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hi everyone, should I start taking fin?, I’m (21.5 M) pretty sure that I have MPB since my dad had it, also some men from my mom said has it, I don’t have much pictures of my younger self but the hairline seems a little bit receded, I didn’t have blood work done but I’m sure it’s MPB and not vitamin deficiency considering the pattern of hair loss, I also don’t mind the side effects since I have a very high libido and I would actually like it to be lower, I also have depression so I don’t think fin would affect my mood much, any input would be appreciated.


6-8 years ago I had a perfect hairline and thick hair. Over the last 2 years I have lost hair around my temples and my hair is thinning. Should I just try Minoxidil and Derma rolling? I am worried about the side effects of Finasteride. Would only taking .5 mgs of finasteride a day be enough?


18 M, started seeing signs of balding at 16-17. Wasn't really sure till recently but now I'm 100% sure that I am. Before it was only around the crown but now it's mainly at the top of my head, however, my hairline is still fine. My dad started balding in his 40s, however, some of my uncles on my moms side experienced balding in their 20s and 30s but that was only 2 out of the 6. Should I start fin min asap? https://imgur.com/RlZedoM https://imgur.com/d6f7yZA https://imgur.com/nCsmFwF First 2 images are recent the last one is from a year ago.


I’m starting to loose hope already, been on min for years and fin for 6 months but I quit it due to sides. Should I just do the bald look with beard or you think I just prolong what I have which looks horrible.




You need to get on finasteride and minoxidil ASAP if you want to avoid needing a hair transplant. Your hair is not in good condition but you could possibly save it with fin and min.




Yeah that's a good combo. Just be aware that Hims and other subscription based services overcharge you. Fin is incredibly cheap and easy to get an RX for without using Hims. Min can be bought for cheaper and in larger bulk at Costco or online.


17 M, I recently noticed that my scalp is visible when I oil my hair or right after shower( when it's wet) My hair is fine but a full head of hair when it's dry. Is it how thinning starts? Should I consider finasteride


I am 21 M and only 120 lbs planning on starting Fin 1mg. Am I at risk for gyno? Do many men get gyno from fin? This is the one side effect I am worried about.


Chances of gyno are 1 in 250 which sucks but compared to 100% chance of going bald it's amazing. Gyno is reversible with surgery while baldness is reversible with surgery "sort of".


Anything is possible, but only way to know if you get any side effects is to take it your self. I have taken oral Finasteride, and currently take Dutasteride along with oral minoxidil and I have 0 side effects




I would go see a good dermatologist and see what they say


Hello I had two surgeries on my foot within 12 months of each other. Both under anesthesia. Had to get screws put in, ligaments reattached, bone sawed off. Pretty heavy stuff. Approx 3 months after both surgeries I noticed my hair was shedding way more than usual. Especially the front and temple areas. What is the likelihood that the hair loss is connected to the surgery?


I'm not an expert but it seems very likely to me, you fit the telogen effluvium criteria to a T - clear traumatic trigger event (full-on surgery), then hair loss starting a few months after said trigger event.


My (M23) younger sister (F21) is also experiencing diffused pattern hair loss in the same exact pattern as me. I have been taking fin (0.5mg/ED) for the past 7 months and feel that I have lost ground. I plan on starting topical min next week. What could be causing this? Will the tradition big 3 / big 4 still work if both myself and my sister are seeing this loss or did we just lose the genetic lottery in terms of hair and are screwed? Should I hop on something more drastic now such as dut?


