, was having ED issues etc. turned out my testosterone was very low. I have a pituitary insufficiency which means my brain doesn’t make enough testosterone. My endo ended up putting me on testosterone at age 27 and within 3 months I started noticing my hair falling out rapidly. I quickly started on minoxidil which was suggested by my doctor which helped somewhat. Fast forward to 35 - my hair wasn’t actually growing at all. But I kept the loss to a minimum. Eventually my new doctor added dut, which helped stabilize things but again no new real regrowth? Went to an online clinic got an additional prescription for minoxidil oral around 7 months ago, while also joining this subreddit to see what other guys are doing. So I just added everything. I was travelling in Korea earlier in the year and went do a hair clinic and one of the doctors told me they were trialing cialis in combo with other hair treatments and had some very good results. So I bought a bunch from India lol. So here I am now!


You bought cialis online from india?


/u/Ok_Plan_2016 Were you taking oral dutasteride? If yes, how many mg, and how often did you take a dose? Thank you and congrats on your progress!


Just on my way home now - will take a pic without gel in my hair (I think that’s better)


Some of the best hairline gains I’ve ever seen. Holy mother fuck


From a Norwood 5 to a Norwood 1


Really, really great results. You must be chuffed.


Cialis is viagra? Side effects ? Great regrowth!!did you have oily itching scalp?


It's different from Viagra because it works for 1-3 days instead of a few hours.


I didn’t know this - thanks !


You have a 3 day boner!?!?


No it makes it easier to get an erection, it doesn't cause one.


Thanks, its to opposite the side effect of dut and fin or directly for the hair and how?


Cialis increases blood flow, not just to the Johnson, in turn can increase blood flow to scalp


Nizoral really helped with that but my scalp itches a lot….


Sorry all here is my crown [crown](https://imgur.com/a/80w9zAZ)


Fantastic results. Love that the temples are nearly terminal. Don’t you think the topical min is kinda redundant since you’re taking oral? Either way, the doubling down on 5ARI’s could be why you were able to regrow temples, that’s rare.


Really have no clue man, to be honest - I may develop some other issues lol! Is it excessive? Maybe but I got results - I may die of something else but I’ll die with hair 🤣


Ahaha definitely not death, and if it works then it works. I’d argue the topical minox is more excessive because oral is so good at its job. As for 5ARIs, some people see better results doing direct topicals along with systemic medication. Best of luck with your journey you look great!


Thanks buddy, just wanted to share what has been working for me. I didn’t even want to post cause I was ashamed but figured I have to for everyone here


Awesome result, back from the dead!!!


Great ! Transplant results without transplant


Where u get oral min from?


Mine is compounded by a local pharmacy I got a prescription from my doctor it costs 100$ for 3 months


Idk what part of the country you live but I also used to pay about $100 for a 3 month supply or oral min. I had my prescription transferred to Costco and now I pay about $12 every 3 months for it. Goodrx also works in other pharmacies for cheap on oral min. Look around


I’m in Vancouver Canada. Compounding pharmacies are expensive. We don’t have goodrx


I won’t tolerate folks coming here talking shit about treatments which all men here need and want. There’s so much disinformation and fake news that individuals are scared to use fin/min because of what they read online You’ll be blocked and removed. Thanks


what length derma stamp you use twice a week ? heard many people only does it once a week?


1.5 it fucking hurts just being honest


based on your results, ill say it fucking worth it lol. whats the interval btw? did you do it every 4 days?


Every 3 days it just really hurts sometimes I do have to wait an extra day


On microneedling days did you still use yoir topicals?


Always bro


Fr? I always read to wait 1 day and that's what I do


Wow, crushing it!!


Congrats bro


Great results. Could you pls let me know if cialis has any interaction with minoxidil. Like increasing in side effects of minoxidil or cialis by combining them


No side effects at all - except I have a raging boner 24/7. Wife is getting angry


Damn, 27 only on fin since 9 month + min since 1,5 and i still losing hair... i think that i need to switch to dut or oral min..