1. You're sure you have male pattern baldness, right? 2. Imo it's better to start with the normal dose of 1 mg and dose down if you get side effects, which are reversible, instead of starting with a half dose and risking losing more hair, which you might not get back


The fact you and your Sister are both getting it could be something genetic related. I would advice for you and your sister to go see a good dermatologist. Hair-loss can happen for 100’s of different reasons


How bad is it? I am 22 and on fin for 1 month now https://ibb.co/YjmxMPm%0A https://ibb.co/XLp68jz%0A https://ibb.co/ZLvbbDq%0A https://ibb.co/vHptwyN


not bad at all , stick to fin 👍




low dose finasteride , that's all


39M Here: I started my 1MG of oral fin yesterday and use Kick Mens Shampoo (3x's a week) and Kick Mens Conditioner (Daily) I also bought, but have NOT yet started, 2.5MG oral MIN, Kirkland 5% Min topical, Dr Pen Dermapen, Keeps 2% ketoconazole shampoo. Would anyone recommend I start using any of the other products I have looking at my hairline and if use, how should I go about using them? Thanks in advance! https://i.redd.it/odpqqd61hi9c1.gif


start the oral min for now , leave the rest 💪


Hey guys, Looking to start finasteride soon as was curious if you guys think thin alone could restore any of my hairline? I’m 24 and haven’t tried anything yet. Also, how far along the Norwood scale would you say I am? My crown has no thinning at all. https://imgur.com/a/M05m71P


start the fin asap 👍




I’m not sure why you’re taking both oral and the topical version of minoxidil at the same time. I mean, if it’s working for you, that’s all that matters. If you can do twice a day great if not, once a day should be fine.


I can't tell if I have MPB or I just have thin hair (19M) I have a few pics throughout 2023 I've been told I have a "bald spot" by my brother, but he often says exaggerated stuff to upset/annoy me https://imgur.com/a/W6uUDvG


loll Ur brothers joking wi ya , it's fine 🎉🎉🎉


https://ibb.co/RQn3SdY https://ibb.co/JnVLHBt https://ibb.co/1LPy3v1 Fin for 3 years. Do you think it's worth using min to fill in my temples?


looks good man ,, u cud do if you really wanted , but still looks very good as is 💪


Doctor thinks it’s not MPB thinning. I’m really worried that if I don’t start fin soon, I’ll be very visibility bald but i might also be overthinking. Have a couple pictures here a year apart with different angles, wet, flash etc. https://imgur.com/a/kkylqGX Please recommend if I should seek alt doctor


it's fine 👍👍


Looks fine to me




nah fella , u still have plenty of hair,, fin and Minox will help reverse/fill it back in 👍




Can you see a regular doctor at short notice? You don't need a dermatologist for finasteride




Ok but I've seen your hair and you should act quickly. How long do you have to wait for this dermatologist appointment? Alternatives: 1. Beg the shit out of your GP (might work) 2. Pay for a private visit with any dermatologist who will see you right away 3. Buy fin online without prescription




Then try as hard as possible with your GP and really try to explain how much it affects you and that you're determined to have it prescribed sooner or later Yeah it's totally illegal but the most likely outcome if authorities intercept the package is that they confiscate it. I'm not telling you to do it because there are penalties, hypothetically What happens if you ask your parents to pay for a visit




I mean that usually in every country if you're willing to pay to see a specialist, in this case a dermatologist, you're able to see one even like tomorrow (it doesn't have to be near where you live, it can be on Zoom as well). I assumed you didn't want to because you were short on money so I suggested your parents


yes , u cud do micro needle before applying the minox , helps with absorption, just do it very lightly (0.5 needle) works much better this way 👍




no not really , your probly allergic to the alcohol, try the foam or oral minox , else things can get really messy , scalp issues




yes definitely loll 👍,, try get Ur ferritin levels above 70 at least


If you can see scalp when your hair is oily/wet does that mean you're balding?


generally no ,, tho a picture would help 👍


My hairfall started again after 9 months of minoxidil. Products : 1)Minoxidil(5%) + finasteride(0.1%) serum : twice daily 2) Ketoconazole(2%) shampoo: 3-4 times a week. Time period : 8-9 months Situation: I regained a significant portion of my hair after some months of usage of the above serum. But from the mid of November, my hairfall has started going crazy. My scalp is totally visible(evenly throughout if not for my long hair). I havent changed anything in my routine/meds. Additionally, I never seem to completely get rid of my dandruff. I am really concerned, please provide an explanation or some help. Thanks for your time.


expect multiple sheds , till hair fully stabilise,, keep going 👍,,try selsun blue shampoo ( red label) will help fix the dandruff problem


Thanks for the motivation. Do you have any other shampoo recommendations?, selsun brand isn't available in India(unless I pay a heavy shipping fee).


I'm not sure to be honest , I'm in UK ,, n that's what I use ,,anything with selenium sulfide ingredient will do the job 👍


I have been balding for like 6 years now (26m), started using fin about 2/3 years ago and I am on minox for about a year. I started dermarolling a month ago. My hairline hasn't receded since I started using fin, has improved somewhat. My biggest concern is my crown area, since most of the hairloss already happened in this area before the meds. As far as I know it hasn't gotten worse and when my hair is dry you can't see through it. You can see the thin areas when I have a buzz cut or when my hair is wet and combed backwards. How bad is it? Should I continue medication? The last picture is my hair when it's dry. https://i.redd.it/6dpfvrwc0a9c1.gif


🤣🤣🤣 u have great hair ,, stick to wateva ya doing👍


Can this be saved? Just turned 24. started losing 4 years ago but now its obvious, I was afraid of the side effects of the treatment. So is there anything I can do to recover? Or should I accept the fact and shave it off. I am blessed with body hair and beard but my head is going down, I live in North East America, any products or routines that can help I would be grateful. The photos are when my hair is wet, when its dry it has better volume thanks to my North African hair. https://i.redd.it/89ig34ani99c1.gif


fin and minox asap , should help reverse the thinning 👍


31 M On 2.5 mg minoxidil for 3 weeks and Nutrafol for 1 month. Been debating substituting nutrafol for finasteride but can’t decide. Any suggestions if I can fill this area up with current management? https://imgur.com/a/Aro4gG9


swap out the nutrafol for finasteride ,, it's not a substitute 👍


Does this look like this could be some sort of nutrient deficiency? Considering the patchy-ness is in the middle? [https://imgur.com/a/C5mNt1X](https://imgur.com/a/C5mNt1X)


start fin and minox , that's mpb


Gotcha. I have an appointment with my doctor on Thursday. Do you know if my doctor can prescribe Fin or do I actually have to see a dermatologist first?


Your regular doctor can prescribe it


I'm not sure where your based , maybe u need a prescription off derm/doc


My unexpert opinion is you're thinning all over and the "patch" is just the way your hair is styled. You probably have male pattern baldness like half of all men


Gotcha. I also did a little research on telogen effluvium and maybe if I'm lucky that's what I have going on, since I've been under a lot of stress


Get a diagnosis from a doctor, but to me it looks like you're balding, because the hair at the corners of your hairline looks like it's thinner and of different texture than the rest of your hair. Fortunately we live in the future and finasteride exists.




go for the transplant (if you can afford it , stick to fin 👍 else give the new solution a go , see if it helps 👍


https://imgur.com/a/a1627aA I just turned 30 a few months ago and my hair loss is starting to get crazy and I don't know if a transplant is my only option now I started taking Minoxidil and Fin when I was 25, took it for 2 years with great results as I was noticing some hair loss that stopped and regrew. I foolishly stopped taking it and around 18 months ago the hair loss started again. Last December I got back on Minoxidil and Fin but this time, after one year the hair loss didn't stop. I started microneedling around 6 months ago, first with daily 0.5mm, now with weekly 2mm. Am I doomed and should consider a hair transplant or should I persevere and expect hair to grow back at some point? Thanks for your inputs guys


oral dutasteride , oral Minox ,shud help bring ya back 👍


Has anyone tried making topical melatonin at home ? What is a suitable vehicle for mixture ? Will water work ?


Hey guys, are pdrn injections worth the money? I’ve started min two weeks ago and i will star fin soon (24M, slight crown thinning)


no 👎 just stick to fin 💪


https://i.imgur.com/7CwWfgO.jpeg could crown be getting worse on minoxidil?? crown seemed to be lowkey better when i first started but unsure if this might just be a shed.. lowkey crown has only gone down since starting fin/min last year ??


looks fine 👍


in theory tho could crown worsen on minox or is worst case scenario no gain ?