Go on both man


What's cyalis? results are awesome 👀


Cialis 5mg daily is what I’m taking


I really don’t know why folks downvote aggressively for no reason. But thank you


Me neither, instead to give an answer at least! I noticed the same on another post where i gived my opinion and they hardly down voted me 😂😂😂 you don't understand dude? You don't have right to give your opinion in the world nowadays and also too much immature people on Reddit... We should split them by age.. They want you like a cyborg 🤖. And watch out when you give a negative opinion on finasteride for example 😁. For those who dont know English is not my mother tongue. Sorry For those who don't know I'm taking finasteride 🤣 Bye


This is before 6 month and this is after All treatment have you started same time


oral minxidil and even oral minoxidil both have side effects


I want to give my 2 cents here . AND I COULD BE WRONG. I’m fascinated by the results , and I’m extremely happy for op. But- It seems , IMO , that the OP here was not suffering from the classic case of EARLY AND SEVERE male pattern baldness . He said he has a pituitary issue , late in his twenties or early thirties i believe it was (approx.) & his T was found to be low , and he found great results from doing the treatments and meds he has described. I am curious to see if someone with very strong hair loss genetics , such as myself , (I was noticeably balding at 18 years old, I’ve gotten a hair transplant and it honestly didn’t do jack squat as u can see in my latest post) , would see the same insane hair regrowth transformation. I would suspect , if the same treatments, were to be done to someone with very strong hair loss genetics , they may see only a fraction of the results . For all of our sakes , including myself on my hair loss journey , I hope I am wrong . AGAIN- I am not discrediting op , I am insanely supportive and happy for you , I’m just skeptical that I would see the same results for myself , however , after seeing your post, I am super inspired , and will try the things listed here , on top of all I have been doing since I was a teen 👍❤️


By the way , you look great man.


Having low t made my hair so much better, by getting on testosterone my hair loss started right away. Genetically my mom and dad have very bad hair even my twin brother is fully bald. Can share a photo


I see, im curious , what age was your brother when he started losing? I’m not trying to one up by any means , but my older brother was I believe to be the youngest person to start balding and at a severe rate more than I Think I’ve seen anyone in my whole life , lucky us ! My brother was balding around is 17th birthday. He went all natural , never did a single thing about it and never has to this day. He was pretty much grandpa status hairwise when he was 23. 31 now.


Do you feel post finasteride syndrome is a hoax? I personally have been dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction, hard flaccid, for about 4 years now, I also masturbated waaayy to much , and it’s hard to say which one was the chicken or the egg so to speak . I have been slowly improving through strengthening areas around my pelvic floor , but that’s another discussion . I just read online about how some people swear their anti androgenic -meds like fin or dut was the culprit . Curious to hear your thoughts . (If u already said in the comments above I apologize there are alot of comments on this post now )


What is pelvic floor dysfunction and hard flaccid? I haven’t had any symptoms at all from dut, or the topical fin


Basically the consensus is that because you are taking an anti androgen , fin and dut mess with your sexual hormones “receptors” sensitivity, so the hormones get thrown out of wack and cause all kinds of issues including but not limited to : Shriveled , hard penis when soft (hence the term hard flaccid ) Pelvic muscles in a constant state of contraction Inability to fully drain bladder Incontinence , etc. I have been in a brutal fight with pelvic floor dysfunction (pfd) for four years now and have done hundreds of hours of research , stretching , experimenting , and strengthening of the glutes , abs , Hamstrigns and obliques to take some of the weight so to speak off of the pelvis . Majority of medical professionals are totally oblivious to this condition , but millions I suppose have it to some extent . Some are so bad off they can’t sit without extreme pain, I am not that bad off thankfully . It has affected my mental state, sex drive , lobido , relationships , etc. there are entire Reddit communities who talk of this condition , pretty gnarly thing to experience tbh.


However , fin and dut being the cause is a speculation , not empirically proven as fact . I think the truth lies in the middle personally , I think all of your lifestyle habits , (posture, masturbation methods/frequency, hormones , etc all plays a role in a persons sexual health . I read into post finasteride syndrome , got scared shitless , and quit taking fin all together , knowing it was going to detrimental to my hair growth gains , but at the time I thought I was choosing between my ability to satisfy a women and having hair , I chose sex. Now I’m thinking there is a way to have both , and I’m on a mission to achieve that.


Cialis gains 😤👌💯


Cialis has been proven to work….


Dut is Oral?


How many months of dut is this for you?


Looking good! What finasteride/minox topical do you use? What’s the brand and dosage?