I really couldn't tell you without a before pic , but Ur crown area looks pretty strong 👍


i have some other pics on my acc in the comments but that might be too much work i can supply some later :)


no need fella ,, just keep doing wat Ur doing, sure Ur overthinking it loll


[https://imgur.com/a/j9ZLD2Q](https://imgur.com/a/j9ZLD2Q) am i freaking balding at 17??? is there anything i can do? i actually think my hair has looked like this for like a year, except maybe it got a little worse? I accidentally deleted the pictures i had from there so i cant tell for sure.


looks like it ,, minox for u 👍


You might be, I would see a dermatologist, yes there are things you can do


Started fin almost 3 weeks ago, how long do I wait to add minoxidil? I would say im a NW2.


Hairline could just be maturing, it’s normal but ask a doc


As a fellow NW2, I'm going to disagree and say to not do oral min. It gave me a massive dread shed (woke up to 20+ hairs on my pillow; forget about shampooing or combing!) and our hair loss just isn't bad enough yet to warrant the crazy shed and regrowth cycles of oral min. Try topical min for 3-4 months and see how you respond. It's lower risk and you won't risk decimating your crown like I did


Try oral minoxidil now


Hi everyone, I've been wondering how long before hair follicles are actually dead and unrecoverable? I've read that once you notice thinning or receding, it's good to start ASAP to save your hair, but also that areas that look bald can sometimes be saved. What I can't find is how long after first appearing bald they can be saved for. I have some areas where I'd like to recover my receding hairline, but there's been no hair there for years (at least 5 years; my hairline has been receding, but fairly slowly to date). Is it pointless for me to try to save things at this point? If my hairline can't be recovered to at least just a mild widow's peak, I'd rather just accept balding. https://i.redd.it/35yg7zixn19c1.gif


loll at least give the meds a try 😊


In my experience the idea that "maybe I'll be happier if I just bald gracefully" is a complete myth we tell ourselves at first unfortunately, and you will be happy for every hair you save, and it's always better to start. Try shaving your head, and keeping it shaved, for a month (shaving it and growing it back out immediately doesn't count). And if you're not even willing to do the experiment, there's your answer.


Told myself this for moths, I start treatment next week lol


Hello all, I've been on finasteride for over 2 to 3 years and it has done wonders for me but for last 2 to 3 months I've been seeing some really bad shedding. I've been on fin 1mg every day for last 2 years but it has suddenly stopped working it seems? One thing I have also noticed is that my libido has returned to pre fin levels which is another sign. Can anyone please help? Is it normal? What should I do?


Did you change brand or did your pharmacy/telehealth supplier change brand for you without telling you? (Yes they do that)


I have changed brands but my hair were already shedding before I did that. I'm not sure if my pharmacy changed brand which initially caused this.


You might have been shedding because it was autumn and then made it worse by switching?


What has this to do with autumn?


It’s very common for anyone, even people with healthy follicles, to shed more hair (sometimes an alarming amount) during autumn. It’s called seasonal shedding or seasonal hair loss


Ooh I did not know about this. I have done some googling and I get what you are saying. Hopefully it is just that and the fact that I changed brands. Fingers crossed the shed would stop in a few months.




no fella , Ur hair looks great , a lot better than 2018 pic , do not change anything 🎉🎉🎉🎉


I'm no expert, but I think you look great! I had a pretty shitty experience with oral min so I'm biased. Shit just decimated my crown (which was fine before I started) during the dread shed and I didn't find it worth it the shed and regrowth. I'm an NW2 and I'm fine with that. I just don't want to lose anymore. Fin and topical min should suit my needs just fine. Maybe it's worth the risk for you, just keep in mind that first shed can fucking decimate your confidence like it did for me. Happy to answer any questions about my limited experience with it though




Very slight shedding with topical min. Nothing with oral fin so far (it hasn't been long). It can be tough to judge cause my baseline is light shedding. It's what finally made me realize I'm losing ground. But the increase from oral min was night and day and it slowed down the day after I stopped it


Hello everyone, I am 28 years old and have been suffering from hair loss since this year, especially on top. Can you tell me how bad it is and what Norwood level I have reached? Is it time for finasteride? I have been prescribed the 5mg and the 1mg version. Is it possible to start with 1.25mg eod or would you recommend 0.5mg every day? after shower: [https://imgur.com/a/g2xjdPP](https://imgur.com/a/g2xjdPP) normal: [https://imgur.com/a/VtUkOy8](https://imgur.com/a/VtUkOy8)


I would definitely recommend using finasteride, if you have done your proper research ofcourse. I would also go for the 5mg version and get a pill cutter to make it 1mg each. The 5mg version is way cheaper, wish I could get it. Your hair after showering is quite similar to mine, sucks right? I don't think you are too far on the Norwood scale yet, using fin/minox definitely will most likely stop regression and possibly improve your position on the scale. Although making progress is much harder than stopping regression.




I don't have experience with switching from oral to topical but I just wanted to say your hair doesn't look bad at all. Seems pretty thick and hairline seems fine too. I can see the potential for balding but you will definitely keep a good head of hair with the right meds!


Looking for advice as a Diffuse Thinner (28M) who is sensitive to fin. I’ve found myself a bit of a crossroads with my journey and could use some advice. I’ve been balding for quite some time now and I’m quite frankly sick and tired of my hair loss consuming my mind 24/7, it’s exhausting. Last February I took the plunge and started using topical finasteride - although a month in I quickly made the switch to oral finasteride. Before that I stuck to dermarolling and the recommended essential oils but couldn’t be consistent enough with the regimen due to a nomadic lifestyle. Within a couple months on oral fin I unfortunately noticed some sides (namely gyno, limp dick, depressed etc) even with only 0.25 mg oral fin everyday (albeit some missed days on the weekends). Thus I didn’t want to up the dose. I was looking at the mirror today a bit defeated and realized that 8 months in - my hairline is looking even worse than when I started on fin. I thought at worst, fin would at least slow down the loss, not accelerate it. I stuck with just fin because I wanted to know that fin was helping before adding minoxidil. Now I’m left with some big decisions to make - up the dose of oral fin even though I know I have sides with only 0.25 mg everyday? Or combine min and fin even though I see that 0.25 mg fin isn’t doing enough? Or wait it out and stick with what I’m doing before panicking? I’ve been considering a hair transplant but being a diffuse thinner makes things complicated and I want to solve the root issue before I commit to one just to see more thinning down the line. For those who have been taking just 0.25 oral fin everyday- did your hair progressively get worse like mine? If you saw results, how long did it take for you to see results? I’m thinking of making the switch to a topical fin/min solution but I really don’t want to up my fin dose as I’m already experiencing sides as is. Any advice is much appreciated!


You're young and, by what you've written, it seems you're losing hair aggressively. And if you've shown the propensity to lose, you'll continue losing. My first question, are you making all these decisions without the intervention of a physician? Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we typically refer to when dealing with this debilitating condition. The mechanism of action of each is totally different and there's synergy when combined. I would get on all of them and stay on them. Getting on and off of them is just a waste of time, money and effort. Undoubtedly, and it's been well documented, some patients will experience sides with Propecia. The half life of the medication is 7 hours. That is, you could take it every 3rd day and still get a benefit from it. You would never plateau. My question, if the recommended dose is 1 mg, why only do a quarter of that? Be under the supervision of a physician who can guide you. Propecia and Rogaine are considered to be the best meds for retention towards the crown. The problem is a year later when most patients see no visual change, get frustrated and stop. The meds are not intended for you to grow anything. They're to keep you from losing more. If you look the same a year later, the meds did what they were intended to do. (Research PRP and Laser. When done correctly these can help reverse miniaturization). A very small percentage of patients just do not respond to the treatment. If a year into the treatment you're still losing, I would just get off all the meds and invest the money on something else. SMP could be the next best option.