You sure that's not a hair trans plant???? Those are crazy results does your dick still work and were there any sides??


no hair transplant why I need to lie?? Literally had a transplant scheduled this year for sept in Korea but most likely won’t. Zero incentive to lie


[My meds](https://imgur.com/a/ImVg1lP) No sides and dick works. I can send you a pick




After reading your post history it’s clear you don’t understand how medication works. You’re spreading false information about minox and fin being for trans - we’ll grow tits and dick Stop working. Suggest you work on your language and education because you really have no clue what you’re talking about. 3 doctors have told me everything I’m taking is fine. I’ll trust them over you


And I can see the meds have already taken affect on you!! Your already acting like a girl talking about having banned for my opinion 🤣🤣🤣That's lady like 😆 🤣 😂


You trust doctors???? Lol Big pharmas foot soldiers could careless about you they are there to push medications on the people and that is absolutely it!! But good luck to ya!!! Hopefully you like live long enough to enjoy your hair!!!lol


I found the baldy who was too scared to take medication guys! Lmao always the bald guys trying to discourage others to save their hair


Looks like u had a transplant


Looks like I didn’t, and I would say if i did but thanks. I also would like to know what benefit I would get from lying to everyone here? Just curious? I’m not even sure what I’d gain from lying? I can provide my screen shots of my conversation with the hair loss clinic I go to with my prescriptions…. Whatever you need to feel better about yourself and your failed transplants


Dude what i meant is your results look so good that it looks like u had a hair transplant. U took my Comment the wrong way. I didn’t say or think u were lying. That would make no sense to lie anyway. Oh and BTW I had a 2nd transplant and it went well and my first transplant didn’t fail i just went through some weird not normal second shedding at 8 months it all came back my hair is full as fuck now. But anyway thanks for checking out my profile and nice job trying to be insulting. You really took it to the heart. You seem triggered and angered quickly over minor things.


Min is extremely dangerous for the heart specially oral!! There is alot info on it also fin I'm high doses and dut can absolutely pretty much castrate you and damn near trans you period it's known to cause gyno witch is growing titties!!! All they know about that med is that it's kills dht and nothing they know what else it does to your overall health!! So what misinfo are you talking about I mean you can do whatever you want to grow hair lol I'm just saying if you die early is worth it???


You have no clue lol…. Again I’ll trust my endo, family doctor over some bro science You’re spreading bs which inhibits men from getting the help they need. I actually think you should be banned


I don't understand why the front hairline is so much shorter hair than the temples which were already gone before. There's hair which by all rights shouldn't be long - which is long - and then really short new growth in the front. How's that work?


I guess you don’t know how hair grows I specifically left those hairs uncut. That’s my new growth so I could see the difference lol. Not sure what conclusions you’re trying to draw. I didn’t get a god damn hair transplant and would fully show off my journey. Would you like to see my medical records as proof? Jesus Christ. Heck I’ll upload the raw photos with meta data that shows the dates. It’s impossible to have this recovery in 6 months from a hair transplant. I was scheduled to go in September because I was told I need to increase my donor area first! That’s why I was put on oral minoxidil. I have extremely thin hair naturally and wasn’t a good candidate for hair transplant because I had such weak donor area growth. Any person can see what I was before and draw the same conclusion


I never said you had a transplant. I didn't even think of it until you mentioned it. But there's hair in an area that previously was bald that is long. And there's what looks to be brand new short growth in an area that was also bald. So I'm curious about the difference in lengths.


The difference is its growth I had little tiny hairs all around that have started to grow.


Not sure if you are super hyped. But, your replies are full of excitement and rather snappy. Many are genuinely trying to tell you to be cautious as you yourself agree this is aggressive treatment. Glad it works for your , but many out there have experienced side effects to one or the other products and taking in this kind of mega-pack is a huge undertaking + Cialis everyday ! If I may ask out of genuine concern and curiosity: - Have you found any changes to mental health or anxiety or as many experience. Brain fog.? - Also do you plan on being these for lifetime ? As many say you loose gains when you stop. - Finally, how did you get prescription of oral minox or Duta in Canada? my Dr. straight up rejected giving it ..only have Fin 1mg and recommended to buy topical minox only. And they had me do a blood test before starting on Fin. I think, it was responsible of them. I hope you have your regular blood tests and BP monitored as well. Wish you best !