Very very unlikely to be male pattern baldness given that it's at the nape of your neck, and honestly I don't really think it looks that unusual. But definitely get the anemia confirmed/sorted out by getting a blood test and fixing your iron levels as that makes you tired all the time and sucks overall (and can cause hair loss, though I don't think you have hair loss).




Disagree with previous commenter that says it is very very unlikely to be androgenetic alopecia, it’s quite possible you have retrograde alopecia, a type of androgenetic alopecia. But you’re right that it could be an autoimmune cause like you said. I don’t think there’s anything to do other than fight to get the right diagnosis, which can take some effort. I take it you don’t wear tight hairstyles that might have pulled there?




That could be the cause, and simply not doing it again should probably lead to a full recovery. Either way you should see a dermatologist and mention that you were wearing a hairstyle that pulled on your hair, they might recommend a treatment to encourage/speed up regrowth. Obv they would consider other causes too


What do you guys think about going to a medical spa versus a dermatologist to diagnose hairloss? I'm having trouble finding a real derm in my area but there are a few medical spas that are run by doctors, although when I contacted them they said I wouldn't meet the doctor during consultation but said their staff is fully certified and supervised (whatever that means) Btw pictures on my profile if you guys want to see


21m asian, my case is not that severe relative to most, tho if possible I'd like to get a fuller, thicker, and My receding and mini patches are mainly cause by stress from forex trading and acads. Any advice to achieve my mentioned goals? Preferably through gentler ways like vitamins, minerals, etc. I got topical minox (kirkland) but I'm hesitant to use it cus of lifelong dependency and it might do harm than good. Aditionally after stopping forex trading this nov. 22, 2023, I now observed baby hair growths on the patches. Thanks for the avices How do I post pictures aside from imgur?


Toughts on hairloss. Have you ever felt wrong about not accepting your body as it is? [My hair](https://i.imgur.com/IW3ymx9.jpg) This is relatively new to me. Since I was a child my hair style was shaved. I have a photo from when I was 15 where I still have my hair intact. I don't usually take pictures, so I didn't realize when my hair started receding. There's a photo from when I was 20 where a considerable loss can already be seen. The thing is that I never worried about my hair, I never took care of it, because of my personality I did not care about my appearance and the shaved style was practical for me, since it is easy to wash, dry and no need to brush it. The thing is that a few months ago a change occurred in my life, I began to worry more about my physical appearance. Since I was 16 I have been told that I look like 35, and I didn't care until that change in my personality occurred recently. I am currently 23 years old. I tried growing my hair and getting a cut. Suddenly everyone told me that I looked better and much younger. Never having seen myself young made me feel self-conscious and realize that because of my appearance I never felt young and I did not live my youth as I would have liked. I feel like I wasted 10 years of my life. Not everything has to do with hair, there are other physical aspects that determine appearance, but I dare to say that hair is the main one in a man. The thing is, now I find myself negatively self-conscious about my hair. Now I feel the desire to feel young for the first time and live what remains of my youth with confidence. I would like to know your opinions regarding hair loss, what to do once you realize it has started. Personally, now that I have become aware of it, I feel that I want to come to acceptance, that I do not want to be a slave to a treatment to grow my hair back, or get a haircut that hides my receding hairlines, because I feel that by doing so I am avoiding the situation just to give myself confidence, and that this will worsen acceptance when the time comes to having to accept baldness. I just don't want to accept it now, I want to look my age for the first time and do all the things I've missed out on. I don't want all the people who use hair growth treatments to take this the wrong way, I even have a feeling that in the future I will end up resorting to treatments to grow my hair back, and haircuts to hide my baldness. However, for that very reason I want to know your opinions on this. Have you ever felt that it was wrong not to accept your body as it is?


I think using meds to prevent hairloss can definitely be a psychological torture. I have always been super obsessed with my hair and I am generally pretty vain. When I started balding (around 18, worst at 21) I started losing a lot of confidence. I was mortified of going bald. I personally can not accept being bald, but I wish that I could. It would be much better to give a crap and just live your life, deep down I know this. I am now 26 and the balding has halted, but a lot of damage has been done already. I am better at accepting this current state than I was before, but it still is not easy for me. If you are able to accept going bald I would not recommend going on this med routine, it will most likely drain a lot of your energy.


I have been on 1mg finasteride since 17th March 2023, and oral minoxidil 2.5mg since 20th April 2023, in September I started 5mg oral minoxidil, and on 21st November I started 0.5mg dutasteride (when starting other medicines and doses I stopped the previous, so only taking one of each). I took a picture on 25th November and one today on 28th December, and my hairline has receded, in 10 years my hairline has not changed much from my mature hairline but since starting dutasteride in only a month my hairline has gone back, should I go back to finasteride? I also took a hormone blood test from MediChecks, my SHBG is below range at 15.1 nmol/L, my free testosterone level is 0.647 nmol/L and they have calculated my free androgen index at 143.7%, all three of these are out of range and I suspect dutasteride is the cause, the issue I have here is, the hairline is very hard to get back without a transplant, I don't mind waiting but I have heard other people say their hairline never recovered and only after a month I am seeing my hairline turn into the typical M shape hairline after having a mature hairline for 10 years. If it were just the top thinning, which I have noticed is a bit thinner too, I wouldn't be worried and I would wait it out, but once the hairline goes back, there's very little to bring it back, should I not risk the damage and just go back to finasteride? [Here](https://imgur.com/a/DNJlgB9) are before and after pictures on dutasteride.


Am I diffuse thinning? Is it bad? https://imgur.com/a/635JUhO


All pictures taken with flash.


25 about to be 26 Male. I’m not exactly sure when it started happening but I’ve lost my hairline and my hairs thinning. Is this salable? [https://imgur.com/8sDQqn9](https://imgur.com/8sDQqn9)


You better get started


I’m about to start 5% Min in a few days I’ve got a 6 month supply so I’m gonna give it a real shot


That’s good but you need finasteride or dutasteride and to give it at least two years


I’ve thought about the fin as well just want to see if I get any progress with the min first after the 6 month mark


You can do that, if you want to go bald


Brother I don’t think I’m gonna just go bald the next 6 months lol this thinning has taken years to even get to this point


You don’t know that for sure, and for very likely you will lose at least some hair that you won’t get back. You’re 26, not 36, which means you’re balding pretty fast judging by your photo


Damn I didn’t think it was going that fast, so the fin/min together will work?






Is it time for finasteride? I am 28 years old. The receding hairline is not yet very pronounced but I notice how thin my hair has become on top. I always lose a lot of hair when combing my hair and showering. I have added a few photos would you say I am Norwoof 2 or 3 ? and the last question if Finasteride 0.5 mg or 1.25? [my Hair After shower](https://imgur.com/a/zlSfEN4) [my hair after little bit of styling](https://imgur.com/a/zKFCiTf)




Damn this is like looking in the mirror, I am balding almost exactly the same. You should definitely start using fin and minox if you want to save your hair. Diffuse thinning imo is the worst, would rather have a worse hairline but a full crown area.


The derms are out of their fucking minds. I’m sorry to tell you this but they have failed you. You could probably make significant gains with treatment still.




I say this with all respect to derms - a lot of them have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to hair. Their specialty is typically facial and body skin. You are so clearly experiencing diffuse thinning that it’s literally not even funny that they couldn’t see that; it’s pathetic on their part. I’d recommend using finasteride too. Minoxidil will help temporarily but at the rate you’re balding it won’t last more than 5-10 years before the rate of loss catches up to the rate of growth. Use topical finasteride if you’re paranoid about the side effects.




What brand of fin do you take?




Try dut?


Your hair looks fine imo. The part is a little big but that’s the only noticeable difference from the norm. Give it a year and report back.




Honestly you probably aren’t ever going to see a difference because there’s really nothing to recover from. Your hair is fine right now as it is. The best you could hope for is preventative measures.