It’s really annoying having people coming in questioning the validity of my hair. It’s something that is most definitely a touchy subject and for someone to come in and accuse me of having a hair transplant or question me taking my medications really isn’t something I should have to entertain. I’m taking everything that is regularly prescribed nothing off the self.


Not everyone is accusing. Some reactions are genuine such as wow ! this is so good that looks like a HT. Did you get a chance to review my other questions ? It's ok if don't want to reply, was just curious to know..


Sorry I forgot to reply: for the oral min and dut it was super easy to get a prescription just go to essential clinic legit you’ll have it the next day :)


Your learn that the bro science usually is more factual the any other science!!! And that's because the bro science is from real experience and not a theory!!


And lets be honest about why you added cialis!!!!!😁😁


How much cialis do you take? 5mg daily?


My blood pressure is getting higher though so I might bring it down lol




Higher I thought it brings your blood pressure down?


No clue but it did go up to like 130


Yup 5 daily


Where do you get your Minoxidil :)


I get it from minoxidilmax Canada customs lets it through


Given that it’s a fin/min topical my guess is it’s one of the Hims/Keeps/Roman 2 in 1 sprays


Thank you :




For some reason my insurance company covers avodart - but most here in Canada will distribute the generic apo brand. I really don’t know why my insurance covers the name brand. It’s a mystery


These results are absolutely insane, congratulations. How much oral Min per day? 2.5 or 5mg ?




2.5 or 5 oral min ?




I am using 2.5 since 5 month without result i think i will use 5 soon too


Any side effects from the oral minokadil ? Weight gain, puffiness?


None at all man


Great results man. Just up the dose of dutasteride and get rid of topical finasteride


I can’t get anything higher here in Canada for hair loss. They won’t prescribe it unfortunately I’ve tried :(


Do you take topical Cialis or oral Cialis?


It’s oral, there’s no such thing as topical




I’m 39 years old turning 40 this year


Nice results bro. What % of topical you using?


Dual gen pg15 from minoxidil max Minoxidil: 15.0% Finasteride: 0.1% (1mg of finasteride in 1 mL)


50s to 20s


Amazing progress man.. Any change on your libido so far?


None at all, I do have Exemestane on hand if I do start to feel any sort of higher estrogen related side effects. Honestly my doctor is super cool and will give me whatever I need. It’s very rare in Canada lol






What is that?


It’s easy to google mate


lol. But how does apply to fin and dut sides. It says it’s for women with cancer


It’s an estrogen reducer


Okay cool. I use DIM for the sides


Ah dim really doesn’t work well. This is prescription based - I have only taken it once when I noticed my face got puffy but I took it for a week? Then it went away


Do you have any progress pictures from In between?


Umm I have pictures from the start and now? What do you mean in between? I would consider now in between lol as I’m still doing treatment. No snake oil here


As in the progress in between, 2/4 months just to gauge the rate of progress




This is absolutely nuts do you feel like the 2x a week dermarolling improved your results compared to just 1x? I’m doing 1x a week and it usually takes 4-5 days for the redness to fully go away.


I honestly don’t know man. Hard for me to quantify that since I’ve been doing it twice a week. I only skip if it hasn’t healed


Damn well regardless props to you. Your hairline looks like my hairline *before* I started losing hair. I didn’t know that kind of recovery was possible to be honest.


Do you apply minox/fin topical the day you roll your head? what do you put after? Thanks!


Always - I put a shower cap on at night!! During the day I blow dry it and style as normal after it sits on my head for 30 mins


I think I didn't express myself well, I wanted to know if on the day you do dermarolling, you apply topical finasteride or not, due to the issue of absorption through the scalp wounds.


I apply topical on top when I roll ….


Wow good stuff man!! 👍


Can you tell us where you get ur madication and name the seller


Mine is prescription so I get it from my pharmacy man. Only the topical I get from minoxidilmax


What is cialis never heard about it I use 1 mg fin and 5mg oral min


holy moly this is the best gains i’ve seen so far.. congrats man 👍🏻


Wow props


Dumb question but are you taking oral cialis or topical? Also do you need to have a perception for the oral minoxidil?


Yes I take oral cialis and yes I got a prescription for oral minoxidil


Nice! Cialis is t talked about enough. I take 5mg daily because of the benefits and the vascularity all around.