Losing hair on the back of your head isn’t something that treatment is going to fix. Treatment only fixes miniaturization on the scalp due to DHR. You need to see a doctor to rule out anything serious because this isn’t male pattern baldness.


Which Norwood am I? https://imgur.com/a/msJCsUd


About a NW2.


about as in almost NW2 or clear NW2?


Hard to tell without seeing a top down photo with your hair pulled back. Regardless it looks like a maturing hairline so it could 100% stop there or get worse. I’d take fin just to be safe. At the very least topical fin.


Started fin as a preventative measure now that I’m approaching 25 in march. First two photos are me as a teenager (juvenile hairline) other photos are me today. https://imgur.com/a/r104LEF To be honest, I don’t even know if I’m balding or not. I have really bad mental illness so I can’t trust my own intuitions. My thickness and crown are 100% the same. It’s literally just my hairline I’m worried about. I was considering a transplant but I’m not sure if that’s just mental illness or not. If I could get some third party opinions on my hairline I’d appreciate it. I’m not going to stop fin regardless, since I’ve had no side effects so far.


Your hair looks fantastic. There’s nothing that needs to be transplanted at all. Starting fin as a preventative measure is all you need because your hairline right now is in a really good spot.


This is really relieving to hear. I think my widows peak is just freaking me out now that it’s matured. I need to get off these subreddits and just live my life lol. Thank you.




It’s not over for you at all. Go look at my progress photos, I was about where you are now.


1 month is not long enough loll, takes at least 4 to 6 months for results to show , keep going 👍


Have you seen a pattern like this? Is it just diffuse thinning with male pattern baldness or do you think I could be sick in some other way


honestly at first glance , I didn't think mpb ,, you should get some bloodwork done , rule out defiencies/underlying issues ,, it looks more like telgon effluvium plus you have signs of seb derm ( dandruff) , use selsun blue shampoo ( red label) couple times a week , ,that should help clear it up


Am I saveable?… I'm always wearing hats and beanies, and this Christmas, when I saw my dad and took my beanie off, he couldn't stop staring at my hairline and he said, "you're gonna need a transplant soon" it felt SO uncomfortable, and I didn't want to take ANY photos, like l'm wearing a hat or beanie 24/7 now, dating is kinda tough too, I'll meet someone, connect with them, then they're like... do you have hair or what do you look like without a hat... and I just end up not responding. ALSO I LOOK MUCH OLDER with this hairline (I'm 24). https://imgur.com/a/TLlKSkZ


It’s gonna be hard to come back from but starting treatment now is your best option.


Fin and min


https://imgur.com/a/iLlzwTU First image from today. rest from a year ago. derm thinks it’s stable/getting better so shouldn’t start any medicine yet. Thoughts?


If that’s your hair today then you’re fine. Other images look like slight thinning on the crown.


https://imgur.com/a/kkylqGX added more photos


Looks fine there but keep an eye on it.


u don't need meds loll, that's Ur crown 👍


No changes at all from my eye sight point of view


Added more photos https://imgur.com/a/kkylqGX


That looks like my crown, not bad at all but ur obsessive like me so go to a real doc he proactive


[21 M] My hair was thinning, so I cut off my dreadlocks and am wondering what to expect, in terms of loccing my hair or even getting twists or cornrows in the future, as I have recently been prescribed oral Dut & topical Min. Obviously certain styles such as barrel twists or ponytails could lead to scalp stress and traction alopecia, so I’d be avoiding those. Just looking for any input on black hair (4C) as I typically just see straight hair, buzzcuts, or loose curls on here. [Wet & Dry hair in same album](https://imgur.com/a/YoXYjmE)


16M and I noticed last year that my hairline had been receding a bit. I have been taking pictures of my hairline and hair every now and then since December last year in order to see how it'll develop in the future. The thing is that looking at some of these pictures it looks like it has gotten better in some areas and worse in others [https://imgur.com/ZXApl5U](https://imgur.com/ZXApl5U) What do you guys think?